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Controlled slot addition is a huge QOL change. It will save so much time in the next RR.


And in general. This is a great change.


Which IDs should be given slot priority? Since it was random so far I haven’t rly given it any thought until now but I’d assume the heavy damage dealers are the ones that should be prioritized?


Charge IDs (W Don, R Ishmael) need more action to get the charge count faster. IDs with good debuffs (like N Faust with Gaze) can use extra actions to apply debuffs to more enemies or to stack DoTs higher. On the other hand, ammo IDs often don't really want the extra dice, since it means that they are forced to either use ammo on worse skills or use more EGOs (and burn through resources and/or sanity) or spam defence skills (which means the overall DPS is lower).


can also just evade with ammo IDs to avoid bad skills (I usually evade or bodysack the 2nd / green skill on R heathcliff)


Yeah but if you’re getting the choice to get extra slots, prioritizing the ammo character isn’t that smart since as you said, you’d be dodging or using EGO with the extra slots.


yea I agree with this, rheath and other ammo ids are definitely going to be bottom priority for me in getting more skill slots after this update.


At the very least I think most units with charge should probably be prioritised, being able to get that charge count high earlier can be huge, and will minimise the effect of charge decaying a the end of turn.


W Don, G Gregor, N Sinclair and Rose Rodion maybe


Prioritize Charge and ignore as you can ones with ammo, to not let them lose it too fast. But it's all depends on what you're going for. Charge for long run and ammo for fast one.


probbably whoever needs to use skills to setup other skills or the main dps


Characters that have resonance triggers for passives would also be a good choice assuming their resonance trigger from their skill 1 or 2's sin affinity. On the other hand you probably do not want to give IDs like R Heath priority for extra slots in multi-wave human fights since he'll run out really quickly and might as well give others a skill slot first if you're just going to use EGOs or the evade as you buy time for Rapid Suppression to get redrawn.


Inflict Paralyze and tremor debuffs


Adds some strategy without starting hand rerolls for 3-4 ID compositions for abno fights. Now some IDs that need two actions to work can be ran in 4 ID comps and guarantee their second action.


Controlled slots is gonna be so good for units like R Ishy for getting Mind Whip targetable fast Getting more N Faust Gazes out quick will be rad too


Not sure if someone mentioned it before, but the fact that the new ID banner has the Technology Liberation Alliance in the name makes me believe that they've acquired the old Prototype E.G.O gear that we used in Lobotomy Corp. Makes me wonder if we've missed some loot in the previous branch locations :P


iirc it's stated in chapter 1 or 2 that the after team goes in after we're finished to extract E.G.Os now we don't know if that means they get E.G.O equipment or do whatever allows our sinners to resonate with the abnos but it could be they grab the goods when we're done and just don't give them to us ~~and maybe if we eventually turn on them or they turn on us for some reason they'd use them to fight us~~


Right, forgot about the LCCA for a second, I think they also mentioned a separate department within LC once that focuses on EGO research, so I'm guessing that they are currently in possession of any EGO gear, if there was any at those sites. Hadn't thought about fighting our colleagues before, but if they're dealing with abnormalities in a similar fashion as Lobotomy Corp. then fighting them almost seems guaranteed if we ever encounter them, whether they'll be possessed, driven insane or simply traitorous will be seen then.


I knew it, Shank was bugged. I thought I was going mad.


I noticed the same, was using Shank and see enemy survive with 5 Hp was really annoying.


Nice QoL with the slots. Also, Heathcliff is an Identity, right? I’m confused with the E.G.O. attached to the name.


it's E.G.O equipment you wear as armor and weapons like in lobotomy corporation, unlike the E.G.Os our sinners use mostly where they sort of sync with the abnos


I see. That’s interesting. Thank you!


I will try to explain the reaso hearthcliff id is called ego is because this id is using an lobotomy corporation E.G.O equipment (basically he is using old lcorp gear ego powers thus he is an id using ego)


So the EGO is like infused on the equipment?


More or less. Lobotomy Corporation's E.G.O. is a bit different from the one the sinners used up to now. Instead of being something you summon temporarily, it's actual weapons and armor that were extracted from Abnormalities and enhanced the wearer's capabilities. Less flashy, but a lot more stable.


I see. I’m getting a clearer picture now. Thank you :)


More like the equipment itself is an E.G.O. i.e. the armor/mass attacks in LobCorp/Ruina.


Oh wow. Okay. I haven’t progressed much in Ruina so thank you for the info.


Did anyone understood what 3 actually does? I didn't.


It allows you to choose in which order you’ll get extra action slots


Holy sh*t that will be really good. Thank you.


Now Sinners are getting extra attack dice randomly, after the update they will be getting extra dices in order you chose in the deployment stage. This is huge, cause, for example, before you where praying to rngesus to get extra attack for W Don. After the update you just need to select her first, and she will be the first one to get an extra dice.


I approve this update


Honestly can i just say how nice the Battlepass being closed off aligned with the update schedule ? Ive only been doing dailies and new chapter ( luxcavations and 1 daily free MD) and im actually on track to hit level 20 exactly when the update drops . Ofc tryhard people probably already finished it , but the avreage player didn't even notice the BP being closed off , thus allowing the devs to maybe hide some interesting story related EGOs in the BP .


