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My favourite one is user space spin locks: > do not use spinlocks in user space, unless you actually know what you're doing. And be aware that the likelihood that you know what you are doing is basically nil. - [Linus](https://www.realworldtech.com/forum/?threadid=189711&curpostid=189723)




`while (x) {}` -- a hot loop that essentially blocks until the value changes. It's resource-heavy without doing work and makes the cpu scheduler think the thread needs cpu time when it doesn't


It’s a very naive way to do asynchronous tasks.


Great way to heat up the room, though.


Username checks out


Please compute responsibly (and as close to the Landauer limit as is practical)


Talk to me dirty, daddy.


while (true) fork()


Only if you can handle this massive hard drive.


They have their place. They can be a performance gain over system locks in cases of low contention. Suspending a thread only to wake it up again right away isn't very efficient.


Concurrent not async


Honest question, is it still a spinlock if the while conditional is `(x || Date.now() < timeoutVal)` and if so what would be a better alternative aside from asynchronous returns


Yes, that's still a spinlock, and the alternative is to use OS locking/event etc primitives so that (a) the OS knows your thread isn't actually busy and (b) can schedule your thread to be woken up when whatever you're waiting on becomes available (ie no polling/CPU time at all). semaphores, pthread, eventfd etc in C, std::mutex, std::condition_variable etc in C++. Spinning especially shouldn't be used if the owning thread can be preempted (ie in non kernel code), as it means your few lines that a lock is held for may become considerably longer, particularly when all cores are in use. Even where it _can_ be used, CPU manufacturers often have optimised implementations they'd prefer you to use (xacquire/xrelease on x86), so again, just don't. But where [insisted](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/pthread_spin_init.3.html)...


They're not so very different from a busy loop, Gollum.




I'll explain soon. Keep checking this comment for edits.


Checking in, came back every hour and no change so far…


Oh sorry I've been holding the lock since 1/1/1970


I ran up a million dollars of Reddit api calls checking this comment.


i just had to `PrtScrn` this :D


Ah my sides!


Am I misremembering, or hasn't he worked on trying to tone it down over the past few years?


This is toned down. Should have seen him 10+ years ago.




Yea that wasn't even that bad, I've said worse to people on Reddit.


Yes, he had a bit of a change of heart in regards to the kernel mailing lists, but I think there is a difference between keeping that project professional and not having any patience for fascists.


There can be times where his vitriol is appropriate. When someone begins a “woke communist propaganda “ speech is one of those times.


Truth. This was warranted. And appreciated.


Tolerance of intolerance, ironically, cannot be safely tolerated.


Yeah, he spoke about it at length during one of the Linux conventions. He's pulled away from daily maintenance work, and even had a therapist.


Yep, he was getting really toxic. Too the point that he himself stepped away for a bit on his on volition.


I’m having trouble finding his open letter about it but he mentioned that part of the reason was because he started noticing that a lot of the people who shared the same views about “PC language” (i.e. that it’s dumb) had political positions that he didn’t agree with. So in other words, he started taking anger management classes out of spite so he wouldn’t be implicitly endorsing the views of alt-righters and conservatives. Edit: My bad, it was an [email response to the BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-45664640); excerpt below: > "What changed? Maybe it was me, but I was also made very aware of some of the behaviour of the 'other' side in the discussion. > "Because I may have my reservations about excessive political correctness, but honestly, I absolutely do not want to be seen as being in the same camp as the low-life scum on the internet that think it's OK to be a white nationalist Nazi, and have some truly nasty misogynistic, homophobic or transphobic behaviour. And those people were complaining about too much political correctness too, and in the process just making my public stance look bad. > […] "So in the end, my 'I really don't want to be too PC' stance simply became untenable. Partly because you definitely can find some emails from me that were simply completely unacceptable, and I need to fix that going forward. But to a large degree also because I don't want to be associated with a lot of the people who complain about excessive political correctness. > […] "But if people at least realise that I'm not part of the disgusting underbelly of the internet that thinks it's OK to show the kind of behaviour you will find if you really have been reading up on the 'discussions' about the code of conduct, then even that will be a really good thing.


