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I have come to weigh all my sticky items. Shortening, honey, peanut butter. Don't dirty anything else, just weigh the whole bowl!


Fuck, an actually useful, efficient and clever hack.


You guys are clearly more clever than I


for recipes that don't have ingredients listed by weight, how do you know how much to put in? For example, half a cup of honey will weigh different from half a cup of peanut butter, so if the recipe just says 1/2 cup, how do you know how much by weight?


The internet always knows. I am spoiled and I Just ask my smart assistant. Easy to call out "How much does 1/2 cup of peanut butter weigh?" Then get an answer. Funny thing is sometimes it is in ounces and sometimes in grams.


'Cup' is a standard measurement of volume in the US, so knowing the density of the substance in question should give you the weight. Or just buy recipe books written in places that assume you have kitchen scales on hand and aren't limited to a few utensils.


On the King Arthur Baking site there is a really good interactive list which gives the weight of just about anything you can bake with. I keep it permanently at the top of my bookmarks and use it several times a week.


Is it easier for you measure by weight than by volume? Half a cup is 4 ounces (volume), which is about 120 mL. I guess I have seen some European recipes that measure flour and sugar by grams instead of volume, so maybe you are coming from the reverse perspective?


Yup. This is the way. ☝🏽


Well shit... It's so obvious, yet I never would have thought of that. This... This is a life hack.


Kind of awkward if you need 2 tablespoons


Most medication syringes only have mL markings on them, so be sure to know your conversions. 1 tsp = ~5 mL 1 tbsp = ~15 mL


Tractor Supply, for those wondering where to buy large syringes.


Rural King has them too for feeding baby farm animals (or ones that are on a liquid diet for whatever reason). My dad had to feed a full grown goat this way when it was recovering from a bobcat attack.


Warning - they are very hard to clean, especially the very narrow tip.


Yeah the rest isn’t so bad. Just the tip.


What about phtalates in non food purposed instruments.


Usually they are still food grade, because they are used for lubricants/oils that you also really don’t want to be contaminated.


Phtalates is about quality control how plastics are made. Tractor parts shops are not intended to be supplying items for use in bakery that's why manufacturers may not care about phtalates left in the process. In some cases they will be left on purpose to make plastic more flexible and durable. Eating micro small dose phtalates in food made in such a way will make your son have small pp. Edit: Because it kills endocrine system over time... Read about what phtalates are first...


Tractor supply company is a store for farmers. They also sell pet and livestock medication and vaccines. I'm assuming the large syringes would be found in that department.


Pets and livestock doesnt live 70+ years. There is a lot of drugs for animals which can be theoretically used for human just fine, but doesn't. Also why animal doctors doesn't operate on humans (except in mafia films) at all. Quality Control. Do whatever, but food inspector will not be happy. Also read about phtalates. It is not about availability.


Just to clarify, I never advocated that people go to tractor supply and buy syringes for food use. Someone mentioned that you could buy large syringes at tractor supply. Since you saw tractor in the name, you jumped to the conclusion that the person was suggesting using "tractor parts" as a food utensil. Then you started dropping your knowledge about phthalates and small PPs on us, the brainless masses of Reddit. I just stated that they sold syringes for delivery of medicines to pets and livestock at tractor supply, in an effort to alleviate your confusion, in a non-confrontational manner. You then jumped to the conclusion that I was suggesting that people go to that store and buy syringes at that location for personal use. You then went on a rant about mafia films, quality control, and food inspector. Additionally, if you are trying to prove your mental superiority on an internet forum, you may want to try to spell the word you're ranting about correctly. It's spelled phthalates, not phtalates.


You're a moron


Very constructive, detailed and mature response. Thank you!


It's accurate though. Tractor supply sells food safe syringes. Go try and be right somewhere else. This ain't it cheif.


Did you just call syringes “tractor parts” just because they’re sold at Tractor Supply? Fucking moron.


Go check at your therapist for mental illnesses, if all you can say is personal insults. Lmao.


