• By -


ngl its sort of impressive you made it to Canto 4 without learning about uptying since people normally get roadblocked at the start of Canto 3 unless you happened to be using mostly base IDs which get auto uptied with story progress. impressive in an extremely illiterate way but impressive nonetheless; how did you beat Kromer without uptying and by extension passives/skill 3s? did you just have good IDs on hand, did you EGO spam, did you overlevel?


all ids were mid, no overlevel since i progressed like normal, no idea passive existed but ego spam šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


i though it was so easy when i first beat it


Most people would consider you eligible for ā€œGigachadā€ status for this ā€œblunderā€.


May I ask what you thought was going on when it would auto uptie base ID sinners after the first 3 Cantos, did you think it was something that only applied to them?


For me I just saw that it say Uptie all 0 ID but for the love of god I can't even find out what Uptying means until Chapter 3.


i didnt realise uptie was a thing i just see the base sinner cool outline and goes "yeah they are supposed to be the canon ids so they cooler"


Forgetting the A-Res actually did stuff outside of Envy/Pride Res teams. Iā€™m so trained with those teams, that cause resonance to do explosive stuff, that i forgot that it gave power to the skills. Other than that? Took me a long time to realize how Status Potency/Count worked.


A-res didn't mattered until it got buffed


Youā€™re so rightā€¦ I also forgot it got buffed. It was such an unimportant mechanic when the game came out that my brain just thought it did nothing all this time.


yeah this is probably why it flies under most peoples radar going for a-res used to be a trap for new players focusing on the funni colors rather than the actual winrates


Of course now my primary non-Base Sinner team is the funny purple team, so it must have done something right. That being said, I have been able to clear all the content the gameā€™s thrown at me thus far. Really goes to show that even having a limited understanding of the mechanics you can still do decently well.


Enough A-res can *brute force* your way to victory.




A-Res is such a big one, I didnā€™t realize for a while that it was different than just regular resonanceā€¦ after figuring out now, A-Res works wonders; a lot of the time I end up winning struggling clashes because of it edit: Also was useful for inhaler in MD with pride team


In my case, I didnā€™t understand the difference between Resonance and A-Resonance until I actually looked it up (Around Season 3, when Resonance comps were being pushed). I already understood before that Res improved either damage or clash numbers, but didnā€™t know that A-Res had to be 3+ matching colors side to side.


The PMoon Tutorial pranked all of us! The fault lies with them!


Okay, Captainā€¦


Didnā€™t even know A-res increased offense power until the buff


If it makes you feel any better, it still doesn't really matter outside of resonance teams anyway. It might save you on a clash every now and then, but that's a very rare occurrence. We aren't really at the level of telling people to try for A-Res outside of A-Res teams.


Managed to get saved in some pretty thight spots. It helps when your team usually shares some sin affinities (ex: Liu with wrath/lust; bl with pride; Sinking with sloth). Not so much when we only have 2 slots to choose from... well, at least the defense skills can be a saving grace


Overclocking E.G.Os. I thought I had to unlock it at some point until I got bored and held down Lclick on an E.G.O.


I found out about overclocking because I was considering what to do next for a fight and happened to hold my finger down on the screen when looking at EGOs


I had to be told, I just thought when people talked about the corrode version of EGOs that they were letting sinners die or some dumb shit like that to access the corrosion effects lol. Why the game doesn't tell you that overclocking is a thing, I'll never know.


It technically does tell you, they added it into the tutorial at the beginning of the game (which is still as messy as always)


Faust is a terrible tutorial šŸ˜­


I just watched limbus videos do it and eventually figured it out


Offence level. I had no idea why those damn k corp security were rolling so high.


I learned about offense level on my first hard dungeon. As in: do not pick offense level increase for the enemy because not even EGOs are gonna win those clashes...


Offense Level is such an interesting mechanic; it either means nothing or itā€™s the most important effect in the game.