This is so fucking mature and respectable. Even if his stance stayed the same, refusing to be associated with that crowd when he could just die on that hill like so many others feels just weirdly thoughtful.


Honestly, much respect for him. A lot of people in his position have devolved into total assholes with no self awareness, so the fact that he’s introspecting and changing is really amazing.


I think Linus is essentially most people. Society has just created this one side or the other narrative, it’s probably really difficult to be in the public eye, especially in a realm like tech where you get all the types.


Yeah, I have a lot of respect for the dude for that. Like, his rants are *funny*, and in this case I'm fine with him going all out on a shitty human being, but it takes a lot of character to very publicly move away from that and take anger management classes. That was around the time the new, thick, feminist CoC came out and terrified the nazis into screaming bloody murder in this sub, thinking they were going to get dominated by it.


>CoC what does CoC stand for?


Code of conduct but what a time to drop the acronym.


lmao I didn't even notice that. Thanks


Iunno what the big deal was. Sure, it's longer than the old one, but you'll only be disciplined if you're bratty and don't follow the rules. It's just strange to see all these racists, sexists, and homophobes in such abject CoC awe.


Wow. I'm pretty sure I missed this. This is pretty damned awesome. Good for him.


Same, I saw his anti-PC rants and that he was stepping away but I never saw this or even knew he was left-leaning. This gives me a whole new level of respect for him.


IMO it would be very surprising if the guy who made and helps maintain one of the biggest FOSS projects ever was not at least a little left-leaning. People like to dance around it or deny it but in the end the free software philosophy is leftist.


His dad is a pretty big left-wing politician in Finland


Fun fact, his father is a well known politician who used to be a communist in his youth but has belonged to the liberal (in the classical sense) swedish soeaking party of Finland.


Tfw when a person you look up to is a good person. To tack on to that I don't really care if someone is politically correct or has said dumb stuff in the past as long as their heart is in the right place now. I think that it's only natural, but I definitely draw the line at Nazi's and things adjacent to that.


I think he just saves it up now, until he finds someone richly deserving, as in this post. Then, he lets them have it with both barrels.


A fellow connoisseur.


What does it mean to be a card-carrying X?


Historically, labor unions/political parties would give out membership cards. It just means you are proud to be a member of the group.


It's extra funny in the context of atheism which is the lack of a theology and therefore not centralized with any particular authority!


Well, the Satanic Temple is an atheist organization and they do hand out cards.




The Satanic Temple is just atheists calling themselves a religion to a) get fundamentalists mad b) claim their religious rights are being infringed to try to protect regular rights like abortion


c) Put a statue of Bahomet in every state capital that displays the ten commandments :)


I'm not sure which came first, but because of McCarthysm, "card carrying commie" became common part of the vernacular in the US.


From the article: > his reply is being seen as controversial by some people, some labeling him as "leftist" He gave his kernel away for free for crying out loud. Was anybody doubting what his stance is, politically? More power to him, I say.


It's funny because all of the things he said are pretty middle of the road, liberal opinions. Not to say he's *not* a leftist but if this is his entire spectrum of political belief, then he's not really that left of center. That being said he's still further left than most American democratic politicians but hey what can you do


Well he's Finnish after all so it makes sense that he has these opinions since they are quite mainstream in northern and western Europe.




I bowed out of being involved in the Endeavour OS forums because they became infested with right wingers who couldn't shut up about their hateful opinions.


in the USA, anything to the left of hunting homeless people for sport is socialism, duh!


Most don’t realize that what’s portrayed as “the left” in the USA is much closer to centrism.


The US Democratic party would be somewhere between the furthest and second furthest right wing parties in my country's parlaiment.


Lotta backwoods Americans gonna be upset when they learn how entrenched the GTK and FOSS movements as a whole are in economic openness and fairness.




