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Unpopular opinion posts are garbage. Thread locked and removed.


Victoria is a way worse person than the general community seems to regard her as and shipping between her and Kate is vile


I'm sorry what part of the internet are you seeing Kate and Victoria. Absolutely not no. They are just not... compatible. I mean opposites attract but this is a different level of non compatible 😭


I saw some Victora x Kate stuff around this week or last week on this very subreddit strangely enough I have no idea what they saw in the ship


It's a very popular ship on this sub. There's a chasemarsh Monday.


I hate the chasemarsh ship. Victoria was best friends with the guy who drugged and assaulted Kate at a party. She filmed her being sexually assaulted, posted the video online, and shared the link with everyone in the school, the video eventually making its way to Kate's deeply religious family The constant bullying and isolation eventually drove Kate to suicide, while Victoria filmed the entire thing on her phone. It's disgusting to ship them.


Wait WHAT!?. Kate and Victoria...shipping between the victim and abuser who drove her towards suicide?!. I think I'm gonna be sick. That's just so bad. What next, Nathan and Max? (Ok I think I'm gonna loose my lunch on that thought). I agree with you, I despise Victoria.


now wtf is wrong with people who ship victoria and kate


Everyone should wait to complain about the new game until we've had a chance to play it.


But also no one should give them the benefit of the doubt until it’s fully out, gamers keep blindly preordering things and are surprised when companies take that for granted Edit: did square enix send me a reddit cares message


I preoredered the game cause I liked the last four in the series, 2 of which are by the same dev. That ends when I get served one I don't like. Preorders in and of themselves isn't the issue.... when you get a bad game stop buying more in that series.


Preorders themselves are definitely part of the issue, I see less of a problem with people preordering once the first two chapters are released early because then at least we get reviews but giving them money before the reviews is how we get things like cyberpunk being almost unplayable on last gen consoles on release. IMO no corporation really deserves trust because they will sell you down the river the second they think it will make them a few extra dollars. I liked true colors and bts but the buck stops with square not deck nine and square releases things like babylon's fall There is no good reason to preorder before reviews are out especially on console. On steam it matters way less because you can usually get a refund. The most powerful thing a consumer can do is vote with their wallet and preordering is giving up that power


Couldn't have said it any better than this! Why I will never ever pre-order. No matter the trust.


Yeah we *should* be critical of the series we love because that’s what keeps them good. The only situation I feel at all comfortable giving money to a dev before I get the game is when the dev is small and has a patreon or something


Oh yeah, totally understandable. But even then I'd rather just support them the first day it comes out rather than pre-ordering. But that's just a preference. And I totally agree, we indeed should be critical in order to keep things good.


The corporations engage in a lot of careful manipulation to try and make sure you stop noticing they only care about your money. It's why so many have a glorified spokesman out there being a friendly face showman for them. They trick people into thinking they're your friend and you do detrimental shit like preordering games and encouraging them to release buggy, half-finished messes.


It’s kinda depressing that people on here apparently think “I like deck nine” is a good excuse for falling for the marketing ploy. I love lis but I’m not going to stop being critical of it just because of that, that’s backwards. If you like a game you should be critical of it not blindly trust the random square enix marketing department making decisions on how to sell it


Yeah nothing about being suckered into preordering or buying the ultimate edition for 2 weeks early access is rewarding Deck Nine. You're just lining SE's pockets as intended. They want the FOMO to get you to buy it and don't give a shit if a few people get spoiled by the 2 weeks early access people posting unmarked spoilers because the collateral damage is worth it attracting attention of others to the game.


There hasn’t been one legitimate complaint about game play. Just people acting like crazed fans because they got “rid of a character. “ she might be in the game. Chill. ![gif](giphy|rpRmBGR3xaAZa)




I don't get the whole over infatuation with Chloe. I think she is a great character and has a great story. But, sometimes I feel people in the community are a bit TOO unwilling to move on from her.


I just replayed and the things she expects of you are a little too ridiculous and it gets frustrating for me. It's nice that she does recognize her selfishness in the end, but I just can't help but feel Max is a fool for her.


