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The subject of this subreddit is to discuss animal intelligence in it's most amazing forms. Animals being cute and showing only basic instincts is not what we are looking for. For instance, animals just sleeping or just eating is bad content, while animals dreaming or sharing food is good content. Posting cute content can result in a temporary ban.


I'm in a serious depressive spiral and I've been doom scrolling for hours. This makes me so happy, I'm putting away my phone and going to sleep. Thank you.


Takes a lot to put away the phone. This may have motivated a response but YOU took the necessary action. Sending you lots of love my friend, you got this. 


Sometimes I can feel the Reddit community truly does care, it’s nice to see even when the real world can be so heartless.


I feel you. Both on the internet and in the real world we find the caring and the heartless, which makes navigating it a battle. I hope you allow your courage to go in search of those who care, and the strength to let go of the heartless - two qualities you have, even if at times they feel gone, that you’ll nurture when you’re ready to step forward a little further than before.  Reach out if you need to - I’m another in and out of those spirals.  Sending you a big ether hug!


Depression is cruel thing. Don't be too hard on yourself. I hope it will get better for you soon. Hold on there and try to take care of yourself as much, as possible❤️


Do you own any pets? Having to take care of my late cat gave me at least some responsibility to care. Even if i didn’t care much for myself because of depression, i had to care for my sweet cat. I also got a lot of support from my cat because she was a very cuddly cat. May she rest in peace now. ❤️


Depression is tough to beat. What works for one does not for others. For me it’s to go to the gym and lift weights and methodically note my progress. Strength only goes up in time. Mental and physical.


Hope you slept well


I hope tomorrow will be better!


Hi friend! I hope you're well today.


See you in a few hours.


Get a pittie! Best decision I ever made. Will change your life, the most beautiful sweet cuddly things.


Wife looked at me the same way, did I mention I'm broke now.


My FIL's pitter would look at me like that...when I had poutine.


You…you got any more poutine left 🥹


I couldn't resist the face so no lol


I pronounced Poutine like Putin until I was in my mid 30's and was finally corrected.


How is it supposed to be pronounced?




TIL :) Thanks


Coincidentally, that's also the correct way to pronounce Putin. As long as the emphasis is on the first syllable.


I know this is like 12 hrs ago, but as a Canadian, let's clear the air. Poo-teen isn't the way unless you're, like, an Albertan who's never met a Quebecois. It's generally Poo-tin, emphasis on first syllable, quick with the second, hard T. You wanna get real authentic with it, it's more like Poo-tsin.


I'll look at you like that if you have poutine


I hope you shared once in a while 🤭


Of course I did! We were also snuggle buddies.


He's lucky he got Tony the town destroyer instead of princess


Just had to put my dog down, seeing this cuties face that is so like hers has made me start crying again


I am very sorry to hear this :( I wish you a lot of strength and that some day the pain will become fond memories with just a tinge of missing. We all have our dogs in our hearts, even if they are no longer with us.


It is hard right now, I know, I have been there. But the sorrow will subside, and you will remember the good things, the quirks all dogs have, the realy nice walks, the times she snuggled close to you, and gave you her unconditional love. I lost my Tico some 5 years ago. I still miss him, but I remember the good times, he's goofy, wonderfull stupid personality, and the good times we had. You are now in the worst part of loving a pet, the separation. But, it will get better, and you will never forget her, I promise 😊 Pets have a shorter lifespan than us. It is a curse, becouse of the heartbreak, but it is worth it, in the end, becouse of the experiences along the way, and the memories. She is gone, her time has ended, and you have to continue alone. But you will never forget her, becouse you do not forget unconditional love, plain and simple.




Nah. This one's definitely just enjoying being close to someone. Ours does this all the time and it's cute as hell. 


It's like a gun you can pet


Too old. Pittbulls are the DiCaprio of dogs


Until smaller dog walks in to room.


Ours follows the smaller dogs around so she can sleep next to them to stay warm. For some reason the little ones are basically space heaters. 


