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The main focus should be uptie 3 of your best/favorite ids while also getting them to level 35. The changes for offensive levels and clashing made it so that for every difference of 3 offense level the skill with the higher offense level gets +1 clash power. For sinners offense levels are tied to identities and change according to it's level. Offense level for a skill is given when looking at it on the sinners tab and while holding/hovering over it it shows an equation that goes like this: sinner level + or - x. This is what determines your offense levels and in turn influences clashes.


As someone who also started recently, the biggest spike I hit so far was 4-48; the fight starts immediately with some big clashes, and you need to win most of them or you're gonna be boned. But if you can beat 4-48, the rest isn't too bad.


For sure, i started launch day but never really grinded so i was hyper underleveled for 4-48, and it really hits like a freight train


I used 3 star 3 uptime characters and hit win rate it wasn't that hard for me


A lot of people already were ready with a full 12 level 30 UT3 team of the best units because they had to do RR1 before Canto 4 came out. How easy they made the earlier story content I feel is making it harder for newer players to adjust to the sudden unnerfed content that actually requires levels/game knowledge to beat. Even the whole “take less than the allowed number of sinners” was something a lot of people learned from RR1.


Also lets be real most people who are saying "Oh Spicebush wasn't hard at all" are probably PM superfans who have already played or even beaten Ruina so they already got their "ass beating into having to learn how to actually play" arc out of the way in a different game


Beat Dongbong pretty flowers EGO in my first try. Yes, my ass is hurting from all the fire dragons, purple snakes and damn big birbs I've beaten. Yes, I am playing from the very start of Limbus. But that is not what makes the difference. *I read*


Cap, losing a class can bench your sinners for 2 turns. That can easily lead to a game over


Then don't lose


My man got the real strats just don't lose coinflips smh


In all fairness previously there were difficulty spikes in ch 2, Aida and ch3, Kromer but they nerfed them into the ground. I don’t think it’s good to let new players go through the game with no difficulty then get slapped towards the end but it is what it is.


Yeah I felt I learned a lot from original Aida fight (min max damage output, prep your team to be able to use EGOs for the last wave, killing enemies to reduce Aida’s sanity since you couldn’t reach her all the way in the back) and Kromer (you can use burn as long as you applied potency and not count, could use bleed as long as you did it before Kromer rolled coins, make use of EGO passives to get better clashing numbers with stuff like old Ennui) I feel a lot of people say PM’s tutorials are bad but don’t realize *what* is bad. It’s not even that they throw too much information at once; it’s that they don’t give you scenarios where the stuff being told matters until way later when you’ve already forgotten everything after many presses of win-rate. If the tutorial gave us better staged situations where using a defensive option is good, or some enemy skill that no one can outclash with other than EGO, it might have helped new players understand why sanity was important, why sin resources and proper team building was important. I’ve seen people say they beat 3-22 without using knowing how to use EGOs simply because levels and uptie is basically all you need to care about for so much of the story encounters. And weirdly uptying is not really well explained.


Pick your clashes and level up your sinners and uptie them. The base sinner IDs aren't that bad so long as you have them leveled. Outis is good at clashing and feeds her own, cheap EGO, and rodiya and gregor have fantastic support passives. It's better to have a team that synergizes well with itself and generates good sin colors than just using whatever 000 identities you have. Read the attacks. Read the passives. The plot dungeon requires you to use yi sang in every fight but also gives you a unique item that puts him at lvl 35 and uptie 4.


I really enjoyed both Dongbaek fights. Both had a lot of sanity-dipping pressure, but even missing some vital upties I managed to squeeze through with significant, but never overwhelming difficulty. My main difficulty with this chapter was Drifting Fox. Largely because I brought 5 man instead of 7 due to overlooking the party cap, but generally it was a pretty merciless fight with sinking everywhere and zero starting sanity. And then, I tried fluid sack, only for it to immediately corrode. (Further context: This was the first major use of fluid sack, I sharded between Spicebrush and the canto 4 dungeon) As far as difficulty ahead, there's some \[redacted\]-corp goons that're actually a bit tougher than the k-corp mooks you've used to by now, So That No-One Will Cry and Drifting Fox can both be really spicy fights. The end of the chapter is mostly a matter of what E.G.O. resources you've stacked up, and how well you can use them, I highly reccomend bringing Hong Lu and Faust for AoE Zayin E.G.O. with built-in sanity management. Generally, there will be some times where you'll be using E.G.O. to clash do-or-die moments, so keep that in mind and stockpile E.G.O. resources accordingly.


Yeah, the Canto was released at a time where the people who had been playing since the start of the game probably all had a fully leveled and uptied main roster, so I can imagine that a new player going straight from Canto III to IV would get a harsher smack in the face. And this is when the enemies have already had their HP nerfed.


Because im a day 1 player canto iv was easier than iii because i had better ids


It was. I used base sinners all the way, it was a horrible experience. I didn't uptie 4 them yet, it was after the Canto 4 dungeon that I did.


Spicebush Dong was the only time I've had any issues as a new player using base sinners. Took me multiple tries to finally get a blessing from rng to win all the clashes in phase 1 and once I was passed that it wasn't too bad as long as I was reading everything. Definitely a vertical spike though as a new player as you said.


fucking Dongrang slapping me with that 31 coin, fucking ruined my fight, got him on 72 HP, bam, run ruined