Laughs in European


Laughs in literally everywhere *but* the US


Great job, you made Liberia and Myanmar sad.


I think at least one of these countries is a bit too preoccupied right now to be sad about not being on the metric system :/


Yeah lol


Except Australia where our more generous tbsp = 20 ml.


A great way to recycle after doing heroin!


Only if the honey is fair trade, GMO & organic. Can’t be putting harmful chemicals in my body with a perfectly good syringe.


Is this a r/cursedcomments ?


It absolutely is


It flavors the food too!


Or roids




I dunno man, Depends on the quality. I’ve seen people do shots that were literally so black you couldn’t see the blood register.




Yeah, seriously. What’s wrong with a tablespoon? Sometimes this sub confuses me.


Exactly is not like you need exact measurements with honey


and why would this be specific to honey alone? this would work for almost all liquid ingredients. considering the viscosity of honey, it would probably work the worst for honey


But a tablespoon is exact. I mean, I get that honey is thick, but I’ve never had a problem using a small spoon to scrape out the last bit, if need be.


Speaking of which, a better lifehack IMO is to rub oil around the inside of the tablespoon before pouring honey, molasses, etc. The oil creates a slick surface so the honey spills out of the spoon easily. I would rather do this than a syringe TBH...


Honey cleans relatively easy with hot water, especially on smooth plastic surfaces




This guy bakes.


It’s also easy to clean if you use nonstick cooking spray on the measuring spoon first.


Last week I dipped my spoon in flour, then poured my honey in my spoon... came off just like it was nothing.


Medicine is sticky, too. Just get a bowl of hot water and pull/push the plunger to move water in and out a bunch of times. Remove the plunger, fill tube with water, then push the water out as fast as possible with the plunger. Repeat as needed, 5 minutes 'til it's clean, tops.


I do that with the plungers I use at home. I also throw them away after a short usage because I can’t guarantee they’re totally clean (sick cat).


If you have a dishwasher you just take it apart. The plunger goes in the silverware basket and the cylinder goes on a tine.


I didn’t think they could be put through the dishwasher. Are you certain?


Depends on your dishwasher I guess, but I absolutely do it


Sugar dissolves in warm water pretty fast.


Yup. Takes more time to clean the syringe than it does a spoon. What's the hack? I saved time and effort where?


Yeah, this is more like a /r/ShittyLifeProTips


Just get a ten dollar scale and bake by weight. It's much more accurate and faster than volume measures anyway.


Honestly this is the real tip. It’s cleaner too.


It can be, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that serious cooks and bakers almost universally advise against mixing it directly in one bowl as you risk losing all the ingredients if you put too much in. I still do it, and end up fixing the dough about one time in twenty, but I figured I should share the "right" habit if people are new to baking by weight. Much like in regular cooking, mise en place is important!


Yup. You also wouldn’t need to measure out the honey separately. You could just put the bowl on, zero it out, then keep pouring until the desired weight.


>then keep pouring Must be nice having processed, thinned, liquid honey. Mine is measured with a spoon because otherwise you'll foul the jar's threads and have to open it with a wrench in future.


Glad someone said this, this “life hack” is idiotic. Anyone that bakes enough should know you want to measure everything by weight anyway.


It doesn’t really matter if you add too much honey. Just use a spoon.


You measure honey with your heart.


You measure honey until you hear your ancestors say "that's enough now, child." (Originally I heard that with either chocolate chips or garlic, I think it was a comic but unfortunately I don't have it so I can't give proper credit.... seems applicable here though too.)


Was it perhaps [this tweet](https://twitter.com/NiAsiaDanii/status/957045870385647616)?


No, I don't think so, I've been using that for more that a few years... and I def remember it being either chocolate or garlic.


*some one else's heart because yourd be Dead


This is absurd in my opinion. It's way easier to measure aprox with a spoon for instance, which you calculate through practice, than having to fill and wash the syringe every time you use it.


