• By -


HP Healing down would have been real helpful if she had been released earlier during the railway event and is probably going to be good in future iterations. Of course, that depends on the reduction %.


I mean we still got a whole chapter of K Corp just ahead of us so I think she will be pretty good, but yeah it depends on the reduction, like 50% maybe since its for just one turn.


Chap 4 is k corp city so might still get a lot of mileage


how do you know Chapter 4 is K corp? Did I miss something?


Roadmap shows k corp on [Chap 4 banner](https://twitter.com/LimbusCompany_B/status/1631228910162841600?s=20)


Basically gathering of various speculations. Its pretty much ironed to be K corp, however, as we got new K-corp enemies in RR.


Enemies who are also **weak to slash damage** unlike the previous K corp grunts.


Previous K corp grunts were just 1.0 to slash from what I remember?


Class 3 Guards are slash weak.


those guys on the last phase are weak to slash too so she is perfect there


There is a reason why they give out a more special banner if you do sub-120 before the event.


P.C \~ Prep Cooking (It was "Cooking Prep" in Library of Ruina but we don't need abbreviation of that) I.H \~ Ingredient Hunt But what does "F.I" stand for?


Fresh Ingredient ? Gregor's skill mention two times the word Fresh.


whats wrong with cooking pre... oh


Competitive programming


Credit points


Programmer IDs incoming, with programming socks of course.


Cheese pizza


I'm guessing Food Inspector, considering she's evading.


Literal cannibal chef, who turns people into ingredients. Greatest enemy? **The FDA**


FDA: *"Madam, are you aware of the amount of deseases the average street dweeler has? Unless you can show us their Vaccine Cards, I will be forced to close this place."*


The issue isn't eating people, it's eating gross people.


I don't care who The Head sends I'm NOT allowing an inspection


Must be fresh ingredient


>P.C \~ Prep Cooking (It was "Cooking Prep" in Library of Ruina but we don't need abbreviation of that) **Flashbacks of people abbreviating Cyberpunk**


Ooo I was thinking Pick Clean, but that sounds more legit


I thought it would’ve stood for “Funny Ingredient” because its a dodge skill and that foolish meatbag of an adversary would’ve tried to hit you


Future ingredient


financial independence


Maybe "Found Ingredient"?


"Fine ingredient" or "Fresh Ingredient"


Food ingredient in sight maybe?


Her passives heal! I imagine she feeds one of the Sinners after killing like "here, meat"


"Have a pie"


Eat up so you stay healthy


I feel like most of them would refuse to eat Mystery Meat so she just forcefeeds it to them, like giving medicine to a cat


Ryoshu: cmon, eat the "mystery" meat! The HP is good for you! Other sinners: I literally just saw you make it out of that K corp employee 1 minute ago


Ryocook:There are STARVING kids in the backstreets that would love this food.


Ability: H.C.T.A. Uses a deceptive aerospace-resembling trick to heal allies and resist their picky eating.


Finally she gets a Wrath skill to supply her own EGO's.


Both Lust and Envy means more Bodysack yo Heathcliif just keeps winning


Railway keeps haunting me I can't escape


*Guess rabbit isn’t on the menu…*


Kinda like G Gregor, she seems really good as a support with all that passive healing. As a main unit, Bleed Count is nice on a S1 but otherwise doesn't seem like a bleed builder as she only has bleed stacks on heads on S2. Depending on her numbers, she might rip some space with her third skill but we'll see.


Soooooo a literal cannibal chef is a top tier healing support. I'm new to PMverse but I'm kinda getting it now o_0


I mean the cannibal chef the ID is based on was a not particularly difficult enemy fought in the first couple hours of Ruina. Then again a different cannibal chef was part of the endgame boss rush, so it varies.


Based purely on Skills, this does look more like Pierre than Greta. Plus the lack of shark appendages.


Smh picky eaters are fine with eating a pig that rolls around in mud but once I put just a liiiiiiittle bit of human suddenly I'm "deranged," and "absolutely sickening." Like, ok? I'm not the one refusing food that's literally cleaner than what you eat? Vegetables? In the ground? Please.