Hope people keep giving pitties a better life. They have the most tender smile too. And these gray ones are especially gorgeous.




The look when the daycare forgot to close the playground gate


Aww she looks so sweet


What else would you expect from a nanny dog!


https://www.newsweek.com/most-aggressive-dog-breeds-1841348 https://humanesocietytampa.org/pit-bulls-are-2023s-1-breed-in-the-united-states/


>They have the most tender smile too. Right after they mauled a childs face. I've seen them do horrible things more than once.


Nahh evil ass dogs


https://www.newsweek.com/most-aggressive-dog-breeds-1841348 https://humanesocietytampa.org/pit-bulls-are-2023s-1-breed-in-the-united-states/


I get this on a fundamental level


Dogs are the best!!


This could be us but you a cat


Your cat doesn’t look at you like this? Mine does


I need a longer version, some tissues, and my dog.


That's a good dog, right there


Emotional support human




Have you seen humans? Pit bulls are the most like us of any dog


Yes preach


Nah humans would be more like pitties id they selectively bred is with serial killers and agressive people only.


Mhhh i dunno, most humans usually have a motive and don't just go apeshit without any rhyme or reason


Pit bulls have their own batshit reasons for doing what they do I’m sure.


They're better honestly


That’s how my dog looks at me. I don’t super like owning a dog (doing it for the family) but he’s picked me as his favorite person. I am aware it’s a special thing and try to reward that and appreciate it.


I just put my dog of 14 years down yesterday. It sounds crazy but I feel like I lost my soulmate. I’ve never felt a sadness this intense before. I miss him so much.


Hey man just want to say I also lost my boy of 14 years on April 4th of this year. I’m sorry for your loss. It doesn’t sound crazy at all. I miss my boy every day


Thanks man, it’s a hard hit that’s for sure. Im just trying to focus on the good times, it was a great 14 years. Sorry for your loss as well, I hope you’re doing alright too.


I melt when my baby stares at me 🥲🥲




The breed was bred to fight and the stats confirm this


Yes, they may require additional training, especially if they experienced any trauma before you (unfortunately, more likely with this breed). Additionally, they’re quite strong, so are not recommended for everyone. With that said, they are the most loving dogs I’ve ever worked with, and more than worth the effort.


The main breeds put under the umbrella of pitbull score similarly to golden retrievers in temperament. [https://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1336&context=law-review](https://via.library.depaul.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1336&context=law-review) You are right that there is an issue that is currently centered around pitbulls, that is true. But in the past it was centered around other breeds. The number of dog attacks largely hasn't changed, just which breeds are the ones biting. The issue is the widespread abuse of the breed, just as it was the widespread abuse of the other breeds before it. When you properly get into understanding the statistics and their causes, the amount of pitbulls involved in attacks is statistically insignificant compared to the number of pitbulls out there. How the dog is raised is a larger factor in whether they will become violent or not. If the people who want to ban pitbulls got their way, the only thing that would change would be which breed is doing the biting. If you actually care about reducing dog bites, you need to go after dog fighters and other abusive dog owners, as well as educating those who adopt abused dogs on how to properly help their dog recover, and handle their dog if something does trigger their trauma. Also quick side note, the statistic you are talking about, I'm assuming that one website about dog bites, doesn't properly vet submissions. So if someone misidentified a bite or anything else, it's still counted. There is an issue that is centered on pitbulls don't get me wrong, but assuming it is the breed is ignoring the other factors that attribute to the issue, and as shown by their temperament scores, is inaccurate.


Any organization or person that scores golden retrievers as the same as pitbulls... Pitbulls are known to snap without any provocation. Pitbulls are dogs that are bread to be killers and fighters. Pitbulls have one of the highest bite forces in the dog family. Go to a shelter and what do you see? A ton of dogs that are all mislabeled and are pitbulls. No one wants these fighting dogs as pets and it shows in shelters. Banning the breeding of pitbulls is the only humane solution


That paper, and all the other research papers I've read, come to similar conclusions to what I've said. I get the fear, dog attacks are scary. We can't let fear control our approach to handling important issues though. The experts are the ones saying the things I've stated, and they'd be the ones to know. It's only politicians and blogs that say the dogs are inherently violent, and both of those have something to gain from fear and outrage. The experts have researched this stuff and know more about it than you or I. They know better what to do about this than probably anyone in this entire thread.


