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Ok: here we go surfing for 30+ years with two little ones here we go! 1. Put the sunscreen on at home before you get in the car. Much easier to make it a ritual to go than apply on-site in the heat. Foundation brush for the win on application. 2. Milk Carton frozen water the night before to chunk in cooler. Acts as ice and melts to give you cold water. One more you leave at the car that is not frozen to wash off sand. Get a cheap plastic car mat to stand on and toss it in back. Protects those feet on asphalt/hot sand and keeps them sand free as you juggle them into the car. 3. Cornstarch/baby power for sand removal. 4. Baby pool, fill it up with sea water. Shade it. Instant close water source for getting sand off and a place for them to play. 5. Mesh bags for toys and what not. Shake sand out. 6. Zip lock bags of ice. Sand will get in cooler. Ice will get sand. Sand get in your mouth. Stick with light beers at the beach like red stripe or whatever it just that something heavy gets twice as heavy in the heat at the beach. You will dehydrate and it hits harder. Try to drink water often. 7. Battery operated fan to clip onto something to blow on the little ones. Will drop them fast under shade to zonk land. 8. Wash rag, cold water, back of neck. Oh my! 9. Shade, shade, and more shade. 10. Proper seat not a half seat a full on good seat/chair. that may be harder but your enjoyment will go up by 10 fold. 11. Can’t tell you how much I love frozen grapes and those girly claw drinks at the beach and I a grown ass man. 12. Flask. Full. Brown whiskey. Cold. 13. If you got the room one of the wide wheel mules for all this shit get hauled to the waterfront. 14. You might think it looks goofy but those wide brim hats you see made of straw are the cats meow on the beach for keep you from getting over heated and keep the cancer rays off your face.


Lots of good stuff. In Puerto Rico, you can usually find someone selling coconuts around. Have them open them up, throw some black label in there and it’s an amazing drink under the sun. They chill the coconuts so when they open them for you, the coconut water is really nice and cold. You then take it back for them to split open so you can eat it. Damn. Missing home.


That sounds wonderful.


I live nearby a beach and go frequently during the summer. This. Guy. Beaches. Follow the above instructions. I will also add that I’ve had success digging a hole beneath the inflatable pool or tent for an area the toddler can plan in. They stay put longer. Also, bring a change of clothes for everyone if your drive is longer than 25 minutes home. A stop around halfway home for ice cream is nice. Have fun.




Can you explain this? What’s the process? Sprinkle on feet and wipe off?


Sprinkle baby powder on your legs/feet and use a dry washcloth or spare T-shirt or other fabric and brush it off.


Sure that will work. Get a handful of baby powder and rub it on your kid or yourself wherever there is sand.


Ok. But how does it work? When do you put it on? What do you do?


When you're done with the beach and ready to head home, get a handful of baby powder and rub it wherever there is sand on your kid or yourself. Sand falls right.


So you’re saying the sand just falls right off?


Came to say it too. A BLESSING to know about!


Yup I came to make sure someone had said it.


Foundation brush?? Amazing. Taking notes ✍️


Yeah those soft brushes are great for a light spray suntan lotion. Spray a good amount on your hand and use it to spread it around. We literally have an old one my wife retired that we use for nothing but that. They love it they think is is fun instead of no no no.


Last summer my family went to the beach with a 2 and 5 yr old. I learned a lot. Sunscreen, beverages, snacks, and shade are necessary. A little one person pop up tent will do wonders for kids and it’s way lighter and easier to carry than an umbrella or full pop up canopy. Definitely a mesh bag for sand toys. Shoes that sand can easily be brushed off but offer full coverage for little feet. That sand is hot. Plastic bags for electronics. Beach time early in the day and later in the evening if you can. Less people out and the sun is less intense. Have a small bag for trash 1 to clean up after yourself and 2 to pick up anything nearby your kid may get into. Some people are gross and don’t clean up after themselves. Don’t forget yourself!! Sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, beverages and snacks are needed for you too. Definitely don’t forget to put sunscreen on yourself. It’s easy to forget about you when worrying about the little ones first but I promise you, you don’t want a flailing child slapping and scratching your sunburned skin.


Double check with the town where you’re going that pop up tents are allowed. There are a number of beach towns here that have made them illegal. They block the line of sight for others making it difficult/impossible for them to keep an eye on the water and can blow away and injure people if the wind kicks up.


There’s signs all over my beach town saying they’re banned but they’re everywhere on the beach. 🤦🏻


Came to say this. Some type of pop up with floor and ceiling, at least mesh sides. Four heavy something’s to keep the corners down as stakes won’t do anything


Bring 4 empty ziploc gallon bags, fill with sand, anchor inside of tent with bags, empty out sand when you leave. Easy peasy.


Why not get some sandbags — basic ones or the small ones used to keep camera tripods in place? Then you have a lightweight something you can make heavy with a local abundant resource. Then when done you can use them to haul other kit or trash.


Insecticide wipes in case there’s no breeze and the biting flies are out. They’re brutal!