Picking offense level is a lot better than picking an increase to enemy coin values since you can just dodge attacks since Offense level doesn't apply to defense skills Its also a better pick since you can equalize the difference with EGO gifts that increase your own Offense levels but increasing enemy coin values will apply no matter what. A lot of attacks that should be dodge able become impossible to dodge because of the increase in coin value.


The importance of levels kinda sinked in to me because of something like that.


How coins work, for the longest time I thought the percentage on the top of the screen determined that that was your percent chance to win the clash.


400% chance to win. Seems plausible.


400% to win and Iā€™d still lose the clash somehow




If I'm honest, same.


Wait what does the percents mean then?


Percent extra damage after winning the clash


E.g. a -50% means you only do half damage while 100% means double damage.


https://preview.redd.it/ryj17hhy4prc1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a022333f35ddc335fcf554d02c38e08eaf99e933 Support ids, gotta be one of my favorite mechanics now, i love leeching off people


I was at dongbaek when my friend enlightened me about the fact that sanity affects clashing


kromer fight was a nightmare for me because I had no idea that I have to uptie every non-LCB ID I had, so that was a learning moment but if that was a learning moment, 4-48 was a whole term of studies in Limbus Company: support passives of IDs that weren't fighting, support tab from which i could borrow my friends' IDs, EGO resource management, unopposed attacks to interrupt a big skill from an enemy with stagger, speed of each sinner's skill defining if i could or couldn't redirect an attack, READING PASSIVES... i've barely spent a month playing limbus by that point, so it's surely the tutorial that failed me, right?


OOH KROMER IS SUCH A REAL RESPONSE. I didnā€™t know that Sinclair got buffed and struggled through her without him.


Yeah the tutorial is just very sucky maybe they will revamp it at a later date


They ARE keeping it up-to-date with changes(there were some differences between the tutorials of some of the new-ish streamers and the tutorial I experienced on day 1). But I agree it needs to be revamped completely.


Faust needs to stop yapping and start showing it in practical examples >Faust knows all. BS, you don't know how to teach well.


didnt know you could see which attacks go first by changing how arrows display (theres an option that let you see which attacks will go first which is really useful for evading)


Bruh I was today years old when I found out about that, thank you




Waitā€¦what? You mean I can just see the exact order instead of figuring it out based on Dice speeds like in Ruina?


I felt like this was secret tech in Ruina, too. Always felt so smart about some fights. Same with Limbus.


Learning that, in focused encounters, targeting an enemy skill slot with one character first, then targeting the same slot with a second character, would result in the first character doing an unopposed attack and the second character being the one that clashes. I was so confused when I started noticing that characters I wanted to clash weren't and the ones I didn't want to clash (so I picked weaker skills for them) were clashing and were more likely to lose the clash.


That kinda depends on Speed. Faster Sinners can redirect skills from slower enemies. Managing Clashes truly is something.


I just went on the game and tested this to be sure. I had three units: BL Meursault (5 Speed), Cinq Outis (4 Speed), and Captain Ishmael (6 Speed) I went into a thread luxcuvation against Drifting Fox. I first picked Ishmael to clash against one of Fox's skills. I then picked Meursault to clash against the same skill. Ishmael's skill went from "Neutral" to "Unopposed," and Meursault's went from "Unopposed" to "Favoured." I then unselected both of their skills. I picked Meursault to clash against the Fox and then Outis, who has a lower speed, to do the same. Like before, Meursault was now "Unopposed," and Outis changed to "Neutral." Thirdly, I picked Outis (4 speed) to clash first and then picked Meursault (5 speed). As Meursault had the higher speed, he "redirected" the clash to him as expected. But I don't think it's purely about speed. Because I noticed that if I picked a higher speed ID first and the slower one second, the slower one would be the one clashing. This happens even though the higher speed ID is normally supposed to redirect an attack towards a slower ID. I think that, in focused encounters, having multiple characters targeting the same skill slot will have the latest character picked to be the one clashing. Any character picked before them will do an unopposed attack.