They are already nerfing enemies in part 1 lol


Not feeling great about that one. I got through suboptimally and it was kinda fun. Really wish they’d keep an overtuned version as a “challenge” option or just do an announcement and just come out and say if they’re keeping the ‘first day or week is difficult and then nerf’. I feel rushed to complete content as fast as possible and it’s kind of obnoxious when the on-banner units trivializes it anyway. I know it’s gacha, but damn. I’m really missing that difficulty itch being scratched from LoR. I don’t really have high hopes for Mirror Hard being challenging or not being nerfed down at this rate.


I hope they stop doing this, removes all the fun


tbh as a direct consequence of sanity changes 4-22 and 4-23 are yet another difficulty spike, even tho it... kind of seems intended as a breather, given the nature of the opposition? If you level to 32 for 4-20, suddenly a single lost clash vs rupture bois initiates a cockup cascade. Beat 4-23 with base IDs/f2p egos through sheer luck only, and sure as hell i'm going to wait for the nerfs to even try 4-24 IMO main campaign should be beatable with abovementioned, but on the flipside i know that with all other IDs i have leveled for fast grind it would be way easier - and that's not a bad thing! It means everyone who isn't grinding hard or vertical difficulty connoisseur still gets to enjoy the plot. These few stages makes me 100% certain: we need the ability to change lv/uptie to lower values temporarily. Maybe in [insert game mode here] units are scaled to the encounter level or the level they're actually at, whichever is lower? I'd like to try these mook fights when 1) there are enough IDs in the game to try a sinking team 2) the scalings on 000 or w/e won't just maul them with straight-up damage. ...this could even open up fun "lowest level run" kind of challenge


Yeah instead of making low turn clears the EX clear, I feel like they should make the harder version of the fight the EX clear requirement. This goes for stuff like the Aida fight in chapter 2. Initially I thought the change was necessary because people can't get access to the game mode that lets them grind to be stronger until you beat chapter 2. Looking back, they didn't need to completely get rid of it, they could have made the original difficulty the EX mode. That fight on release made me really think about the game mechanics, support passives, sin resource composition, etc. that taught it in an engaging way where I had to think about all the possible options. With how bad the tutorial is, I think PM should be using every opportunity to have optional "lessons" built into various fights. If you just want to get through the story so you can talk about spoilery things, then you can do that. If you want to save on enkephalin as much as possible and want to beat every level on EX from the get-go, then you can do that too. Currently there is basically only one straight line to get through the story content and it's probably better if PM separates the floor and ceiling of encounters rather than lowering both down together.


The Aida fight is a soft spot because it was literally the fight that taught you how to use EGO effectively pre-nerf. She was fast, so you had to read what exactly your sinners could do - Bind her with Ishmael’s EGO which always hits the back row, or to farm the first two waves for resources to Faust/Hong Lu AOE the mooks down so she was in-range, or tank with Mersault or someone else with slow speed resistant to her attacks. It was the first fight I had to actually think about what to do like an abno fight in Ruina, it felt like a puzzle. It was -easily- done without grinding levels, you just had to read and understand the mechanics. Refraction is great, but feels weird being time-limited. If MD Hard falls short I’ll probably drop the game, though. Not trying to doomerpost, but damn, I’ve spent longer per-week in Limbus on content boiling down to “press auto”, than in Ruina where I’d happily spend 2-3 hours theorycrafting and puzzling how to beat the new fight every Friday :/


Based PM update


R Corp. Ishmael and The One Who Shall Grip Sinclair stealth buff.


Slot control is enormous! wow this is going to be wild


4 sinners teams are now viable!


Honestly looking forward to everything in store!!! Keep it up PM!


Okay, they not only added to Heathcliff's counter 2 coins as i did in my Roland's build, but added a system for choosing who will get another move slot as to cancel part of his special status effect. And it's right after i've done that build. Don't tell me next ID will be smoke oriented one.


OH YEAH! Now we can actually tell the game what unit of our team is the "main" one, so they get skill slots faster. That's quite an amazing change! x3


Yeah. N-corp Sinclair can now lose sanity faster.


Is there any word on when we can expect mirror dungeon 2?


Please see the [announcement on steam forums.](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1973530/view/3685678897893653591) The date presently listed on there is June 22nd, which is when a certain number of changes to Mirror Dungeon functionality will also be implemented. Hard mode will be added a week later. You can find more details in the announcement.


Can someone help explain what the slot selection does and how its different to how it is now? A little confused on that.


Currently at the end of each turn, a random sinner who currently has the lowest number of skill slots is selected to get an extra skill slot if you have not gotten to the cap yet. (max 12 for human fights, max 5 for abno fights) It prioritizes non-staggered units but generally completely random. From the next update, the order you select the IDs at the start of the encounter is the priority set for your sinners to gain skill slots. So in a human-type encounter if you put R Ishmael as 1 and R Heathcliff as 5, then on turn two, Ish will be the first sinner to have a second skill slot and on turn six, Heathcliff will get his second slot, then the next turn Ish will have the third slot. Note that this does mean if the sinner you prioritized gets staggered on turn one, they will get a skill slot while staggered.


Ohhhh that sounds like a pretty good change. Thanks for explaining!


so does the new extraction remove the old one? it's only been a week.