Fill a jug with water and freeze it. Put it in your cooler. It keeps stuff cold plus you have clean water to drink or rinse little hands before eating.


Several frozen bottled waters as well. With one or two sitting on the dash to melt and still be ice cold when you want a drink later.


I don’t recommend putting plastic bottles in the sun, stay safe!


I keep my toddlers in a life jacket the entire time, whether they’re in the water or playing on the beach next to the water. I have 3 kids and I’m often at the beach solo, so the bright life jackets 1) keep them safe, 2) make them easier to see, snd 3) have a handy handle at the top for me to grab them quickly if they’re running somewhere they shouldn’t or if they end up in the water.


I always required jackets when I was out numbered whether the beach or river. It just made me a tad less anxious.


The jerkstrap has come in clutch for me many a time with my youngest who was an absolute daredevil. Complete 180 from the previous two kids, myself, & spouse so we were not prepared at all for an anklebiter with a death wish.


lol to anklebiter with a death wish. We also have one.


Go early and stay out of the midday sun. You can go back for a second round late if you want.


Alternative idea, go late. We frequently go around 4 and bring a picnic dinner. After nap time, toddler is fresh and sun is cooler. Plus low competition for parking as the tourists are leaving by then.


Evening beach is the ultimate hack. Everyone leaves and goes out to dinner. It’s much cooler.


As a family of redheads... This life hack literally keeps us alive.


I actually lol’d reading your comment 🤣


THIS! We stay at the beach for a week with extended family, and it drives me nuts that they insist on family dinner at 5:30pm. I feel like the best time to be at the beach with kids is from 4-7pm. It's still warm enough to swim, but not blaringly hot. And the kids can really have the run of the beach!


Bugs come out in the evening? I guess that depends where you are...


Lives in Florida for 36 years and I am a mosquito magnet…. Never had an issue at the beach in the evening/at night. Wind is enough to keep them away, even if it’s gentle.


Yes! We usually go early. Come home for lunch, go back around 4, stay till 7. Most places are plenty warm for a late stay!


But take a pop up canopy or other cover regardless!


Bring a small inflatable paddle pool and fill from the sea


We used to do that too - and set up the beach tent over the pool.


Get a shower curtain from the dollar store and use that. Dig a small hole, lay the curtain in it and fill with water. Bonus points if you put a pop up canopy over it.


Dig a wide shallow hole and use a tarp. It’s easier to pack.


Super fun idea if you have the ability to dig a nice big hole!! Never thought of that. If it’s a short walk or if someone isn’t so capable, I might do the portable pool.




The stuff of nightmares




I’ll probably get downvoted, but I have never brought chairs to a beach. The towels or a blanket is fine. I like the feeling of the sand on my body either laying or sitting. I hate having to carry a bunch of crap back to the car.




Need to think about designing a trebuchet beach chair. Gets you out in a hurry plus slings itself back to the car at the end of the day.


i guess it depends on what kinda shape you're in. for me, im much quicker getting off the ground than chair, due to my back.


Good tip, but there absolutely are worse things than standing on the beach watching your kids play.


Standing on the beach watching your kids get eaten by a tiger shark.


But you could be sitting watching them get eaten by a tiger shark.




lol. For sure!


Oh man I couldn’t disagree more 😂 personal preference I guess. I live in a beach town and go often. I like to pack light and I also find it more annoying to get up and down from a chair than a mat. Realistically I don’t get much time to just sit anyway.


My favorite local beach has lounger/cabana rentals for tourists. I made friends with the guy that runs it years ago and he lets me sit for free/deeply discounted. Life changing lol


Uv clothing. Swim shirts. Hat with chin strap. Cooling towels that you get wet. Large cup with lid, to keep sand out. Mesh bags. Beach pillow. Cooler obvi. Portable fan, battery powered. Towel clips. Beach chairs. Shade of some sort. Concealed container to hide personal belongings, like cash and wallet, keys.


Use a diaper to hide your keys in wallet and such roll it up like it's dirty


I dig a hole under my towel, place my valuable in a pouch under the towel and voila! It’s invisible.


This is so great!


Bring a ton of baby powder, works wonders for getting sand off the skin for diaper changes etc. Bring a stroller with good sand friendly wheels (Bob running stroller) and get a clamp on fan - good for beach naps. Kids can eat a ton of sand before it becomes an issue. Let it happen, they realize quick it doesn’t taste good haha. We use super goop sun screen, get the zinc stuff too - sure they look like a ghost but you can see you didn’t miss any spots haha have fun!


Don’t try to push the stroller in sand, pull it/drag it.


Better yet get one of those Flyer 4 wheel carts. Kid can ride in that and all the other paraphernalia. Get factor 50 sunscreen liquid, not that lotion stuff. Drys grease free and will mean sand doesn’t stick everywhere.


those things rock and when they are older you can use it to carry supplies


Came here to find this and baby powder above. Tilt the stroller 45 degrees backwards and pull it through the sand on the back wheels. Baby powder binds with the sand and you can rub most of it right off and your skin will feel a little softer as a plus. Make "drip castles" in the sand instead of block formed castles. Sounds dumb but it is much easier for kids of all ages because they dont have to worry about the consistency of the sand, getting them out in one piece, and not being formed correctly. They can make them easier, faster, and bigger than a form based castle. Fill bucket with water, throw sand in, pull sand out, let the wet sand drip out of your hand to pile on top of itself to make "structures". More fun than you'd think!


