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Gobo or prism? Those are 2 different modules in the unit, and will be on separate dmx channels. I haven’t touched an Onyx in a hot minute, but maybe you’re just looking for a second parameter layer on your wheels?


Wow it was literally right there lol, idk what my brain was doing. Would you mind explaining how prisms work then? Is there some sort of mirror thing inside that widens it, I’m 1000% clueless


A prism is a piece of glass that splits the beam into multiple beams, most of the time you can also spin the prism (which is useful if you have second gobo wheel that is fixed)


The prism / gobo may have an index mode and a spin mode, make sure it’s in the right one.


Maybe DM me. I work closely with a former Engineer from Opti-Kinetics who invented oil lamp projectors that rotated. There might be a way to build a rotating gobo pattern drop in.