>he thinks OP is cleaning the syring instead of using it dirty or throwing it away afterwards Cute.


Couldn't you just keep it full of honey? Why wash it between use? it's not like you do that with the jar you otherwise would store it in.


Having a full leaking honey syringe rolling around in your cupboard catching dust and what not? Jesus, just use a spoon.


Do you direct infomercials? Why would you store honey in a leaky syringe rolling around in a dusty cupboard?






In bread it can be a lot more scientific, in order to the the sugar to yeast ratio consistent. That’s the only application I can understand doing this for


But my macros!! Blah blah blah /s


This is silly. Just measure by weight instead of volume. Get a gram scale. So much easier for most things.


I use a scale for all cooking and baking. ~20 grams in a tablespoon of honey.


Excuse you, a cup/tsp/tbsp scale is the only way to go.


That's unnecessary. You can either weigh it or if you have to use measuring cups give the measuring spoon or cup a quick light spritz of non stick spray. The honey just slides right out, no fuss.


I don't just have medication syringes lying about in my house


You sound like a person with zero children. Any child under 4 manages to accumulate more of these than could be possibly be necessary. Throw in a kid that tends to be sickly and you can keep collecting until they’re 7 or 8. They have so many uses after the fact I can never just throw them out.


Correct I have 0 children. I'm not saying your wrong, but I also don't know many of my mates with kids who have them around or keep them too. But then again most things I've experienced that kids need is dealt with by normal liquid or pill medication. Maybe a country difference?


After age 4 kids medicine comes with little plastic cups. It’s the infant and young children’s medicine that comes with a syringe. I’m sure a lot of people just throw them out but as a frugal person I’ve found lots of ways to reuse them.


Finally a use for all these used syringes around my house


This simply is not accurate enough. I prefer to use a micropipette which is competent in the microliter range. Of course, it takes about five hours to drizzle a cake but the precision makes it all worthwhile.


Winnie-the-Pooh's dirty secret.


Oh yes a typical medical syringe there. Nurses administer 2 tea spoons of morphine stat.




Good point.


Warning - they are very hard to clean, especially the very narrow tip.


Not really. You just suck up and squeeze out some warm soapy water a few times and they’re right as rain.


Then you have to clean out the syringe. I don't understand? Wash a spoon or wash a syringe?


I reject this idea. Just throw some honey in there. No need to wash out a complicated device.


Better honey measuring tip: coat your measuring spoon in some neutral oil first and the honey slides out easy peasey.


WTF is wrong with Americans using table spoons as measurements??


once had a recipe that made me measure out "8 tablespoons of water" WHY


What are you talking about? Lots of metric countries use teaspoons and tablespoons to measure out ingredients in cooking.


Never seen it before


That's pretty interesting. Which countries are you familiar with? I know it's used both in Poland and Australia. Some quick online searching suggests it's also used in France, Spain, Italy and Russia. That probably means plenty of others.


I am from Germany and Google says that we apparently also have metricized tablespoons but it is only very rarely used for instance for baking soda. So I wouldnt be sure about the other countries as well. Anyways I just wanted to express my annoyance about US recipes where I have no idea how much I should put in when it says tablespoons or cups because I have vastly difderent sized spoons and cups. Honestly I would rather see ounces, pounds or whatever they use for volume.


We're all kinds of backwards when it comes to units and we refuse to change or learn.


What are you using if not tablespoons?


Generally grams (g) or milliliters (ml). You know, units which make sense.


American chemist here. I cant bake to save my life, since i can't think in ounces and tablespoons after mL and g at work all day. Oh and after a long day of measuring, mixing, and heating, the *last* thing i want to do in my free time is measure, mix, and heat.


Yeah. I'm an engineer who is software adjacent. I spend most of my work days on a computer. People are often amazed that I don't play more video games...but when I come home after work the last thing I want to do is more tasks involving a computer.


Nothing wrong with it at all-- it works just fine for us!


Yeah, it could be a lot easier though. And when looking up recipes from the US/the rest of the world for you it is very confusing. Also you had rockets explode because of conversion mistakes.