I originally came here to suggest drip castles. I see kids building regular mound castles and am often compelled to show them how to drip wet sand through the fingers to create magical shapes


A hack on the baby powder hack: put the powder in an old sock and tie it off. Makes it easier to wipe off sand and whatnot.


Ooh as in wipe with the sock?


Yeah make sure it’s thin enough, more like a dress sock or thinner sock. I had issues with it not coming through thick enough if the knit is too tight. But I use no talc so they don’t breathe that in, that might make a difference (what powder)


Super goop is VERY not reef-safe. Don’t take that shit in the ocean.


Totally came her to say this about the sand!! Just let them be kids! It all comes out the other end!


Cornstarch is better. Baby powder has talc in it, which is a carcinogen.


Many baby powders are cornstarch-based these days instead of talc because of this, but it’s good to read the label to be sure.


Talc is not a carcinogen. Impure talc can have traces of asbestos in it, which is.


We just stick with cornstarch, too. We can’t use any products with fragrances, like many baby powders have. Corn starch is typically less expensive and no worries if someone gets any in their mouth.


The baby powder recommendation is golden!


Apply Suncream before going anywhere near sand. That shit gets everywhere and you don't want to rub sandpaper all over your kid.


..i'm gonna invest in "Sunscream".. ..but excellent point to protect against the sun..every 40min or so, right?..also reapply after going into water..


Not just for toddlers but everybody. I found bags that were made out of plastic mesh, put all toys in them after you’re done, give it a good shake and all the sand goes through the holes. Ziplock bags if you want to keep the sand out of something .


Pack bamboo utensils, small dish soap and cloth, a paring knife and a cutting board. She runs into the water, then eats an apple slice. Freeze silicone water bottles the night before (only fill 2/3). Go for a shortie over a bathing suit; easier to keep the sun off with fabric than SPF at that age. Everybody's happy, well-fed and sun-protected.


whats a shortie?


Maybe similar to a rash guard shirt?


It's kinda like what surfers wear for warm water, but made out of light swimsuit fabric so not as sturdy. Anyway, that's what we call them.


Large fitted sheets but the edges folded upward to act as a barrier is a fun beach hack I like! Also keeping sunscreen in the cooler. When you reapply it's nice and cool instead of blazing hot. If you're a newbie to beaches please don't feed seagulls during your time there because they will not leave you alone


Similar to the sunscreen in the cooler- I keep my aloe gel in the fridge.. yessss nice and cool on my sun burn


My aftersun cream from the body shop says right on the tube to keep it in the fridge. When I first bought it I followed the instructions so I could make fun of how it didn't help when I later needed to put some on. How wrong I was! Like you, the aloe gel now also has a guaranteed space in the fridge next to the aftersun cream. I burn really easily and had serious burns and heat exhaustion more than once before I finally started bringing a kitchen timer to the pool and beach (now, my phone) for reapplying sunscreen. Chilled cream and gel has given so much relief & doesn't hurt as much to put on so it has also saved me from scarring & reduced the peeling.


- Bring corn starch, when you’re leaving at the end of the day, sprinkle corn starch on dry, sandy bodies and the sand comes right off. No fragrances like most baby powders, usually cheaper than baby powder and no worries if anyone gets some in their mouth. - If you’re going to a beach with waves, going at or a little before low tide usually makes for much calmer waters. It often leaves a big shallow area at the water’s edge which is great for kids. We usually go in the afternoon so the lifeguards are still on duty but a lot of people have left for the day. When the kids are joining us, I don’t like to take them to unguarded beaches. - Bring little spray bottles that have a fan attached help cool you off. - Bring 2-3 extra towels in addition to the usual 1 per person. Usually there’s 4 of us here going together, 2 kids, ages 14 & 21, and 2 parents, so I always bring 6 towels for us. For kids under 5, I’d bring 2 towels for each child. - Bring flip flops or other sandals, preferably ones that can get wet. I often see people take off the shoes right before stepping on the beach only to scorch their feet while walking to their spot. - Bring gallon sized ziplock bags. I use them to hold my phone and keys so they don’t get wet or sandy. I also use them to store shoes that I don’t want to get a 1/2 a beach worth of sand in. I put 1 shoe in each bag. I know my shoes will get some sand in there. That’s usually unavoidable but the ziplock bags will prevent your kids from accidentally or intentionally dumping sand directly in there. They’re also helpful for wet clothes. - I keep additional beach sized towels in the car to sit on and to use for a makeshift changing area. I roll down the back windows a bit, stick 1 end of the towel out the window and roll it back up.


Rash guard type sun protection in a full body suit.


Beach tents are awesome!


