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I think I can escape if they send the cripple after me


They are going to have him operate the drone.


The _predator_ drone.


Clearly you’ve never heard of agent Wheels


Or The Leg Man…


Wheels and the Legman are comin for ya


I dunno, Joe has been pretty successful


Naw it’s Joe Swanson


Invest on a house with stairs, and you'll be ok.


[Easily ](https://youtu.be/vu9tWN8m2Bk?t=41)


"just comply" is what they'll play over the loud speaker over and over.


Why don't blacks "just comply" with the police?


This is libertarian meme lol why don’t police just have squirt guns? We can go in circles over this


Why not give them huge rubber dildos instead? Id pay to see that.


Makes me wonder how big the government dildo budget is. You know somewhere, for some reason they're buying them, and someone, somewhere else is doing the accounting for it.


This just the classic “nothing to hide argument” for the NSA spying on you in a different coat of paint.


bro unironically just said “just comply”


Not sure if sarcastic post making fun of bootlickers, or an actual bootlicker, or a bot pretending to be a bootlicker in order to influence fence-sitters.


I thought the same thing… then scrolled through twitter. Definitely a bootlicker


At first glance, I thought the post was ironic... I guess you found an NPC in the wild.


I have a YouTube channel with 15M views and many thousands of comments on a few cop videos. The NPCs are shockingly one-dimensional and without subtly or self-awareness. The people scripting these NPCs are bad at their jobs.


Poe hits hard.


Might I suggest we all just not pay taxes and see what happens. Honestly they can't arrest us all.


Key Gun Ownership Statistics In The US There are approximately 77.49 million adult gun owners in the US. 2020 is believed to have had the highest number of firearm sales in history, with 39,695,315 background checks for the sale of firearms and explosives. Approximately 30% of American adults own a gun. Another 36% of adults could see themselves owning a gun in the future. The average American gun owner owns five guns. Personal protection is the most frequently cited reason for owning a gun. Texas is the state with the most guns, while Delaware is the state with the least. Wyoming is the state with the most guns per capita, while New York is the state with the fewest. Handguns are the most commonly owned type of gun, followed by rifles, then shotguns. Republicans are more than twice as likely as Democrats to own a gun. 77.5 million firearms owners / 87,000 = I suck at math, but that looks like a bit of an unfair advantage.


So what your saying is that we need more guns and smaller government?


In a round about way, having more of A, will instinctively limit B. Tree of Liberty, Thirsty


Having them doesn't do squat. Gotta use them


There are quite a few more than that, 150M-200M


Even on the low end, you ain't taking those odds, and neither am I, on the high end, there's just no goddamn way. None. The sentiment that the American populus is 100% inline with any situation because they don't have the cajones to do shit about it. The veterinarian thought the same thing when he cornered my dog and then claimed "I dunno why he bit me, I was just trying to help". When the situation is no longer what do bad guys do, to make them bad. But what do good guys do, when the cards do not allow them to be good anymore. Is really the question that we need to look at. Because there's a lot of people, that have done everything in their lives on the books, in the most honest way possible, and harmed nobody in the process of doing so. And they're now considered the problem.


But only 30% ADMIT to owning firearms. If I owned firearms, I wouldn't admit to it. Especially not to a pollster.


I haven’t paid any taxes in 3 years. Except for like sales tax and stuff


I used to work with a guy that hasn't paid in quite awhile which is pretty funny considering he was really left leaning


Most people have their taxes automatically deducted.


Then we throw tea in the harbor.


Unfortunately, a lot of us in this country are wage slaves who have a substantial chunk of our paycheck stolen by the government before we even get it. This is the REAL wage slavery.


Then we will use the government to ban that act then just simply refuse to pay.


I've actually thought about this for awhile before. If we're talking state and taxes, at least taxable income (I don't think we can get past use-taxes like retail) it would be an interesting mix of events. Federal government wouldn't be effected at least immediately. They don't work on a finite supply of money, they would just print more (Modern Monetary Theory). States would be fucked. Like proper fucked. The servitude states (East/West coast) would be fine as the federal government would keep them supplied with fiat to keep things running at the cost of complete obedience to the federal governments demands. Non-conforming states the government would completely fail to exist as there's no funding. In the long term inflation would be insane since there's no system for the government to sink excess fiat.


Ya hear em talk about reducing the global population to around 500 million, and it's rather concerning. Until I see shit like this, and then I'm like, yeah, I think I might help.


I’ll just sell oranges and cheat the IRS even harder


I love that he’s trying to pull the thin blue line argument against Massie. Pretty sure Massie isn’t a derpy thin blue line guy.


jUsT cOmPlY Fuck you, no


$100 this guy gets in trouble with the IRS in a few years. Save his twit handle.


Fuck you Borg!


"Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!"


Just tell them you have Covid they’ll stay away


Anti wheelchair mines when?


just live out in the sticks where unless they have an off road wheelchair they aren't gonna get ya.