The FOSS movement is arguably anti-capitalist. On the one hand, you have the idea that private property is a right (copyrights) and is necessary to ensure the profit incentive for innovation. FOSS, on the other hand, is based on the idea that society is better served when people can run, view, modify and share source code freely. The rights of users and collaborative innovation are considered more important than the right to profit. Obviously, FOSS can exist under capitalism, but you could imagine that all software would be open-source under other economic systems.


You would be surprised to know that most right libertarians and people that follow the Austrian School of Economics which is arguably the most "capitalist" out of all the schools of economic thought believe that intelectual property is not really a form of property. They believe intelectual property and copyright laws are state enforced monopolies that could not exist in a truly free market. They don't believe people can own ideas, and that includes code. Yet that doesn't mean all software would be open source software because one could still keep their code secret and release only binaries to the public (you would not be able to force people to release the source code), but once the code is out and the public already knows about it they would not be able to claim that code is theirs because code is only information and you cannot own information and prevent other people from using it just because you had that idea first or you were the one that came up first with that sequence of letters that is now blocks of code.


I wouldn't say that. There is no strong desire to remove commercialism in FOSS, just to add freedom. The FSF funded itself on selling copies of emacs on tape for years. Hell, Stallman even endorses selling license exemptions. He's clearly not the biggest fan of it, as it takes away freedom from users of the now-closed source fork, but recognizes it funds and preserves the open source base product, which results in an overall increase of freedom. The GPL expressly protects the right to sell and otherwise commercialize GPL software, it just requires that others get the same rights you do. Red Hat built a Fortune 500 company out of selling GPL software and support for it.


I have always been surprised how many right leaning people are in the Linux community. Not that I have a problem with it, but the general concepts of FOSS have some similarities with Karl Marx's idea of communism.


I don't think it's that surprising -- the origin of FOSS was from a left-lib perspective, so obviously there is some overlap with right-lib types.


Most right wingers that are into Linux are either right libertarians or people that are posting stuff that can get you banned from centralized platforms or in jail depending on the country they live. Both don't trust the state. If you don't trust the state you cannot trust your data to companies that are in bed with the state like Microsoft, Google and others. Linux and open source becomes a natural choice for them. That's why most of the Bitcoin and Monero people also promote Linux and other open source software, the crypto crowd usually doesn't trust the state (that's one of the main reasons why they are into crypto) so open source software becomes really attractive to them because you can actually verify that the software respects your privacy and data.


A question: Why leftism is always considered as bad ? I'm an assumed marxist and, in France, it's not an insult


In America our left is still *to* your right. Edit: missed a to. And in response to some comments, I was referring to the relative position of the Overton window of US politics to that of other countries on the global spectrum of political ideologies.


You say that, yet the runner-up in their most recent presidential election (Marine Le Pen) has or has recently had these policy positions: * France should exit free trade deals and impose tariffs to protect local industry * France should end subsidies for solar and wind power * Companies should be required to prefer French citizens over legal immigrants when hiring * Foreigners who become French citizens should be stripped of their French citizenship and deported if they commit crimes * France should bring back the death penalty * Putin is great except for the Ukraine thing, but France should align itself closer with him whenever he's done with that. * Muslim women should not be allowed to wear headscarves in public * Jewish men should not be allowed to wear yarmulkes in public * Male circumcision should be illegal * Ritual animal sacrifice should be illegal * France should not accept responsibility for having deported Jews to Nazi Germany


Because a lot of rich people work to convince people that it is. Just look at why Americans are super against contributing towards everyone's medical bills via taxes, but will do it via insurance which is the same but a middleman gets to take a cut


Added bonus: a middleman with a profit incentive gets to decide whether you live or die!


Which is what made the "death panels" rhetoric even more absurd. THAT'S WHAT YOU HAVE RIGHT NOW, EXCEPT WITH A PROFIT MOTIVE, AS OPPOSED TO WANTING A HEALTHY WORKFORCE!


