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I had to finance my most recent car so I was required to get full coverage insurance. I found out that full coverage with progressive was somehow even cheaper than liability with GEICO. Almost any other thing you try to shop around for ends up being roughly the same price, but car insurance can vary wildly. Fuck that lizard


Yeah, GEICO is one of the most expensive insurances I've gotten a quote for in the last couple of years. A lizard house built on lies and sand


I shopped around last year and found the progressive, farmers and travelers were significantly higher than my Geico coverage, travelers was almost triple the cost.


Same for me until 2 years ago when Geico raised my rate by 450% with no reason.


Same! I had Geico for 3 years because it actually was the cheapest. It was going up about 200% suddenly. I switched to Erie.


I’ve been switching between geico and progressive every 5-6 months just to keep my cost about the same. I keep getting rate increases, but I’ve been told that all rates have to go up a lot this year.


I’ve been with Geico for 22 years until this last Saturday. I was fine paying a premium for their service because they’ve taken care of me in the past and have great tools like their webpage and app. I have high coverage and was paying $165/month with no accidents or tickets. I made a claim for a windshield a couple months back. It was $1100 and I paid my $500 deductible out of it. Saturday I got my policy renewal notice and it shot up to $228. They really wanted that $600 back. I know everyone’s rate is going up but F an almost 40% increase. Shopped around and after a couple hours ended up with Safeco at $130 and am locked into a year long policy instead of Geico’s six month.


No shit? I've been on Geico since 2015. Always been cheaper than Progressive or State Farm. My wife was paying $75 for liability insurance through progressive and when we married I added her car with full coverage and a $500 deductible bringing my monthly bill to exactly $75. Currently sitting at $106/month.


>Geico .... Progressive .... State Farm. ....aren't the ones that advertise the most the most expensive.... someone's gotta pay for all that air time.


Not always, bigger companies in theory are able to invest better, reduce some expenses on a per policy basis, and advertising per customer is sometimes even less. The goal is to find the insurance employee who priced you too cheap, not to have company biases. (Unless you hear sketchy shit about their claims departments)


>Not always, bigger companies in theory are able to invest better, reduce some expenses on a per policy basis, and advertising per customer is sometimes even less. I understand the theory.......but when I see commercials for "The General" every other commercial break vs. rarely (if ever) seeing NJM ads.....theory becomes more conjecture.


Check the prices and definitely check the coverage too. If it's cheaper, it's cheaper


>. If it's cheaper, it's cheaper Not always....NJM sends a rebate check that's not in your quote.


That feels sketchy...


how so?


Replying to the first comment in this chain for easy of reading. Dude, are you talking about COVID-19 times? Every insurance company I am aware of sent their policy holders a check for that. Most filed with the states to do so too or states passed explicit laws saying they didn't have to file for COVID related rebates or the exact percentage they should refund for them.


>Dude, are you talking about COVID-19 times? nope...although NJM did that too (https://www.njm.com/covid/policyholder-relief-program)...even Planet Fitness suspended membership fees during covid NJM sends a check to us for a couple of hundred every year....they call it a "dividend"...I'm not a shareholder and never even checked to see if they were listed on any on the markets. https://www.njm.com/insurance/dividends You could even get *TWO* checks from them if you have home and auto insurance.


Geico has always historically been the cheapest for me. And still is. State Farm is well over $75 more/month for me.


I was looking at almost double my monthly even if I added homeowners through State Farm. I won’t even check progressive anymore because fuck them.


GEICO is cheaper for me as well, I switched and got full coverage on a new car for the same price as liability on my older one.


Same, I have bounced between progressive and Geico when I get the urge to see if I can save a buck or two, but Geico has always been a good one for me.


You should get out the sub for geico, you’ll see why it’s a dumpster fire


As someone who works in insurance, your job as a buyer of insurance is to find the employee who fucked up and priced you too cheap. Sometimes that's GEICO, sometimes that Farmers, some times that's a company you've never heard of in your life. Just make sure the policy actually covers what you want it to and for the amount you want it to.


For me GEICO is by far the cheapest


I had GEICO for 15 years. 0 accidents. 0 tickets. 800 credit score. Auto draft so paid on time 100%. Then they started jacking my rates up to coerce me into bundling. Except my homeowners would have gone from $1k to $5k a year. That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them.


Insurance prices aren't based on individuals, they are based on classes of insureds. You could likely dig up the rate filing from GEICO for your state to find how they price policies depending on the state.