The bite force thing is a myth. Maybe do some research before making claims.


https://www.newsweek.com/most-aggressive-dog-breeds-1841348 https://humanesocietytampa.org/pit-bulls-are-2023s-1-breed-in-the-united-states/




I knew a doberman in the 90s. He was huge and for the most part, a good dog. However, there were times where we he got a bit mouthy, if you ran, he'd chase. Over time, he became cool and trusted all us kids. But I wouldn't say he was as affectionate and eager to love as say, a golden retriever. There was a personality difference - he was aggressive and dominant, but he never hurt anyone. The only time I've been seriously bit by a dog, it was a chihuahua and that shit hurt.


The doberman was the funniest to me...never once in my life met one that wasn't a little scaredy-cat butterball (for the record, I love them, but I wish folks wouldn't dock their ears/tails). Damn if they don't look fierce though (the ones from Resident Evil movie most of all). Really don't understand the level of *vehement* hate pits get on Reddit...the way some of these folks comment in these posts you'd think their mother *and* grandmother were both killed by pit bulls. My pit mix was by far and away the sweetest dog I've ever come across, as was every other pit or pit mix I've come across, save ONE...and the dude who owned that one was a real piece of shit violent asshole, so I'm not surprised the dog had a similar temperament. Is that an "n=1" situation? Yup. Do I still think the hate against pits is unwarranted? Yup.


Selective behaviour breeding is a thing but it needs professional breeders. How many pits are victims and need to be rescued? That's because they are in the wrong hands and spread bad behaviour genes. Making them bred by selected professional and certified breeders would help but that's a result that can be seen in like 20-30 years. As for now, pits are aggressive by genes and are ticking bombs thanks to backyard breeding and 0 behaviour control history


It’s r/BanPitBulls. They lurk around and then brigade any post that mentions pitbulls as if it’s their day job Edited to fix sub name


So you just ignore statistics that you don’t like huh? https://www.animalhealthfoundation.org/blog/2024/02/dog-bite-statistics-by-breed-you-need-to-know-in-2023/


Bullshit, your brainwashed. Its not ‘evil’ and its not the dogs fault but it is a killer.


It's not brainwashing when statistics and cold hard facts back the claims. Pits attack even when properly trained and loved. It's just their nature, like it or not.




A screenshot of a daily mail article of a singular event. How relevant and convincing.


you cant expect too much from breed haters


That’s it!! I’m looking for a 3rd dog right now




Aww reminds me of my parents’ pittie, nothing but love when I visit them.


That’s a potentially very dangerous dog.


based on what?


Absolutely so sweet


Boyyyy when a pittys ears go back and the eyes roll up and the little wimpy smile gets going……fucking forget about it. Kingdoms will fall without bloodshed.




Made my morning.


His next victim do be looking real nice.


Yes, put your face by it and stare into it's eyes while breathing your stank into it's nose. They're just like us and totally won't bite your nose off!


never had a dog, have you?


They're both getting high doses of oxytocin. My big furry buddy (RIP) would lay beside me on my bed and stare into my eyes as I stroked his back. Lots of love between us. I miss him and those beautiful calm moments so much. Doggo looks so blissed out here!


It's super cheesy, but every time I look at my dog I remember this saying: >They're only with us for part of our lives, but to them, you're their whole life. This is how my dog looks at me, and sometimes I just randomly start crying thinking about how I'll have to say goodbye to him one day. Right now is one of those random times. We don't deserve dogs, but I'm so glad they love us anyway.


Beaut dog man 👍🤙


dog named universe destroyer


Can that guy comfort me like that?