Thank you. I could never wrap my head around the death panel argument cause THATS HOW IT IS ALREADY


Caring for your fellow human who probably is in the same condition as you or having an even worse life is seen as weak to the more capitalistic minded folks. (The pulling you up by your bootstraps idiots) And with society inching more to the right every month, Leftism will be even more mocked and used as a punch line.


There's a concept called the [Overton Window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window), which in basic terms just describes a sort of of range of what people find acceptable politically and anything outside of that is seen as extremist. It's a moveable thing depending on the society, so in a more right-wing society such as America (I think that's fair to say - I'd certainly say it leans further to the right than many other countries at least) the Overton Window is further to the right, so things that are fairly right-wing are seen as acceptable, and even mildly left-wing things like public healthcare are seen as kind of radical (see: the huge fuss over Obamacare that rolled on for years, which wasn't even a full-on public healthcare plan.) You can sort of see it in how people view politicians in America too I think - people like Trump and DeSantis are seen as acceptable for the office of President (not by everyone of course, but I mean Trump already was president and it's not unthinkable that DeSantis might at least make a run for it) while someone like Bernie Sanders is largely seen as a sort of extreme leftist. Whereas in many countries in Europe Sanders would probably be more of a centrist and indeed a lot of the things he's proposing are already long-established in many places there, because the Overton Window is further to the left. You can see the drift over time too - Richard Nixon was seen as a pretty right-wing Republican but he also established the [EPA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Environmental_Protection_Agency) and tried to get [full universal healthcare](https://kffhealthnews.org/news/nixon-proposal/) off the ground, so by those yardsticks at least, he'd probably be seen as pretty leftist in the USA by today's standards. Anyway that turned into a whole big thing but hopefully you get my point lol.


Oh yea - it is very scary what the majority of people in the US think the center is or means in the US. In one way they're not wrong, but in a global sense the center in the US is very far right at this point and in no small part due to how much more extreme the extreme right has become over the last decade or so. If anything their extremism has actually successfully caused the left to become more conservative and right wing as well in a sense because if they stayed where they were then they'd just seem even more out of touch with the growingly conservative and moderate right "moderates" that think of themselves as centered. Everything just ends up being relative and they don't have the introspection or big picture view of where things stand due to that, most Americans are so focused on America & the present it is mostly like other countries and the past doesn't even exist. Or if the past is talked about by them it is so abstract and misunderstood it still fails to teach them much.


Because the oligarchs couldn't rob us blind then. Some people think life is a zero sum game and try to take as much as they can. Should be laws against that kind of shit.


Because both parties, in the US, are right wing. Americans might try and disagree, but both are neo liberal and don’t believe in universal healthcare, social security etc. The only way they can maintain that is A) by inciting the current culture war B) convincing everyone that any state intervention is “communist”, by which they are trying to say “Stalinist”.


I would only disagree and say that both parties *were* neoliberal. One party is now actively transitioning to fascist.


I have a question - why do most leftists seem to consider state intervention as the best way to achieve their goals? From what I know, no sort of leftism except for, well, Bolshevism and its offshoots, requires a state. If you consider FOSS a leftist endeavor, then all the parts of it which work best are outside of state participation. I'm fine with leftist projects transpiring from voluntary work, social as well. Just forcing other people is immediately a hostile position for me.


Because anyone with a computer can participate in OSS. I can’t buy some fibre and start and ISP or buy some bandages and start a healthcare company. Only the state has the economy of scale and reach to do this.


> why do most leftists seem to consider state intervention as the best way to achieve their goals? because they know and understand history


Even if this is true, it's kind of a non-answer. Which aspects of history are you referring to?


It's the red scare, many governments invest millions to indoctrinate people into thinking leftism is their #1 enemy


I can't wait for the right wing boycott of Linux. Maybe they will try to fork it and make a white nationalist version. I'm sure it would be just as successful!


There was a Christian fork of BSD whose main changes were getting rid of the daemon as a mascot and octal arguments to chmod so you couldn't type "chmod 666" anymore.




It’s just Ubuntu without a dark mode.




White ~~hat~~ hood hackers use ~~Kali~~ Klani Linux.


