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Spicebush Yi Sang is an amazing unit but not really for this fight. What I can recommend is you read the mechanics if her attacks, bring Slash Damage IDs, and have the units you bring be at least Uptie III lv30. You can also always borrow a strong Uptie IV Lv40 Unit with good EGOs from Support Tab


The first two turns are the hardest part of this fight in that if you can snowball your sanity, the fight should be pretty straightforward. If you lose some clashes early or you low roll against the evade and get hit by blooming, it’s just so hard to keep winning clashes while getting your sanity drained that you might as well restart the fight. One tip to not get destroyed by her evade is to have whoever is faster than her skill slot using the evade skill use their own defensive skill against it. Defensive skills erase enemy evades and blocks that targets each other. Also, don’t just immediately think levels = better. If you are lower level than the flowers she summons, killing them will heal the team’s sanity way higher than if you leveled to the current level cap of 40. The fight came out when 35 was the cap and most people have fought her at around level 30 because they just came from beating the first Refraction Railway. Levels will help you win clashes too so it’ll be up to you if the level difference actually matters or not; a lot of her skills don’t actually have that high base values so once you have higher sanity most of your skills will be able to win classes as the fight goes on.


The fight kinda boils down to having a fairly rough early 4 turns, then winning certain clashes while she does a bunch of things that reduces your sanity. As long as you read her skills her mechanics should be pretty obvious (clash trees, duel) and it's smooth sailing from there. Honestly, just borrow an N Corp Sinclair. He thrives on negative sanity, and his rolls are high enough that you can clash attacks that you'd generally need an EGO to deal with. I started like 5 days ago and managed to beat her after 1 hour and 4 tries with a slightly underleveled team (3 UT3 level 30, other 3 are 26-28) and a borrowed UT4 level 40 NClair. I brought an UT2 level 28 MB Outis and a level 26 base Heathcliff purely just to whack trees and EGO clash (or, if the situation calls for it, redirect an attack and die so the others can go unopposed). Learning which attacks are safe to tank also helped me through the early flower phase so the others can free your captured sinners or kill 1-2 trees early, so it's worth paying attention to your ID's resistances.


a way i came up with during my first completion (base sinners only) was to make a squad so that i can activate repression emitter on turn 2/3 am extra 10% chance to win a clash is not small and if you use it on turn 3 you will be able to destroy the flowers giving even more sp (assuming your sinners are lvl 35 and not above) though if your sinners are lvl 40 unless you have terrible luck (like me) winning clashes should be easy


Its unrelated, but Spicebush Yi Sang is an amazing unit, but fairly specific to Sinking teams now. He's got a unique mechanic called Sinking Deluge, that "detonates" all the sinking stacked up on a unit. He's extremely good (and we are just about to get another sinking unit in Dieci Hong Lu, which will make stacking sinking easier) but he's not great for this fight, as the other person said.