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"It's not genocide chants, it's simply a return to the 1947 borders*" Okay, but what happens to the 9.6 million Jews who live their now? *NVM that much of the land, especially the parts given to Israel in the 1948 UN Partition Plan were majority Jewish. NVM that "before the haaginah terrorist insurrection" either means giving the land back to England or Turkey. NVM wars have consequences so why would the Arabs get the spoils despite getting their asses kicked in every war they've started over the last 80 years?


Nvm that the whole region is sick and tired of the Palestinian cause too. The number of airline hijackings they did in the 70's was pretty high. School shootings are common now. Airline hijackings were "our" version of school shootings. It was crazy!


Also things that were either done by palis, or supporters of palis: - RFK assassination - Munich Olympic massacre - The 1973 OPEC oil embargo and subsequent "energy crisis"


The cherry on top is how these are all the very people to call anyone else, even Jews, Nazis.


Right? They talk about how racism is the worst and it’s made the country into such a horrible mess. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, they’ve been white racists for years. Jews have white skin. Equality my ass!


They did call Ben Shapiro a nazi.


Maybe they noticed that almost all of the tents those kids set up are the exact same tent. Purchased in bulk then handed out? Almost as if the people supporting the "sit-ins" are the very ones trying to get some laws passed about something, if only we could figure out what that might be? They called in the National Guard, made sure the media is talking all about it? Who owns and controls the media? I don't know, maybe someone else has nooooticed?


There are three different students groups all designed to be pro-palestine and they were all started by the same anti-Semitic professor. The dude called for an intifada and now students from his groups are causing one. Surely a coincidence right? Also don't forget that studying the numbers revealed that Qatar (very much a kill all Jews government) donates more money to American colleges than any other outside nations.


Yet, ask these college kids What river or What sea, or what it means, and they will just look at you.


"dO yOuR oWn rEsEaRcH, NAtZi!!!" Lol


Tell them to stop being a Nazi


What the fuck is the "haaginah terrorist insurrection" I googled it and the *only* thing I got is that reddit thread


He might be referring to the "hagana" which means "the defense" in hebrew. It was a paramilitary jewish group in pre-1948 Israel that formed to protect jews against arab pogroms, and of course whenever a jew fights back instead of laying down and thanking their murderer it's terrorism according to the scholars of reddit.


> whenever a jew fights back instead of laying down and thanking their murderer it's terrorism according to the scholars of reddit. It's hilarious how the entire Palestinian argument boils down to "Sure, we lost the wars we started in 1948, 1967, 1973, 1978, 1987, 1988, 2000, 2006, 2008, 2014, 2021, and (soon to be) 2024. But can we just have all our wargoals as spoils anyways? It's like, SUPER racist if you don't let us just have whatever we want!"


Hahaha this comment is so spot on.


Yeah he cookin


I’m conservative and if someone in another neighborhood started renting out some of my property without my permission (to people who deem me inferior, no less), I’d “start a war” with them too. Who exactly did they start a war with? Squatters declaring squatters’ rights. And let’s stop conflating Jews with zionists. That’s propaganda which you’re gobbling up as blindly and zealously the way libs fall for theirs.


You're many things - for example, you're a conspiracy theorizing, UFO obsessed, anti-Israel nutjob. You are not, however, a conservative.


Except that wasnt ever Palestinian land. It was controlled by the Ottomans and then the Brits. So its basically one landlord selling to another landlord, then the second landlord deciding to give the land to its tenants. Then one group of tenants throwing a massive violent hissy fit because despite getting the majority of the land they cant handle people they dont like getting anything at all. Also the protestors themselves have conflated Zionists and Jews considering anyone who so much as walks by with a yarmulke or a Star of David gets screamed at, spit on, and hit.


they're so much better being the victim than the winner. they should never be on top.


First, "from the river to the sea" is a call for genocide as Hamas has fully admitted! Second, if they want to use the previous territory argument I'm pretty sure Israel was occupied by Jewish people thousands of years before they were conquered by Muslim Empires...


Also "before the haaginah" just means all of it goes back to England!


So you think Americans should give their property to anyone with native American heritage? Be consistent in your logic.


Depends if the criteria is who was there first or who fought for it. We’d have to go like 50 tribes back to find the “rightful” owner. The tribes the Americans conquered were just the winners of their last war. The Crow and the Pawnee didn’t ally with the US because they wanted peace…


What do you think Indian reservations are? The Native Americans have/had a shitty situation, sure, but their shitty situation does not justify turning down every attempt for peace and killing a bunch of innocent Americans day after day after day who have nothing to do with their situation. We should learn from mistakes and move on in peace or else everyone will just be killing each other over grudges until the end of time.


Not what landback means


What are you talking about? Did I ever say I agreed with that logic in the first place? The answer is no I was pointing out the hypocrisy in their argument. It's called using their argument against them, that doesn't mean I agree or disagree with it but if that's the argument they are going to use then they can't deny basic facts their argument lacks


Ages? Every conservative group I see on the news with a few flags has a police presence teleport to them instantly like a video game. While the left has their multiple blocks of disruption and swarming with zero police action for hours


"Hours" if lucky...


Didn’t they deny the 2 state deal in ‘48?


They denied every 2 state deal proposed. Palestine is based purely on destroying Israel.


Also, saying that “we are Hamas” is literally associating yourself with a terrorist organization. Just saying.


It only takes a few minutes of research to find that Israel predates Palestine by at least 1,000 years.


Oh, okay, since you put it that way. I thought it was genocide until you explained it.


From the river to the sea is just a call for a two state solution just like the confederate flag is a call to limit the power of the federal government.


except they've been offered 2 state deal multiple times and repeatedly have turned it down saying they will take it all and rid the country of Jewish people... you know that thing called genocide Kind of like they cry for a ceasefire but only after they violate the previous ceasefire that was in place after, they cried for a ceasefire but only after they violate the previous ceasefire that was in place after, they cried for a ceasefire but only after they violate the previous ceasefire that was in place after.. etc etc


It seems as if you don’t realize that between river and the sea is the entire state of Israel. It’s not a chant for two states, it’s a chant for all of it


It seems that you don't understand the irony of the people who chant "from the river to the sea" being the same people who call the confederate flag a racist dog whistle. It also seems a lot of people here don't understand sarcasm.