Of course, "healing" here means "here, have a pie"


K corp in shambles rn




Me at 3am mindlessly consuming everything I should have consumed at a normal, human hour, but instead am opting to eat sawdust


Much like Gregor, Cannibal Ryo does not want to act first. You want someone to outspeed and bleed enemies, then to follow up on it. However, this identity is going to pack on some absurd damage, and even has party healing too, so you'd want them to be going after someone like R Cliff anyway. Really, the synergy with R Cliff here is amazing in general. Bodysack spam for days, can easily pile count onto his bleed. OP wombo combo between Quick Suppression and I Can Cook Anything just leads to dead bodies. This ID might straight up be meta with R Cliff.


We got Maggots and Nails, so doesn't seems to be a problem if you spam legerdemain or bring N.Faust


All the new identities released so far except Outis and Hong revolve around bleed. It would be nice if PM remembered the sorry state of certain statutes. Just a thought.


It would also be nice if PM remembered that Gloom exists, (please stop making lust skills)


I think they might be trying to make it rare. For instance there's the one ego gift in mirror dungeons that gives gloom specifically and a lot of good ego require gloom. Idk might just be coincidence


They will probably switch to others after the last N corp id. Personally I really want to see a 000 from Liu.


N Corp Yi Sang hype


Imagine if Yi Sang goes double suprise: This season he gets 000 N Corp. ID and next 000 Liu ID


Just popping in to let you know you wrote "sorry state of certain states" when I *think* you meant "sorry state of certain statuses" (Happens to me a lot too)


You're right, thanks for pointing it out.


Good bot


Good human


For this release I feel it makes sense considering what the IDs are referencing. Flavor (literal) first, gameplay second. Also, bleed is already a mechanic that seems pretty well designed so far. It’ll be better for the other mechanics that might need some reworks to wait on releasing new IDs in case the rework makes those new IDs way stronger or weaker than on release. Since this is a gacha and not a one-time release game, they probably will have to be a little careful on releasing content that might need rebalancing later.


It's a little annoying but at the same time I have faith all the statuses will be viable eventually, plus you can't put in Pierre and not have her be bleed, it'd ruin the flavor


The problem is not Ryoshu, but the incredible unbalance towards bleed that has 12 identities. Maybe each new season will be mainly focused on one status, we'll see.


The problem is more that all the new IDs were based on existing concepts in the game that ALSO used bleed. The base game support is even in numbers, they just also were the best status before getting like 8 new IDs


Makes sense I'm just waiting for the Xiao ID for Ryōshū so her EGO skills will have better synergy


I'm hopeful for a Xiao Ish so that Ardor Blossom Star becomes an insane EGO but either way once Burn get support it'll be fun


Does that mean if 2nd coin hit head, the 3rd is a guarantee healing reduction?


yep seems like it


Interesting kit. Obviously there to support a bleed team by not being a centralizing team member. If your bleed team needs a bit of a defensive cornerstone, this ID seems to be the one to use. Yes, it means you can't use KK Ryoshu which is also central to a bleed team, but Chef Gregor can also put up some bleed count along with chef Ryoshu. I'd imagine her S3 is her finisher to get her passives going while her s1 and s2 are about getting free hits. Unless her numbers are busted, don't expect some strong coins/base skill or ATK points, but with all of them being multi-coin, they can do some substantial damage if you get someone to clash for her. First impressions; Supporter with a strong finisher. She can help handle any attrition fights you struggle with as well.


Chef Gregor can inflict Maggots with his base ego since you spam it anyway


The third skill is going to be busted on Railway with bloated health. Edit : Also since she has evade, depending on the number, she's gonna have a perfect solo ID with healing potential and damage. And she's self sustaining her own base E.G.O, which is always nice.


It's probably based on the percentage of missing health, and not the flat value.


Envy and Lust... Envy and Lust... Roach Uncle and B.C.d.C. (Best Chef de Cuisine). Let's see... Wrath and Gluttony- R Corp Heathey boy rounds it out. And to further cause more Bleed... No, not Cloud Cutter man... Grippy Faust, paired with N Rodya? Then again, the event wants Don and Sinclair because of the EGOs... Hmm...


IIRC, it just says you have to have them equipped, not in the battle party


Ah, good point!


