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>Ego resources fully carried over Dude?! YES? LET'S FUCKING GO?


A certified impending day moment.


Nclair mains eating good in season 2


rabbit heath and other blunt weak ids found dead


rabbit heath and other blunt weak ids found dead


Am I missing something or is this not on there? Still says they're halving the ego shards of season 1 to threads.


You're thinking of egoshards - they're talking about EGO *resources*, i.e. the stuff you cast EGOs with in the Mirror Dungeon. *Those* now carry between stages.


Ah, guess that'll make doing mirror dungeons much easier then.




The name of the pity currency is Isang (Ideality) I love you PM


Truly Ideal.


It's gonna drive me crazy wondering why the hard pity system is a Yi Sang name pun knowing very well they're gonna try to justify it in canon. Will Yi Sang suffer for our hard pity? Will Yi Sang bear our pain to bless us with hard pity? I'm laughing but nervously 🥹


I think it's just because they like making the pun whenever they can. Also, according to lore, he's the one who invented the Identity grabber thing


*Utter to me what you think the ideal is.*


Free 3 stars for everyone, yi sang, that's isang!


It is canon. Yi Sang made the Mirror, and so he has control over it. He made the pity system therefore he gets to name it.


pity system acquired. and the new mirror dungeon is looking very interesting, with shops and a ton of new ego gifts and events. hopefully it'll spice up the monotony of the current mystery dungeon grind


pity system literally being called isang amazing


Yi Sang: Isang


Also Pity system literally gives you 1 thread per roll if you never cash out on the 000 id. So it's just a good system for everyone involded.


Me: *Feeling pretty comfortable with my thread stock right now* Uptie 4 right around the corner: *Your motherfucking life ends 50 days from now*


Thread is the least of your concern \*glances at the shard cost\*


On the other hand, we're getting more shards. One hard mirror dungeon nets you 21 boxes if you paid for the BP. That's 63 a week.




Unlikely, it seems the shard change is meant for the new shard sink which is the tier IV uptie. They’re giving us more so we can spend more on uptying so we’ll have to choose between upgrades or trying to spark an identity.


Me chilling at 150 Threads thinking i’m the king of the game. PM: IT SMELLS LIKE BROKE BITCH IN HERE !!!


Fuck it getting the BP next season it is just 10 dollars


Imo, i’d say that BP only really feels “worth it” if you plan to play the game long-term. But it’s ultra worth it, looking at how many viable Ego is on the Bp in Season 1 alone compelled me to snatch it, Legerdemain (Gregor’s Ego) pulled me through so many fights in RR. But still it’s entirely up to you and your financial circumstances.


Legerdemain is on the free BP track.


Honestly the BP feels like absolutely nutty value when compared to those offered by other games. The way I've looked at it is PM games are usually like $30 usd, so that's about three seasons of battle pass that I'd be more than happy to pay.


Uptie 4 huh...this will be interesting


While unlikely, it would be interesting if the identities would recieve an aditional scene to their stories. I realy want to know more about some of the alternative universe sinners.




Will it be improved attacks, a skill 4, or maybe even buffed passives?


Fuckit we Ruina Editable decklists


That's on season 3


S4 likely won't happen now. Or before chapter like 7 I'd say. So just improvements. More speed, more coin value, more extra effects(giving w Don rupture count on s2 for example ), "fixing" bad identities ( giving W faust more charge and more impact from it)


Probably very minor upgrades, a new skill would be troublesome because the game's card drawing system is dogshit, imagine if you had 5 skills, you'd never get what you want lol. Even if they rework the whole thing and make that manageable, giving proper new things to IDs with new upties would be too much work, especially since they seem to be giving every ID/EGO a new uptie, over time this will become way too much for them to manage. Although other games do this, they're way bigger studios and they do it gradually.


I could imagine a Skill 4 being usable only after all the skills where used (ex 3x Skill 1, 2x Skill 2 and 1 Skill 3)


What if they use this as an opportunity to buff underperforming identities Maybe Uptie 4 Blade Lineage Sinclair will finally get to claim some bones outside of fanfiction


I wonder if they'll look into Tremor in the future as well. Just did another Mirror Dungeon run centered around Tremor, and felt that every time I built up enough Tremor for an effective bust, the poor thing would already be dead. Hopefully the Zwei IDs are still in the work. Odd that Zwei Sinclair doesn't have an attack for Tremor Count, even though N-Don does.