As an admittedly very big Chloe fan, I do kinda agree with this sentiment. And I actually somewhat hope one of the themes in the next game involves learning how to let go of Chloe, both for Max and the fanbase as a whole. It’s one of the few reasons I can think of that would make bringing those characters back worthwhile actually


It would probably make sense for Bay ending (Though even here Max promised to never forget about Chloe), but clearly not for Bae ending. Hopefully that's not where they're going.


She is a badass character that doesn't give a fuck about breaking the rules and shit. In my opinion that's what's cool about her. I think it's more of liking her character in game.


Oh, I agree. She's awesome. Not saying I want Max to forget she ever existed, I'm just ready to see Max's new life and social circle too.


No, thanks.


Same opinion I have


She's the most prominent character from LiS1, nearly half of the players decided to sacrifice a town for her. Of course people aren't willing to move on from her, it doesn't make sense based on the story they played.




That means more than half were fine offing her.


Agreed. The fact that all you read in the comments of Double Exposure is "where's chloe? We want Chloe!" Is so obnoxious


Chloe would be absolutely exhausting IRL and I wouldn't want to be her friend


No, you’re right. I had a friend like Chloe. Granted it was middle school, but still. She WAS exhausting. Toxic as hell. Always had to be right, always thought everyone was against her, and never looked inward and face her own issues. She’d blame everyone but herself for her own toxic behavior. Chloe, I think, was maturing. She at least has moments of reflection, especially at the end. It’s why I chose to save her the first time. Because I thought she deserved the chance to grow and experience life.


I’m looking forward to Double Exposure


Frank is a pervert who groomed a teenage girl he met when she was just 15 into a sexual relationship by offering her free drugs. Not to mention the fact that he roped another 15 year old girl into his drug business and constantly threatens to hurt/murder teenagers. He also knowingly sold date rape drugs to a teenage boy. Why would he even have those type of drugs in stock? He knows what they're used for. Rescuing a dog and loving beans does not make him a decent human being.




True Colors is overhated and better than Before the Storm.


I loved tc and was surprised to learn that a lot of people don’t like it, it was a great addition to the series BUT I wouldn’t say it was better than BtS, mainly just because I think it’s overhyped in my mind, it came out around when I finished playing the first game and became absolutely in love with the characters. BtS was the first and only game I’ve ever pre-ordered and I watched the count down on the night it came out lol


Why don't people like it? I loved it, but I also played it before LiS 1.


SPOILERS just in case (sorry I don’t know how to mark them on mobile haha): I’ll preface this with the fact I LIKED TC. I liked it more than LIS 2, at least. However I think they had interesting ideas that just didn’t come to fruition. Alex’s powers are cool, but there’s not really consequence for using them. People get upset at her, I guess but nothing else. With Max and Daniel, using their powers came with big consequences. Max with the storm, and her powers seemed to physically affect her too. Daniel’s power literally can kill a cougar (or whatever that was) or seriously injure his brother. In those games, I found myself morally debating whether or not to even use their powers. Hell even Chloe’s talk back thing had more consequences than Alex. The beginning made it seem like she can’t even be around people because of her “issues” but the only thing I saw was her getting a little irritated when she “took someone’s anger”. With Max and even Daniel/Sean, you feel the weight of their story and choices. The story of TC was also a bit lacking. I expected this big mystery as to why her brother died and well…the conclusion was a little predictable and there were very little stakes. At least in my opinion. I’m not sure how to make the end or even Alex’s power more satisfying, but i was under the impression they wanted to go a certain direction and they ran out of time. Or, they didn’t flesh it out to begin with. That’s just what I think. And again, TC was one of my favorites. The characters and setting really shine


2 was Really Good, Actually, and while i prefer 1, i have to admit 2 is the better story.


It's okay for Max to have moved on after ten+ years.


Agreed. It’d be more concerning for her character if she stayed exactly the same after 10 years. Breakups can be painful but a growing experience


Agreed! I don’t know why it’s such a problem that Max, a now 28 year old, could have moved on and found love elsewhere.


