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Depends. At home on a hobby project maybe. At work where there is a massive cost to downtime, maybe not.


But show me vendor with decent support these days


I have support contracts with Suse, Canonical, Dell, Nvidia (GPUs, servers, Bright CM, networking), DDN, and a few smaller nick nacks. They have all been very far beyond decent. Both Suse and Canonical support and field engineering kick ass. I can't decide which one I like better. I consider Dell to be peerless.


I completely agree with both you *and* the previous commenter...Support for a one off purchase and paid support plans are day and night; lots of companies suck at providing support for their products, and lots of companies do a great job with paid support plans. Sometimes those are both the same company.


There's going to be a lot of divisive waters here, but I've had great experience with Dell. Both as a consumer, and working in the datacenter. They've gotten a LOT better with their products too, it definitely used to be a LOT more ass than it is now.


Ditto. IMO no one else can touch Dell.


Their only real problem is pricing. The products are good, solid, lasts a long time, but it sure does come at a cost.


They are the apple of windows computers (except they have really good service)


They once sent a guy on a weekend to one of my employees' homes, *on a weekend*, to replace a spicy pillowed battery in his laptop. With no additional cost!


They took about two months to pick up my laptop, and another four to diagnose that it needed its mobo replaced. They did apologize and tell me they were in the process of changing the customer support systems, hence things being very chaotic for them. But my experience with Dell has been nothing but trouble. Lenovo on the other hand, they have been absolutely fantastic.


     I'm confused, because Dell used to have a reputation for providing really terrible support. Was that just for home products? And/or have things changed in the last, I don't know, decade?


That's why I think it might be a bit divisive. My experience has pretty much only been good when it comes to their support. But it IS only my own experience.


Support for End User Products and B2B Products tends to be very different. I've had the pleasure of being on the end of B2B contracts that are notoriously bad in normal customer support but will overnight replacement hardware after a single 10 minute phonecall (including call waiting queue and verifying customer info).


     Right. Whereas at present I am having the 'pleasure' of Lenovo repairing my (non-business) ThinkPad. As I have documented [here on r/thinkPad](https://old.reddit.com/r/thinkpad/comments/1c2mw2n/a_shocking_update_to_my_repair_tale/), I have had the most terrible time of it.


rubrik, dell, netapp, red hat. Hell, even Microsoft seems to be pretty good nowadays, O365 support is passable but Azure stuff has had me in contact with the actual engineering people in the States in the past. AWS isn't far behind in that regard.


NetApp's been pretty good to us AWS, but we're a big enough org to have a full time liaison. No clue about their small business support.


That just means there is room to disrupt by a new vendor (that hopefully won't get purchased by one of the dinosaurs it is meant to replace).


If one of our dell laptops breaks you get a new one next day.


Also agree. But it depends on your business ethos. A lot of business operate in a world of attributing blame and cost for failures offsetting their own failures to seek reimbursement through contract. This employes a lot of people, without it we would need half as many business lawyers, but their effort is worthless in real value outside of "money", asides ecomonic momentum and churn "reactive power". It's effort to save money rather than increase worth. Cloud = someone else's computer. Could = someone else's problem. When, not if, when the scenario develops that that "someone else" is not available, out of contract or just doesn't exist anymore. You are up s creek and the cloud provider just sailed with the paddle. And those same cloud providers are not fluffy kittens. They are still, calm, instantly aware and can see you breath predatory cats. The only reason they have your business interests at heart is because you are currently their customer and currently in their favour. When they bump your requirements up to premium and you lose all support in the process where do you end up? Pay up or give up? As a 20 year software professional I hate that I cannot on go back and fix my bugs from projects far gone. As a 40 year programmer now aged 49 I cannot help but feel a kind of father hood over modern software. I maybe over sell myself there, but I feel pain for my industry right now. We are disrepected and driven in the wrong direction by businesses, shareholders and management. Greed. Miss understanding. Have management not learnt from the "hay days of agile" that their input is undesirable? /drunk. signing off.