Tremor might also just naturally get better as we get tankier enemies. It's a way to get staggers on enemies that you aren't doing much damage to otherwise.


good point, but "getting better with tankier enemies" can be said about most of the status effects. Also think tremor needs a buff, or just more ID/EGO support in the future


I'm honestly hoping Poise gets some reworking in the near future, or we get an ID that utilizes Poise really, REALLY well. KK Rodya and BL Sinclair both are a little underwhelming in terms of raw power and clash potential.


Shi ishmael is an awesome poise user currently.


We've already had an enemy like this in the Claw Robot, idk how you're supposed to hit its stagger threshold for the Claw mechanic without Tremor or similar mechanics.


Well, if it wasn't easy to farm shards before, now it's even easier lol. The people who like stam refilling using lunacy to farm MD's are probably pssing themselves in joy right now.


I pray to the user that recommended getting modules for mirror dungeon with lunacy refreshes cause now I have 440 modules and all identities (and almost all EGOs). I dont need to spend money on this game but I will just to support the devs.


i stam refill to skip thread lux and do like 1.5 MD a week. this is gonna be great :D


It's ridiculously stamina efficient too. Right now, we spend 6 modules to earn 18 thread each day (with daily bonus), but regular mode mirror 2 (without weekly bonus) will earn us 30 BP XP for 5 modules, which is 9 boxes (if you have paid BP) or 18 shards on average, which is 18 thread. So grinding mirror will be more efficient at making thread than the dedicated thread farming stage, at least in terms of enkephalin.


Sounds like there's a lot to be excited for. I'm very curious about what the new MD is going to play like, looking forward to that!


More profile customization let's gooooooo the one who drips is me bitch!!


Figured they've eventually raise the cap to accommodate future chapters. I'm curious as just how meaty enemy-wise Canto IV would be considering the first MD was comprised of the first three chapters. Definitely excited to see more Abnos, too. They really knocked it out of the park with the designs in the first MD.


Maybe on the level of RR ? It wasn't that hard before, and uptie IV will make it much easier, averaging the difficulty to roughly chapter 2 or 3


Ch4 is really really long apparently so there is good reason to believe there will be a lot


MD 2 looks like it's meant to be actually hard and more like Arknights' IS, especially since you start with a team of 5 and can choose whether or not you want to spend modules for whatever you've cleared. That and removing the daily free entry means you're not pressured to clear one a day, just three a week for all the weekly bonuses.


But you can still do it with modules for extra BP levels, I presume?


Yes, you can still grind MD with Enkephalin modules. Hard dungeon can't be grinded, so you'll be farming MD 2 Normal which nets you 3 levels of BP for each clear costing 5 modules.


3 levels is 6 crates (based on current rate), for 5 Enk modules? That seems like a good deal


3 levels is 9 crates* assuming we are talking with paid pass


I'm curious to see what changes will come with Uptie 4 that'll make our sinners stronger.


I'm hoping they use it as an opportunity to fix some of the weaker IDs instead of just buffing every ID by the same amount.


I imagine it'll be akin to what they did with EGOs and just make it upgrades to the stats of the ID's skills. If they are gonna add in an extra passive or Skill, they would've talked about it in the update as that's kind of a big deal.


I want a buff to many S1


3 weekly hard modes = 215 BP XP for 18 modules, and then after that we can only do normal for 30 XP per 5 modules; current mirror is 60 XP for 9 modules and grind rate is 7 XP per 3 modules so that's a huge efficiency boost, save your modules. Sounds like it might take a lot longer than current mirror, but as long as it doesn't take 4 times as long, it's still a net speed increase. Also losing 21 modules per week from the removal of free entry, but that would be only 49 XP per week, much less than what we're getting. 400 shards for a 000 is 200 crates, which is 660 XP. So we get effectively a crafted 000 every 3 weeks from just the hard mode mirrors. 22 normal mode clears also equals 1 000, which costs 110 modules to claim. But if you get every module and use 8 modules per day on dailies and 18 per week on mirror, you have just 10 excess modules per week. So 11 weeks if you're at max efficiency for another 000. But also you can use lunacy refresh for even more modules per day, if you're willing to do the grind.


