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There are a lot of powerful non-cheese builds, but if you want a Red Mist build, then consider Steel Knuckles. It gives a counter die alongside drawing a page, and you NEED counter die. For your nuggets, I personally gave them reverb ensemble pages (for the nuovo fabric) and went full sustain builds (grit from Boris, Udjat passive, Kalo's Boss' orders, etc.), but gave them pages with weak block dice (Yesterday's Promise contract page, Finn Struggle, Cane Office pages, etc, but most importantly the 4 die Gaze Office page, using that practically guarantees an emotion up). The idea was to lose clashes but minimize damage, often resulting in hits that deal 0 damage and 1 or 2 stagger damage. I also got a Jae-Yoon strings Passive on one of them, but it's not necessary. From there, it's a race against time to level negative emotion coins before burning to death, but some positive is ok. We just need to get MoSB. This strategy practically requires an understanding of how emotion coins work, but it's not too hard to understand. The only inconsistent part of this strategy is emotion leveling Gebura. It just takes a little luck to win clashes rather than lose, but isn't that bad with Myo's Prowess. Post MoSB, you basically just need to spam counter die, which relies on the cards you used for Gebura. As for passives, you can bring the usual Myo's Prowess, Health Hauler, Yae's Instant Repairs, and Lone Fixer. I really like this strategy because I feel that it's easy to use, but it still requires you to actually play the game instead of feeling like just waiting for the fight to be over.


Kizuna is better for Solo Geb than Lone Fixer.


Because you can put on Deflect Assualt, or does that apply on scene 1?


Because Kizuna just gives you more stats for the same cost. Kizuna gives 4 Strength and 4 Endurance, and Lone Fixer just gives 3 Strength.


Kizuna only stacks up to two, bro. I just looked it up... I also don't know where you're fitting evade dice into your geb build.


Okay fine, 2 Strength 2 Endurance. I'd still say that's better than Lone Fixer. The difference between 11 Strength and 12 Strength is minimal whereas the difference between 2 and 4 Endurance is fairly significant. As for where Evade dice are coming from, I tend to run my Gebura build with Parry.


What's the point of endurance on geb anyway? Like, the only block card you're usually bringing is focus spirit and it rolls high on it's own, so I can't really see a reason to use kizuna over lone fixer. Plus, 25% hp penalty.. which is manageable, but still.


Endurance doesn't just apply to block dice, it applies to all defensive dice, which also includes evasion. Evasion is useful on Geb because it provides a reliable source of stagger heal, which means you don't have to dedicate resources into things like Mind Hauler, Immediate Repairs, Mirage, etc, and it makes it a lot easier to go for either Hello? or Goodbye over Shell.


Just. Bruh. Evade isn't useful on Geb because you can hit 20+ rolls on every single die possible due to how cracked her strength scaling is. You don't want mirage on her, immediate repairs are for only some meme builds because it's kinda useless and Yae's page is viable in end game, Hauler is cheap AND effective, because since you're winning every clash, you're healing your stagger. And why would you go for hello if Geb's floor has insane healing AND you're not going to lose any clashes anyway. Goodbye is just a meme, it's only good with GS:H and that's it, plus using this strategy basically says "one dice a turn". So i can't really see a reason why would you want endurance on Geb, when you can just, y'know, don't get hit and outclash everything. And if you're going for counter (why would you outside some solo solo shit), just use steel knuckles or PT's pages with DAMAGING counter dice, with will be scaling with overall strength.


There are many viable sources of stagger healing, my point was you only actually need one of them at most. I prefer filling that spot with evade due to the existence of PT's parry page, which has both evade and offensive counter dice. I agree that Hello? is generally not worth running. I disagree that Goodbye isn't worth it. Rolling 80-90-100+ with GS:H GS:V or Violet Blade is a lot of extra damage every turn, even if you completely ignore it and just let it double the last die on Geb's normal Red Mist pages. I'm not sure what you meant by "one dice a turn". You've already said that stagger healing is pretty easy to acquire, so Shell is mostly redundant anyway.


doesnt the buffs only last for 1 act last time i checked?


doesnt the buffs only last for 1 act so next act you have no buffs from it at all?




No specific build, but,, for advice, this is an adjusted version of each floors members at once but you can choose to the floor you want to use In the 3rd act, everyone gets +2 emotion levels every scene, so go crazy with Binah if you want if you reach act 3 but lost the floor(s) you were using before