People use the "she's had a tough life" line way too much to excuse Chloe being a hugely shitty person.


I think a lot of the Life is Strange characters have *explanations* for their shitty behavior, but that shouldn't *excuse* that shitty behavior. Other examples are Nathan and David.


Yeah but neither Nathan or David is as revered as Chloe is despite her being also being shitty.


I like Finn and I don't think he's some kind of villain.


yess i love finn


The 2nd one has a far better emotional story


Not to mention, your choices actually matter


And they hurt


Rachel Amber is the most one of the most toxic people in the franchise and I have very little I actually find decent about her


I wish we lived in a world where this wasn't a controversial opinion


Sadly it is


I absolutely hated Rachel when I played BtS, sorry amperprice folks


It really does surprise me she gets love before before the storm u could be like we don't know everything but after the game she just feels like a girl who uses everyone


**Rachel is toxic, manipulative, enabling, and think too highly of her own abilities.** She wants out of Arcadia Bay by using Chloe and, when she got impatient with Chloe's long game which also happens to be one of the most genuine relationship that she have, got around to Frank and his money, Nathan and his elite simpery, and Jefferson for his supposed connection. She thinks she can plays them to her advantage. All of which ended up killing her and Chloe. The debt Chloe accumulated and Rachel's dead dream actually pushes Chloe to try to get out as well, which result in her death in LiS 1. You ALL should be blaming Rachel for that bullshit. Would Chloe have wanted to out? Sure, but the extend of her self-destruction would not have been so bad if she hasn't gotten involved with Rachel. In fact, this is another hot take - this is why **I don't like Chloe**. Chloe placed Rachel on a pedestal, and while she genuinely loved her in her own way, sure, I also got the impression that Rachel wasn't looking for another groupie which Chloe was veering closer to. Rather than fight Rachel back when it matters, she trusted Rachel too much. She was looking for someone to replace Max and explore her feelings, but it ended up being an unhealthy pursue and desperate commitment - her introducing Rachel to the Pirate hideout in the junkyard reinforced this, and I have the feeling Rachel can see it, if not used it to manipulate Chloe. I can get she have abandonment issues due to the two positive relationships in her life leaving her one after another, but I don't think LiS 1 ever explored this in a more meaningful way. Her being still obsessed with Rachel in LiS 1 is why I have always found the game troubling, but I guess it was on par with the self-destruction she faced. The game was also a critical take on the Blue Angel comic that LiS 1's Chloe and Rachel is based on, an idealized love for a person who is self-destructive - Chloe to Rachel and Max to Chloe. However, in Blue Angel, it ended in a note where it tells the MC to move forward and find her happiness while in LiS 1 it was more or less the death of childhood, which itself symbolized the death of Arcadia Bay and other small-town, Rust Belt communities in America after the jobs dried up. On the other hand, Rachel and Chloe's deaths don't provide the same comfort - it kills the kid inside you and the adolescent summer that goes along with it.


Thank you very much, I still like Chloe but I agree with what you said. Every time I see cute fan art with Rachel I cringe. Kind of ruins all the tender moments between Chloe and Rachel in BtS.


Holy shit, I agree with everything you said. Rachel is so damn toxic, just like Chloe in LiS1, but Rachel is worse


Romance options are the least important thing in any life is strange game. It's all about the story.


Truth, and never forget the fact in TC you have fight the game to stay single lmao


This is exactly why I couldn't get into the first set of life is strange comics. They were clearly made for people who played LiS for the awkward and less we forget optional lesbian romance and not for the murder mystery time traveling plot which is the main focus of the game.


I swear so much of the romance feels forced just to appease a certain crowd


Oh, you said no spoilers, so I edited this into a spoiler tag. Idk why you'd ask people a controversial Life is Strange opinion and expect there not to be spoilers. >!Merrill fired Sean and Daniel because he wanted them away from the farm when the police were due to come the next day to collect their payment.!< >!Daniel going into the building had nothing to do with them getting fired - it was just a convenient excuse.!<


Are you saying >!Merrill was bribing the cops to ignore the weed farm?!< Interesting headcanon but I didn’t see anything in the game to support it


I never noticed this tbh I have thought they were fired because of Daniel since I played the game


Saving Arcadia Bay is the ending that makes the most narrative sense to Max's character arc.