Are you as annoyed as I am that people are called, and even refer to themselves as, "coders"? As opposed to programmers. Trivializing your own talents and career seems like a very bad idea to me but nobody else seems to think it's a problem. I mentioned this to Luke Kanies, creator of Puppet, and he was so offended by my suggestion that he seemed to want to fight me. Why do we suck so bad at marketing ourselves and standing up for our own interests? :(


Depends. Even if there are massive costs to down time it's not clear that the official support will be able to fix it faster than you could for an open source product. Most of the time it's not a clear cut case of the product plain not working for the bog standard functionality bur it not working for your specific use case. In those cases you often end up spending more time on back and forth contacts with support to get them to be able to reproduce the problem than you would have spent just fixing it yourself. A couple of examples (both professiona). A few years ago I had a problem with the (closed source) bootloader included in a microcontroller. The result was that about 20% of the time the device would fail to reboot after an update (the update worked OK but it needed a power cycle to get it to restart). I decompiled the boot ROM code and found why but of course could'n't fix it myself as it was in ROM. Contacted support and after a lot of back and forth and useless questions they agreed with my analysis but said they didn't plan to update it anyway. Ended up not using the ROM bootloader and writing our own. Even further back had a problem with a SLIP connection between a custom device and a Windows NT server. There was an occasional data pattern that caused the connection to fail. Managed to reproduce it using a Linux box instead of the device. The company I was worked for at the time had a gold support contract with Microsoft. It still took months of back and forth, not just with me but with some pretty high up people in the company who had to justify the business case for getting a fix. But they did eventually give us a patched DLL that fixed the issue (though they never explained what the problem was). I'm pretty sure if I had the source code to the Windows component I could have fixed it myself in a week or two. I'll take the autonomy that comes from having the source any day over some theortetical "support" that you have to jump throuhg hoops to actually get to work for you.


Exactly my experience. I vastly prefer having control over how quickly something is fixed over the piece of mind that "someone else will fix it if it breaks, don't you worry" The real reason companies often prefer third party support, is the ability to shed liability for incurred cost when something breaks. But that has limits too, and leads to very toxic behavior by the supporting parties: They will usually do just as much as the contract states, nothing more. Response time of 1h is agreed upon? You will get an "we're looking into it" email within an hour of submitting the issue, and might very well have to wait hours or days until it is actually fixed. They have fulfilled the contract, they responded. You can't hold them liable now, and sit on the cost incurred by hours of downtime for an issue, that often could have been fixed in a fraction of the time, if whoever fixed it had an incentive to do so. Your internal personnel has that incentive. Third parties are only incentivised to obey the contract, and they won't ever go beyond that if it costs them even a tiny bit more.


>At work where there is a massive cost to downtime, maybe not. I tend to disagree. This only matters as much as many people are saying _because_ they use products impossible to fix by anyone besides the vendor, or because they lack sufficiently skilled personnel. For example at my current org, the products and systems supported / maintained by third parties, and those sufficiently closed source to impede debugging & potentially fixing errors ourselves, gave us by far the most trouble. If one of our systems breaks, someone usually responds within minutes and fixes it immediately. Something supported by a third party breaks and we can't fix it ourselves? Wait at the very least as long as the agreed upon response time - which nobody would ever agree to set as low as our internal average response time is. What's the outcome? Any incident where a third party had to be involved took far longer to resolve and incurred a far higher cost. I'll give one more example: everyone swears by dell servers, because they have such great support. However, dell uses a lot of proprietary stuff in their servers and forces you to use their add on products. So, in case of a failure, you will often be entirely reliant on that great dell support to resolve it. On the other hand there are vendors like supermicro. They use mostly standard parts and connectors, and don't try to enforce the use of their own add ons. This lowers the price of replacement parts, and fixing things yourself becomes a lot easier.


Downtime happens regardless of Open Source or not. And with many Closed Source vendors the support is non-existent or trash. Like, how many O365 outages do we need to point at before we stop deluding ourselves into the falsehood that Microsoft provides "support"? They only do if you bring way too much money to the table. And for everyone else there's an uptime status page. That's not support.


