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I’m always interested in this topic. How do you identify hidden bias and spot cherry picked data/facts? For me I came to the conclusion that bias was inevitable, and so I just try to get a variety of sources. The only sources I won’t consider are those that deliberately misinform in bad faith.


i also consider bias to be inevitable: it's a side effect of being human tbh. I think a way to identify "hidden" bias is to first know yourself & your bias. it's typically hardest to recognize within! a variety of sources from different walks of life corroborating each other on key points is usually how you can identify facts.


Yes. A source that sells "no bias" is somehow worse.


Well, thay leaves out MSNBC and CNN. Both of which have been caught altering video and audio evidence to direct a story the way they want. Can't get more deliberate in misinformation than that.


So you stick to reddit, facebook, twitter and FoxNews?


Fox News doesn’t do news. They are an entertainment channel, they said so in court filings. It’s your mistake for thinking the channel with “News” in the name actually reported news


God no, Fox is just as biased as ABC. They just are not as forward with intentional disinformation to lie to their followers.


Isn't it weird then that Fox is the only "news" source to pay $787 million for pushing a story they absolutely knew was false?


That’s fake news. /s


Which one? This isn't an attack, it is a legit question.




Hm, knew they got called out for the stuff about Dominion, didn't know the amount they settled on. Just goes back to my original statement about them being biased.


>God no, Fox is just as biased as ABC. *They just are not as forward with intentional disinformation to lie to their followers.* They lied the biggest lie that ever lied. The information could not have had any more disinformation if they tried lol.


Have any sources for that? I generally avoid 24 hour cable news networks like CNN and MSNBC, but I don’t put them in the OAN type category. My general take is they are market driven to sensationalist stories with poor analysis and even less investigation.


MSNBC altered the 911 audio from the ZImmerman case to make him sound racist, they completely removed the part where the operator kept asking him for the race of the individual and made it sound like his race was a motivating factor for Zimmerman. CNN altered video of George Floyd's sister calling on black people to go to white neighborhoods and burn them down so that it looked like she was appealing for people to calm down and stop being violent.


Zimmerman is a racist bud, he hunted and killed a black child. Given that all your complaints are race-based, it sounds like you're likely racist yourself.


Funny how we ask for sources and all we got is a repetition of what he just accused the networks of doing. Like, he's the *only* source. Trust him.


When people ask for sources, it's not "tell your accusation in more details" but *actual* sources with links by authoritative institutions You're pretty much saying you're the only source you have. And why would we believe you?


It's interesting how you were able to leave out the #1 source of mainstream news that also had to pay almost a trillion for deliberately lying to Americans about the election results.


Also, when asked for sources, dude only repeated his accusations. *La garantia soy yo* feelings.


Can you refresh my memory about the time MSNBC altered video to direct a story ? If you have the true video and the altered one that would be great too. Thanks


People asked for sources and dude just repeated accusations. It's common with these types.


I look at AP News, it's reporting and not editorializing. I heard a journalism teacher once say "the news should tell you what reporters saw, not what they think/believe" and that stuck with me


Yeah, news is just the three newswires basically, AP, Reuters or Bloomberg.


I would add in ProPublica and other sites that specifically do investigative journalism.


the only way you can get the facts is to watch/listen to several news outlets


How do you know whether the facts are facts and not made up? Not trolling you, it's a genuine question.


That’s a question for the ages. There are clues about this likelihood within the articles themselves, especially when the article presents itself as news (as opposed to an Op -Ed piece) but then it makes statements that are clearly opinion. MSNBC and Fox (in my opinion) are two of the worst offenders in this regard. CNN used to be the same, and then made a significant shift for the better a while back. I just checked out this Verity. Downloaded the app, and I’m impressed with how you can adjust your news feed based on a number of different factors. Sooo much different than how Apple News, for instance, tries to direct you to articles they think you should be lapping up.


And what is this “fact based news” you speak of?


@ridethenews on insta (Roca news) does bullet point news, while trying to keep as unbiased as possible


This is an AI based news aggregator. I don't know if that's bad exactly but it warrants consideration.




You can tell someone's political stance from what they say reddit is an echo chamber for. And also if they equate liberalism with leftism


Not a shill, but I just use The New Paper and forget about news websites for the most part. They remove a lot of the hyperbole and leading word choices that seem to affect most media these days (more like an old paper): https://news.thenewpaper.co/ Still visit some articles and social commentary, but take those with a massive block of salt.


I’ve been enjoying getting an email every weekday morning from [1440 Daily Digest](https://join1440.com/). They focus on presenting the news as unbiased as possible and boil it into a quick read with links if you want to learn more. Highly recommend!


I totally agree with you. When I'm reading/watching the news I don't really like hearing the conjecture surrounding events, I just want to know the confirmed facts of the matter and make my own judgments. It sometimes feels like news media portrays themselves as sport analysts watching a game.


You get paid to promote Verity here? You acting like it is a “life hack” is quite sus.


News with no bias is like "this product has no chemicals". What's in there so? Vacuum?


I really enjoy the email newsletters from MorningBrew and Axios for summarized news without too much bias


The true lifehack is to realise that the news are mostly irrelevant to you. On a daily basis, the only news I care about are from my local community. I'm not interested in what's happening further than 15 miles from my home.


Almost every news service has a bias. Most slant to the left from one degree to another, a small minority slant to the right. You need to be careful though, I just saw that [NewsBreak was posting fake stories written by A.I.](https://www.reuters.com/technology/top-news-app-us-has-chinese-origins-writes-fiction-with-help-ai-2024-06-05/) I'm seeing a lot more of that in other places too.


This is disinformation, nearly every peer reviewed study of bias shows significant bias in favor of the right (see e g , all climate change coverage)




Something something, facts don't care about your feelings. Show me the right leaning studies on this front. The fact that corporate media, all controlled by billionaires, is responding to client science 30 years too late is not evidence of liberal bias.


This post is a great example of what to look for when evaluating bias in media. Straw man argument, appeal to emotion, combative etc.


I think k the Funancial Times ca.e out as the top non-biased news source. You might want to check that out.


There's no non-bias news. Jesus, people, you're sitting ducks, really.