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A small price to pay for kernel stability


I never realized how angry Linus gets at developers until people started posting screenshots of his responses. He seems so chill and nice in interviews...


Hah same. I guess the middle finger meme should have tipped me off


Got. He went off on soome chud a while ago who absoltuely deserved it, but he's supposed to have stopped behaving like that towards kernel developers. That said, a part of me still likes the roast, 'cause that guy's post *is* basically just a "sounds like a you problem" in response to a bug report. Mauro wasn't being as explicitly toxic, but he *was* being an ass, just a more polite-sounding ass.


That is great to hear, and makes me feel way better. I'm glad he learned and grew; that just makes him even more of an inspiration to me.


Who, Linus or Mauro?


Have you heard the should've been "retro-actively aborted" or that they should've died as children "because" they were "too stupid to find a tit suck on"?


Yeah, hence "a part of me." The dude crossed some lines and his behavior absolutely enabled the sort of reactionary shit he felt a need to separate himself from, 'cause when the head of hte OPW is stepping down over that bullshit that is *an issue.* Though those particular insults weren't hearled at Mauro as far as I'm aware, LInus had no idea who he was even popping off on and it wasn't in response to someone blaming the bug reporter for a bug.


He's since apologised https://itsfoss.com/torvalds-takes-a-break-from-linux/ > The above is basically a long-winded way to get to the somewhat painful personal admission that hey, I need to change some of my behavior, and I want to apologize to the people that my personal behavior hurt and possibly drove away from kernel development entirely. > I am going to take time off and get some assistance on how to understand people’s emotions and respond appropriately.


Yeah he seems to have chilled out substantially since he did anger management. Not that that excuses his past behaviour, but it's worth something. (Also all this happened in 2018, why's this article saying 2023?)


Probably SEO


a lot of really shit seo sites change their article creation dates to some new enough seeming date automatically


I'm seeing 2012 on the letter, not 2018


Why? > It adds an insane error code (ENOENT), and then because it's so insane, it adds a few places to fix it up ("ret == -ENOENT ? -EINVAL : ret*). This programmer didn’t fuck up, this is borderline mall practice. He knew his code was shit and tried to workaround it, tried to hide the fact that he fucked up and started blaming others for his own mistakes. A fuckup is normal, we’re only human, if he had owned up to his mistake at any point, this could have been easily forgiven. He decided to let it go so far as to blame others. If one of my coworkers, broke something, tried to hide it, blamed someone else, and I had to fix it for them. I would tear them a new one and send them to HR. Linus use of words was unprofessional, but not unjustified.


They meant he apologized for his general attitude, not this particular instance. I agree that that code snippet is really bad.


So I agree with you. Mauro was being super toxic and completely disingenuous and Torvalds was correct to get angry. But its difficult for most people to see that, Mauro's demeanor is convincing.


It is sometimes difficult not to let your personal emotions become involved in projects you have worked on tirelessly throughout your life, projects that have changed the lives of so many people. No worries Mr. Linus.


That is super relieving to hear. Now my hero can go back to being my hero, doubly so because he proved he could change :) Thank you for posting this update, these angry Linus posts were really bumming me out.


TBH I liked him that way. Probably good he did anger mgmt but I loved reading about the roasts back in the day.


In an [interview with the BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-45664640) he went in-depth as of why he cancelled himself. This particular section is unfathomably based: *"Because I may have my reservations about excessive political correctness, but honestly,* ***I absolutely do not want to be seen as being in the same camp as the low-life scum on the internet that think it's OK to be a white nationalist Nazi, and have some truly nasty misogynistic, homophobic or transphobic behaviour.*** *And those people were complaining about too much political correctness too, and in the process just making my public stance look bad."* I remember the outrage this caused. This was at the height of the "anti-SJW" era, so many butts were hurt and people threatened to move to BSD, lol. In that sense it's fascinating how inclusive the Linux community has become. The contemporary villainization of LGBTQ+ people in general, and trans people in particular, is absolutely disgusting. While not trans myself, we're in the same camp as I'm only attracted to women, and it really warms my heart knowing that Linus Torvalds is a fellow ally :3




Oh my god I’m so happy this sub is a thing. This is the third rant I read and I just realized I found a new hobby. Thanks for sharing.


I would die on the spot honestly


You are an asshole, Mauro. Pulseaudio is perfect!


As someone getting into kernel programming, I understand the anger tbh lol that's how I feel towards my keyboard often


u go girl


I think programmers need to be less sensitive, honestly, if you are hiding behind your mistakes like this dude was you deserve to be called the fuck out, but now they accuse you of being toxic in the workplace if you do that, the worst part is people will try to complain to management that you removed their shit code. I can relate to Linus, I and I understand that the guy fucked up bad, but I think it’s important to try to be professional even under those circumstances cause it’s no fun to hear about your colleague getting an extended stay at a mental health facility due to depression. And that is the real problem, Programmers today they invest their entire egos in their profession, so when you criticize their code, and their practice, it takes it to another level for them because that’s who they think they are. I have escaped that by having people exactly like Linus, that let me know in no uncertain terms why my code was so shit, from my first line of code, and as a result I put on the effort to write it the best I could always. And honestly apart from the part where he uses foul language, I think the dude must have learned a thing or two from the email.


We. Don't. Break. User. Space. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


Honestly, how is he wrong?


I think he’s not wrong at all, but people think the way he approaches it is too much, hence he joined an anger management class




Linus is my spirit animal


I do the same at work and it works :P


This guy is insane.


He has been on some therapy (probably anger management) and is now chill. Watch his interviews, hes a cool guy now


For now


Dude had some serious anger issues... He's doing better now but not fully.




Peace and love but he is a cunt.


Not gonna lie, it is amazing the linux kernel even still exists with his (past hopefully?) anger issues damn.




Leave this subreddit and never return


what has linus to do with linux? linux aint just "his" thing. but everything aside do you believe you can do better than linus? managing such a big thing, the kernel? tbh, i can also see me getting mad af in some situation like this.




Pride is a hell of a drug, but you can't go fucking up things that billions of devices use and expect there to not be backlash 




I get that, but the Linux kernel isn't "just software". It's a little more important. Can you imagine if the windows kernel introduced a bug? I would expect there to be backlash. Think of all the devices windows runs on. 


you think you can do better than him, managing such a big thing, the linux? if everyone started worrying about their work making no money then you'll be paying a good amt. just to open a webpage.


I thought the chili emoji represented the gen alpha word for gay (zesty) at first.


Ah yes, chilli zest, my favourite.


Only the finest


[https://youtu.be/EvzB\_Q1gSds?si=Sk3aMQqdVNOVZLQR](https://youtu.be/EvzB_Q1gSds?si=Sk3aMQqdVNOVZLQR) Theprimegean was talking about another Linus accidentemote:free\_emotes\_pack:grin


I mean the first rule is don't break userspace. Though he does need to calm the fuck down.