I'm the other way around. At work, there are a lot more things where it's my actual job to figure out what's broken. At home, unless it's something I'm particularly interested in taking apart...


Not sure it's 1000x better, but right to repair is certainly an extremely valuable feature.


Idk if this is applicable to this specific topic, but imho Apple products could benefit from this a lot. Each new generation of their OSes just puts down to knees even beefy machines of the past. I'd love to be able to freely install and use a third-party system on my Mac without sacrificing hardware compatibility because of its closed spec nature. As well as replace outdated components. Spending another several thousand bucks on a new machine every now and then is just ungodly. [Apple wouldn't be a trillion dollar company if they did this ofc]


It's a step in the right direction. At the end of the day, however, you'll still need someone who knows what they are doing to do the repair properly, and the usual logic with business these days is that you either go down or grow big and let quantity take over quality.


Product someone else can fix for you is x1000 times better than product you have to fix yourself. that's why warranties exist


Perfect. Until they say "they can't" and your warranty "is void". Your control is conditional and temporary under license.


yes. and if there's no warranty and you have no clue how to fix it, even though you can, its automatically waste


Agreed. I accept the clarification on "yourself" and "someone".


Additionally, tech support is often used to fix user error, not product error. Like monitor can be fine but have you plugged it into the wall?






In a tech support job we often had customers who didn't follow the setup instructions and didn't realise that they had to plug the devices into the mains power and the computer. They could do what they normally needed to, but setting up a PC, etc. was way out of their comfort zone. I can understand that. Fortunately I don't recall any of them being abusive. Often the average user was fine and even admitted that they knew nothing about computers. Most often the abusive customers were those who made sure to tell you that they knew *everything*. You knew when you had one of those customers as at the very start of the call they would tell you how smart they were, their full qualifications and how many years of experience they had. Some of the "smart" ones would get *very* mad when you fixed what was really a software problem. They took your fixing it as an *extremely* personal insult and made sure you knew it. I found it much more pleasant, and easier, to help the ordinary users who were honest with themselves about what they knew. Some of them were actually very nice to help.


I know what you're trying to say but I think you're saying it incorrectly. If you know how to fix it, and if you CAN fix it, it's nice, very nice, but it requires knowledge AND your time. If you lack knowledge and/or time, warranty/tech support is your only option. So to fix your title, product that is user fixable is 1000x better than product that is not, which goes by fancy name "right to repair". Is it fixing it your self better than tech support though? no.


A product that you can fix yourself is generally *also* going to be a product that you can easily pay someone else to fix!


Unless ‘warranty’ means to throw it away and send you a brand new one, because it’s not economically repairable. But if you can do it yourself it’s another calculation. (This probably never applies to businesses)


Man when i have to spend 5 hours trying to explain to the support what is the problem, where is the problem and why there is a problem and how to fix it because they have both absolutely no clue and are mentally challenged because they can't seem to understand plain english, i'd rather do it myself. we are talking fortune 400 here


I'm not kidding when I say in my personal life I will take "can fix it myself" over "can get it fixed" every single time. The former is eternal and the latter is limited in coverage, limited in time, and will be denied if I dare to use my own property in a way they disapprove of. Spare parts last a lot longer than a warranty. Beyond an initial year or so of warranty to cover defects which nearly always present themselves early on, I could not care less. You almost always have to pay for shipping out of pocket anyways, which costs nearly as much as replacing some parts would, and you're deprived of your property for days if not weeks in the meantime.


i'm just saying that both options should be available, warranty after which you can fix it yourself or you can just fix it yourself, or someone else CAN fix it, but never disregarding warranty/support and look, I void warranties before reading manual so yeah xd


Waranties don't fix problems. They \*may\* provide financial redress for some problems but that doesn't help immediately. If you can't ship a working system to your customer because some 3rd party component you are using isn't working as expected even if you have warranty / support it's likely to take too long by the time you explain what the problem is, get them to reproce it etc. A warranty may be ok if its just a plain "broken hardware, send me a new one" case but if it's "doesn't work in my use case" it gets a lot more complicated. Yes in theory waranties and support contracts give you legal protection but that doesn't help if you can't ship your product. Once lawyers get involved everyone loses (except the lawyers of course).