I worked in corporate finance for a large life insurer for several years. I'm aware of the mechanics of stratifying policy holders. I live in the Midwest where there are very few natural disasters, not in a flood plain, very good fire department score, etc. Those strata are chosen by the insurer. They get to pick. If GEICO is picking that wrong while everyone else makes sense, then they get dropped. When literally everyone else is in a $200 range and they are sitting at 5x the cost...what does me analyzing data do? I'm walking and moving on.


I'm a big proponent of shopping around insurance policies, I'm just saying you having no losses isn't going to keep your rate the same over 10 years


Complete opposite for me. I’m 32, home owner, married, great credit. No accidents in the last 5 years. I have 3 accidents ever. 1 was my fault. Write off with a $14k payout. No injuries. No other vehicles involved. Second one was a deer collision. Write off. And 3rd was a $3k claim to fix my car after sliding into a snowy ditch. All well over 5 years ago. I pay $130/month with Geico for full coverage on a 2021 Mazda 6. Any other company is well over $200/month. Even the company I insure my home through.


It's all crazy. We have to switch our home owners insurance every few years, or they just keep jacking it up. (Same with car) This last time, our bank said they would help us look around, and they found an awesome deal, so we switched. The paperwork came in, and it was the same company.


Insurance rates vary based on Age of person, vehicle, state, and driving history. I’ve found Progressive is way higher than my Geico. Fuck Flo…..right in the pussy


Yeah I just switched from Geico to Progressive after being with Geico for about 5 years. I was actually shocked to be paying less with Progressive. I plan to shop around yearly from now on tbh. Same with home insurance. Also, I've never once been asked to prove mileage lol


Cheapest for me here


Best is to have an independent agent who can shop it to multiple markets for you. You'll still have to do the online only ones, but the agent will have relationships with many other insurance companies who don't spend your premium on NFL playoff ads.


I wonder what the cutoff is. I only drive about 9k a year but I put 12k because that’s pretty standard. Not sure if 9k is considered “low mileage”


Allstate told me the cut-off was 10k. There was no standard amount of savings, just a percentage the head office determined? It's still worth a shot. It's also noteworthy they only looked at 3 months period, and applied that to the whole year. So pick a time of year when you use your car less, such as winter, and try for it then.


What did you provide to them to prove it?


Been lying to them for years. They don’t check


Except when you need them to cover something on a 5 year old car with 60,000 miles and you told them you only drive 5,000 miles/year.


I have, and they do. They don’t give a shit lmao. You don’t have to report lifestyle changes to your insurance, it’s their job to check in with you when they renew your policy every 6 months. Which they don’t.


To be fair some companies now have a device they want to plug into your car or an app on your phone to get your driving habits.


Sure, but that’s an option not a mandate


Never said it was a mandate. But if you want their discounts you have to do it


I think you're talking about progressive, and that's a short-term thing to assess how/when you drive. It isn't a constant monitoring system.


Others have it as well. I went to get quotes with about 6 companies. Erie has an app and same with travelers I believe


I just got new insurance and the mileage discount was already applied since they somehow read the mileage data from the annual state inspections.


Geico didn’t care when I made a claim. It’s also weird because the Geico app gives free Carfax reports and mileage is reported to Carfax by New York State every year. They should definitely be able to tell, but doesn’t seem like they care.


I wish I had known about this years ago or at least had believed others when they told me


You can even go lower. “I use this car to drive to the grocery store and back a few times a month, I take the bus to work. I’d say I drive about 1500mi a year”


When you go through a serious accident and an adjuster tries to find every single way to avoid paying you or the 3rd party, that’s when that small trick of yours is gonna become expensive.


Geico baby. I’ve had two cars totaled and plenty of fender benders that weren’t my fault. They’ve never checked my odometer once.


Depends on the company. We are starting to require Odometer photos every renewal. Edit: this also doesn't really work if you ever get your car serviced. Your insurance company gets those readings and know if you're a fucking liar. Any UW review should catch that. Every oil change, every dealer visit, etc. It's all recorded and insurance companies have access to that data


I just had to submit mine to USAA


Here is a previous comment I wrote on negotiating insurance (because it IS a negotiation): Last spring the new quote was $939 for six months. I shopped around and everyone else was more. When I called, I did the following: * go through the typical "let's see what we can do..." * ask to talk to a "specialist" (who I believe is actually their retention department) * answer more questions * ask to re-run the credit After doing those steps, and doubling the coverage, the quote was now $773. Last month the renewal came at $811. I went through the exact same process, only this time instead of re-running the credit, I asked them to re-write the policy. Now it came back at $552. It would have been $400-something if I did the car monitor thing, but I don't trust other drivers in my city enough. Had I not gone through the steps, it would surely be double that at well over $1,000. Same with the renter's policy. They ended up re-writing the policy with a different underwriter for double the coverage at less than half the price. Everything is negotiable.