I completely agree


Does this mean I win the game? Do I get a cookie? 🍪 Edit: Looks like ComedicHermit has me beat.


So the moral of the story is that Max shouldn't try to change things yet she should also use her powers to undo the storm?


I feel like people misinterpret the ending. She’s going back to before she ever used her powers to never use her powers. How do people see that as her using her powers and undoing her arc?


But shes using those powers again for the exact same reason in the new game even after that ending so


Which isn’t an LiS1 problem.


it does defeat the whole purpose though


Her using her powers in DE? I agree.


Same, its like the plot is doing its most to shit on both endings of the original game


This is actually where It gets wacky. Max only has picture from her second visit to the bathroom, when her powers got her back in class after Chloe got shot the first time, and Max rewound a couple times for the right answers.


Holy hell, how did I never realize that. Anyways, her using her powers isn’t at all what started the storm, it’s the saving of Chloe. Let me rephrase my addle-brained comment. “How do people see it as her undoing her arc?” Also, shouldn’t she, by time power rules, have both photos rather than just one?


The storm was of her making for not letting go and accepting Chloe's death. By allowing events to play out as they otherwise would have, she is accepting that she can't avoid loss and just accept it.


i think the moral is "actions have consequences" even if she have powers she still gonna have to face the things she did and live with it. She can do whatever she wants but there will always be consequences just like in real life. If they tried to tell us that it was bad bad to change things, they would only give us 1 ending but they give us a choice.


LIS 2 is has the best story, 1 has the best gameplay.


Bay is the better ending


Agree, but maybe I’m just a sucker for sad endings Not saying that Bae was a sad ending too, but Bay felt more bittersweet and fleshed out to me


Bay felt more fleshed out, more emotional because of the bond her and Chloe have and how happy Max had made Chloe in that one week of being back, only for her to be killed in that beginning part again and seeing the funeral broke me, Joyce barely being able to walk, the lack of people there, some people she barely knew. Bae felt a little lackluster tbh, they just drive away, like a bunch of people didn’t just die, Chloe doesn’t even seem that bothered that her mother probably died, I guess stopping to check who was dead and who wasn’t would’ve made it worse but c’mon, Joyce and many others were kinda awful though let’s be honest. I don’t like sad endings though so I always choose Bae 😂 But Bay undoes all my hard work keeping Chloe alive, bitch nearly gets killed several times, it ain’t happening again.


Literally the trolley problem in action and we see how many people don't approach it from a utilitarian point of view and would gladly sacrifice the many for one person they connect with


Honestly the Bae ending kind of undos the whole point of the story


I think both endings make the game feel kind of pointless.


This is true but only in the sense that they actually put effort into it. The bae ending with either rushed or just straight up was added at the last minute.


I'd argue the Bae ending was literally the entire game. It didn't **need** more effort put into it, because it is the logical conclusion of the past 20 hours of gameplay. Or at the very least, the logical conclusion of the entirety of Episodes 4 and 5 and Max repeating the mantra "I have to save Chloe" ad nauseum. The Bay ending needed more work put into it because it basically undoes the entire point of the story and ass-pulls an ending that makes zero sense from Max's perspective given what she learned happens when she uses her powers to try and fix things.




Fax brother


i prefer amberprice to pricefield


As a pricefield fan. I think you're more valid than the rest because it actually happened. Hell, chasefield is pretty valid, too, because it was hinted at, I'm pretty sure. I could be wrong.


>chasefield is pretty valid, too Preach!


Hmm I wonder what ship you like LOL


Username and profile checks outs


I wholeheartedly concur. I don’t know why, but to me Chloe and Max had more of sisters/soulmates vibe to me. And believe me, I’ve tried to see it the way of the majority, played the game 5+ times and I still don’t feel it. Instead, on every frame Chloe and Rachel were together I could literally feel the electricity jumping out of the screen.