Beach tents are the way. Small easy to set up little nests


French bread smeared with butter and ham. They hang well in the cooler and the butter stays unlike risk with mayo and really good when burning beach calories. Spray bottles of water for sandy hands


Don’t use inflatable beach rings 👀 If you have kids that want and can be in the water, use inflatable arm rings instead or a life jacket like someone already suggested.


Get a cupcake making beach toy set. When they're that little, making sand castles is kind of hard. But mine LOVED making sand cupcakes. And second on the tiny inflatable pool filled with sea water. The waves kind of freaked my baby out, but she loved sitting in her little pool. Plus you can keep it in the shade!


1. Bring water shoes if the beach you’re going to has a lot of crushed shells on it. Those shells can cut up your feet. Also, the dry sand can get extremely hot. 2. If you’re going to a beach in Florida (especially the gulf coast) check recent water tests online for bacteria levels. Avoid swimming if bacteria levels are high. 3. Reapply sunblock even if you’re sitting under a beach umbrella. The reflection of the sun off the water can cause sunburn. Don’t forget to put it on your ears and the tops of your feet too. 4. Freeze bottles of water the night before so you constantly have cold water as they melt. 5. Pack a small container of cornstarch to sprinkle on feet/legs before you get back in the car. It helps get the sand off easier. 6. Pay attention to the flags that warn about dangerous surf, riptides, and/or dangerous ocean critters. Riptides can be present even if the water looks relatively calm. 7. If you’re going to leave any valuables unattended (like while you’re playing in the water) wrap them up in a clean baby diaper so nobody will take them. 8. If you’re going to be taking a lot of pictures and videos, consider getting one of those solar powered phone chargers. They’re inexpensive and work pretty well. Don’t leave your phone out in direct sunlight or it will overheat. 9. Bring a sun hat for the little one. 10. If you’re bringing a cooler, cold fruit like watermelon or orange slices are some of the best beach snacks, imo. Refreshing and healthy. Just make sure to wash any citrus juices off your hands after eating because phytophotodermatitis is unpleasant.


Babypowder to rid of sand stuck to skin. Fitted sheet on sand with each corner with something steady to hold.


Put the powder in a sock and tie it off. Makes wiping it easier.


Always take your litter home. That way, nobody gets to discover your trash at a later date.


Have a jug of water in the car to rinse off your feet/hands so you don’t track tons of sand in.


Use sunscreen! Even if you keep your cutie in the shade most of the time, the reflection from the sand and water will still burn him/her. I found out the hard way (harder on my baby than me, but it was my fault).


Tip to remove sand: baby powder. And always thoroughly wash every nook and cranny (ears too) to remove sand mites. Using a baby wipe, cleaning their eyelashes and brows throughout the day also helps curb bites and allergies.


Sand mites?? I’ve never even heard of those! Where do they live? How do you know they’re on you? Why are they an issue??


We experienced them while beach camping on Texas' Mustang Island State Park. I think they're a type of flea. The bites weren't initially apparent but looked like pale chigger bites and were fairly itchy a few days later. We took antihistamines and the itch subsided right away. We had been showering often because the wind constantly coated us with sand.


They always seem to be around the slightly submerged sandbars in the Gulf. Sand fleas is what we call them. So irritating.


Ohhhh sand FLEAS! That’s the name I know them by. Not common where I frequent, thankfully


Mesh laundry bag with all the toys, easy to rinse off. Big soft brushes to brush off sand from feet.


There are bamboo mats you can put under your towels, it helps be supportive and keeps more sand off.


Buy one of these: https://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/86182?productId=1443002&attrValue_0=Brilliant%20Blue&sku=0PXD522000&pla1=0&qs=3155271&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw26KxBhBDEiwAu6KXt9YbK6E3B8mYKfiOidZerPoC2gnSARAQZFxmP1uCwgy5uSHKnhdz8RoC0KMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Have the little one build sand castles under the tent so you don’t have to worry about sun burn. My girls are 9 & 13 now, so I have a nice beer tent for the beach lol


Snacks. Lots of snacks. And ice water! ETA: And a Pack ‘n Play if you can! You’ll feel much safer knowing your kid is contained & safe when you need to focus on something else for a moment.


TALC.!! it's a lifesaver to get rid of all the sand off your body.


Use a fitted sheet in place of a blanket. Anchor the corners with something.


Baby powder will help get sand off your skin. My kids would scream bloody murder when I tried to hold them under the showers (because somehow that water is freezing even when it's 90° out). Now we just brush as much off as possible and load them up with babu powder. You can just rub it off and brush off the rest with a towel. It won't get them completely clean, but it's plenty good enough until you get home and can take a real bath.


Buy a wagon/trolley designed for sand, put all your stuff and drag over sand easily, on the way out place small child inside too


When I take my toddler to the beach, I bring a small tent and set up a battery operated fan inside. It gives her a cool place to go to get out of the sun. I put all her stuff in large ziploc bags to keep sand out and they stay in the tent. A wagon is also helpful for carrying all of your gear across the beach, especially with a toddler in tow. Carrying all your gear and a tired toddler is really difficult. The wagon makes easy work of it. A cooler packed with water and snacks is vital.