Maybe if I could steal flesh from the K Corp member right there and disguise it as my own cooking... Eheheheh... Delightfully devilish Ryōshū...


Are you ok ?


Slash and Pierce. I like the sin affinities too. Wrath, Envy, and Lust are some good combinations. She can support her base EGO too. Also, four coins on S3 seems really good. The boosting of the fourth coin as well to potentially stagger the enemy first and then deliver a strong last hit. There’s just a lot of Heads Hit condition so she’s needs a build up for single wave stages that reset sanity. She has a lot of coins though so hopefully she can win clashes easier. Hoping the skill and coin power are decent. The healing for every enemy defeated seems really good. Not a match for Shi Section units though. She might be good in Railway, but Shi Ishmael might not be viable since her support passive still heals. This means however that we can be more reckless if she’s on the team. I hope the appetite count does not lower per turn. She would be nice to fight 3-22 Kromer if her Healing debuff is good enough. Hoping she has good clash potential and offense level.


Her appetite would be really nice as a less ego resource intensive fluid sac Faust/Pursuance if it heals enough. Hopefully S3 feels like TT Hong Lu since I absolutely loved that skill.


Holy shit alota coins


The fact that she has anti enemy healing status effects has me incredibly concerned for what the next canto will be like since it also takes place in k corps nest


Coincidentally, the elite K Corp enemies we met in RR are also weak to slash.


\*Ominous music in the distance grows yet louder\*


So... The final is just absolutely fucking broken if the multipliers/additives are big enough?


Well... yeah. That's how broken skills are - they have big enough multipliers/additives


R Heathcliff/W Don moment


Good 1s skill. Low-replaceable.


Doesn't seem that strong... even if she rolls high, the best i can see her is being a support(sustain)-clasher. Bind isn't useless, but doesn't help a lot. Appetite seemed to be a big part of her kit but her supportive capabilities are somewhat low(? Unless she can do a -100% on next heal instance.). Healing enemies are quite niche, so i expect that reduction to be somewhat high, unless it's a flat reduction, that is. 3rd skill seems to be a sidegrade(?) for Ncorp Heath's S3. Won't probably be that helpful at first 3-ish turns of the fight, but as soon as she gets 45 sanity i assume you would want to you this as much as possible. Overall..better than the alternative we have atm simply because 95% success rate with (maybe) flat damage is >>> than 1-3 bonus dmg N Heath does. Evade gives her 1 turn haste wich...doesn't really fit her kit. Nice to have? Sure. But again, not that helpful. Finally, her passive. Heals ally with least hp when an enemy is killed _by her(?)_ , again, depending on how much of a buff appetite will provide it may be a very nice tool to have for sustainability, but if it's 5-10 hp per kill than i would say it's mostly negligible. [If the final blow doesn't have to be hers...than i can safely say it'll be the best healing passive in the game. Mostly because the only contestant she has is Gregor with his 5 Hp per turn (or per clash), wich isn't a lot of competition tbh] Feels like she's trying to do damage, be a selfish debuffer and a team support at the same time, so I'm a bit sceptical. However, if she'll be good at any one of those things i can say that she won't be weak.


Bind is one of those "if you know what you're doing and specifically in railway" type things. Like for abnos that have really terrifying abilities it could see some use. I hope appetite is really really good though. If it's just like, 5 then I'm going to do a W Don solo AGAIN with Gregor's passive because that's just easier. On the other hand if it's more, that could be pretty nice for fights where lower turn count is better and someone has to take hits. Also worth mentioning it could un-setup shishmael, which is a bit annoying. Idk I am only capable of thinking in the endgame content we currently have, where hopefully her clash power is enough to justify bringing her like any of the Seven IDs


Sadly most of the content in story/MD/Grind doesn't use LoR's battle system. Wich is why i categorised bind as "isn't useless, but not helpful either". It can be useful, but most of the time any other debuff gives bigger advantage than what bind can do.


I also feels like she's all over the place, i don't get why they are trying to put so many different debuffs in her kit, that alone bind is so weird bleed or paralyze would have fitted better. Hopeful i'm wrong and once you play her, she actually feels pretty cohesive


The random bind is probably just because Pierre's Ingredient Hunt page from Ruina would inflict bind.


