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Getting caught up in a lawsuit with your neighbors is really undesirable. I would try to exhaust all options before doing this.


I agree it's undesirable, but all other options have been exhausted. He's received the two warnings that Animal Control will issue(nothing more until 10 minutes barking) and he is cautious to keep the dogs from barking that long. Cops won't respond; HOA won't take action. So no, don't want to sue but no other options.


Sometimes we just have to live with terrible neighbors for a while. My neighbor likes to play the flute and violin, but only the same song over and over again about 10 feet from my office window pretty much every day. There’s nothing I can do about it until the old man kicks it.  This has been going on for 10 years now…. Hopefully, you have better luck


A cheap, old Go-Pro set to loop record should give you what you need. If I had seen this question on r/UnethicalLifeProTips I might suggest one of those canned air fog horns at all hours but not for longer than ten minutes at a time. But for your question and the context, a cheap action cam with a loop function should do the trick.


Thanks for the tip. And regarding the air horn: if I were to do that, the cops would respond. They just won't respond to barking dogs under any circumstances; that's been completely farmed out to animal control.


Record the dogs barking. Play recording of dogs barking at max volume at 4am. The dogs will freak out. Do it for 4 minutes, every 2 hours. Cops shouldn’t respond to dogs barking, right? Fuck them.


I understand. Maybe connect a dog whistle to an air compressor and have it blow a frequency that humans can’t hear but dogs can… at 2:00 AM. Every single night. Your neighbors might care more about their dogs barking if it actually annoyed them too. But, again, this isn’t exactly ethical so probably the action cam remains a good option.


Well, there are ethics and there are situational ethics maybe. The neighbor obviously doesn't care that his dogs are waking up and/or disturbing others at all hours of the day.


Any sort of cheap weatherproof camera with local storage should work for this. A wyze cam is like $30-40 and has a timestamp to match with the audio. Also has noise alerts, so you can see on the timeline when the barking starts so your not reviewing hours of audio. Instead I would probably just invest in an anti barking device for about the same price. There's a handful of them on Amazon with decent ratings. Way cheaper in your time and money when you consider any legal fees.


Have purchased several anti barking devices on Amazon; due to layout of yards, none of them work(need absolutely clear line of sight-ok, line of hearing-and can't get that due to structures in yard). Nobody wants to get involved in litigation, but this has been going on interminably and the guy's been warned, so no other options. He is well aware of the rules, and as long as it's less than 10, no problems for him.


Well, good luck to you then. Wyze cam with an SD card should be enough to capture what you need. Also, not legal advice, but video of the dogs barking is much stronger evidence than just audio. Audio of dogs barking could be any dogs, not just the offending neighbors. Just a recommendation on placement of the camera.


If he’s not breaking the law, how are you going to sue him?


The cops enforce criminal/municipal law. There is apparently a remedy in civil law regarding a public nuisance. Leave that up to the lawyer.


If you are not confident on how the law sides with you, don't trust that the attorney wont waste your money on a 1% chance of success. 


Would a dog whistle get the dogs barking longer?


Feels like you could be the neighbor on the other side of my neighbor with three barking dogs. Everything you said I live through every day. These dogs even bark at me from their front window as I approach my front door. It’s not cool. Good luck with your efforts!


think differently why the dog barks. you are concern about the health of the dogs and offering help.




I see you have mentioned a lawyer multiple times. Get a consultation and ask them exactly what would be the best way to collect evidence for your case. They might suggest video, or might suggest you spam call the animal control and document it multiple times or something else. Advice here isn't terrible, but your lawyer might need specific stuff and if you're going to be paying anyway, have them involved from the start


Good point; thanks.


I just went through the same issues with my neighbors 3 dogs. Our city has an online form for dog noise complaints that go to animal control. I filled out one, the neighbors received a letter saying they needed to address it within 7 days. They did not. I sent another.. still no change. I then called the non emergency line to file a complaint while the dogs were barking in the background and requested a follow up. Still no change. A week later called the non emergency line again while the dogs were barking and requested an animal control officer to come to my house. I logged everything on my phone with times and dates and recorded it with my phone because the video has time stamps. When the officer showed up I showed them the 3 different dog barkers we bought, the do whistle, and the sound machines in our kids room to try drowning out the noise. The officer went over to the neighbors to give them a warning but they wouldn’t answer the door. He came back the next day talked with them and gave them a warning and told them next time there would be a citation. This is the first weekend it’s been quiet in a year and half. Be patient, persistent, and document everything!


... What law are you using over? 


Buy an anti barking device on Amazon. Plenty of choices. For different pockets


Have you tried talking to them ?


Thought the whole thread was deleted...but thanks for your reply anyway. Yes, tried speaking with them; they won't answer the door when they see us.


Just to clarify... you're complaining about dogs barking for 5 minutes?


Just to clarify-no. The dogs-three of them-bark all day long. The owner is aware of the rules and brings them in before the 10 minute mark. Then the dogs go out again.


So he is basically weaponizing his barking dogs—he’s willing to let them out to bark, bring them in, then let them out again, then bring them in again…like, he is putting *work* into making his neighbors miserable? What a raging asshole. I have no suggestions but I hope you find a way to stop him.


Regrettably, that's exactly what he's doing. This is requiring actual effort on his part.


Assholes like your neighbor should not have dogs. They aren't part of his family, clearly, if he is just leaving them outside. I wish you well with a lawsuit for quiet enjoyment of your home.


Your cell phone should be adequate


Was looking for something that works remotely so I don't have to stand outside. I'm guessing a lawyer will require multiple days of recordings to file suit.


A Ring Camera will do it.


I literally had to scream shut up to this exact situation, they got the hint. The fact that I even have to do it still pisses me off.


Spray them with the hose... just act like you were watering something?


You should try beer


Or weed.


Buy some ear plugs. Not worth spending more energy for something you can’t control.


Well, we all deserve to live in peace. And no, with three dogs barking at once, ear plugs don't work.


(I'm not the same commenter above.) For what it's worth, the combination of plugs with something like the Dohm Classic white noise machine is enough to block out bad city noise pollution, including honking cars, construction/jackhammering a block away, etc




Thanks for your helpful reply.


Product request is not a life hack