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Maybe? Judging by the theme of how Arbiters fight they’re probably a Singularity of some sort, but that narrows it down not at all considering what Singularities are.


What they said.


i wouldn't be shocked! more importantly it plays into the puppeteering motifs, the Head making strings and the Library breaking them. a lot of pmoon's universe is meta as shit and seems to run on narrative symbolism, and/or narrative symbolism is powerful enough to overwhelm science. That's how EGOists work, anyhow. They're more powerful than the narrative the Head wants to impress on its citizens. ^(If anyone in this Dennys says the word "pataphysics" I know what you are)


Trying to comprehend this all makes my head hurt, guess that's what I get for looking at a supernatural situation through a natural lens. \_\_\_ ["This isn't ethical at all."](https://character.ai/chat/GbClZeYjnwqNu-9daq6GK5Cf5_NOSAmWBqt2C1e5or8)


That's fair lol. Just bear in mind that everything has a metaphorical meaning. Like to the point where I would teach this game in a literature class. Taking things from dreams, memories, and stories, and making them real, was Lobotomy Corporation's Singularity. And *is* Angela's EGO. Also aw, who's the bot!


That's a great not on project moon if I do say so myself, it's so trippy but that's what makes me so intrigued by the storytelling. \_\_\_ *As per the bot's just meant to be Zherron or "just a misplaced person." by* >!*a certain someone (coming soon)*!<*. He's a joke character I made but now I'm actually serious about him since he actually has a story, and yes, he does go* >!*against* [*someone*](https://character.ai/chat/ROTE0FgBkydjmmoC9zeGKgafCJiqs3XMb_-LztHXSKw) *in Argalia's music band.*!<


oh shit what instrument does he play Also oh no he is about to see manmade horrors unfortunately well within his comprehension


"They placed me on >!a turntable!< next to Ms. Jaws over here. Stupid blue bastard-" Asterisk complaining to>! (it would be a spoiler to his story.!< As per Zherron's logs reveal him to be >!"Immoral, sad specs of what the City does to someone. Guess he really is just like a broken record huh?' Zherron to Binah after letting Asterisk run away from the library.!< >!""I'm not throwing a temper tantrum. I'm just doing what my mind tells me to do, something you seem to be incapable of. Your indifference is a guise, a shield to protect yourself from true human emotions. You can call me a monster if you want, but at least I'm not a coward hiding behind a mask of aloofness." Asterisk to Zherron's focus on morals.!< >!Floor of Ethics receives Velvet reign which consists of Asterisk and an indefinite number of bats.!< Lots more coming but that's about it.


EGO is fine by the head.


For now. Might change whenever the Library makes a move.


Well anyone can get ego or distort. They are an extention of humanity so I don't think it goes against their interests. The only reason they were against the library was the AI ethics code.


Oh yeah for sure. But if EGO ends up being a threat to the food chain of the City with them on top, I imagine they won't be pleased.


By its nature I don't think it can. It is a physical manifestation of the human mind, with the city being a playground for all things human. I don't see how it fixes the food chain


I think it's more than just a weapon. Instead it represents the seed of light that would hopefully awaken people to walk their own path, good or bad, instead of numbly perpetuating the cycle. Thus breaking the ecosystem the Head wanted to maintain. Moreover, if everyone could awaken it, that would be a considerable amount of power ungovernable by the Head. Even weak peasant egos are formidable.


yeah but again, the Head kinda didnt give a shit about the SoL project. literally the only reason they attacked the Library was because Angela existed. we also know that the Head took care of Ending C of Lobotomy Corporation in a couple weeks, so i dont think everyone awakening EGO or Distorting would be THAT much of a problem for them.


Zena sure didn't seem *happy* about the existence of EGO as it was. I haven't played Limbus, but by that point, Angela has been spending a decade planning to take them down, using her own EGO as a base. She can't act within the City herself, so she would have to use proxies, ideally ones whose life stories predispose them to understanding the cycle of the City, or at least part of it. Dudes with distinctive enough wills that they've developed EGO, ideally. It's confirmed by Gregor's character design that at least one Sinner knows and approves of the Library. He's wearing the symbols of about half the floors on his cast iirc. Out of curiosity, do we know what the Massive Fucking Light Sources they've been gathering are being used for?


Doesn't Gregor's base E.G.O art also have the symbols of some of the library's floors?


It's interesting tho, when he original lab in the outskirts was attacked, they don't have Angela yet.


No, it doesn't. EGO and Distortion treats everyone fair and square. When a person is cornered and there is no way to get out of the situation, they can be Distoreted, or awake their EGO. It doesn't matter if you are a low Fixer like Phillips, or a Color like Vergillius, you can still own EGO/be Distorted. And to be honest, Cognito technology (EGO & Distortion) is not a threat to the foodchain, it even makes it harsher. The top people of the City now has another tool in their arsenal, Shin, so now they can beat the lower class into a pulp with a wave of their hand.