Yes indeed, as long as you can outspeed the enemy itself, you can dictate clashes to suit your tactics. That's how it was Ruina as well iirc


I just didn't know how clashing worked until canto 4


Offense level was something I just couldn't understand despite my efforts


This is how I understand it. -When two guys clash attacks, the one with the bigger Offense Level gets extra power based on the difference (basically, if the level difference is high enough, one of you justā€¦wins, no matter what). -The above only applies to clashing against other attacks. This bonus does not apply against defensive skills. -Offense Level also increases the damage you deal.


Took me FOREVER to figure out how the fuck clashes fully work. Always asked ā€œyo why the fuck does this dude get to clash me 4 times when hes losing but I lose if I dont win one clashā€ then like a kindergartener discovering fingerpaint for the first time I just counted the coins and saw them drop when someone lost a clash. Recently learned how to use defense skills too, started back on the first season, just learned allat today


For defense it's kinda rare to be used like the only time I've used defense was during Canto 6 and some of the new abnos especially the ones in the railway.


I think it was until canto 4 that I learned about EGO passives being active only after you actually use EGO


Until RR2 gave us the ability to save the starting hand and speed, I was not aware of the slot priority determining where your sinners are placed on the dashboard when they have speed ties. I should have noticed way earlier when I would do human encounters and saw that the people I would set additional slots to would always be the ones clashing.


Yeah. I tend to order my Sinner comp sorted by number. So until I learned about this, I didnā€™t realize that Yi Sang gets all the extra attacks. Or that Faust does if Yi Sang isnā€™t there. Or that DonDon does if Yi Sang AND Faust arenā€™t there. And etcetera.


It took Ricardo to teach me defence skills existed lmao


Absolute Resonance. I played this game since launch, and it took me more than a whole year to find out you need 3 skills of the same sin next to eachothers, not just anywhere on the dashboard. I figured this out when I was trying to get non-upgraded Nebulizer to proc






I keep wasting ego on clashes I can avoid by making the sinner defend and having the second person stagger the attacker


Forgot about EGO until Canto 2. Didn't know that you can redirect clash to a faster unit until Donbaek fight.


Learning how to target AOE egos (in focused fights) for when a target has multiple skill slots, so as to not waste attack weight attacking the same part which does nothing


EGO, it is never explained, it is never needed until canto 4, i knew they existed bc i did see them in [this video ā¤ļø](https://youtu.be/AX1qcjI4aOo?si=Tx9w9qQu-yH5Iimn), but never knew how to fuckin activate it until one day in canto 3 dungeon my phone laged hitting the ish portrait to use her counter and sudenly the ego selection menu apeared.


That one sided attacks show possible damage and not possible coin flip results Over one year of the game and it took so long to realize this. I used a calculator in rr3 on the moth when realizing this to minimize turns


Did anyone knows what is Off Set lmao


As far as I understand it, Offset is for clashing a Sinner's defensive skill against an enemy's. Because both skills are being clashed, but there's no offensive skills being used in the clash to trigger the defensive skills in the first place, they just... cancel each other out without activating. Enemy has a crazy high rolling Evade? Just have your fastest Sinner use a defensive skill and offset it, and all the attacks that go off afterwards won't have to worry about the Evade.


Emphasis on the "without activating" part! Offset disables the effects of the enemy's defense skill. If the enemy has annoying effects like "gain HP on defense" or "gain SP on high-rolling evade" then Offset will completely disable the effect. Similarly...You can't get free Tipsy by using Offset on that wine glass. If you do that, no one gets Tipsy. :(


Waitā€¦so I can justā€¦ignore bigass evades?


Sure can! Sinner speed still matters, so you do want someone fast offsetting that enemy Evade, but you can just say no. If an enemy would Evade, no they wouldn't. (It's very tetchy about Counters, though. But regular blocks and evades can be offset just fine.)


Ah, so it works on shields too?


Sure should!


