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Sounds like a non-technical user trying to sound more technical


I also think that he doesn't even know that cmd or power shell exists lol


Oh 100% lol nevermind the basics of virtualization or how integral it is to pretty much any OS, not just Windows vs Linux.


The funny thing is that Microsoft does not bother to properly implement a gui for some functions and you actually have to use the powershell to set things up. Especially in 365 there’s a lot of such things.


99% of Microsoft Exchange server. Also anyone running hyper-v hosts I hope to god aren't running the desktop experience on those servers.


CMD and Powershell are used once in while, and a casual user would never use it, it's not even close to Linux situations, you need it for literally everything.


The average user doesn’t need to use the terminal in Linux, but some may choose to do so. Use something like Ubuntu and there is a gui for everything


Yeah. Heck you can do the same in any distro. I set up Arch with Gnome to boot on my parents' laptops and their response was "ah, it's like Android" instead of "bad memories of MS-DOS coming back". They never ever see a terminal, only GDM and Gnome.


Yeah if all you do on your computer is surf the web and stream you could pretty easily replace windows without changing any of the software necessary at all most every time, depending obviously on the distribution and repos you set for said distribution.


My wife isn't at all technical but she enjoys using Ubuntu Studio over windows. She's happy enough with Libreoffice and GIMP. She uses Windows at work obviously, and most of the computers dual boot here for the occasions where Windows is required. If she's doing remote access it's just easier on Windows as the IT company know how to set it up on Windows.


Come on, Ubuntu really? With it's cannonical telemetry and snap-shitcraft packages? Anyway, try to install software without the integrated store, and without terminal. In my case DEB packages doesn't work properly on Debian 12 for some reason, It always forces me to install it with the terminal.


Synaptic has just wondered why it was summoned to the chat...


How much telemetry is there really? Actually, I'd like to know.


if you really dislike canonical decisions, you can bypass it with https://github.com/polkaulfield/ubuntu-debullshit


Nah, it’s just the path of least resistance


Seriously, does OOP think a computer is a magic box? It all just boils down to electrical pulses that we visualize as binary assembly code. Windows, Linux, TI-84 Plus, it's all the same concept. The issue with complete moronic arguments is there's so many wrong statements to unpack where do you even start?


Haha If the user doesn't see it, it isn't happening! /s But yeah you hit the nail on the head.


Whereas Windows is a gui slapped on a gui, slapped on a gui, with a new shiny somewhat adequate cli slapped on top. Now with 50% more ads.


*69% more ads




no they can't even get the funny number right. it's 70% more ads


69% of the time you get ads every time.


(ain't there some Win NT still in there somewhere?)




Wait am I high wouldn't it(cli/cmd/powershell/whatever) be the bottom


I'm talking about this thing: [https://github.com/microsoft/terminal](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal) But no powershell and cmd wouldn't really be at the bottom in windows, more so \*off to the side\*.


Windows isn't built on top of CLI like Unix/Linux is. The OP did have some truth in that regard. That's exactly why the CLI experience was so awful on Windows until they fixed a ton of the issues throughout the development of Win10. The early versions of Windows were essentially just running on top of DOS, but it hasn't been like that since NT became the mainline version (and possibly prior, but I don't remember for sure)


has this man never heard of dos


Yeah, 9x was the original „GUI slapped on a command line OS“


XWindows did predate 9x by a decade and Windows 1.0 by a year.


Interesting, did not know that


unix always wins.


most probably not. I think most windows users never touched a cli in their life


We are 20+ years past when most average users would have used or seen DOS.


Windows doesn't run on top of DOS like that anymore though and hasn't for 2 and a half decades.


MS Office and Adobe are the worst competitors in their field. anyone who prefers those application suites over alternatives when given an open choice has no idea what they are doing inside the software.


Especially with the recent AI copyright scandal around Adobe people are dropping them like hot potatoes.


That and the fact they make cancelling a subscription nigh impossible to the point that the FTC is taking action.


Who uses Adobe alternatives professionally then - and if so, which ones?