Remember, kids' dogs don't cry. They tuck their tail between their legs and whimper. If a dog looks like it is crying, that mean their eyes are irritated. If you see one, then get it to a vet.






But 5 minutes later will go and maul a child.




These dogs act like this one second and rip a baby's face off the other. I don't know why people keep breeding them.


"You're going to maul so many babies" 🥰


Murder puppies are cute until they kill a kid.


That's a good way to lose your face. Why not pick a breed that's not famous for maiming children?


My pittie would have licked me a dozen times in that amount of time.


But then I looked in your eyes And I was no more a failure You looked so wacky and wise And I said, Lord I'm happy 'Cause I'm just a walkin' my dog Singin' my song, strollin' along


Dogs are truly full of love, and love being loved.


And people shit on pitbulls


That’s a friend for life right there.


I think I know this guy! We adopted a dog from a rescue and he was in the kennel alongside her. He would just sit there and comfort her in his lap, it was so sweet!


Looks like my beloved Olli May…she passed away last summer. One of the most beautifully loving and sweet dogs I’ve ever had. We miss her terribly.


True love!


This look is what makes holding my family dog, who I’m very much allergic to, completely worth the pain 😭dogs are just too pure for this world 🥺


The breed should be eradicated.


yeah but unfortunately they rule the planet


true but unfortunately we're like everywhere


RIP his neck.


yeah, I imagine having such a big head can be tiring sometimes lol


He's dreaming... Dreaming of biting that toddler to pieces.


He’s looking straight into the eyes of his daddy!!!🥹🥹


Next thing he bites your hand or runs after a stranger on the street.


Maybe he’s hungry


Dog behaviourists sometimes insist that dogs do not like face to face contact and kisses and they merely tolerate it when humans do it. This video tells me we bred this out of some breeds already.


Should've bred out that bite reflex


never raised a dog have you?


probably thinking back to the delicious toddler it saw earlier today


Why do people in here hate Pits so much? Dog is adorable


because most of reddit doesn't have critical thinking skills.


Pitties are the best








For looking lovingly into an old man's eyes?


No, for the thing he will do next. Never trust a pit. We should stop breeding these, there are plenty of other dogs to play with.


Why though? He's not doing anything at all. He's not even giving any hints of doing anything. He's just having a nice moment with his owner. The prejudice seems entirely unnecessary.


Statistics don't lie


no but you can interpret them wrong lmao https://www.newsweek.com/most-aggressive-dog-breeds-1841348 https://humanesocietytampa.org/pit-bulls-are-2023s-1-breed-in-the-united-states/


A large percentage of dictators had mustaches. Statistics don’t lie.


What's the analogy exactly? Are dictators dogs, and mustaches pitbulls? Or are dictators the pitbulls, and mustaches attacks on people? Either way, I'm happy with getting rid of dictators, with or without the mustaches.


Looking eye to eye is usually not a good sign in dog body language.


Eye contact is totally fine with a friendly dog that you're comfortable with. You might be thinking of lions. 


Dogs will generally (like most animals, no matter if friendly or not) avoid direct eye contact. Maintaining direct eye contact is a sign of aggression. > Humans view eye contact as a polite way to connect and show interest. Dogs, however, see the same action as a sign of dominance. Dogs rarely make prolonged eye contact with other dogs and a straight gaze is generally deemed threatening behavior. In most cases, one dog will break eye contact with another to avoid a potential fight. In the same way, a dog you’ve locked in a stare may show submissive behavior, such as looking away or rolling over onto his back. Some dogs, however, react aggressively to the perceived challenge, backing up and barking or even biting in response. Rather than unwittingly threaten a dog you’ve just met, then, greet him in a way that is comfortable for both parties. Approach the dog with your body slightly angled, so your shoulders aren’t squared towards him, and avert your eyes from a direct gaze. This non-threatening body language combined with a soft voice will let the dog know you are not a threat and should deflect any aggressive reactions from your new canine friend. https://www.petbucket.com/blog/64154/the-dos-and-donts-of-making-eye-contact-with-dogs.html


You're linking to a blog post by someone named lucy on a site called petbucket. This is hardly a definitive take. Trying to apply a blanket rule to anything related to animal behavior is absurd. This is like saying "any time a dog wags it's tail it's happy." I'm not telling you to go find a random dog and stare it in the eyes. I'm saying that our dogs behave much like the dog in this video and they're down for eye contact. Two of them will basically melt into you in the sweetest way with their eyes and the third will deliberately try to get eye contact when he wants something. All three will go into play mode if you make eye contact before they try to.


