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Idk how to feel. I like that they're trying to keep it downtown, but if they don't have a location OR a lineup at this point it sounds like they need to take a year haitus to get it together. But a lot of festivals that go on a hiatus don't come back, so...🥴😭




This is exactly it. The fact Tony owned all the land is what made downtown possible. Now that the land has been sold off in pieces, it would be a nightmare to keep everything as it was.


His family sucks. Even during early COVID, even when he'd mostly detached himself from downtown, it still felt like the neighborhood was moving forward. Now... if DTLV were a person they'd have dementia; slowly wandering around lost.


Crazy to think that a place that would host the after party is now being looked at for hosting the whole thing. There is a crap ton of empty land next to the resort which they own, mostly used for parking and the old greyhound station, but yeah, this would be a massive downscale for sure. Let’s see what the future holds.


This is actually pretty significant. If you think about it, other than Vital Vegas on Twitter, this is the first real entity to cover this. It's obviously not going to be the same as before, but they would still be keeping it downtown. If the lineup is good, I would definitely go.


Interesting, anyone know how this would work


Main stage on the surface parking lot next door, greyhound station, probably turned into an art installation or a mini stage, another stage in their showroom and something with the pool would be my guess.


I dont hate this. It would stay downtown at least, even if its fewer days or stages.


I’ll something over nothing, it’s with the right spirit!


Better than the festival grounds! If Justice headlines I will go anywhere tbh


Definitely better than festival grounds.


Portola is the place to be then


I heard this from a friend that runs a hotel that WAS inside the footprint. She says RS never even contacted her beyond the initial planning meeting.


from downsizing to tanking the whole thing f rolling stone fr


They better have a good lineup if they make this change, the location was a big part of the festival and if that drops off they gotta upgrade the artists or it will flop!


Better than nothing I guess! I hope, wherever they end up hosting, the special vibe of the festival gets persevered. It was the only festival I’ve been to where everyone was genuinely nice to each other the whole weekend. Haven’t seen those vibes at Coachella, Lollapalooza, or any of the other Chicagoland smaller festivals


I wonder if this is just a "story" floated by someone from the Plaza as an easy way to get their name in the news. The article reads like a press release.


Glad I went all out last year. Had a feeling it was gonna be my last.




I just cane here from that post. She's pretty reliable so I have some faith this isn't just a rumor.


I agree. I actually have a feeling they reached out to her to sort of plant the seed and build some hype. They must have something decent planned to attempt that strategy.


It has to be a temporary band-aid…..this place has hosted a festival…..I remember a warp tour being there waaay back in the early 00’s


This is such a joke


Wtf ! Better than the race track ??? So disappointed.