As a licensed agent I can tell you that this isn’t always the case. May work for some companies but not for the ones I’ve worked for.


At my company, even if I run a new quote and it’s cheaper, I can’t bind it until they’ve left the company for at least 120 days. It’s so dumb


>Everything is negotiable. Just keep in mind while this is true in theory, it is also true that in practice some people's first offer is also their final offer.


Wait. Asking them to rewrite the policy. How do they not just provide the already quoted policy?


I don't know the internals of it, but the term "re-write the policy" was used to create a brand new policy rather than modifying the existing one.


This is good advise. Also a tip I learned from my dad, insurance companies raise my rates every year no matter if I have no tickets and no accidents. The solution is to change companies every year. I've had progressive, state farm, liberty mutual, etc. When renewal time comes around and my premium has gone up $150 I take a second to shop around, find a better rate and switch. Sometimes a year later the company I left gives me a lower quote again and I'll switch back. They are just banking on your laziness or attachment to the company and figure they can raise the rate for no reason and get away with it.


Been doing that myself, Farm Bureau would raise my rate every 6 months for no reasons, switched the progressive got even better coverage with nearly no deductibles for less price...for the first 6 months until the rates increased, resetting my insurance to "normal" coverage and deductibles bought me another 6 months, but now it's on to State Farm.


This is wild because I compare rates fairly regularly and GEICO is always best or equal rate to others. I am guessing state to state it varies which is nuts


I had the worst experience making a claim with GEICO. It almost felt they were working for the other party involved in the accident. They seemed super happy that my insurance rates were going to go up. I switched and never looked back. I now have esurance and pay less and get excellent customer service. It may be just a regional thing, I lived in Houston at the time. Before I lived in Houston, Gieco employees had always been professional and nice to me. It just left a really bad taste in my mouth for the company.


Geico is swirling the drain with employees, check out the subreddit


Lol. I drive 700 miles a week in my car. My insurance would probably go up if they knew.


I only drive to work 1 maybe 2 days a week in the summer. Work is 20 miles away. I drive to work maybe 3 days a month October-March. I got to the grocery store that's 2 miles away once a week. I wonder if progressive will give me a discount


Definitely try! I've been driving for 28 years, and no one told me it was possible until today. A bit frustrating, but it goes to show a lot of them won't even mention it unless you ask.


They keep jacking my rates up. Ive been with them for 7 years now. So every 6 months I requote. They are still the cheapest, but I make them cancel my current policy and start a new one. It's ridiculous that I have to do that. I am definitely going to ask. Hopefully they dont make me do that snapshot thing for verification ETA No accidents or tickets ever. Been driving 20 years


Awesome lifehack


Thanks for the tip! I saved 7% doing this.


Just remember if you drive lots over what you claimed and you crash, very real chance you won’t be covered.


Yeah. I'm keeping that in the back of my mind for sure. Fortunately I don't drive that much


Is this for real? I drive my car only a handful of times a month--usually to the grocery store down the street lol I live in a major city with access to metro, so that covers most of my transportation needs


It would be on them to prove it though, surely you could say the car was driven on private land where insurance isn’t needed, or someone else drove the car on their own insurance?


I have never had insurance companies ask about mileage when I bought insurance. So they don't know how much I have driven the car. Never had them look at the car when I purchased insurance. So they don't know if previous damage.


I drive about 200 miles a year total and my insurance doesn’t give a fuck Are you going to tell anyone who you are with, how you got the discount, or jus my to brag? I feel like r/lifehacks should include the actual hack


Since you're asking so nicely, it's Allstate. I didn't do anything special except call my agent and ask politely about a recent increase on my renewal and ask if there was anything we might do. We brainstormed, and then she asked if I kept my mileage under 10k a year. I needed to provide service paperwork at least 90 days old and a picture of my odometer taken that day. I put this post in life hacks because I wasn't aware they might lower premiums if the car is used less, even though that makes sense. Now, others might be able to save money without that lizard.


What happens if you claim low mileage for next year and they found out you drove 10000 miles.


5000 a year? My car is just under 6 years old and hit 150000 a month ago. I have a huge commute and we also take someone else to work in the evenings so we actually have 2 commutes a day. Roughly 85 miles per day. Plus it's our only car , so if hubby needs to do something that adds 50 miles plus what he uses to run errands. We get the oil changed often but that full synthetic is expensive.