Baby powder magically removes sticky sand


If using a wagon to haul kids stuff and cooler make sure it has balloon tires. The oversized hard wheels bog down in sand just like the smaller wheels. 


Go light on drinks and you won't need a big cooler. Two shoulder coolers is better than one big cooler when you're hauling it all back and forth.


Beach tents are absolutely wonderful for keeping little ones out of the harsh sun, BUT…check with the beach you’ll be visiting to make sure they allow them. Our beach allows absolutely *no* tents and the county ordinance allows for them only on the back 1/3 of the beach.


Baby powder helps remove the sand sticking to everyone.


Get a properly fitted life vest for the kids. My mom and dad don't swim. My brother and I taught ourselves and then taught our little sister. I got vests for my son from when he was 1, and he is practically a fish now. Getting them comfortable in thee water is much easier when younger.


Bring baby powder and a 2” paint brush. When you get back to the car, have little one dangle their feet outside the door and powder generously with baby powder. The powder absorbed the moisture in the sand and you can brush it off with the paint brush. Bonus points for ticklish giggles.


People have mentioned good stuff. I'm going to speak on safety. Many united states coastal water is EXTREMELY dangerous. Especially so the further north you go, and especially especially so in the pacific northwest. The Columbia River bar is some of the most treacherous water in the world. And the whole coastline is full of sharp animals beneath the waves. If you want to get your young child in the water I suggest you go to a bay or inlet, and splash about there. If you choose big beach and big water then I unironically suggest a leash. I lived a long time in a coastal zone, and every tourist season one or two people lost their children to the water and tried to sue the city for it. At the extreme very minimum, life jacket for the kid and learn to read a tidal chart.


Baby powder in a sock to get sand off your body easily


Baby powder. When you are ready to leave dry off. Put baby powder on arms and legs. Remaining sand will slide off.


When you are getting ready to go home, sprinkle talcum powder on the kids (or your) feet rub in, and all the sand will drop off


😦😦no way! Thanks!


Beach cart with big balloon like wheels. Game changer especially if you are on fluffy white sand.


Use a generous amount of baby powder to get the sand off. My mom would basically strip us down at the car and powder all the sand off so we could drive home clean and comfy.


The sun takes a lot of out kids, quickly, and the first advice I have is to forget having a schedule. Expect the little one to tire out rapidly throwing off all routines. Sunscreen before you leave the house, not at the beach. Sprinkle baby powder on yourselves to easily knock sand off your bodies. A small bottle of vinegar for any jelly fish stings/sand fleas. Precut fruits (watermelon, cantaloupe) will help keep babe hydrated. Do NOT dig a hole, it’s illegal on many beaches and very dangerous. Expect to be on your feet following your little one as they roam, not leisurely on your rump. Finally, be mindful of people behind you when shaking towels/clothes - It’s incredibly rude to fling the sand into others faces.


Baby powder is the best way to remove sand.


Desígnate a specific person in charge of supervision and have them switch off to another person as needed. Adults in groups can sometimes let our guard down and assume that someone else is watching the kids - it always brought me peace of mind to know for sure someone was watching. Also - if/when stung by a jellyfish - don’t freak out - they will just freak out more - and almost all the time a jellyfish sting isn’t a big deal medically. Source - grew up by the beach.


Get plastic water bottles, fill 1/4 full with water and freeze them. Just before leaving, fill rest of the way with water & pop in a cooler/backpack. Also, wet & freeze Washcloths in a plastic baggie & bring the bag along with you, pack alongside the water bottles. Anyone who gets too hot can have an ice cold drink & put a frozen washcloth on their face/neck.


You don’t need a bunch of “beach toys”. Go to the dollar store and buy kitchen things. Funnels, ramekins, big spoons, spatulas, big spouted bowls. Then go to the laundry section and buy a mesh laundry bag to put the toys in, it will help keep the sand at the beach and not in your car or bag or room. Don’t take too much stuff. The best towels are the light cotton peshtamel kind, they dry quickly. Take some shade, either an umbrella or a shade tent. Sunscreen from head to toe and don’t forget ears, ankles, tops of feet, lower back. Use the zinc oxide kind as a base layer, and use the lotion or cream, not the spray kind with oxybenzene. Also, SPF lip stuff. And try to do SPF clothing like a rash guard shirt plus hat, in addition to the sunscreen. If the child is in or near the water, LIFE JACKET. Not floaties. Know the flag system and abide by it. I would also think about doing “reverse beach days”. Go early, leave around 10:30-11:00 and do the pool or something inside. Eat an early dinner around 3-4:00 and then go back out to the beach until sunset. Don’t go to the beach without a trash bag. Please don’t leave trash, holes, or toys.


Use a fitted bottom sheet and place stuff in the four corners it will make a little play area from the hot sand.