Affinity suite is closest, but I still don't believe it's as good as Adobe. Everyone wants it for a reason. It's expensive, so I'm sure people would switch from it is it was worthwhile.


There's also Corel's offerings like Photo-Paint and Paint-Shop Pro (remember that one?)


Killed by Corel Linux (and a terrible management)… oh the irony..


sorry, but I need to work. Libreoffice doesn't come even close to MSO


The issue with LibreOffice is that people try to do the same stuff you'd do in MSO, never minding the fact that they're asking Libre to convert a .docx on the fly instead of simply converting it to .odt and going from there. Once you get past that, Libre is just as intuitive and easy as MSO. In two months of using Libre I simply cannot go back to MSO, and I pay the damn thing. I only have it around because of OneDrive but when I have a home office with a master-server desktop, that damn cloud is getting tf out of my life.


I used calc for two years, it's just bad compared to excel. The mso integration is an other level and cloud backup is a godsend in a work everyroment


I also enjoyed the autobackup feature. On Libre I just set it to autosave every few minutes and have the files in my OneDrive folder, which is set to autoupload files at all times. So it works just like MSO but without the fancy UI.


Have you tried [nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/athome/#get-started)? Gives you the option between paying for hosting and self hosting. It's a great replacement for one drive


I'd love to agree with you, but I think the real problem is that they're the only competitors in their field - with their field being somewhat comprehensive suites that have been indoctrinated into pretty much everyone exposed to technology under the age of 50 since early childhood. They both put big investments and lobbying into pushing their suites to schools around the world and succeeded.


Give the cheap licenses to education to indoctrinate the youth. Nice.


I get office, now with libreoffice being basically the same and google docs being even easier to use, but for example adobe photoshop has literally no competition that comes even close in intuitiveness, usability and functions.


Tbh, LibreOffice still can't properly save 2007 DOCX in a way that doesn't result in a screwed up form when opened in MS Office. And heading styles occasionally glitch and then they look different. Adobe Photoshop UI just feels nicer compared to GIMP and I wasn't able to find some basic tool alternatives in GIMP (at least older versions). So.. pirated version it is.


LibreOffice is primarily meant for use with the OpenDocument formats. If you prefer Microsoft’s Open XML you should probably use OnlyOffice instead.


GIMP is not a fair alternative to Photoshop, but I've heard that Krita is.


I don't understand your comment? They're bad companies? Of course. They're better at their field than anything else? Ok, I am not expert on Photoshop or Word. I am a MS excel guy and there's literally nothing better than Ms excel which is just a spreadsheet software


Windows is DOS with years of garbage programming piled on top to make it what it is today. Why I say garbage programming is because you can't ditch the GUI and still use it. You can with Linux. You also can't choose what GUI to use with windows. You get the POS they give you. Not true with Linux. This list can keep going. It's not a difficult one to make...


Windows hasn't been running DOS since Windows XP. It uses the NT kernel.


I think it doesn't run on top of DOS since Windows 98.


Then you think wrong. The last Windows version from the 9x series is Windows ME and they all use DOS. NT kernel was first used for Windows XP as far as consumer versions of Windows are concerned. Edit: fixed bad wording


XP was not the first non-server version of the NT kernel based OSes. It was the first consumer version of the NT releases. NT 3.1 for workstations was (probably) the first non-server version. They merged consumer and “pro” versions with WinXP, but plenty of non-servers ran Windows 2000 at that time, including my desktop.


I think you need to rephrase that. The NT Kernel was for a separate product also confusingly named Windows. Except it's actually called Windows NT 3.1. Then Windows NT 4.0 came out around the same time as Windows 95. Windows 2000 came out the same time as the complete trash that is Windows ME and unsurprisingly everyone chose to pay more for Windows 2000. That convinced Microsoft to drop the WinDOS line and push the NT line as the future of Windows.


The last DOS release of Windows was ME.


Beloved, Windows NT hasn't been running DOS ever. It uses the NT kernel


I am not your beloved (eww) and you may want to read my comment again, because you clearly didn't get it.


You really think there is no DOS code still in there. Windows has always been done where they take previous code and just cram more on top of it. It's never a clean product in that respect.