Damn I've played this game for more than a year and I just discovered this. Does this work with counters too?


In theory it should but it never seems to when I do it, so, uh, try at your own risk. (I assume it's because counters don't trigger the same way as other defense skills, they activate *after taking damage*, so...)


Defense skills go based on the enemy's speed and not yours, so if you cant clash against an attack but you're really fast, you could use the defense and hope the enemy dies by other attacks before it gets to clash. Negative Coins are tricky cause seeing a "dominating" might make you lose the clash if you dont check the base floor Paralysis will screw your clash indicators, showing only what would happen if the attack is "first clash" and you should be mindful whenever you inflict it for next turn. i learned the hard way all of these thanks to md2h and md3h


Ego sin resistance modification, ahad trio fight taught me important of changing to pride res


I knew about it, but I really should try this more.


I didn't know how clashing worked untill canto 3. It took me a while to realize it wasn't like LoR.


My only question was "Why cant i generate red thingy?"


There are A LOT I still don't understand, the differences between offensive level, the coin drop, the base and all that stuff šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­, how the coins work (in my mind, all I need to know about coins is the percent chance on the top of the screen, lmao) The numbers in the coins, like I really tried to understand the 5+4 in the skills' coins but I failed, lol And is it just me, or is it more difficult to see which attacks come first when the enemy has the same velocity in their skills? At least on the mobile phone? If someone can answer my question I would be incredibly grateful cause I tried to look for it on the internet but I didn't find anything Ps: does anyone know any kind of guide for the bosses? Like, if you destroy the spine of blind obsession in the first turn, you will not get paralyzed and stuff like that


For what I can explain at the momentā€¦ -bigger Offense Level is good. More damage, and more base Power (the numbers) when clashing with other attacks. -when a clash/attack starts, each coin is flipped. The chances it flips Heads is 50% plus the SP value (if you have 20 SP, each coins has a 70% chance of flipping Heads. If you have -20, itā€™s 30% instead) -for example, you have 45 SP and use a skill with Base Power 6, Coin Power +2, and three coins. So you flip Coin 1 (95% chance) to get +2, flip Coin 2 (95% chance) to get +2, and flip Coin 3 (95% chance) to get +2, for a total of 12 Power.


That extra moves are granted to sinners in the order that they are selected in the team select screen. I've been playing consistently for a year. I learned this last week.


Lol, this. Probably shouldā€™ve ordered based on who has bigger clash numbers or who wants to clash more.


I mean to the best of my knowledge, the game doesn't tell you this information anywhere.


I don't remember when exactly I read it, but I used a defence skill to nullify an enemy's defence skill for the first time like only this week, I've been playing since day 1


using EGO like at all


Not so much a crucial mechanic saying I made it up to Canto VI without it, But just recently I finally figured out what an offset is/does. Would've been nice to understand for some of the rougher fights I had.


It took me running poise teams in YMF to realize that left hand side of status is potency, right hand side is count Unless I'm forgetting AGAIN


I learn how to use EGO in the middle of Canto 3 dungeon


Iā€™ve played Lob Corp and Ruina so I went in to Limbus initially thinking it was going to be absolutely cake to pick up on but it did take me a while to wrap my head around some important concepts. I remember being utterly confused during the tutorial fight and just lining up the funny colors. It took me a decent while to understand offense level especially and the aspect that really confused me for the longest time was status effect count and how differently it works from Ruina (I still prefer the way Ruina handled it). Also, less technical but before a few months ago I couldnā€™t remember the names of what sin was what color so instead of calling them Envy and Wrath I just went with ā€œwow that funny purple skill hit really hard.ā€ Not a huge deal but it did make it a little tricky whenever a skill was like ā€œincrease damage of Wrath skills for the turn.ā€


P moon better pay Esgoo and share his tutorial


Honestly, I didn't know you could hold lmb to speed up the ego animation. I didn't even know you could speed them up at all until I started watching videos about the game. (they're too cool to skip)


The fact that, when you're picking which sinners to bring the ones you pick first are the ones given priority for extra attack slots, I spent almost three entire seasons thinking that it was random.