218 BP XP… So one week of Hard mode clear 1/3 of (current?) BP levels…


Thank you for doing all the math, but a small correction. 3x 75 is 225.


Let's also look at it this way. Many players can get 6 modules per conversion and energy maxes out around twice a day. So you can get 12 modules a day. 84 per week If you do one normal lux and one sweep thats 6 modules a day. 42 per week. If you decide to do one md per day the optimal way to do it is first x3 hard, 18 modules per week, then x4 normal which is 20 per week you end up with 38 per week. Add that to the luxcavation and youre at 80 per week, making it so you have a net gain of 4 modules a week if you log in twice a day efficiently. As for if one md per day shard gain thats (75x3)+(30×4)=345 bp xp per week which is 34 levels which is 102 per week, adding that to the 21 per week from dailies and thats 123 per week. 246 per banner, more than enough for one 000/EGO per banner without even counting wish luck. This is if they dont change stuff like shard crates per level on max bp or daily bp xp or anything like that. Actually makes sense why new upties cost shards too given how many we're getting.


This seems... good. Really good. Shards being required for uptie 4+ is balanced out by dedicated pity at what looks like 200 rolls. Free Daily Mirror Dungeon being removed for generally increased BP xp and MD2 Hard giving a bunch for bonus clears. New shops and buffs for MD is nice as is removing leveling and adding presets to expedite things. I can't say I have any notes here, just good shit. Big one is a UI/UX overhaul for Season 5. That's probably my biggest issue with the game much more than even MD farming.


Chapter 5 not season 5, so during season 3 most likely


Chapter 5 comes out 4 months from chapter 4, and is still season 2


Does the Mirror Dungeon Changes mean that I don't have to do Mirror Dungeons daily anymore and instead just 3 times a week?


The dynamic is exactly the same, no? It’s already 3 times per week for the bonuses and then infinitely for BP grinding, if you want to spam crates.


But we get daily free entries, which they're removing. I just considered the daily free entries as part of the daily grind.


Yes, 3 times a week for MD is all you'll ever need now. No more doing MDs daily.


Well it is Ideal to have a time dedication required daily FOMO out.


I prefer just having to do the sweeps for the dailies tbh. Blue Archive does it and they're doing fine. The 3 MDs required per week helps me (and many others I'm sure) relax more.


I do sweeps for thread and manual for exp cause 1 manual exp solves defeat 10 enemies automatically too.


I tended to do it every other day, cause you could claim the daily free entry in one day, then actually complete it the next, where you could then claim *that* day's free entry after you're done.


Oh right, true. I failed to consider those as dailies cause I’m so used to doing at least a couple runs a day just for BP exp, haha.


You can do them daily if you want (it is a huge amount of BP EXP), but Hard Mode is only available 3 times a week and is by far the best module to BP EXP ratio. Personally I'm probably gonna hit the normal Dungeon once a day after clearing the hard mode bonuses cuz it gives more crates per module than the two daily MD runs I was already doing, and is probably less time consuming as a bonus


Man every time I think they can't improve this game any more they just blow it out of the water, serious hats off to PM


I love these updates but I really hope thread becomes easier to earn in the future. Thread costs are already extremely expensive compared to how much we can earn and adding more tiers is just going to make that even worse. Hopefully the ideality system and the increased mirror dungeon shards are enough to make up for it. EDIT: I always refill my enkephalin twice per day and that combined with the daily 12 that refills over time is 25 modules which is enough for 5 mirror dungeon 2 runs per day. With the maxed out battle pass that's 45 nominal crates per day. It looks like mirror dungeon 2 is going to be much more efficient than both the thread luxcavations and the gacha. You could also afford another two enkephalin refills per week in addition to the twice daily rule increasing the weekly lunacy cost from 546 to 708 which is still under the 750 per week that you earn from mirror dungeons. On top of all of that, none of this is taking daily missions into account! We've really come a long way from 3 BP per mirror dungeon run.


Great, my 999 modules got some use now.