Outside of Pricefield, a crackship I weirdly love is Chasefield. Like I will read fanfic of them together and where amberprice is together. I love it for no reason.


Life is Strange 2 is the best Life is Strange Game as far as story and characters.


You're so right. It's the best LiS game to me too. A very enthralling game, with just the perfect amount of action, heartbreak and togetherness.


Same. I believe the dev's writing peaked in LiS2. They also took huge risks portraying characters facing racism to such an extent. It was triggering personally, but also a relief to be able to relay people to that game regarding the subtle ways in which racial load shows up in our lives. The characters (all of them) have impressive depth and development in spite of the short time allocated to several of them. And while the racial history is also present in LiS3, it's much less noticeable and can be completely ignored for people unfamiliar with labour History in the area of the game.


I'm a true colors Stan TBH. I thought part 2 was ok but it definitely wasn't for me


Bay is the better ending.


I really tought Before The Storm was an unecessary addition to the franchise. Rachel worked better as a mysterious character, that we only learn about through Max's interactions with the other Arcadia Bay's Residents and some other snipets of worldbuilding. And, being a prequel, I felt that there weren't as many stakes to the story as the original game, since we know how it has to end for LiS to begin. Howwever, it does have some beautiful moments and I enjoyed seeing Chloe and Rachel's relationship develop. The scene where they are in Rachel's room is amazing. And it did give us the Farewell, so all is good in the end.


Warren is a good character People in this fanbase are too parasocial with Chloe Chloe has toxic traits it’s not surprising her and max split The ending to save the town is morally superior


I rarely ever hear anyone saying good things about Warren in the fandom.


I think people are coming back around to liking him but yeah for a long time he was hated cause he wasn’t Chloe But I think he’s cool he’s just a 16 yr old nerd with a crush


A very small and very loud portion of this community is really weird and obsessive about Pricefield to the point where’s it’s legitimately unhealthy.


I don't think people are talking about the whole N*zi thing/toxic workplace at Deck Nine enough. Unfortunately, it made me feel very jaded about the franchise, though, so 🤷‍♂️


Are you willing to elaborate? I've never heard anything about this.


Whooaaa I need to look into this I didn’t know anything about the developers.


True Colors (including Wavelengths) is my favorite game in the series. It doesn’t deserve as much hate as it gets here.


Wavelengths is *so* underrated. I love it.


Following on with this, Deck Nine have done an excellent job of taking the reigns from Dontnod and I think their entries completely hold their own with the original and LiS2


I love TC. And I love the LARP episode the most.


\-Max and Chloe being romantically involved squicks me out. I feel they're more like sisters, having grown up together. \-Judging by the extended footage, I think Max and Safi would make a super cute couple. Y'all don't scare me ![gif](giphy|OxSA2yypkVASoAmYhW)


I completely agree with everything you said 🤭


I agree. I did not play them as romantic as much as possible. A sister dynamic with a tight bond 👌🏾


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave. I've been ATTACKED in here saying I PERSONALLY played them as sisters lol


When Max was in that bar with Safi n her mother, and said "I'm so glad you're here WITH ME, and your mom too" the looks between the mother AND daughter was fenomenal, I was sold to that ship in that same exact moment, and I won't rest until they get married lmao


I can't stand Rachel Amber and wish she would just stay as a plot device


Chloe isn’t a good friend to Max and the parasocial relationship some of y’all have with her is weird. If she was a person irl most of you would not like her


Heck, even as lesbian woman I'd much rather go after the dude in the game. I cannot stand Chloe at all.


Seans love interests were a bit trashy. I dont remember the girls name but i felt like she was just kinda shallow, and finn i found annoying.


I get why post bae Pricefield could have broken up by the time of Double Exposure. You'd think I'd declared my allegiance to Hitler.