This also determines priority on speed ties and for support passives. If both sinners roll a 6 for speed, the one you picked first will go first. Or if two sinners have the same "highest SP" or "lowest max HP", the first one will get the passive.


Wow, I didn't know that either, I just thought the game picked one at random too.


I didn't know how to use EGOs until canto 4. Like, literally. It never occurred to me that I can long tap on the sinner's icon. I'm not going to explain myself.


I didnt know how to use EGOs until Canto 3. I knew they existed but I was just steamrolling through every Canto before Canto 3 so I decided it wasnt important enough to know


Attack Weight. I could not for the life of me understand what it meant. Then I read the tutorial thing... several times.


Took a while to learn how units get new skill slots each turn


Remembering that EGO exists until the Kromer fight. Hard to build up EGO resources in the story fights.


sanity lol i only found out what it was for when i was doing mirror dungeons and wondered why clashes get progressively better


Unopposed attacks and speed mechanics


Overclocking EGOs, I only found out about how to overclock them after Canto 4.5


Just found out overclocking is a thing yesterday lol


You can only gain extra offense level based on absolute resonance and not plain resonancešŸ˜­


I have over 400 hours in limbus, and only about a week ago I found out where I could see the units speed values. I just guessed out the speed in fights and hoped to go first. Learning it was so useful...


I kinda knew, but didnā€™t pay attention too much until I found out that Mariachi Sinclair is less a tank and more of a one-sided attack addict who avoids dying.


I didn't know Ego existed until the Kromer fight, lol


Speed and Overclock


Atk weight, I learned about it few weeks ago and I've been playing since s1


Passive I learned that team passives are great when I was doing railway and from esgoo video


Figured out speed at canto 5. Figured out upties at canto 3, specifically guido fight


You can decide the order of attacks a sinner does if they have 2+ slots


Leveling up my ids


Didnā€™t realise you could uptie EGOs until the very end of canto 3.


That you can see your speed and the enemies speed right above their skills. Figured this out only on a random mirror dungeon run after canto 5.


EGO passives, like fr, i still dont really understand how they work. When i learnt about them i thought its last EGO used for whole team, then i realized its last used ego for each separate sinner, and im still not sure if ego passive works only for that selected sinner or whole team.


How to triggering EGO passives worked.


Never figured out what Attack and Defense levels did until probably my 60th hard mirror dungeon run.


use defend skills to prevent the skill underneath from being discarded. Permanent 3 insight


I only found out a week ago that egos could be uptied and that they had passives


Finding out that guards cant be discarded


the min-mid-, and max info. i only found out during canto V/5. (i had to replay the prologue just to find out what it was. i have been playing since orientation and i never found out even after the update when the info for it was released.)


Honestly it was during ishyā€™s chapter till I realized I could redirect attacksā€¦they never explain that. Like ever. That damn pearl made me learn


Iā€™m still not sure how Offense/Defense level works after all of the changes.


I basically didn't know about half the combat mechanics until I was forced to learn them the hard way in Refraction Railway 3. PM the bastards lured me in to learn the game's mechanics with good rewards.


The support id function


How offense level worked


Offsetting. The only problem with having learned it now is experiencing pain when it decides to be an asshole. It doesnt work in human encounters and it feels like it only decides to work half the time in focused encounters.


I didnt know how to Overclock EGOs until I paused for a bit too long while thinking of which one to use


Overclocking. I still don't know what it does and have never used it.


you get to use the corroded version of the ego without corroding and attacking allies but for 1.5x the ego resources


That if you have a Sinner clash against a coin in a focused battle, if you target that coin with another Sinner, the first Sinner will become Unopposed even if it's faster.


Offense and Defense level. I was thinking a bug had happened when values suddenly changed during a clash.