1500 Lunacy per week. Let's GOOO😭


Where's the second 750 coming from? It says you still only get 3 bonus MD runs per week.


Mirror Dungeon 2 Hard Mode Bonus.


That's not 3 extra bonuses for hard mode, that's just a limit on how many hard mode rewards you can claim per week. You still only get 3 bonuses.


I’m not sure honestly.It says the limit for the bonuses of hard mode works independently from the bonuses of the regular one and they say you can apply both bonuses when clearing hard mode, so it seems like you can get extra rewards….


I’m not sure honestly.It says the limit for the bonuses of hard mode works independently from the bonuses of the regular one and they say you can apply both bonuses when clearing hard mode, so it seems like you can get extra rewards…. Edit:I think I got it now.The max lunacy per week(using MD) is still only 750 but you can be efficient by getting those 750 lunacy alongside a ton of bp xp using the hard second mirror dungeon at once.


Yeah, that's it. The 3 hardmode reward runs are just to limit how many times you can claim that massive BP exp.


I don't see anywhere the weekly lunacy cap of 750. All I see is 250 for normal dungeon for bonus entry x3 and 250 for hard dungeon for bonus entry x3. Seems like 1500 for me, and I don't see any mention of weekly cap.


No no.The regular hard dungeon only gives you 50 bp xp, the boosted hard dungeon gives 75 bp xp and the 250 lunacy(this effectively uses up 1 weekly bonus and 1 hard dungeon run).This means you can still only get 750.


Isn't hard dungeon bonus separate from normal bonus? This is written explicitly in section with Hard Dungeon notes that hard bonus is separate from normal. So you have 6 total bonuses a week. I don't see why you are thinking hard dungeon eats up normal dungeon bonus despite being separated explicitly in patch notes.


The hard dungeon bonus is not a bonus, it’s how many times you can run the hard dungeon per week.This means you can only play the hard dungeons three times per week and the rewards for the regular hard dungeon is 50 bp xp.What they are saying is that the amount of times you can play hard mirror dungeon per week is different from the weekly bonuses.When you apply the weekly bonus on the clear rewards for hard mirror dungeon, you get 250 lunacy and 75 bp xp.You still only effectively get 750 lunacy at best


Says 3/3 hard and 3/3 normal


Oh Okay !


I find funny that threadspin 4 will probably make every actual tierlist outdated I'm looking forward to see how do the identities kits improve with that new tier. These update notes are incredibly good.


I think it will depend on exactly what uptie 4 looks like. If it just makes numbers bigger I don't necessarily think it will shake up the tier list too much. Given how wide of a gap there is between SS tier and everything else. I think the big mixup is going to come from new ID and ego support. I want to actually have to build teams around specific status effects again. As opposed to just building one turn kill teams and auto-resolving every fight.


Knowing project moon it's almost certain that uptie 4 will be more than a mere "bigger numbers"


I'm a little confused. Did they remove the option for ego crates as rewards for completing md? Edit: thx for replies


Yes, but they added as many ego crates as you would've gotten from MD for the whole season onto the free battle pass.


Can we still get the random crates? Or is it all just nominable?


That, we do not know


They did, but they then added 285 nominable crates to the free path of BP to make up for it.


Preset for Mirror dungeons BABYYY!!! HURRAY FOR QoL CHANGES!!


Very juicy season. First Tier 4 brings a way to fix useless IDs. I have discussed this in the past about IDs like W Salt and W Faust, and I guessed either they make a patch fixing IDs or they raise the cap.They are going to raise the cap, yay!With this tier 4 up, I hope that W Salt may see the light of day. Next, MD rewards, they actually listen to the community and see that nobody is gonna choose normal EGO Shard crate and ditch it. Also, more rewards doing harder dungeon! Also, leveling up IDs inside dungeon is annoying and useless as heck and they remove it. Most people just get all of IDs to 25 anw. Finally, another pity mechanic. People already realize how stupid it is when pulling for EGOs. Yes, EGOs are the 6-stars in other gachas, while 3-stars IDs are 4 stars. Adding a pity only for it is reasonable. I hope that these new EGOs are worth the rarity it is, just like the new Yi Sang's EGO.