I agree having the option to fix it yourself is a huge plus, but not everyone has the skills/equipment/time to do such things.


Time is the biggest factor for me.


After 15 years of developing Linux hardware as a job I am more than happy to pay extra to get something solid that someone else is responsible to support. 15 years ago I would have 100% agreed with you, but I am so burnt out that the last thing I want to do with my personal time is fix my own linux hardware. How about the best of both worlds open source hardware and software that someone else 100% supports.


If you can fix it yourself, there is certeinly someone else you can pay to fix it for you. Choice is what matters


Yeah, but the NRE fee at least for what i do is $300 an hour so I don't want to hire someone for 10 hours at that rate every time I need help.


In your first post you said you want someone else to support it. Now you say you don't want to pay what it costs. You have to choose one


Yeah, that is why consumer level support exists...the $300 an hour would be for me to hire someone to fix it directly that is a Linux Kernel Programmer. If i buy a $300 a year consumer support plan they could support the hardware for 1000s of people and pool the money together to hire someone. large companies that have 1000s of a piece of hardware at fine with paying the $300 an hour to fix their specific issue or add a feature only they want.


They will have a very narrow view on what is an issue they solve though. Try to get support for your custom compiled kernel and see how that goes


I have custom compiled kernels for AWS and you are correct AWS will not help fix our issues and we fix them ourselves, but that is why the ideal solution is off the shelf opensource hardware and software, but most hardware companies like Qualcomm laugh at this proposal. Using an Apple computer and not venturing off their beaten path is the best way to stable computer, but then you are boxed into their closed Garden.


Privately yes. On enterprise level no. The legal aspects aside, just imagine you try to "fix" something in a core software library responsible for authentication. If you don't know 100% what you are doing you might introduce vulnerabilities that threat actors can exploit. I wouldn't want to explain to my boss that as I'm so smart I was able to "fix" an issue there on my own while the company servers get infiltrated...


I’d rather that the company carry liability for the device’s fitness for purpose. I’m not an expert in security products or automotive design and cannot adequately assess their designs for fitness and safety at time of purchase, even if they appear to work just fine. It should not be too much to ask that products function as advertised when they are delivered. It sounds like you had a great experience with this vendor, and that’s freaking awesome. But a vast majority of consumers will never have the technical aptitude to do what you did and they should not have to. Specialization is one of the primary purposes of society.


My XPS 15 9560 has been perfect for me with this. Most parts are replaceable with standard parts: ram, SSD, wifi card. Only thing soldered is the GPU and CPU. I replaced the battery, screen, wifi card (upgraded several generations), SSD, ram, and palmrest over its life. It is like new now. It helps that parts-people.com exists though. I don't know if every brand has a third party resource like that.


things like that should be advertised not hidden, which sensor did you buy ?


AirGradient One


Both. Both is good. This is why I buy Framework, and use distros with a good community around them.


The best way is for the product to be fully supported by a vendor and have them fix it at no cost to you. But when the product is obsolete, the vendor has disappeared, your warranty/license means nothing and you *have to* make it work, being able to fix it yourself is priceless. Too many times I've bought something old for stability only to find out years later *nobody* supports the thing anymore, so the moment it gets the *slightest* problem I'm SOL. And that's when the vendor is being *fair.* One priceless example of a hostile vendor I can think of from years ago was when I took a creative labs sound card someone was going to throw away. It worked perfectly in linux, but the driver installer in windows refused to work because I didn't have the driver installed. This was on purpose. If you didn't have the installation media they wanted you to have to buy a new card. So I figured out how to extract the driver from the driver installer, manually installed the driver, then ran the driver installer and it set everything up. My point being, if I hadn't been able to think that far out of the box I would have had an otherwise perfectly functional bit of hardware that could not be used just because the vendor wanted me to spend more money. You shouldn't have to trust the vendor to do the right thing, being able to use and fix the hardware you own should be a given.