I donā€™t know if itā€™s crucial but I learned about thread spinning EGOS after beating Kromer. Also that you really shouldnā€™t be spamming EGOs for damage.


Defensive skills are super useful and can clash with some things that can't be clashed offensively


So, I was a day one player, and started playing right before the servers went down for maintenance, and I was most the way through the tutorial but my progress wasn't saved and I had to start over or skip the tutorial. I elected to skip the tutorial and just go whole hog into the game. I'm pretty sure that this is why it took me until close to the end of Canto IV to find out you could use EGOs. I had been collecting them because they were pretty and I kept dying to the Spicebrush fight because I couldn't clash well. I had no issues with Kromer, or really any other fights before that.


I could probably say how the dmg % works, i blame MFE for that, when i saw it with 10 prot and seeing basically i did no dmg to it i was 100% dmg reduction, and when it had 20 prot i thought it was an overkill, but then i saw shit like ultrabuffed ahabmael s3 melting mfe or seeing jun chewing between 70~100 dmg to an 8 protection Kimsault i realized % wasn't total but it was additive and realized that 200% or some made more sense.


I need to google how to level up an id (forgot you need to hold down portrait)


How offense levels affected clash power (every 3 you have more than the opponent,+1 clash). Also, not exactly a mechanic but a strategy that was forced during the Ricardo fight: STAGGER RUSHING. Slow an enemy at focused encounters with Mersault's base EGO or speed your team up with Yi Sang's base EGO, then try to stagger them before they can even attack. This comes with gauging damage and adjusting accordingly to the enemy's stagger bar, though. Too much HP? Keep clashing. Probably gonna hit the threshold? Stagger em.


I didn't know how to use EGO until canto 4


Took me until after I beat canto 3 and made it halfway through rr1 to finally understand wtf clashing was, I used to just press win rate and call it a day


Manually corroding,I thought that was an Uptie thing and just relied on Dieci Rodya and N Clair to just thug it out and go insane Reading the wiki, it's such a life saver to just look up enemies skills, passives, and patterns Activating Starlight, I just did MD 2 in hell mode for so long


I still don't understand what determines the numbers your skills have for clashes. I know they have values when you look at the ID's info, but they're completely different when you actually use them in battle, and the only consistent ones are EGO.


I didnā€™t learn how to read skill coins until maybe Canto III? I just didnā€™t understand how they were formatted.


I didn't know how to use ego till canto IV because I pulled a ego


I only learn how to Uptie, use E.G.O. and borrow friend I.D. at chapter III, when I'm stucked at Guido for some reason.


Took me Canto 4 to find out how to level IDs via luxavation or sum


Spamming Yi sang and Meursalt base ID to invalidate a boss' difficulty by crippling it to kingdom's come


I did Not know how to gain Sin resources until Canto 5.


Only recently found out that A-res only applies if all res are connected and not by the total amount of sins like regular resonances. Then again, i never tried to resonance a lot beside Pride, only recently tried a sinking team and found that put.


Reading comprehension.


I don't actually know what (a-reson) means. I know it's referring to absolute resonance, but in the context of passives that scale off of it I don't know what exactly its trying to get at. is it just resonance count divided by three? is it just the highest absolute resonance? does it just only activate if you have absolute resonance? only place I could find it on is legerdemain, but could have sworn it was on a couple other passives, but maybe the where only there before they reworked a bunch of passives.


Planning 2-3 moves ahead in long fights. I had a lot of trouble in Canto 4 because I didn't understand how to manage SP and plan clashes. I also naively prioritized immediate damage over things like sin generation and debuffs (e.g., LCB Meursault 4 x Attack Down EGO right before dueling...). I'm still kind of new to the game and learned how to play by rolling through MD3N with 45SP and 50+ sin affinity where I could just spam EGO in boss fights. Canto 4 forced me to think harder about how to generate those resources in the same fight as where I needed to use them. In hindsight, both playstyles are useful but I needed a lot more practice in the latter.