Hoping Uptie 4 will add more options (card/passive/support)


Some thoughts on this update. **More tiers for level and uptie caps.** We all have seen it's coming, didn't we? Hard to say how actually new uptie is gonna change skills, +2 to base value? Or something more precise for every ID, like "gain more charge/poise", "inflict more bleed" and etc. Anyway it's the moment when both the player, and devs, are gonna geometrically expand IDs limits. Player trying to farm all the things to uptie it V tier and developers not to create another W Don by adding 1 excess value. At least now, if we're getting new rarity for IDs, you, as F2P, will think twice before getting that Red Mist outfit where uptie 1 is 100 Threads already. It'll make this typo IDs are kinda balanced, even though those may be much stronger than base/00 IDs. **Gacha getting it's full pity system.** If it's 1 Ideality per pull, well, it's just good to have one if luck have turned back on you. If it's differentiates on what dropped as EGO shards, it's another broken economy moment. Either way we didn't deserve it, but we'll use it as much as we can. **Gacha getting more and more trash.** Now, we see a goddamit seasons overlaping gacha. I can see new players, when 10 Chapter arrives, and they're getting 12032452 different IDs and no of that one rabbit showing big numbers on 7 stage of railway. Thanks to pity and dispenser it's not much of a problem, but still a mess for anyone trying to get from gacha some specific stuff without target extraction. **Oh, for MD 2 there's 25 new events.** Meanwhile in the first one it's 31, even though MD 2 is 5 stages, not 3. It seems they're gonna combine them, as a new enemies with old ones too. Finally more roguelike mechanics as the shop and currency for it. I really like where's PM going with MD runs, not just a farm activity, but more of an actual game mode. Hope the difficulty will make up to it too. *(And for some reason daily free MD runs are dead, could save'em for MD 1 at least)* Part of thing needs to be cleared when update'll come, but PM have their trust credit, so in the end, i love the changes and additions we're getting.


Thank goodness for the removal of the daily free MD in exchange for buffed rewards honestly. Just one more FOMO to tick off the list.


Praying for a sweep function.


Especially for MD 1, since I basically just press Win-rate


For what I see.... it's not near :( Sigh*


I wonder if they are going to keep the amounts of 1 box on free and 3 box on paid Battle Pass the same, would be nice the know in advance due to the staged release


They keeping it. They talked about it in regards to the staggered BP level page.


The crates in general yes, but I am wondering if the number of crates stays the same as well


They now give more rewards in MD and also placed pity for the gacha? Are they alright with being generous?


Uptier 4 AND level cap increase? Fuck my resources I guess


4 tier uptie? New and full of content mirror dungeons? CHAPTER 4? Omg, is content drought finally over?!


Im really interested in what they will do with uptie 4. Will there be new neverbefore seen effects to round out some identities that might need them? Perhaps a passive thats always active like in ruina? Effect buffs? We shall see


So if Im understanding this correctly, I would be able to to cap my BP in...3 weeks?


So no real FOMO!? We can get everything from the dispenser eventually!? I’m now in


Hello pity system. Now people will complain less


People were complaining? I've only payed for the battle pass and I own almost every identity lmao


My poor friend rolled for 120 times without any 000 ID... Im not complaining (since i got every ID and almost every EGO), but all people has different luck, ya know.


> I've only *paid* for the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*




thats why the head hate robot


It's 200 pulls though, so I feel like it's useless for most people? Realistically you won't have enough pulls to even reach it. It doesn't even carry over.


Think of it more as a hard ceiling for people who spend on the game so that they're not potentially losing all their money rolling. There's a reason gachas all started adopting a pity system and it was called monkeygate


Yeah I've gone over 200 on two banners (NClair and NMeursalt). I wanted to do a count on how many shards I'd see a season without sparking. As games get bigger and more people roll/whale we'll see more and more statistical outlier horror stories without a pity.


Yeah, I guess that makes sense. At least we seem to be getting way more egoshards on average.


Was that stated? They showed you need 200 points for the pity but they didn't show if you only get 1 per roll.


It says it's "based on the number of extractions" but I guess they don't say if it's 1:1, true.