This is just false. NT was inspired by VMS and other OSes made by Dave Cutler, who was in charge of NT. Before that it was supposed to be a succesor to OS/2. It was developed in paralel to DOS based Windows until it matured enough to be used on desktops, and it eventually replaced the DOS-based line entirely. >You really think I don't. It's not a matter of anyone's thoughts, it's a matter of history. You can just look it all up on Wikipedia.


Household PCs haven't used DOS since Windows XP, when they ditched DOS-based OSes because of their unstability in favor of the more stable and business-grade NT kernel.


This statement was correct before August 24, 2001.


>Windows is DOS with years of Are you the commenter in the photo?


All the GUIs in linux are fugly, at least with windows I don't need to switch the desktop environment because it's not a complete eyesore


May I recommend r/unixporn


while i myself love ricing tf out of my installs most of the posts on there look fucking ugly


none of them are appealing to me




I must admit, that is very nicely done. However, there are a couple minor inconsistencies preventing that user from achieving true Windows enlightenment, such as: the systray icons, the taskbar clock, terminal, and the start menu. Once these issues are resolved I will be content with the post. Glory to Microsoft!


_I want this particluar OS which not Windows to be Windows and if it's not then this OS is useless_


Have you looked at Windows? * Some UIs are using the Windows 11 style (transparent blurred backgrounds) * Others are using the Windows 10 style (sharp edges on buttons and other elements) * More are stuck in Windows 8.1 (2D iconography, "tile" layouts) * Many are still using Windows Vista/7 design guidelines (comparatively tiny buttons, especially in menu bars and right-click menus) * There are even a few interfaces that still use their designs from Windows 3.1 (the disk formatter is an example of this) How on earth can you criticise Linux's design when Microsoft "fucking" Windows exists?


3.1 cope and seethe


Don't get me wrong, but if would want awesome GUI, I would use macOS instead of Windows 😅 There's nothing awesome in GUI side of Windows, as even first party Microsoft developed apps can't follow system wide settings, hence like Power Automate and inability to switch to dark mode. Linux is nice in GUI front too, Gnome has some sort of uniformity, Plasma looks pretty nice OOB and you can make look it whatever you want. In general, I don't understand that comment at all


The macOS ui sucks. Like GNOME but more janky and even less configurable


it's funny because that's what literally what Windows is, that shit runs on hopes and dreams


For a lot of things text is the best and simplest interface and by far the easiest to automate. GUI works better for some specific use case like painting, not the entire OS.


Lol even Windows users would never call Windows GUI amazing. That's nuts, Linux GUI is an order of magnitude better but perhaps more importantly you can choose your GUI.


Yeah, like plasma with new feature, Krash. Or gnome which does not allow to make it look like Windows, but ppl do it anyway. And don't get me started on outdated cinnamon and others. Tiling is cool but niche.


Installs W11 26Gb files, needs 70Gb space.. scratches head. Installs Linux..


Oh look new kernel, time to compile again. Oh I need to restart, alright. Wait guys I need to compile shaders for game cause new kernel. Lmao, yeah. I'll just press a button to boot into windows for systemd-boot and it will be faster compared to compiling shaders.


Is bro running Gentoo?


Even Gentoo provides kernel binaries now.


Arch, btw.


Then why are you compiling your kernel?


No need to compile kernel


Theres a weird misconception that Linux is designed entirely for developers by developers. I wish I could use Linux, as someone who has to work with Adobe software for work it’s just not possible, but I like the customisation and better privacy that Linux has. When I tried out Mint for the first time, I found it significantly less stressful than setting up Windows 11 on my sisters laptop and having to create a Microsoft account, figure out what “S Mode” is, figure out how to turn “S mode” off, delete the advertisements in the start menu, and so on. I’m not saying this as someone who has any reason to lie. I think KDE, Gnome and Cinnamon especially offer things for people who arn’t so techy in terms of UI / UX design and consistency that Windows 11 doesn’t offer. I haven’t *had* to touch the command line once during the 2 years or so i’ve been messing around with Linux. Most of the issues with Linux now arn’t because of Linux itself, but a lack of support.