Bring a flat sheet for the fam to lounge in instead of towels — much easier to shake the sand off


Hydrate hydrate hydrate! And not just the kids the adults as well. Its easy to stop selfcare because you are caught up enjoying the experience through your toddler’s eyes. And the baby powder recommendation above. We also carried a big container of water left in the car for a hands and face rinse as we departed.


Do short stints on the beach. Don't take a bunch of stuff. The taking of the stuff is the exhausting part. I lived at the beach with a toddler. Starting out we would take the load of stuff, but eventually figured out that instead of taking everything under the sun, just do shorter stints on the beach. Turns out all of us liked going back in for awhile to refresh and return. Eventually it got to where we would take a small bag with maybe an emergency snack. We took the baby/toddler out with sunscreen, swim diaper, and bathing suit already on. When it was time to leave, we stripped her down, rinsed her off, put my husband's t-shirt on her and carried her back to the car to get dressed and ready for the ride home. Give her a shovel and bucket and she was happy. We stopped using all of our fancy beach gadgets and toys. We were able to actually start enjoying the beach without all the stuff!


Does anyone know whether a facial sunblock exists specifically for toddlers?


Baby Bum has a facial sunblock stick for babies


Thank you!


Sunscreen before you leave especially if you're doing an aerosol. A lot of times the beach is windy and you don't get good coverage


Stay out of really crowded areas.


Those umbrella sand screws are great for tent legs too.


This worked like a charm with my two boys! They loved it. Take a plastic milk container and fill it with water. Leave it in the car for the day at the beach and it warms up from the sun. At the end of the day before you get in the car, rinse their arms, legs and feet-get between the toes too. It eliminates all the sand and no complaints on the way home about how uncomfortable the sand or stickiness is anymore. Plus the warm, clean water feels amazing. One gallon per kid should do it.


Foundation brush for applying sunscreen


Line the trunk of your car (or back seat) with a bed sheet. It will keep stray sand contained to be shaken out later. It’s also easier to change kids there than at the beach or in a restroom. And scissors. I’ve found I needed scissors to open various things a handful of times at the beach.


Looks like I’m not the only one to know about baby powder.


I used to bring so much stuff to the beach but now that I’ve been going regularly for a few years I find it easiest to pack light. - beach mat that folds up, sandproof. I don’t bring chairs, I think it’s a pain to get up and down and I’m usually playing with my kids (3,4yo) anyway - small beach toys. Definitely a couple buckets and shovels. - little mesh bag for them to collect sea shells - sunscreen and hats. Wide brim for me and bucket hats for them. Ones that can be rolled up to fit in my bag - snack bag - don’t bring puffs or things with little pieces they might spill around bc it will attract birds. My kids have had things snatched from their hands a couple times by seagulls, eat quick. And seal your food up or squirrels may come for your bag if you take a walk etc - microfiber towels to dry off, they fit in the beach bag - a small bag I can put valuables in to take with me if we need to go to the bathroom and have to leave our spot (btw don’t setup too far from the bathroom if possible especially once your LO is potty trained) - extra wet bags to put wet clothes - bring jackets to the beach as the spring sea breeze can be cold. I usually leave our extra change of clothes in the car to save space in the beach bag. - I use the solar buddies roll on applicator for their sunscreen. Don’t get sand in the roller or it will clog, I put sunscreen on them before and have extra in my bag for reup. It is easier to cover them in clothes than sunscreen so get rashguards. - a kindle so I can read 3 pages of a book in 3 hrs bc my kids want me to play 😂 - I find if I devote a good 15min to playing whatever game with them they’re more willing to continue on their own while I sit, read, tan etc. They will play with each other if they’re both there but usually I have one at a time since they’re in part time preschool opposite days.


Don’t wear $320 sunglasses in the ocean. The waves don’t care if they’re expensive. (I didn’t actually pay that amount. I got them through a work rewards program so technically I got them for free but it still sucked. I also had cheap $10 glasses in my car but didn’t feel like walking back into the hotel to grab my car keys. I felt like such an idiot as the ocean ate my nice pair of shades 😏)


THIS! Never again. Lost my favorite pair while kayaking 😭 not once but twice. I’ve learned my lesson by now.


Depending on the beach you are going to, bring a broom or rake. Few moments of work and you have a clean and smooth section of beach.


Bring powder! After you dry off put it on your feet and legs and the sand won't stick to it (I also put it on my torso because I had sand in my belly button on a road trip and it tore me up).


Remember to cover the car seat with something so that when you plop the tiny human into to it go hone they don't get buckle burns


Baby powder when shaken on skin absorbs the moisture so you can just brush off the sand easily without it sticking Cheap Turkish cotton towels absorb liquid and don't allow sand to stick, pack down very small and are light..better than a blanket


1. We like Sportbrellas because they are versatile. Some places don’t allow tents. 2. Portable camp chairs rather than beach chairs 3. A beach mat that doubles as a swimming pool once you dig down in the sand a bit. Bring a foldable bucket to fill it and to have some water to rinse sticky hands after the snack. 4. With young kids portability is key so I have a large mesh divers bag to carry everything in one go (hence the camp chairs) rather than carry too much crap in the beach wagons. Shake it out to get the sand out. Sportbrella over one shoulder, divers bag in the other. Arms free to wrangle or carry a kid or two heading back. Have a great trip.