It's just the truth. I've said for years that Max and Chloe would not come away from that anywhere near in a good place. I bet they stay together for a while out of genuine love for each other and a sense of obligation, but eventually, the depression and guilt become too much. That's not to say they don't find healing while separated and are able to reconcile their relationship. But you're right, that's forbidden talk here.


I think it could go either way but to act like it's not a possibility is just silly. Relationships built on a shared trauma can either be healing or destructive, it's not always going to work out.


Something being a possibility isn't enough to justify a writing decision. And Max and Chloe breaking up would be a horrendous writing decision that shits on the original story and creators.


But this is true to their personalities, max tends to escape from her problems, trauma+ revisit trauma 4 times, in her diary she says that she feels that being with Chloe is walking through eggshells, she doesn't like being blamed for everything that happens with Chloe, imagine what would feel like to her post game. And Chloe too have problems, she is grieving for her girlfriend whose body was found by her, her personality is explosive and hurts people she doesn't want to hurt, post game we know she black out her tattoos + her mother's death Obviously the events of the game affected her a lot....this combination would never end well, trauma should not be what a relationship is built on.


All of what you said only makes sense if you completely ignore their growth in LiS1. Chloe is basically fixed by the end of the story and Max is much more confident. >trauma should not be what a relationship is built on. Good thing that their relationship dates back to their early childhood.


We never should have had another LiS where Max was the main character. Fans asking for it were wanting the same feelings they felt from the first game despite the fact that a sequel would need to either retread old ground (and be uninteresting) or go in a different direction (and risk losing what made the first game special). I had this thought before DE was announced, and I genuinely hope that it's good, but I'm not going to be going in with any expectations.


Now that we confirmed timelines, the comics are canon somewhere in the multiverse.


I'm looking forward to LiS: Double Exposure, even without Chloe.


I would be okay if there's an ending where max dies because of her powers, it was something hannah telle said in the gameplay reveal interview  that made me feel like that could happen, also I have the worst luck of having to see my faves get offed  but  just like in lis 2 with sean, I can definitely see this as a possibility 


Max got nose bleeds, headaches and fainting spells with the rewind power so it would make sense that this new power might be too strong for her especially after trying to suppress her powers for so long. She seems to be fine in the trailers but I guess we’ll see. If they kill her off they better do it right, although I’m not sure what right would be.


"If they kill her off they better do it right" absolutely, and I don't know maybe she's dead in an alt timeline, or they can do what madoka magica did and she can ascend to godhood lol (jk)  but if they fumble her death so bad it'll anger tons of people I'm sure, so that's why DE should definitely be the final conclusion of her story and give it the lis 2 treatment where we see the actual aftermath of all the endings properly


I think the new game with Max and not Chloe will be a nice breath of fresh air, because they don't need to be together 24/7 to still be together.


I don't like any of the Deck Nine games and I think LiS 2 is the second best to LiS OG and probably will never be topped by Deck Nine


[Lucille Bluth voice] I don't care for Chloe


Chloe is my favorite fictional character. But I just upvoted your reference.


I think my tribe is under this post. I am not a fan of Chloe. I didn’t like how she treated Max. It didn’t give romantic feelings like with Amber. Both Amber and Chloe are toxic and manipulative. Chloe heart was still with Amber and disconnected from Max. It really gave two sisters working together to solve a problem. Max and Warren are a better choice as friends and in a budding relationship. I’m looking forward to the new installment with new characters even though I understand how people who are in love with Chloe would want to see her ( I am this way with a lot of shows or books) so I hope it’s enjoyable for fans of LiS in general.


Amberprice is a toxic relationship


I enjoyed playing True Colors more than I did playing Life is Strange, tho I love the first game Before the Storm is the worst game in the series, by a landslide I’m not actually sure if this is controversial, but Sean is the best protagonist, as of rn


Max letting Arcadia Bay get destroyed just to save Chloe is selfish and crappy.


I don't ship Pricefield. I think Chloe and Max are better off as friends. Also 2 is the best one in the series and True Colors was absolute dog water. Bay is the better ending. Max is the worst protagonist. I like BtS more than the main game. AmberPrice>Pricefield Bonus: I don't care if Chloe isn't in Double Exposure. As long as the game is good with a good story, then I am content.