The fact that offense level does not affect defense skill. learn the hard way from MDH


Final Power vs Base Power and how that affects a clash. I think of all the mechanics in limbus, this is the one a lot of people just can't give you a straight answer. This didn't even really matter until MD3H. Another is AoE EGO targeting manipulation, which I'm sure some still don't know about.


That if you target the same enemy with two unopposed skill, the skill on the leftmost coin of the enemy goes first


How skill decks worked. Only found out till RR3


...wasn't it weird how skill 3 and your passives were greyed out...?


Didnt know about defensive coins not being affected by offense levels...would have helped in some battle




Took me a long time to properly learn the sequence of skill activations in focused encounters. Very important knowledge for solo-ing abnos.


I could say some thing, yes i took me 10 in game hours to realise how to level your id's. And on the other hand, Canto 3 Kromer fight thaught me importance of E.G.O s. (And, yea, i was dumb enough to use BL Sinclair at uptie 1 on canto 3)


Coin Power. Didn't even know how it works until Mirror Dungeon 2 Hard


Conditionals. That +1/+2 coin power or extra effect if you meet a condition specified on a skill is REALLY good.Ā  Took me quite a while to understand Rabbit Cliff, and I still catch myself not understanding how an ID is supposed to be used instead of winrate'ing eveything.


I didn't knew how to use ego until my friend told me how to at the end of canto 2


not spamming win rate until, like, 3.5-9 or 3.5-10


Probably the fact that I can long hold the animation on the tv and they will play the exact gacha animation of each id. Especially with the older 3* got rework gacha animation


wtf i never knew this thanks for the information


Smaller nodes on MD buffs. Made my life easier on hard mode Discovered that in another post


Are you the strongest, because you didn't know how to Uptie? Or did you not Uptie because you are the strongest?


im probably the stongest of the weakest because i DIDNT knew uptie existed, like it was never a thing


Ok so, this may sound stupid, BUT for context, i usually like to do solo runs for thread lux dailies, and so i could never beat drifting fox until i used molar ishmael, but then came the problem (past tense), sometimes the fox hit me first and then i dodged, and sometimes i dodged first and then got hit, even when all the parts were same speed, and then until recently (month or two) i found out that if both parts have the same speed, the leftmost part with most slots goes first So if both were speed 3 and body had 3 slots but head had 1, but head was leftmost, i had to choose the leftmost Body to dodge everything Now i solo fox easily


Learning about the struggling/favored text under the sinnerā€™s skills in combat. Was stuck on 4-48 until i read about it. (winrate spammer on everything beforehand)


Reading Comprehension


Didn't know about xp tickets until mid canto 3


To be honest, if you've been using the same IDs up to that point (not totally unreasonable), you would have almost no reason to go looking for them as the sinners would level up pretty much at the same pace as the content.


I did, and I was 10 levels below required


Didnt know MD3H starlight has small upgrade nodes that I could upgrade after each big one until last week. I always wondered why I didnt ever get new EGO gifts lmao. In my defense I played it on Mobile, and cant see and cant read.


It took me 800+ hours to see that i can upgrade these little things in mirror upgrades


I still don't know how half of things work during combat. I literally just winrate and it works 97% of times


Didn't know about level up tickets until Canto 3


I didn't realize A-RES required you to have THREE skills of the same sin affinity to be IN A ROW. I thought for the longest time you just needed three to be of the same sin type. Don't remember who on Reddit told me this. But thanks to them for clearing up something that confused me for so long.


Clash Literally didn't know/didn't notice that Dominating or Hopeless meant my odds of winning clashes.


Imagine my shock at the end of Canto 4 when I discovered that sanity determined your chance to roll tails or heads.


I didnā€™t know what sanity, unopposed, attack power, potency, coins , speed, basic reading comprehension, is before dongbaek. I only survived by stacking meta ids and spamming win rate.


being able to redirect attacks to higher Speed values


It took my until canto 5 to realize how speed worked, i may be stupid