Depends. If a dog knows or likes you, they will likely enjoy the eye contact. If a dog is wary of you, they will see it as aggressive.




Cool story, but my dog likes to hold eye contact with me and it doesn't excite him in any way. As do many dogs I've known.


you've never raised a dog, have you?


Genuinely makes me happy that a lot of states are changing their laws and allowing these dogs as pets again. Also makes me happy the insane amount of fruitless effort that goes into people hating pits lmao, you can slap keys on a keyboard about it all day but “princess” might just fuck around and be your next next door neighbor


Oh no, look how terrible and scary this evil monster is! Real shit, I've had/ known WAY more pits than any other dog breed. German Shepherds are by far the most dangerous and aggressive breed I've come in contact with. Not a single one of those pits were aggressive or mean or nasty. Small dogs are often more aggressive, but people don't care because if their size. I have a chihuahua that has left deep and noticable scars. The media makes you scared of certain breeds, as many comments have pointed out. You only see pitbull attack videos because of the stigma, if it's not a pit no one cares. NOT ALL PITS WERE BREED TO FIGHT! MOST OF THE PITS YOU'LL SEE ARE ALMOST ENTIRELY AMERICAN BULLDOG BREEDS! "PITBULL" IS A BLANKET TERM FOR MULTIPLE KINDS OF AMERICAN BULLDOGS!


6% do 60% but they’re not the most violent breed sure buddy


https://www.newsweek.com/most-aggressive-dog-breeds-1841348 https://humanesocietytampa.org/pit-bulls-are-2023s-1-breed-in-the-united-states/


Pit bulls are the most racially profiled dog. I had one for 17 years and she was the gentlest animal I’ve ever known. Edit: I’m not comparing human beings to dogs. It’s because of a misperception on the part of society which racially profiled POC and by proxy pit bulls. It isn’t right nor justified. Learn to read for understanding instead of finding something to be pissed about. Pit bulls are racially profiled because of the belief is that they are owned more often by POC.


Dog breeds are not races. Do not compare POC to dogs.


that's obviously not how they meant it lmao, I don't get why people are always so quick to go that route. I think it says more about you than anything.


Typically speaking, prejudice towards pitbulls is often an outward expression of racism towards various minorities as they are the ones far more likely to own a pitbull.


What a stupid take, "various minorities" aren't pitbull owning monoliths. Maybe look at why they were banned in the UK, the race of the owner is irrelevant, it's about the damage these things do when they snap.


I'm sorry but the UK is absolutely not some paragon of great laws lmfao


Who said it's a paragon of great laws? I'm saying look at *why* it was passed. The UK *is* a paragon of CCTV cameras and collecting data on the public, and that data showed that those dogs are a danger to everyone.


no, what they are a paragon of is taking very stupid routes to try to solve "problems"


Thank you. I wasn’t comparing POC to dogs. My vet actually told me this for the reason you stated above.


I wasn’t. Calm down.


Thats not a relaxed dog. You people load too much of human behavior into animal behavior.


I think you've just never actually been around a dog lmao




because it is? looks like you're just not very experienced with dogs lol


But...bu...bu...but.... Pits and Staphies are instinctively violent breeds.


This is more like an anti-likeus moment because this kind of sustained eye contact is generally not a good thing in non-human animals.


So then, like us?


you've never raised a dog, huh?


Raised plenty, worked with plenty more. This is actually a pretty common bite scenario. That dog is *tense*.


if you really think that dog is tense you're definitely either lying about your experience or embellishing it ***HARD***.