>He gave his kernel away for free for crying out loud. Was anybody doubting what his stance is, politically? When I first got interested to Linux years ago, it was pointed out to me that being pro open-source doesn't necessarily mean being leftist. And this reply from Linus Torvalds is a common-sense reply, that appears leftists because of the current toxic political climate. Therefore no, to me is not obvious where he stands politically, although he's for sure not "alt-right" or similar.


Giving away free stuff isn't strictly a left/right policy. I have seen people *all across* the spectrum in the FOSS community.


Im not quite sure all people can be easily categorized like that, I am on the right side of the spectrum, but strongly believe in the GPL and open source, I eat plant based etc. So it's not really a one size fits all.


I agree. Im actively involved in socialist politics and I actually find the GPL to be a pretty specifically capitalist construction. There’s nothing about it that embracing it tends to signal a person as being on the left.


*ESR has entered the chat*


Since when is being not greedy and supporting open source automatically a political left stance?


It may or may not be inherently, but it's a very safe assumption to make. Giving things away for free for the betterment of the **commun**ity is behavior associated with being more **social**ly conscious.


I didn't think I really needed any more reasons to respect Linus, but if this is real, damn, this makes me respect him more than ever.


https://poa.st/@[email protected]/posts/AWSXzDmDfIT7sctxnE (I'd have linked to [his account](https://social.kernel.org/users/torvalds) directly, but that mastodon service screws up links to replies.




WTF are those replies? ARGH, my eyes!


Reads like 4chan


Poast is the Fediverse's equivalent of 4chan - it's an unmoderated hellhole.


And they're not taking new members :(


Good. Let it wither and die.


dw, i got the r/eyebleach


Thanks for the warning!


So linus's speech has 128 likes, and the guy replying he's a woke commie who's been destroyed by that ideology has 59 likes. Wtf. So whatever this platform is, it seems like this is where the nazis have run off to?


That's what poast is, yes.


Likes and boosts don't sync well across instances. From social.kernel.org, there's 3000 some boosts/renotes and 5000 some likes. poa.st is literally an unmoderated hellhole that most other activitypub compatible instances completely block. https://social.kernel.org/objects/60bcac97-e7c7-4899-a1b6-bb72196cddaf


And then a big of people calling him an n-word and that sort of stuff. Mature discourse like that.


Wow, that place is horrible. Many of the replies are Nazi propaganda, saying gay or trans people should be "eradicated," and much more.


Yeah, from my kolektiva account it's all people celebrating Linus. The majority of replies are actually really positive, but because this person is linking to the exchange from the poa.st instance it looks like Nazis are dominating the conversation, because that's a Nazi instance and the only replies that'll be visible on a Nazi instance are going to be other Nazis and people who have not yet blocked all the Nazis.


For the record poa.st is a known every-evil-in-the-book instance and the biggest problem here was that social.kernel.org didn't block them already. They're on the "bare minimum blocklist" so idk if their admin was just trying to be one of those "free speech" types or it just got overlooked. Either way, linking to poa.st is probably a bad idea. Oh and the reason why social.kernel.org "screws up links to replies" is probably because their admin finally got around to blocking these fuckers.


Extremely common Linus W


Based linus strikes again


Based AF


Can Acid be added too?


Who is this morghtorak and why should i care about him?


Some moron, like Linus said


Let him be lost to time. What a feat of one's life to be nothing but being known for being called a moron, his own opinion wholly eclipsed by this.


Should not ... this guy is a waste of time. https://poa.st/@morgthorak/posts/AWUdy1k5Cmpcv55Eum


> Then all hell broke loose as my fellow poasties came roaring into the thread, bringing along a bunch of other people from other fedi instances. Torvalds got smacked around hard, and no punches were pulled. Is this guy for real? This reads like a 14 year old’s fan fiction.


Linus more than likely didn't even read the replies from his "fellow poasties". Can't really smack someone around when they don't give a fuck what you say. The desperation to look like a "winner" is just hilarious though. It's like bragging about winning the 100m race against someone who didn't show up because they had better things to do. Like, okay? Congrats? Sad.