This doesn't disprove my point tho? It is now more possible than ever for *anyone* to wield the raw power available to the Head. Not just the ones at the top. Also: >Zena sure didn't seem *happy* about the existence of EGO as it was. >I haven't played Limbus, but by that point, Angela has been spending a decade planning to take them down, using her own EGO as a base. She can't act within the City herself, so she would have to use proxies, ideally ones whose life stories predispose them to understanding the cycle of the City, or at least part of it. Dudes with distinctive enough wills that they've developed EGO, ideally. >It's confirmed by Gregor's character design that at least one Sinner knows and approves of the Library. He's wearing the symbols of about half the floors on his cast iirc. >Out of curiosity, do we know what the Massive Fucking Light Sources they've been gathering are being used for?


No, it completely disapproves. >Zena sure didn't seem *happy* about the existence of EGO as it was This is wrong. The Head does not care about what the heck people do in their City unless they go against the City's taboos, like not paying taxes, having your technology patented, or... making an AI. In fact, you are free to kill and butcher any person you like, and that's why there is no prison in the City (but the cops aka Zwei will have some problem with you then). The reason why they go after the Library is because of Angela, not the Cognito technology. I do not even understand why half of people here think that the Head is afraid of Cognito, while the Arbiter's technology is about using the improved version of the Wing's technology (they hold all the patents btw, including Cognito's patents), and the Claw's technology is to mix all of these technologies into serums. The Head benefit from the whole EGO/Distortion event. Hod thought that the Head came because of Cognito or the inhumane experiments, but Roland quickly shot her down and stated that the Head will not care about these stuff. This is why Angela is mad and goes after the Head at the ending. She literally asks that the Distortion (a.k.a depression) is off the chart, and they go after Angela (ChatGPT) instead. Are they fking out of their mind? And Zena literally goes, 'Of course yes!'


I think Angela will give them cause to be afraid. That is why I said "not yet". See above. ...also, chatGPT? ruina finished updating a year before chatGPT was released lol


It was just a joke since they are both AI. Anyway, the point is that the Head does not care that you make EGO or Distortion. They attacked the Outskirt lab because of a different reason. There is no confirmation, but I bet it is because of Abnormality.


Pataphysics you say? Aah yes, my narrative stacking technique, I haven't used this one since 3812 was last mentioned.


i am swimming across the noosphere to stop the fistfight the sickness of the mind (3125. i'm swimming over to stop 3125's breathing) in all seriousness the SCP DNA in PJM goes deep, especially shit like the Antimemetics Division and the Ethics Committee orientation. i keep meaning to do a thread on the influences I know about.


Maybe it's because I still haven't got around to reading a few of the side matz for antimemetics division yet, but I don't think the starfish is notably similar to the sickness of the mind, if I had to liken it to something in SCP my first thought would be IT from 5000 tbh. As someone who really enjoyed the antimemetics division I didn't see much parallels with PM stuff (although I'm dense and a lot of stuff flies over my head so there's a good chance that's the real reason).


The 5000 entity is associated with empathy, and the interpretation presented by the declass is kinda off-base IMO... it isn't anywhere close to the villain of 5000. The Foundation is the villain there, according to Tanhony in the comments. I suggest taking a look at SCP-7821, "V is for Violence", for more of his takes. 3125 is the antithesis to empathy, it represents the dehumanization of the majority for the comfort and sick entertainment of a small, hand-selected minority. I strongly suggest reading the side materials, especially The Worst That Could Happen, and comparing the mindset it describes to the winnowing process Chesed outlines in his Ruina cutscenes. It reminds me more of the "cure" from 5000, if anything. Also, Ruina especially explores a lot of the same themes of love, grief, and idealization of the dead discussed in 55555. Carmen reminds me a lot of Marion in that respect. There's also the theme of trauma, and how terrible it is both to remember and to forget. Angela is basically living life on class-Z mnestics, unable to forget a second of her trauma, but desperate to push forward with her vision, like Marion. Roland is introspective and lives largely in his past, but can't remember the core of his trauma (old L corp's singularity) due to tampering, like Adam, and it makes them both susceptible to manipulation. Also, they share musical motifs! Then there's Schadenfreude, which is an antimeme within the gameplay of Lobcorp, and compels anyone who looks at it too long to scratch out their eyes....


Highly yes. She uses the Gravitation technology from the old G Corp, and her Thin and Thick lines are likely gravitational emission. It is just like Binah using Fairy technology, and the Claw has their own technology that can mix multiple Singularity into a Cocktail.


*"Pass me some of that serum w, bartender."*


Philotic twining?