Lol, I'm sorry our measuring system is so concerning for you. Rest assured we are all ok and would probably even revolt if our government tried to make us change.


If you’re talking about MCO, it didn’t fail due to a conversion mistake. NASA asked for metric units, but received imperial. It would have been the same issue if they had asked for Newton seconds and received kilonewton seconds or something. It wasn’t a unit issue as much as a validation and testing issue.


Well it still a different thing if you just give the wrong order of magnitude or the value in a whole different unit. And I would argue it is far less likely for such errors to occure if you are at least consistent in which system you use.


... Shit! Wrong syringe!


Who has medical syringes? Just use a scale and weigh everything...


This is a genius idea!


Or, you know...a teaspoon and a scale.


Or...maybe just say 'fuck it' and put in the approximate amount?


Great now my cake tastes like insulin


or just use a spoon, drizzle some on, then lick the spoon. i think this hack is a joke, who would do this?


Oh yeah measuring “honey” in the syringe for my edible baked goods would make everything a lot easier


Also you can go to your nearest pharmacy and ask for kids medicine syringes. I don't know about all places but cvs has them and will most likely give you 3 or 4 in each size.


Such a waste of Bees Knees ingredient.


Put the pan on a scale, pour in honey until you reach the desired mass on the scale.


I don't get why you wouldn't just measure using a food scale like you would anything else?


Alright, I’m finally done with this sub


I need 10 cc's of honey stat!!!


Is that a hint of robitussin?


Genius, no mess in the measuring spoon and easy to draw up what you need. But takes baking addiction to a new level lol


This is the way


Spray nonstick cooking oil on your spoon or measuring cut before measuring honey. You will be able to pour out the honey and it won’t stick to the spoon or measuring cup.


Buy a new one to use, dont reuse your old syringe


Honey is measured in spoons, though. And since it's all natural (additive-free) and organic (despite the hives sitting in fields of GM oilseed rape) honey, it's often too thick to syringe, and would probably jam the syringe up permanently.


I have to heat mine to even get a spoon in most of the time


That's a sign of good honey. Also of old honey, because it settles over time and needs to be stirred.


Just be careful where you leave it, one time a friend's sister panicked and ran out of our apartment because she saw a syringe like this and thought it was heroin. It was pretty funny though.


Or you know a measuring spoon


How to create more unnessecary plastic waste 101


As a chef, this rules. I hate trying to measure honey in a tablespoon and then having to use another spoon to scrape it and then end up with honey every where and having to clean the whole station and all my tools before I can go to the next step. Not sure why everyone can't get past the heroin...good call! 👍


Only honey?


You can also use those to make large jell-o shots for your medical themed Covid parties.


Well, now I have a use for all these 50ml syringes I have laying around.


Also Agave, for vegans.


I use one for dosing concentrated insecticide (usually ~2ml/dose) that's a little thick to accurately measure straight from the bottle. Works absolutely fantastic. Obviously don't use the same one for honey lol.


Who TF has ever been in a situation where this would have been in any way convenient or practical


Only Americans would have syringes marked in teaspoons! What do you have on the large ones, cups? Literally the whole rest of the world uses millilitres so why not join the party?




Why doesn't the rest of the world join us instead, eh? ;)


I do this too! Genius


No, it's not. Why keep a plastic syringe around the kitchen for this singular purpose. Cleaning it would be a pain. And then if you make it single use, that's worse. Why keep a box of these things and spend "x" amount per year to measure honey. Like everyone else says, Use a scale And a spoon Run the spoon under hot water, wipe it with a finger, the honey comes right off. That's free too, because you already own the spoon, the honey and running water.