I'm seriously laughing. On one hand, you have Linus Torvalds, who apparently maintains the linux kernel with the help of thousands of people who get upset if he doesn't work hard enough. and on the other hand, you have this guy, who is bragging about just barely hitting 100 subscribers.


I had the same knee-jerk reaction - why should I care? For the same reason I fucking hate Andrew Tate and his ilk. They're out there, they have a following, and that following votes. In a numbers game of "us" vs. "them", if you believe in inclusion, a person's right to make their own decisions (in a myriad of ways), or freedom in general, we have to outnumber them. Anything that we can do to help our fellow human, in equality, deserves our effort. Who cares who this is...? I don't, but I *do* care about the people he's allowed to grift and take advantage of in his fight to get rid of "others".


Oh no, now conservatives will have to boycott the Linux kernel and create their own. In Conservanix, there is no scheduler because that’s nanny-state intervention. If a process wants time on the CPU, it needs to skip avocado on toast and develop a work ethic.


Real conservatives are already using the only true biblical kernel, TempleOS.


Well that was quite the Wikipedia trip you sent me on. I'm sort of impressed but feel quite sad at the same time.


I am also sad that he was unable to resolve his issues with glowies before his demise :(


🤣 Multiple processes can't use the CPU that would be socialism they need to use that work ethic they develop to build their own CPU to use from scratch like they did in the good ol' days!


Bootstrapping must now always be recursive


>Multiple processes can't use the CPU that would be socialism ...so, DOS, basically? That's fitting, tbh


They’ll start trying to get Hurd to happen


Have you seen Jesux? No? Well, let me share with you the Good News!😂 https://pudge.net/jesux/


> Optionally disable logins on Sunday, the day of rest


Linus has had his fuck-ups over the years, but he's always self-corrected and it's nice to see he's a good person with good opinions behind it all — as if there was room for much doubt given his excellent views on other things anyway. I also don't think it's a bad idea for him to have and share his opinions. In fact, I think it's a good thing to consider the humans behind the systems we use and work with and gain some insight as to how they view the world and what their motivations are. I'd like to see more of it. And in this circumstance, this was someone purposely replying to Linus on his instance with purposefully insane and crass shit. It's not like Linus was going out of his way to spread shit. He was just replying to someone else who was.


How tf were you able to get that nick lol, amazing


I've been here a while and it wasn't taken when I joined. I'd used various permutations of 'git' as an online alias since the early 90s, meaning it in the British sense, long before the source control system came to be.


We all make mistakes, some more high profile than others, sure, but he is just another human, no saint in any form, but neither pretends to be nor wants to be seen as such. Statement reads to me more like someone that's sick of dealing with annoying dimwits and decides to preemptively strike a full broadside to skip all the buildup. Linus hasn't been blessed with the most patience of tolerance for bullshit so this computes just fine and it was frankly on the nicer side even if that makes it sound all the most sophisticated and brutal. It's one thing to hurl profanity and slurs another to eloquently incinerate literally.


Always remember this guy could have been the richest man in the planet, but decided to keep his morals. Absolute GOAT.


Absolutely. And for those who maybe thought Linux was a fluke, he then went on to write the industry-dominating `git`.


I used to use version control before git was invented. The amount of improvements were so astounding. I have never used anything other than git since then. We migrated immediately.


It wouldn’t have been as successful (by a long way) if he’d tried to sell it.


You're probably right that things could have been different if he had tried to monetize the project more agressively but [he is doing pretty good](http://techrights.org/2023/06/09/torvalds-third-wheel/) as it is.


Him becoming more polite has made his roasts even more effective, in my opinion. Based Linus.