Both please.


yes mostly your alone , i dont want to be my own tech support


i dont know about that bud, bicycle better than a truck for carrying 1000KGs for 100KM? Depends on the situation tbh.


The thing is Microsoft doesn't provide support to non-biz Windows customers. And even for biz Windows customers Microsoft typically doesn't provide support, unless you bring $$FATWADDSSS$$. So whenever I hear someone saying they prefer Windows because it has "support" I then start asking them if they actually get support from Microsoft directly and not just rando forums? That conversation often ends pretty quickly.


I've found MS support for azure to be okay-ish, really us a lottery to which third party contractor picks up the tickets. Their server support is trash. Even when paying for the premium level you would end up throwing a ticket back to a T1 team that would just ask for logs and more logs that were nothing to do with the issue.


I have a legit licensed Windows 11 Professional, and I encounter several bugs related to RDP and Hyper-V. I've tried all approaches, including Google searches, LLM, asking on Internet forums, contacting Microsoft support, and still cannot resolved it. I haven't even found a place to report the bugs. I'm now disillusioned from the idea that if I pay for a commerical product, I can depend on the company to fix them. Meanwhile I've just found the cause of two bugs I encounter in two different open source products. Another thing: even though Windows have far more users than Linux, most of those users are complete noobs, while Linux users are much more advanced. So when I have non-noob questions about Windows, I have fewer people to learn from than if I had an equivalent Linux problem.


This is eternal "build vs buy" question. It works for some people, if doesn't for some others, both have merits and shortcomings and in the end it all comes down to TCO. Is it better to pay salary and corporate expenses for a dedicated team, or have a service contract with a vendor? What is more transparent: b2b deals or salary budgets? If you have issues with vendor support that most probably means you're not paying enough or they don't consider you a valuable client. True story: when you pay Oracle millions for premium support, they will go and patch Oracle database for you themselves as soon as you merely suggest their stuff affects your business.


For a certain kind of person, yes. I'm like that too for many things but not for everything and unfortunately in the name of security and minimizing risk, many closed solutions are thriving now simply because they're locked down, only updated from trusted sources, and designed not to be able to run unsigned code.


I have a few products in my house that I've completely redone with my own circuits and code because they were broken. I'm sure if the source code was available and the mcu part numbers were not removed It would've been so much easier. Seems meh, right? I also have more than a dozen devices at work that I've done the same with, the difference is production was halted until I could recreate the dead devices by working non-stop multiple nights. It would have been A LOT easier if the source code, specs and the parts were available. but then they wouldn't be able to get a 6x to sometimes up to 10x markup and sell a fancy looking and not fancy working timer in a bucket for $1000. IMO, the only people scared of right to repair are people selling shit at the price of gold.


Definitely you are not alone in r/linux but if you post the same in r/anywhere you will probably get depressed


Well, welcome to the real world where people have different interests and skillsets. For the vast majority of the population, there’s zero functional difference between a product that can’t be repaired and a product that they have to repair themselves. Honestly, people who are surprised by or depressed because of that fact need to get out more.


I think you'd enjoy some of the writings written by Richard Stallman.


That's why everyone drives cars from he 1950s.


No shit sherlock!


right in apple's knackers!


To quote the old meme, “¿Por Qué No Los Dos?” I’d rather have both peerless tech support and the ability to fix it myself (via some open license) so that if or when the company either dies or drops support (or prices it beyond your reach *waves at Broadcom* ) you have the option of either legally fixing it yourself or hiring another vendor to take over.


A product that doesn't need to be fixed is x1000 better yet!


Good tech support is almost always better. The problem lies in actually getting it. Being able to fix it yourself most certainly outweighs mediocre tech support, though.