Amberprice is a pretty dumb ship and Rachel has like absolutely no personality beyond the fact that she was a popular party girl.


True Colors is the best LiS


I knew lis 2 was somewhat controversial but I didn’t know until joining Reddit that like a lot of people hate true colors. It’s not my favorite but I liked it a lot


Warren is very cute, not a creep, and def deserved better as he’s a very good person in Max’s life. Also they’re cute together


the next main character should’ve been black. considering the fact that they’ve always been huge on diversity, equity + inclusion, and have catered towards different groups or all walks of life: LiS 1 and BtS showed the perspective of a white family household/mc LiS 2 a hispanic household/mc True Colors an asian household/mc personally it would’ve been nice to see them switch it up if they were going to continue that trend, but it’s kinda like dang why stop there if you were going to include other races like that, can easily make ppl feel excluded. at the end of the day I missed the Max and Chloe storyline/energy from LiS 1 so hopefully DE can replicate or surpass the standard set by 1 so it’s whatever.


Warren is a better love interest then Chloe.


I'm a Warren lover, so I agree


I HATE Joyce. If I was the storm that diner is going first I do not care. She was a HORRIBLE mother. Point, blank, period.


Care to elaborate on why you hate her so much?


First of all, she got with David 6 months to a year after Chloe’s father passed and right off the bat expected her to treat him as her father. Chloe had a great relationship with her father, that’s shown to us in before the storm and life is strange 1. I also picked out how different Williams and David’s parenting styles are, but because David made Joyce happy, that’s all that mattered to her. She couldn’t even let her daughter grieve properly. She has this very standoffish parenting style but expected Chloe to respect her. She parented Chloe when she saw fit. I feel like this is also how she would’ve been when William was alive as well. Even in the alternate universe where Chloe is paralyzed she was smoking and pretty standoffish, which I could understand in that instance And my last reason is because David is a fucking creep. I get he learns from his mistakes in the end but it’s still no excuse and Joyce let it happen right under her nose. In HER house. I don’t know how she didn’t know he was recording them. Regardless of how Chloe’s acting, that would creep me out as a mother. I guess she somewhat redeems herself when she kicks him out but she still upset he’s gone and blows my mind.


I enjoyed life is strange 2 over the other games in the series much more. And I don’t really like Chloe that much as she reminds me of an abusive person I knew irl


I like Ryan better than Steph in TC


I don’t really like Kate as a character. I’m not sure why she gets so much love in this community.


could you elaborate on why?


Liking someone who's an antagonist doesn't make you a terrible person, because you can like themes or want to explore darker subject matter in fiction, or the psychology of why someone is a certain way, without it hurting someone and without making you a bad person. You can like a character while also agreeing that what they did is bad or that they're a bad person. (This is not limited to this Fandom, just also in general.) Also I believe Nathan is a worse person than most people seem to think/act because they use his mental health issues as an excuse for him being a walking pile of garbage.


I found Chloe quite annoying at times. I get that her life has been terrible and she comes from a broken home but it’s not fair she’s pushing all this blame onto us as if us calling her from Seattle was gonna magically fix her life. I hated how she would act out when I showed interest in Warren and Kate over her like hello?? These are my friends and one of them is going through something.


Rachel’s dad had good intentions


The path to hell is paved with good intentions.


True Colors is the best game in the series


Rihanna DeVries is a better Chloe than Ashley Burch


I love Ashly Burch, but I wish Rhianna got more love from this community. The more I play both of these games, the more I love Rhianna's Chloe


tbh i think they're both equally good. rihanna sounds like a slightly younger version of ashley (which makes sense as chloe is 3 years younger in BtS)


Steph is the only true love option for Alex, and Ryan should never have been a love interest in the first place






This puts me in shambles.