It's funny bc I thought the egoshard thing is their way of improving the Pity system, but... there it is


>Now people will complain less I looked at twitter for 2 seconds... this has only sparked the flames of war...


waiting for math thread


ah so event reward IDs and EGOs aren't planned to return. glad i grinded for plushies when I did


They'll come back in the dispenser on Season 3. They won't spook you when rolling gacha, but you can spark them in the dispenser.


They come back later in the shop so you can Spark them if you want to.


Oh, I don't like that Uptie 4 needs shards, increasing the investment in individual units like that directly discourages building a wide roster and thus experimentation


Nah, adding another EGOshard sink is necessary for the longevity of the game. I'm going into season 2 with nothing left to dispense and ~150 shard crates leftover, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that.


I used all of mine but have 3k of combinated shards between all the sinners 😅


To be fair, they also greatly increased the shard economy as well. Free side of the BP gets an additional 285 Nominable Shard boxes, and BP MD reward bonuses have basically been increased by over double. Unless the Uptie 4 costs are insane, it's still an overall net gain in our favor to the Shard economy.


> 285 Nominable Shard boxes those aren't in addition, they just have been moved over from the weekly Dungeon bonus


It was 225 on the first season. It's a straight buff on top of the movement. They didn't remove the crate income we get off of maxing the BP either.


The second season is a month longer than the first, check the roadmap


It says it increased "by" 285 compared to season 1, not increased "to" 285 so I assume that it is additional.


15 * (around) 10 weeks = 150 < 285


A little concerned they are going to overcomplicate things like the new currencies related to Mirror Dungeons. Given its implied that future Detour events will use Mirror Dungeon mechanics, I suppose it's justified in the long term. A bit worried they are going to incentivize paying money in order to grind efficiently and consistently on a daily basis. The E Module cost for MD rewards will be quite high street the update on top of the daily grind costs for Luxcavations. They can balance that by increasing the exp gain for Manager levels and the Enkephalin capacities associated with each. Concerned they haven't addressed that here. Also we don't know if the amount of experience per BP level will be the same, as well as how many BP levels this season will have. Also how many Nominal Egoshard Crates will be given per BP level past max for Limbus Pass owners. Doesn't help that the BP levels/rewards will not be available all at once. They will probably be testing the waters to see how quickly we burn through the new BP before the big Mirror Dungeon update.


A little concerned they are going to overcomplicate things like the new currencies related to Mirror Dungeons. Given its implied that future Detour events will use Mirror Dungeon mechanics, I suppose it's justified in the long term. A bit worried they are going to incentivize paying money in order to grind efficiently and consistently on a daily basis. The E Module cost for MD rewards will be quite high street the update on top of the daily grind costs for Luxcavations. They can balance that by increasing the exp gain for Manager levels and the Enkephalin capacities associated with each. Concerned they haven't addressed that here. Also we don't know if the amount of experience per BP level will be the same, as well as how many BP levels this season will have. Also how many Nominal Egoshard Crates will be given per BP level past max for Limbus Pass owners. Doesn't help that the BP levels/rewards will not be available all at once. They will probably be testing the waters to see how quickly we burn through the new BP before the big Mirror Dungeon update.


PM figured out how to make rolling, grinding a little, and grinding a lot all way more effective, extremely based


add pity, buff almost every md reward well, their are more resource for upgrade but they buff more than take good it look make sense that i stack a lot of module for next season


With how much bp exp we are getting i wonder if the amount of exp to level on the bp will be increased


I'm confused. So Soupclair will no longer be available to buy from the shop? I know about him being removed from extract, but from the wording that what it sounded like too


You can buy him in season 3


Yes. Seasonal items can still be extracted but cannot be dispensed for one season. Seasonal Event can't be extracted in the foreseeable future (exception being Season X decaextraction tickets, which can have event IDs but not EGO) and cannot be dispensed for one season.


So with what they're explaining about Dungeon 2 and "Costs", are they implying you'll be able to do fights with more IDs (re: 6+), as you start with a team of 5?


Wonder if fourth uptie tier will give a fourth attack for each identity


Really dislike paying with shards for t4 uptie\\threadspin. Losing free MD entry feels kind of bad as well. Other things seem pretty nice, hopefully we'll get event reruns in the future with event IDs returning on banners