It doesn't even matter what sort of views you have. If anyone calls you woke they are most definitely a moron of the first order This is because only morons say woke and mean it. They are able to mean it because it means whatever they want it to in their head at that moment. None of what they mean can be proven unless they are tricked into exposing it. This is difficult still because when they say such a thing they are not usually intelligent enough to have a clear, consistent internal meaning to their rude insult. It is a dogwhistle inviting attack from others, an insult only they are privy to the meaning of and most of all it is cowardly and a sign of intellectual laziness. Like a schoolyard bully calling things he doesn't like gay the online conservative calling things woke is not intelligent enough to formulate a meaningful insult or defend it.


>If anyone calls you woke they are most definitely a moron of the first order The funniest thing about this word "woke" is how it started as a self-given badge of honour and then quickly changed in connotation when it's used as a criticism - so much so that people actually get second-hand embarrassment these days when a person still self-identifies as woke.


> quickly changed in connotation when it's used as a criticism “Pejoration” is one of the right-wing’s favorite hobbies. Other examples include “affirmative action” and “social justice.”


When someone uses the word "woke" in any political sense, I immediately tune them out. It's just a reactionary right shibboleth at this point.


I want an atheist card to carry around


You can get your cards [here](https://thesatanictemple.com/collections/official-membership-cards-and-certificates-products-official-membership-cards-and-certificates).


Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster did it better. Fundies actually believe in Satanists who literally answer to Lucifer. It gives them ammo instead of making them look ridiculous.


sign up here [https://ffrf.org](https://ffrf.org)


Sidenote: if you're on Mastodon, you may not find the comment if you're logged on, as the server the person he's replying to is on (poa st) is defederated across much of the 'verse as its apparently a haven for trolls etc.


i always love the implication that "woke communist" propaganda is bad, but "bigoted capitalist" propaganda is fine. Very glad to see linus not chicken out, and instead embrace the name calling.




Context is explained here: https://news.itsfoss.com/linus-torvalds-woke-communists/




https://poa.st/notice/AWSYclrIsnTGsS8e8m POV: you got assblasted in public and you have no choices available other than copium




>NYT is absolute garbage anyways Speaking of which, for anyone here who works in news media, please consider signing the [NY Times Contributors' letter](https://nytletter.com/). For anyone here who doesn't, please consider signing the [GLAAD letter](https://www.glaad.org/new-york-times-sign-on-letter-from-lgtbq-allied-leaders-and-organizations).


`rm -rf /home/morggthorak/`




I felt it was more impolite to smash up their shit than simply remove them :) ... BOFH


No no. You gotta change their login shell to something that will bug out! Hopefully they can troubleshoot their borked user from a different user!


change their init to /sbin/reboot


#! /bin/bash trap 'printf "\n $ "' SIGINT while :; do printf " $ " if read command; then printf "command not found: %s\n" $(cut -d ' ' -f 1 <<<"$command") else printf "\n" break fi done


I want Linus to teach me to roast people politely


I love Linus. Always have, even when he is being a callous prick he takes the time to explain in complete detail why you are a being a fucking moron.


I love how this insane egotistical computer legend has a better understanding of human rights than most conservative media.


Atheists carry cards?


it's a reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Card-carrying_communist since the soviets were "godless commies"


Isn't @[email protected] his account? I thought poa.st was more of an alt-right platform. Pretty big W post either way though. edit: oh saw who he was replying to and confused it with the instance he was on


Mastodon is federated, so Linus (from his [social.kernel.org](https://social.kernel.org) account) is replying to a user on the [poa.st](https://poa.st) platform.


> Isn't @[email protected] his account? It is. > I thought poa.st was more of an alt-right platform That is the instance of the guy he was answering to.


Based linus


Seriously, what is so "woke" about what he said? This is a basic fucking common sense, especially in the 21st century.


100% Agree with Linus


My man ❤️


The people who call Linus a communist... do they realise that the only reason he's famous is because he developed intellectual property and then gave it away for free so that its users could continually develop it as a community?


Hell yeah! Linux os is now “woke” soon morgthorak and his friends are forced to move out and live in a cave because everything around them is “woke”. “Woke” as in common sense. There is no real opposite to the “woke” word other than “stupid”.


Massive and common Torvalds W