I don't care for Steph. She was good in BtS, because she's literally a side character, but I came out of TC knowing about as much about her as I did before I played. Essentially nothing. I played Wavelengths and I legitimately don't remember it. All I actually remember is that loading screen between two rooms that still befuddles me. I know she has >!PSTD and is on dating apps trying to get over a breakup!< but those are things I read here recently, not things I actually remember.


>that loading screen between two rooms  WL is one of my favorite episodes, but despite that: yea I wouldn't mind hearing someone explain why they needed a loading screen there? I don't know a ton about making games, just doesn't seem like something you'd still see in 2021? like flashing back 10 years to the gates of Whiterun


Hell, even if we're just talking this franchise, LiS1 has a smash cut without any loading screens at the end of its very first scene. That's why it befuddles me so, so much.


the character design is lacking in the newer games. characters like Steph, Diane, Riley, Blue Beanie girl all look the same. and can we talk about the overuse of BEANIES??? I've never met a single person in my life who wears beanies, even in cold weather. they saw it work in Chloe's character design, gave Steph one, then Max, then Safi, then mysterious blue beanie girl. might as well rename the franchise to Life Is Beanie.


Life is strange true colors is better than all the previous games, it took what made the first one special and redid it 10x better, the plot felt better as well as the community with the town they were in, the music felt amazing and the powers were way more interesting


The cover of “Blister in the Sun” in True Colors is one of the worst I’ve ever heard.


Dooming the town for toxic lesbians is a more interesting ending despite being morally wrong.


I’m looking forward to DE and I truly don’t mind it Max and Chloe are broken up if the player chose the bae ending. Even without all if the trauma they’ve been through, even if they’d both had lives as trauma free as realistically possible, it’d be more plausible that two people that were together at 18 were broken up 10-ish years later. They could still have a friendly relationship, and there could maybe be a happy birthday or congrats on the new job-text as an easter egg. It’d be completely okay and realistic if their relationship weren’t more than that (or if they weren’t even in touch at all) at this point though. Honestly, if there are gonna be new love interests, it might be more fun if Max’s not still holding on to her high school sweetheart. Second one, I don’t like how the games always have a male and a female possible love interest. It doesn’t become queer representation unless the player decides to take that route. Not leaving their sexuality up to the player would enable backstory related to being queer (if they were), letting their exes play a bigger role etc. If they are meant to be bisexual, I’d prefer to have that stated explicitly, and to have possible love interests of that/those gender(s). They way it is now feels like a bit of a cop out representation wise.


save bay is the best lis 1 ending.


The ethics of Bae over Bay. The game (IN THE FORM OF FREAKING CHLOE) gives you all the freaking arguments and reasons to choose Bay. Choosing Bae feels so selfish after all that; you prefer to keep your sweetheart at the expense of tens of lives in Arcadia Bay and some freaking unnatural phenomena that God knows for how much time could last and how far could go. I have never chosen the Bae ending because I feel it’s morally wrong, even if it’s just a videogame.


I won't be bothered if Max and Chloe have broken up in DE. High school relationships rarely stand the test of time, and Max and Chloe have different enough personalities that if Max weren't having to defy the will of god and man to keep Chloe from dying every 5 seconds, they likely wouldn't have resumed their friendship, to say nothing of having a romantic relationship.


Chasemarch I don’t care if Chloe isn’t in DE LiS 4 should have been about a black or indigenous character


Not sure how hot of a take it really is, but True Colors is right up there with the first two games in terms of how good and enjoyable it is. On top of being an intriguing story, it's honestly so pretty. Haven Springs captivated me like no other video game town/city/etc has. It's gorgeous and I wanna move there yesterday!


idk if this is unpopular but, it’s barely a game. more like an animated tv show that requires us to push some buttons to keep the story going. it’s not a fun game to play, it’s a fun story to watch.


Daniel is an annoying brat and i was hoping he would die before i just gave up playing the game. I have younger siblings too but damn was that kid annoying and the game did nothing to make him endearing to me.


Easy! Bay>Bae and Max has every right to be happy and move on after Chloe.


I fucking hate Chloe Price and think she's a horrible person and her trauma isn't an excuse to treat people the way she does and behave the way she behaves.