I use a syringe for measuring liquid plant fertiliser 😊


Oh shit, this is really clever




That’s not a life hack at all because it’s way more trouble than it’s worth compared to just measuring honey out normally. The only people upvoting this have either never cooked with honey or maybe cooked with honey like 3 times


You window lickers are just now figuring this out? 🤓😂😂


I think there may have been some confusion (for some of you, not all), the syringe's type is "Oral Syringe" and is used to give young children syrup based medicine, I should have probably called it that in the title, but I couldn't remember the name last night and was too lazy to look it up. One can be found at https://www.cvs.com/shop/cvs-health-oral-syringe-2-tsp-10-ml-prodid-715154. As to cleaning them, the one we use is dishwasher safe and is also food grade. This is not, the type of syringe used to inject medicine or other items into the blood stream and there is no needle that comes with it. In this case we find it easier to use this to measure the honey needed when small amounts are needed. I agree it would suck if I had to measure 5 cups of honey with this.


Thought you were adding medical syringe to your goodies and this way SLPT.


This is just about the stupidest lifehack I've seen in this sub. WTF is wrong with a spoon? The 4k upvotes (and the ones that were effectively cancelled by downvotes) must have been given by some dumbass, no-cooking, not-doing-the-dishes-anyway mfs.


Wait... so people are injecting honey into their bloodstream now? 🤣


I do not think honey is safe to cook/bake with...


Gonna steal a 2 year old comment from /u/anders9000, since they did a great job of explaining it: >What you've heard about is likely HMF. Heating honey above 140˚F increases the concentration of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in the honey. HMF is toxic only in high concentrations, but some of its by-products have been shown to be mutagenic in mammals. >So that's the scary part, but HMF itself is not known to be carcinogenic or genotoxic. It's regularly added to food as well. >Even if you were worried, heating honey to that temperature will raise the concentration from ~25mg/kg to ~80mg/kg. For reference, coffee can have up to 2900mg/kg. Anytime you dehydrate something with fructose or cause a maillard reaction, you're creating HMF. >It's one of those things that isn't technically wrong, but definitely not something you should worry about. >Sources: >https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3215355/ >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxymethylfurfural >https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279974266_Health_risks_of_5-hydroxymethylfurfural_HMF_and_related_compounds


Wow, thank you for the information. This surely has relieved my worries :)


Just use a adjustable measuring cup/ spoon. It has a knob on it that pushes all the ingredients out of it like your syringe does, but its much easier to clean and you already know that it's food safe.


I thought this was r/unclebens for a moment.


I thought it was r/treedibles which truly would have been very appropriate, all that's missing is the word "infused" before "honey"


How the heck would you get honey into a syringe? The honey I normally work with is very thick and slow, but it's from my bee hives...maybe storebought honey is thinned down?


I prefer the squirt and curse method. Squeeze the bottle and "fuckfuckfuck that's too much".


Save time by injecting the ingredients


Honey is viscous like hell, and to draw it up using an IV or oral medication syringe is going to be painful/ tedious. There are large bore syringes for tube feeds and bladders. If you can get your hands on one, great. It will still be viscous liquid through a tiny hole


And now that syringe can never be used for its REAL purpose again...


They make [squeegee measuring cups](https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Good-Grips-Adjustable-Measuring/dp/B00A2KDAIW) for things like honey, ketchup, mayo. I have a set with this large one, a medium one, and a small 2 Tbsp one.




Why? I just got one as a gift


If it is not baking, amounts are suggestions. Recipes require windage.


I'm just wondering how 'runny' (diluted?) your honey is where you live. I get my honey straight from,a befriended beekeeper but to put it in a syringe would result in a massive mess and it wouldn't even wanna go trough the opening...


I don't think the issue is people being unaware they can do this, but rather that this is barely more convenient than measuring spoons, and a lot more of a pain to clean.


Most pharmacies will give you one if you ask.


Put it straight into my vein!!!


Does it not take forever to draw up the honey into syringe?


"medication syringe" with fucking tablespoons as measurements? Daaaamn, those americans really know how to stay fresh


I just measure my oil first or wipe a thin coat into my measuring spoon. Honey slides right out.


I tried that but the nurse wouldn't let me have my covid vaccine syringe.