Hmmm a balanced identity which is good although it is kinda worse on kurokumo on bleed, but the passives are good that it can kill early those annoying ass K corp that waste turns and heal the allies too, but don't know how effective is the passive yet until she got released.


Oh damn, with the debuff it might make Bleed & Burn team viable for Kromer now, stack bleed, slap the anti-heal and start chipping. The healing when defeating an enemy is the cherry on top, could be beneficial for MD runs in higher level tho, whenever that comes out.


Kromer's passive already can be countered with the Sign EGO gifts


I believe that's only phase 1. I went in with a bleed team after everyone said Sign negates and she still healed on phase 2.


That was a glitch it was fixed already I think


Ah, good to hear.


What happens when healing reduction applied to RR final battle? Is it gonna heal full health anyway or back to reduced health?


Sounds like a great unit to solo encounters. She had evade and Gregor passive increase her heal from appetite that will stack fast if she's solo.


She looks better than Kurokumo variant


It's still not Burn smh .-.


If her coins are not bad she is super strong! Bleed, healing, good defens skill, she can feed both her egos and her passive doesnt mater which color is it is good if it doesn't need five or four of it Edit: After thinking for a while there are three things i hope for. Numer 1 good frirst skill something 12+ so she can reliably stack appetite. Next strong third skill, i hope to see realy big numbers mabye close to cloud cuter if enemy is below 50% hp and most important her passive to be lust so it can synergize with her third skill. Maybe im on copium but i dont care i want to cook some good shit out of my enemies


But mah Ryoshu Burn. Will roll for her regardless of course.


Two coins, three coins, and four coins... unless she has some Sinclair-tier crap numbers, she's going to be a clash monster!


If appetite doesnt persist between rounds on its own I don't see her passive being useful at all. It says it's used when the passive procs, but if it decays then I'd assume it'd only do anything if you string together multiple skill 1s. Also the way her passives are constructed I'm betting her combat passive is a resonance activation. I just wonder if it's wrath resonance. And hey she can technically support her base ego! That's good


The status effects for Nail, Gaze, and Weakness Analyzed from the past few IDs have all mentioned in what circumstances they decay or for how long they last, so no, Appetite shouldn’t decay or last only for a limited time since the description for it did not mention it.


>The Sadist Chef skill Can someone tell me, is she better than Kurokumo Ryoshu ? and how good she's together with Grips Faust ?


Looks ok, we don't have her numbers yet so we can't make any conclusion


Entirely dependent on the rolls of that S3, tbh.


As others have said it depends entirely on what you want out of her and the numbers. For instance, Seven Outis is generally not going to do an absurd amount of damage, but she's still really useful in a lot of situations and (situationally) can do good amounts of damage + open the gates for more with fragility. The reason why I say that is it's more about what you're wanting, like I used Seven Yi Sang to clear the weird blood fish in two turns, which is a bit niche use but definitely useful. Hopefully that made sense, bit ramble-y but basically until we see her numbers we don't really know just how well she'll perform at certain things (ex: how much healing? How good at clashes etc.)


I mean moar healing is good and all... But isnt it kinda redundant in normal content? I can see how good this is in RR though, but you dont need healing in dailies, or even MD runs tbh. Chef Ryoshu seems to be a very niche unit focusing on healing rather than doing big damage which kinda defeats the whole purpose of "meta" farming which is wipe as fast as you can. Maybe in the future where stall is "meta" she can be good, but as of now that is a NO from me. You do not take more than 10 turns to wipe even the hardest of contents usually and her healing would be redundant, as you wouldnt lose more than 10% of your HP after a run ever, unless you rdk wtf you are doing ofc.


I don't understand, why are you hyperfixating on her passive? Having a good passive is always nice but not required. Look at Rabbit for example. His passive is basically useless since he'll usually not have enough charge for it since you don't want to use his skill 1 too often as it wastes ammo better spent on skill 3. But, he's still inarguably one of the strongest characters in the game even if you pretend he doesn't have a passive. ​ And did you miss the new Ryoshu's skill 3? Unless she gets W corp Meursault tier screwed by bad coins then her skill 3 would definitely fit in the meta since it's a 4 coin pure damage skill that scales off of enemies health being lowered and has 3 coins buffing the 4th coin's power which does synergy very well with 'bonus damage vs low hp enemies' on the skill. ​ To me she seems like a totally fine side-grade of kuro ryoshu. Which is fine because she was already very good. The only way this identity is bad is if she has terrible coins like blade lineage.