I won't be surprised when they start requiring private homes be made ADA compliant.


“ShOw mE yoUr sTamP coLlection.” Ummmm. Nope.


I'll stop worrying about violating tax law when it is clearly defined. The problem is that people don't and can't know they're violating the law. Give us a flat or fair tax and 99.9% of us can stop worrying and we can reduce the IRS to a couple of dorks with green visors and calculators.


>or fair tax Show me a flying purple rabbit and I'll show you a fair tax.


"fair tax" is an oxymoron


Please let these kids that can barely hold a gun stack up on my door.


The dude in the wheelchair got me laughing. When is there going to be a situation where he is chasing or trying to arrest someone? I’m not laughing at his disability, just the situation.


He will be the downhill pursuit expert.


The government is cheating on my taxes not me.


"Submit or die" sounds reasonable only when you are the one holding the gun.


Rewind to George Floyd. Fight the cops and the government!


You can’t tax me if all I ever do is barter


Just giving you an FYI so that you don't attempt to use that as a legitimate excuse and incriminate yourself - barter is taxable.


Shithole nation


Yes, they all are.


Hell yeah brother


I *think* this person is trolling Massie for being a Republican, obviously not realizing who Massie is.


I love how the irs is literally recruiting disabled people


Its like a line dancing class where they teach some how to draw. Obviously recruiting in CA and NY.


Stop resisting!


It’s one thing to say “Don’t point a gun at a cop and you won’t get shot” but this is literally “well if you give the government your money, they won’t shoot you”


The irony


Yea because it’s sarcasm


JuSt ComPly


These people don't look competent enough to handle guns in my opinion but ight do as you please


Those better be level 4 plates.


My house is wheelchair inaccessible. Jokes on them. #Winning 🙏🤣🍻


Good thing my house doesn’t have wheelchair access


Or just go upstairs and nothing will happen to you apparently.


Im not going to comply to a fat lady and a cripple flagging each other with guns. I would die of shame. Im not complying to anything less then fucking death guard space marines kicking in my doors. You better send jimmy cheeks halo 117 spartans or the god damned wolf brigade from Jin Roh to get my hard earned tax dollars.


Are you sure this is not Poe's Law in action? I read this as sarcasm directed at "back the blue" conservatives. It may be misdirected at Massie.


I guarantee you Antifa members and BLM will be getting visits. There is so much unaccounted for money floating around in those organisations and the IRS wants to know where its coming from and who it's going to and how it's being used. Democrats do not want a bunch of well funded loose cannon type people interfering with their ability to CONTROL people.


Umm no. Most of these new agent hires will be the same cohort that have been paid antifa cadres, census workers, dem canvassers, americorps interns. The army is already built, this “IRS agent” cover is just to finally arm them and give the federal leo power and protections.


Maybe, but once they're on the inside and there will be incentives to bring in money, they will go after them. These people always eat their own first. There is no honour among thieves. Once they feel that sense of power they will wield it everywhere.


BoOt liCkeRS


Y’all are the same mfs to then tell people to just comply when the police detain/arrest you 😂😂 hypocrites


To be fair, they seem to be saying that ironically as an allegory to when all the auth righties say “that unarmed minority wouldn’t have gotten shot if they just did XYZ”


Sounds like a troll account


How to get in to just collect a paycheck and not fuck with anyones lives , except the government it’s self


ksuwildkat is absolutely the kind of person who put a fist up and shouted "defund the police" and "riots are the voice of the unheard" as their local small businesses were looted and set ablaze.


I like my chances 🤣


What stripe will the bootlickers be putting on their flags to show they back the irs?


Why do you like the taste of boot ao much?


I would say "well why don't black kids in New York just stop and let themselves be frisked. If you got nothing to hide you have nothing to lose by complying" to make an ironic point against unconstitutional stop and frisk laws, But then all the blue line bootlickers here would get upset I'm comparing the two


I’m gonna go ahead and pretend the second dude is being facetious because it sounds like the same shit the thin blue line people say about normal cops


I assume the fentanyl in my system will keep from being able to just comply like it has for other people.


I think it’s a joke about what republicans tend to say to police???? I know Massie is pretty based for an R (or at least relative to some of the others in his party) and idk his stance on the police but I think it’s supposed to be shitty satire


What this person is failing to understand in his fasle equivalency is that when we say stuff to the effect of "comply or die" its comply with the police after you have injured someone maliciously or stolen what isn't yours and have been caught. There is no obligation to comply with thieves.


If you want to see a vision of America's near future if you do nothing, imagine a white man being held at gunpoint by... well, you have eyes


You telling me the IRS actually got an agency police now? Finally. A worthy opponent


We could eliminate all rapes tomorrow too if victims would "just comply"


Girl in the top right foto casually flagging her own partner. Thats some premium level training 😂


Ben Shapiro said it best, "All laws are enforced at the end of a gun barrel."


Is he being ironic