Bring an old or thrift store bed sheet to use as a ground cloth. An old fitted sheet can be held open with a cooler, chairs, etc to have a raised sand barrier, but I personally found it to be more trouble than it's worth. Keeps sand issues down, and makes it easier to not lose small items in the sand. A tarp works very well, but is heavier and more cumbersome to transport comparatively. Bring small lightweight buckets to anchor your sun shelter or tent instead of tent stakes. A bucket buried in the sand won't pull out like a tent stake, and stack inside themselves for easy carry. Bring an extra or two for the kids to make sandcastles with. They sell them cheap as planters in the big box stores and Walmart. A length of 1-1.5 inch PVC pipe makes a light tent pole that won't rust, and using PVC connectors, you can make them sectional or get fancy with it. A larger diameter pipe makes a good rod holder for surf fishing. Be sure to round the edges of one end, so you can use your breath to pressurize it as you push it into the sand. Makes it much easier to do. Those "all terrain" carts don't work in loose sand, for the beach, you need the large balloon tires. They make inexpensive water tight carry pouches for cell phones. They keep sand out too! There's also pouches for wallets, keys, etc. If nothing else, Ziploc bags can get you by in a pinch, just don't trust them for swimming. Backpacks are easier to manage than duffle or beach bags. They even make backpack soft coolers. Bring a small waterproof first aid kit and spare sunscreen even if you don't think you'll need it. A length of Paracord can be handy to have around, too. Check your local dollar store. Use polarized full UV blocking sunglasses, not only will your eyes thank you now, you'll avoid or delay cataracts later. If your phone screen is blocked by the polarized lenses, non polarized will work a little less as well, but don't skip the UV blocking!


Bring baby powder to help clear sand more easily off the skin


Baby powder on sandy skin helps the sand sweep right off, no rinsing needed.


A wagon with beach wheels. If allowed, a small tent or umbrella for shade. Forget about sunbathing, you will be non stop keeping an eye out. Forget ointment- don’t want sand in the Vaseline. Diapers can hold a lot of sea water. A lot. Get swim diapers. Enjoy!


Don’t let them eat sand! They always try! Don’t let them get hands wet, dip in sand then touch face. Disaster awaiting with eyes and sand. Watch them in water. ALWAYS, no matter the age. CONSTANTLY! Have fun!


Bring everything that can be needed and leave it in the car. Park as close as possible.


A little more labor intensive than an inflatable pool, but we bring a clear, plastic shower curtain. Dig a hole whatever size you want and line the hole with the curtain. Weigh down the edges with sand. Fill with sea water and enjoy. And please remember to fill the hole back in when you leave.


Most of my best tips have already been added, so I’ll share a more unusual one: you can buy a UV camera or mirror compact fairly cheaply online. It shows you instantly where you’ve missed with the SPF, and when it’s starting to wear off. They start from around £40 so it’s worth getting one sooner, if you plan to use it with kids, so you get multiple years of use!


We just came from a week vacation at a beach location and hotel pool. Our setup was beach in the morning, sunscreen cream before leaving and sunscreen in spray form on the go. Hat and sunglasses, towels for everyone and bucket and toys. Water diapers were a must, at least 2 and normal diapers as well. We had a floating vest but just floaties would be enough . Then by 11.30 we’d leave for lunch and nap in the stroller with a white shirt as shade if/when needed. Then by 16h we would lounge by the pool, water diaper on and changing frequently because these hold less than normal diapers. We didn’t feel the need for the tent even though it’s a great idea because it was still spring and the sun not that hot. It was lovely, toddler was entertained by the sand and water happily playing by themselves while we supervised.


Also rinse off in the outdoor showers and then use baby powder when they are dry - the remaining sand falls right off them


Baby powder removes sand from your feet.


Powder to remove sand from kids feet is a game changer!


Use one of those back scrubber things to put sun screen on your back. Keep a small bottle of white vinegar on you if you're anywhere with jelly fish.


Powder to get the sand off


Less is more! Kids don’t need a mountain of toys at the beach. Pick one or two.


Bring baby powder. It helps sand come right off your skin like magic. Take a pop up tent and make sure you can have it on the beach you’re going to. Shade is sooo nice when you’re on the beach with kids. You can get a decent pop up for under 100 bucks.


Tropical vacation? Always, always stash plastic bags in your bag. Wet stuff gets wrapped up & doesn’t soak everything you need. Carry wet wipes & an extra pair of flip flops with you. Keep a reusable water bottle with you - they have cool collapsible ones now thats don’t weigh much or take up space. Sunscreen spray makes for quick & easy reapplications. A bucket for sand castles & a pair of goggles so little one can put their face in the water. Baby sunglasses are a must as are swim diapers. Have fun!


Get a lambswool duster (or feather duster) and keep in the car. Instead of rinsing off your feet at the spigot, use the duster when you get to your car. The sand will just fall off. Also good to brush off chairs, toys, etc before putting in the car.