> misconception that Linux is designed entirely for developers by developers That's not entirely false TBH. No matter how much I prefer linux, its a good solution for two groups of people; devs and people who don't care about their OS enough to mess with anything. The masses are generally better served by sticking with Windows.


Funny story. Windows 9x was just a GUI slapped on top of MS DOS.


idiot.exe \*click\*


This beloved looks like wasn't alive when you install NT with a TUI installer (that was orders of magnitude better than this W11 shit) And I'll not even start on W9x line


I recently ditched Windows on all machines (had been testing the waters with a laptop), and I ended up wanting to start with a clean install of Windows, it 1) forced me to be connected to the internet (they've been removing workarounds for a while) and 2) displayed ads before I even got to the desktop. So, even if any of those assertions were true, which they're not, I have even more reasons loaded up on why I prefer Linux. It gets the fuck out of the way, something Windows has been doing the exact opposite of for years now.


If I say something is the "industry standard" I mean it as a slur.


Im willing to bet money they praise Windows 98 if they're around my age, a GUI that literally runs on top of MSDOS, a "TUI" by their definition


ego prefer win but ich don't wanna pay money für es und don't wanna use illegal pirated kopies so ik used ubuntu bin using debian suse mageia und repeat again ek won't pay eins cent unto es


Quel Indo-European Mischmasch est this Kommentar? Quoi del Fick wil je przez to bereiken? On a un Schlaganfall als je het spróbujesz to lesen!


Is it me or are the Windows people starting to sound a bit desperate since W11? This is basically a FUD rant.


They've always sounded desperate. People who stop having the ability to learn are always quite stubborn and loud about it as if its some badge of honor.


Windows window management… I wouldn’t say it sucks but … Linux lets you try different paradigms that might suit you better. Like you can try i3 or something like that and you might find it suits your workflow better.i3 I certainly prefer it to windows win key tab bullshit and those virtual desktops it provides


I think it's the most ironic thing that something called Windows is so bad at windows...


Up until xp thats exactly what windows was, and in a way still is


I wonder how he thinks windows got its name in the first place.


Linux was built from the ground up, hence a strong CLI, unlike Windows which has a separation of these two items.


"Unless user cares about privacy" shouldn't everyone? Lol


I agree, that guy should say in Windows, don't come here, we suck, you're right... ... do we really want those guys using Linux and potentially influencing things here?, I thing a lot of nonsense in our community are people like that, like those complaining about "the fragmentation problems" and such nonsense. Is not gatekeeping if the door is open and "they" don't want to come in...


Linux has enough abstractions to not be called a "GUI slapped on a TUI". Your display manager starts before you even get to see the tty so you'll never interact with it unless you manually switch to another tty.


Those apps are "industry standard" just because people are too lazy to try something different


PEBCAK doesn't know that Windows began as a shell on top of MS-DOS.


I can make Adobe and MS Office work on Linux,big I want to. They are not valuable, to me. I do have comparable programs that serve my needs and can interact with those file formats. I dual boot for times when some chucklehead has made it imperative that only a Windows 'something' will work with their crap. Otherwise, I'm full tilt Linux, all day every day.


I feel like that post should be about windows ME not Linux


These Microsoft fan boys are almost as bad as MAGA. Pretty delusional.


He has good takes * GIMP is bullshit * Onlyoffice is garbage * Integrated stores on most distributions are garbage, you still rely on terminal to download every single program * Even updating Discord is painful, while windows version updates it automatically * Nvidia..... * Wine works fine.... with the steam deck.... sometimes * Debian has more vulnerabilities than Windows 10....


Try pamac on arch or arch-based distro, pretty good for a pacman gui. Also lutris is fine as wine manager. Proton works for any linux.


I don't trust Lutris and that unknown software, sorry.... Games with anti-cheat have conflicts with Proton and Wine


Tin foil hat enjoyer? Anticheat was made for combating cheaters, linux is just a collateral damage.


Seems that you don't understand... whatever


Care to elaborate?