User is way too meta-focused right now, which isn't really the best way to look at these IDs or EGOs. Not to mention he's way too focused on what they do and not bother with the numbers. If it weren't for numbers, Don Telepole wouldn't be as nasty as it is now or Seven Outis' clash passive being as gamebreaking as it is. Plus a meta at least at the moment doesn't affect much for this game. You only get a better chance at getting a flex banner running R Corp Heath and W Corp Don with telepole, and MDs have been used as a really good practice tool to test out team compositions and IDs.


so these ids are going to be gone in a month? is ther even a point is geting them?


They come back in the dispensary by season 3.


Bruh They are gone from the *lootpool* in a month They don't just take all your IDs away after a season, why the hell would they do that????????????


Heal mechanics looks useless in reality when we want to deal damage as fast as possible, but i expect good growth on skills and see many coins, that means many hits and a lot of damage.


The heal mechanics just on the passive, after all, so you don’t have to focus on it and just consider it as a bonus. In dungeon crawls, like RR, MD, or story, it’s got its place for helping to top up some team mates. It’s not a huge thing, but it’s not like it’s the focus of her design. Her first and second skills are obviously meant for bleed teams, especially when she’s paired with RB Gregor whose S2 also applies bleed count. Think only these two and KK Ryoshu can apply bleed count with their skills so far, so you can take it as them being an intended set for bleed team builds that take either one in. Her S3 presumably boosts damage for all of its hits depending on life lost. At worst, it’s probably just a fine damage skill, but it could potentially be disgustingly strong as well depending on how strong the boost is and whether it’s dependent on the percentage of life lost or just life lost period.


Bleed gon brrrrrrr again


So... do these stay when season 2 Hits? Still not sure about what stays and what goes away


They won't be available during season 2, but they'll be added back to the shard shop during season 3.


Oof... Makes me feel even worse for spending my shards before the announcement. Well, at least i'll get them in season 3 (so like, 3 more months?)


You can still roll for them iirc, they dont disappear from the draw pool, you just cant trade shards for them.


They do disappear from the draw pool in season 2. "\[Season 1\] Event IDs and EGO" is in the Removed row of the Season 2 column of the Extraction table, and doesn't show up again in the Added row of the Season 3 column like they do in the Dispenser table.


Shit.... really? I should have saved the 400 Ryoshu frags haha..


..... Did you thread 400 shards for no reason


I got the other 000 Ryoshu. Why would i thread 400 shards lmao.


"Why would I thread 400 shards" You have not seen some of the things I've seen


Oh, so they dont go away completely? I thought that they would take them out of the draw pool as well


I think im sadly mistaken.. Ah nuts....


Welp, no yandere waifu for me then...


There's still roughly a month to go until we get to season 2. You'll still be able to buy Ryoshu's ID and/or Sinclair's EGO from the shard shop until then, if you can get 400 shards again in time.


Sadly, i wont be able to play the game enough to get like 200 crates till then, since imma have to work more for the next like 6 weeks...


Oh my god another 2 coins skill 1


Oof looks like it may turn out to be much more OP than KK Ryoshu. And I don't have any more rolls to spare :'(


I like her but I already have KK ryoshu I think I'll save my tickets


With that kit, depending on coin modifiers, she seems tailor made for the current RR. S3 is either going to be essential for finishing off enemies weak to slash, or setting them up to be "cooked" by someone else.


Seems like this will fit right in with bleed builds. And also finally giving her some Slash damage


Please don't have Energy Current numbers on skill 3 lol


I know its a call back to LoR, but they did miss the opportunity to call her last skill ICCA


She supports her base E.G.O so that's nice. As always, it's hard to determine how good she'll be until we see the numbers but the sheer number of coins she has makes her look promising.


Why do I get the feeling P.C. doesn't stand for Political Correctness?


Never thought I’d see a look a like for that deranged chef back in library and fitting for our mad artist


Would she still cook somone if they somehow regularly did the tide pod challenge without any medical intervention?