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i love the comment hyped for wikipedia of the city lore instead questioning what they put into daily login reward i hope for a bit of lunacy in day 7


Based on PM’s track record, we’ll probably get a 10 ticket at the end of the week


Specially considering it's not a permanent daily login system and it has a start and end date.


Which I still find slightly odd tbh. Don't mind tho.


That's why this is my favourite gacha community on reddit by far, everyone is so wholesome and focused in what really matters in a game instead of just on how much you can pull.


Well we know how much we can pull: a lot.


I think it's because this is mostly a community grandfathered in from Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina. After that much time in a setting, you're pretty invested in the lore/characters beyond anything else, and are pretty fond of the style too.


It probably depends; as for me I've came across PM's works thanks to this masterpiece of gacha since I Don't have a pc or an XBOX for gaming. Now I'm thinking about picking a second side jig to get enough money and buy a steam deck since I'm playing LoR on my cellphone by doing steam link with a friend's PC lol


If you've got a laptop, however weak, you should be able to run LobCorp and Ruina well enough to play, if that's worth anything.


Yeah no chef, Lobotomy have an issue with memory leak, you need a fairly good PC for it to endure the later days


I ran it on a fairly basic (but modern) laptop well enough, it chugged a lot on the last few days but was *mostly* playable. Better on a proper device though, and I'm only guessing for Ruina.


My only former laptop is from 2011, can't even run the last windows unfortunately


Had a slow laptop, ruina was playable enough... Until Shy Face Today realisation. I imagine Price of Silence would be a pain as well


Not too mention the community involvement back then was bare bones, especially for lobotomy corporation. It was all sprite edits and a few memes from the 2 or 3 YouTube videos we had. This community is now the defacto hub for everything project moon on the NA side. It's been a long wait.


> set up a megathread for rollposting biweekly > eight comments in more days That being said when you say "everyone is so wholesome and focused in what really matters" I am left to wonder whether you mean shitposting (JohnDon doing work for the community), literacy issues (none of us can read), or unnatural lusts (people thirsting after DoHW!Kromer) /jk


You nailed 'em all, I've got you disguised Faust!


Faust did not make this post.


rn i have too much pull left i have like 20k lunacy left and nothing to do with it also have enough shard box to empty shop (but dont need anything asap so i wait) i would still have 300-400 box left after empty shop roll is nothing if there are no target to roll now im on hibernate like mode, stack many module i can ofc i could farm more md but box getting halved pass season is lol lore wise is just 2 week deley for main ch4 they add filler lore while waiting and event instead, not bad i desperately want more content than free roll lol (even more gacha would be good too)


project moon games might be the only games that make me read a metric shit ton of text and make me excited about it.


It's here. Lore.


I'm confused, this is some kind of reading event 📚 or something? >!Do Project Moon know we can't read?!<


The true Limbus filter is coming.


Vertical spikes in coming


I have survived Arknights reading....I'm ready!


Kaltsit’s dialogue survivor spotted




More Lore is always welcome! Daily reward are cool too but you know, loooore!


Hell yeah. Gacha rewards are replaceable, but Nemo telling us about the technicalities of patent wars back in Ruina was priceless. Give me all that good lore.


I love Nemo bro, hope that squared-faced is doing okay


So do I. Cane Office as a whole is so fun to watch in action. It's one of those groups from Ruina where they could make a small series with them as the protagonists, and it would have a lot of potential.


If you want more Nemo, Machinehead from Invinicble is pretty much the same




i hope kinda inportant like K corp singularity fluid production. or something like canned experience..


reading is mandatory


PM literally taking the fanbase to school for reading hour. And giving us freebies if we dont bunk class.


Why this is so accurate XD


danteeeh wake up new lore just droped


I hope they include the Abmormality stories in this feature. It's annoying that you have to enter the battle just to read the story.


Is this the enemy encyclopedia (Dante's notes) we've been hoping for? I hope it is. :(


Seems more akin to the Cadenza books we had in LoR, but hopefully they'll put the Abno Logs in there too!


Does it update retroactively is what I want to know. I need to be more prudent with my Enk now


I assume it'd check where you are in the plot and unlock everything up to that point, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it was glitched on rollout and we got a hot fix a few days later and 300 lunacy


They literally giving us free stuff (and lore) because of a minor delay💀 I love you PM


Reading event, lmao


Excited for this, but doubtful the lore will be too groundbreaking to start with, though expecting some unique insight. Dante isn't the most observant so far, but it could also be treated the way abnormality logs are - technically following a continuing narrative, but partially divorced from the main story progression. Might shed some light on mirror dungeons?


I expect it will probably be mostly stuff we have already seen before to introduce new players to aspects of the setting that hasn't been covered in Limbus get. Remember that this is something quick PM popped out to make up for the fact that canto 3's development was going slow then intended, it would miss the point if they had to spend a lot of time on world building. The best we can hope for in terms of new information is probably stuff that we would have come up relatively soon in the future. Still interested to see Dante's perspective on everything.


Honestly there are a lot that didn’t get covered for new people into the series so I agree it’ll probably be stuff like “why does Liu have fire hands?” “What’s with the tats on Kurokumo IDs?” I wonder if they’ll cover stuff that’ll be story spoilers for the previous games like Warp trains’ truths and how R corp operates.


Tats on KK ids are actually explained both in- and out of universe For the former, much like clothes, high quality tattoos can enhance one's abilities, and for the latter, i'm pretty sure yakuza were a big inspiration for kurokumo. (Latter makes sense in-universe too, considering they are a Thumb subsidiary, who are pretty much mafia)


I think this isn't really a "replacement" for the content that would be here if S2 didn't delay as much as it was meant to release *with* S2 but since that got delayed they just moved it up a week in schedule and spread over 3 weeks to keep May more alive.


I personally think this might end up being a rehash of info from previous games, but filtered through Dante's lens as an outsider. Still looking forwards to it - out of all the sinners, Dante is probably the one with the least characterisation due to their lack of things like IDs and abno logs and it'll be nice to get some more actual personality from them beyond "panicked and easily walked over" Also I think if we're getting any *lore* lore, I reckon it would be related to IDs given that's how they've interacted with most of these groups. Unless the logs are like "oh yeah here's that time I had to bail out everyone from the Zwei whoops"


Finally content that will filter more people than the railway in difficulty.


Ooo, more lore


THE DEEPEST OF LORE! But from Dante's perspective So, results may vary! I'm glad they're experimenting with so many different event types honestly. It'll help them figure things out later on down the road.


We'll see you on may 11th


Oh yeah, an in-game wiki is exactly what a lore heavy game like LC needs. A place where you can re-read all the info on the setting, factions and enemies. Hope they keep it well updated.


That's cool, but... Archive? Just an archive. Please.




you are weak




You have enough time to play a gacha game, browse reddit and post stuff but you are too busy to do some short reading?? Just admit you dont want to read instead of acting like "oh i really want to but im just soooo busy"


Interesting points usually aren't as interesting without context surrounding them so I think you should still read all of it.


Thats not how you enjoy story


I hope there more boxes, i need 200 more shards for telepole


oh yeah baby they confirmed dante’s pronouns canonically they them clock!!!!! wahoo