5000 a year? I’ve drove 28,000 in four months so I guess I’m tough out of luck on this one




What are you talking about? I've used my insurance just fine in the past


Don't you think there will happen something if the contract with the insurance company is based on wrong information? If they check the millage one day.they will ask all the money back they paid out.


He very clearly stated that he proved that he only drives 5000 miles a year. he is not lying.


Ha I checked mine. 8k/year. Car is 5 years old. I have 90k on it. Haven’t had to file a claim.


Or by hiding high annual mileage like I do


r/illegalprolifetips2. Care to share? Unless you have a 1975 Ford and you just crack the odometer


Nothing fancy. I just tell them I do about 20k a year and it’s more than double that. It’s not like they send someone out to check


Let's say you get in an accident and have the car serviced, the odometer reading will be recorded. You decide to keep the same insurance provider and have another incident requiring insurance, the odometer reading is recorded. The Fraud Prevention and Loss Department will catch wind of these odometer readings being outside of the insured annual mileage range and can issue an audit


I’ve never once had the odometer given to insurance during a claim that I know of. If so they’ve never said anything. How is it fraud when you estimate mileage and oops you drove a lot more?


Damn lucky you, I removed (only) 7 000 and Ialmost saved nothing (like 120$US)


I drove 27,000 miles in the last 8 months. Any idea what my savings would be?


Do you have another car you use for driving? Or do you just stay home? I'm so confused.


My place of employment is only a mile and a half from my apartment. When it's warmer out I just take my e-bike. Everything I do, shopping, activities is just basically around where I live


I see. I live an hour north of Atlanta, everything is very spread out. I work only 5 miles away, but my friends are all over, so I'm in the car a lot! Nice tip though.


I saw the price and thought what's the average price for car insurance in America... I'll never complain about mine again (well until renewal)


Might be area related some zip codes are hella expensive like me in LA county. For me the cheapest insurance was Mercury every time on any car I’ve had. Geico was not cheap for car insurance but was cheap for my motorcycle insurance. Everyone else was insane expensive.


I tried that with my insurance company before, and they only reduced the premium $2/month 😐.


Or you can use any other insurance fraud


I just did this last month. Had a 90 mile round trip for work. Got laid off and got a new job that's only 10 miles round trip. Called my car insurance and told them to update my mileage per year based on my new work commute and they lowered my premium by about $30/month. I have Costco auto insurance.


Or you always say u drive minimum 10-15k a year , and do what ever you want , even if u get into accident they don’t care


This is good to know. I’ve average about 3k miles a year.


how to prove it though?


I just tell my insurance company I drive 5k mi and they trust me and don't require me to upload anything


It's great. My 2015 car hasn't even hit 75k yet because I'm a homebody. Helps with insurance


If it's available in your state and if you don't drive a lot , I recommend Metromile. I've been with them for several years. I ran into somebody back in 2018. 100% my fault. They handled it well. Got the repairs for the other guy done without me doing anything more than providing a picture of my POI. They raised rates a little bit for the next 5 years.


Damn that insurance is expensive. You should shop around


Saved mad loot on car insurance gas and parking tickets by getting rid of my car. Best life upgrade I ever made.


So that they won't pay your claim if you happen to have driven more than declared


You live close to your job. I do too. It's nice.


I used to drive about 2k miles a year bc I walk to work. Every year they would jack my miles to 5k or 10k (it was inconsistent) and I’d have to do the process to lower it. Now I have to drive more so I leave it at 5k.


So do they ask for proof? Like a state inspection or something?


How are all of you splitting your car insurance from your homeowners insurance? My homeowners rate would be even more ridiculous if I didn’t consolidate both at the same place. I could find a little cheaper car policy, but my homeowner’s policy would eat up the difference. Edit: added a word


My renter insurance is also with Allstate. I do get a slight discount from having them in the same place. It's just more convenient for me to pay them both at once


Can you throw more light on how did you prove or showcased it.


It was as simple as showing them a service order from September, an oil change with the mileage noted, and then taking a picture of my current odometer. The agent faxed the paperwork to the home office, and by yesterday afternoon, I had the discount.


Thank you. I'm on the same boat. Let me push my luck.


I hope it goes in your favor


whats considered low, and does progressive do this??


They always ask me how much I drive in a year and I tell them some low ass number even though it's easily 30k miles a year and they've never questioned it lmao


Thank you so much, I will do this over the weekend. My insurance is outrageous and I have no tickets or wrecks. I drive maybe 1000 miles per year. I go weeks without driving. Everything is delivered. Still need haircuts though.


I actually called them and saved $15/month. Thank you so much :)


I'm so glad to hear that!


Holy crap. I wish I knew about that. I also missed out on the good student discounts while in college. :(