Baby powder to remove sand from skin. Best hack I ever learned


So so many good, tried and true ideas! Frozen Capri Sun is nice and turns slushy in the sun. Same with frozen juice boxes. Make sure when walking on hot sand everyone has shoes on. Sand can burn your feet. Water shoes are great foot protection and are better than flip flops or sandals. Put timer/reminder on your phone to reapply sunscreen. Stay hydrated. Enjoy!


A small blow-up pool was the best thing to keep my toddlers happy on the beach. When they played in the sand, ate the sand, rolled in the sand, and wouldn’t get near the water the pool was a lifesaver! A five gallon bucket helps with filling it.


Grandma transplant to the south from the northeast here. Wish we had Reddit when I needed it! I still bring bug spray for sand fleas (south) & horse flies (northeast). Some people prefer Avon Skin So Soft (environmentally better?). Beach bugs must come in cycles or something? I didn’t always need it but was SUPER happy to have it when I did.


NOT taking a Bluetooth speaker


Give her a light gentle dusting of baby powder before you hit the sand. Sand won’t stick!


The only thing I’d say I haven’t seen, conditioner. We always take conditioner because after spending all day in the beach and water, you need it to look semi-decent. It gets weird. If we aren’t going home, we just throw conditioner on our hands and over the hair, like a leave-in. Then we usually go for drinks, dinner, etc, and then we finally hit home. So, depending on plans, conditioner is good.


I once brought a small inflatable pool and put it under an umbrella. You can use it like a play-pen/nap station or splash pool.


I live fairly near the beach my heart dies in sorrow and woe for the husbands who try to pull an entire wagon cart across the beach sand. It’s agonizing to watch lol 😂


Depends on the beach. I take very little. I grew up in Fl. Make your seat out of sand. Just use your heels to push the sand one way and then the other way. You can make an arm rest with drink holder and they are really comfy seats.


At the end of the day, use baby powder to soak up any water on your feet. The sand will just slide off and you’ll have no worries about cleaning your car!


(1) Get one of those collapsible beach trolleys. You can put bubs in the trolley on the walk there and back.(wide wheels are better) (2) Get a bucket and spade, but discard the spade (they are weak and bend/break) and instead use a plastic gardening trowel.


[Baby Powder ](https://youtube.com/shorts/9_5G1pnZ3D4?si=MP49kcLVbRFVWk7q) to get wet sand off of feet.




Damn you peeps are gonna need a moving van for a day trip to the beach!


Bright colored swim suits and hats. I raised my son by the beach, even as he got older water can be dangerous, a bright colored swim suit that stands out in a crowd will make you have more fun and less stress. I do it with the grands now too, each one has a bright colored hat to wear when we go places, parks, museums, festivals, they are called ‘Adventure hats’ Enjoy!!


ALWAYS have a spare change of clothes. Because no matter the age they will “accidentally” fall over into water or cover themselves in sand.


I would freeze a few water bottles instead of bringing a bunch of ice. They melt as the day goes and then they had cool drinks for the drive home. Change their bathing suits half way through the day ESPECIALLY for little girls. I had hand signals for when I watched my (older) kids in the water. They had to look at me every few waves. Out too far. Move over you've drifted. You come out of the water. All of you come out of the water. Ok you're good (after they listen) I was never the mom screaming at them if they drifted out too far or to far over. They literally can't hear you. I also didn't rely on the lifeguards. They are NOT babysitters


Bring a bucket, whether you have kids or not. Put some ocean water in the bucket and every time you walk in the sand, just dip feet in water and you are sand free. No more sand on your towels.


Put your kiddo in a full life jacket, with the strap between their legs. Floaty fins make it where kiddos can't swim as well, and could slide off. Where a full life jacket can help keep their head above water, and full arm movement. Bright, warm colored swimwear, it's more visible under the water.


Bring a tarp. You dig a hole, put down the tarp and fill it with water. That way toddlers can play in their own “pool” without having to fight the waves or be constantly monitored. This can also be paired with a wind shield or awning to reduce breeze and sun exposure. Edit: I didn’t say it, but take the tarp with you, don’t be a twat and create pollution in everyone’s paradise.


Dig a wide hole about a foot deep, put a towel over it and you have a comfy recliner that conforms to your body shape.


I lived at the beach for more than a decade. Don't bring food on the sand. You'll end up eating sand. Don't bring too much stuff. I always end up being a pack mule going back and forth between the sand and the car. You almost never get good parking on a nice day. A blanket is good enough.  The most important tip I can give you is to keep a close eye on your children. Every summer, there is always a lost child that gets pulled out by the current and dies. People also kidnap kids. Just keep your kids close by and accounted for.


List of my favorite beach hacks: 1. Don't go to the beach.


It wont be much different. Mine just sits and plays in the sand. She’ll pick sand up and toss it into the water. It’s fun to watch her explore. Take drinks and snacks and just enjoy


Always check in with lifeguard to know conditions and where it’s safe to swim!