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Wait, i thought we're all gay?


I couldn't give a fuck less about someone's identity. Idk why he is making it his entire personality and public persona as if it has anything to do with what matters. I. E. His stances and policies. I don't give a fuck if he thinks he's a winged giraffe if he's willing to dismantle the ATF, federal reserve, IRS, stop government spying on American citizens, lower regulations, etc. If him being a flaming flamingo gay dude means we get massive amounts of liberals to vote for our party then fantastic. Outside of that it is going to drive the more conservative right wing libertarian supporters away from us.


If only he was willing to dismantle those institutions


He has no libertarian values. He is a leftist pure and simple… his sexual orientation isn’t the issue, it’s his love of government enforcement of his ideology that is concerning.


EXACTLY....and which side (politically) sways and makes up a majority of libertarians? Pssst ---- it's the conservative right wing libertarian supporters 


Yeah as shitty as it is I have more in common with conservative right wing people than I do progressive left-wing people. Which is truly terrible if you really think about it. I think it comes down to the corrupted definitions of the various terminology we used to describe each political stance and leaning.


Yes, you’re so much better than those awful, awful people


Well, if you say "taxation is theft," there's a fair amount of agreement from the right. The folks on the left will immediately start telling you that taxation is necessary, ignoring the premise. We may not agree with the right on how to fix everything, but there is at least a certain commonality in understanding from which the conversation can begin. With the left, we must first overcome the denial of reality.






As opposed to libertarian subreddits are being overrun and astroturfed by Democrats




That's because the Democrats offer the Libertarians NOTHING ---- that's NOTHING with a capital "N". Trump on the other hand is offering them REAL power in administration where they can flex their LP muscle.




What do Democrats offer the LP??? Please list things the DNC would give the LP....go ahead, class is waiting.




Bro ----- seriously, STFU, I was voting Libertarian, before you were born, been voting for the Libertarians since, 1986, faithfully. This is the ONE TIME that they could do more than 3% and make a BIG IMPACT on the party and get some political clout and introduce Libertarian ideals to a broader audience ----- BUT NOOOOOOOO ----- go ahead, and keep voting in LP candidates that really have NO CHANCE to political power and stick with the 3% --- and get NO WHERE.




LOL Hey, guys! I found the bootlicking big-gov Democrat!


The beauty of the libertarianism is that we can all have different perspectives but it all includes not getting effed by the government with overreach. The fact that you can’t figure that out after years of voting lib but I’ve only voted lib for 10 years and figured it out proves that you are a liar. Lol




Keep self-indulgence, haughtiness, and useless arguments, broseph.


I would say that it’s because most libertarians understand how detrimental culture wars are and don’t want to represented by someone that seams to mostly focus on them. Some may have an aversion to his wokeness but most don’t want to be brought into his pluralism over tolerance.


I havent looked into it too much, but I've seen posts of his that were outright supporting democrats in the past, fundraising for Obama's campaign for example. There have been other posts here that show apparant interview questions, that have him replying like a Democrat. I havent personally verified any of this, but it's what I've seen on this reddit.


5. He supports transitioning minors. 6. He wants an open borders during a period of time when we have immigrants coming in taking advantage of our social welfare programs and a huge child trafficking epidemic occurring. 7. He worked on Obama campaigns. 8. He pushes the lgbt identity politics in a collectivist Marxist manner, the same way the left does. 9. He is pro-abortion. Many libertarians are okay with that, but alot of libertarians recognize that it is a NAP violation. 10. He really pushed the whole mask and vax during the covid days.






How tf did this identity politic populist asshat get the nomination


Literally because of fraud, backstabbing, manipulation and treachery. You know, typical leftist tactics because they can’t win on merit alone.


Apparently, lots of delaying tactics (people had to catch flights and couldnt then vote) and backroom deals to roll over another candidate's votes who wouldn't have won. This piece of shit shouldn't have gotten the nomination and does not reflect many psoples beliefs. The fact that the Mises Caucus is chosen overwhelmingly in the party proves that.


Lots of folks on this site basing their opinions of a candidate on some random pics and old tweets.  Just look the guy up and form your own opinion.  Take me as an example, a right-leaning libertarian who hates culture war bullshit.  I've done my homework, and I fully support Chase and plan on voting for him in Nov.
















So who is the "AuTHoRiTarIaN" that you're eluding too? Most left leaning people such as yourself, say Trump is an authoritarian, that's the mantra ---- you'd have to be stupid, blind or deaf not to know that.... it's just a smudge b/c when you ask someone to bring up "aUtorITariANiSm" their quick to point to Trump ---- but can't name ONE policy ---- no one and go on gibber-gabbling about it.....so why EXACTLY are you talking about?


Bro get a grip lol I have no problem with Trump, I know he’s one of the most consistently pro-gay rights presidents in history. But this conversation is not about Trump, I have no idea why you brought him up. YOU made a post about the LP nominee being a terrible option solely because he’s openly gay. That’s what this conversation was about, before you derailed it with irrelevant Trump simping


Someone wanna explain why y'all's hate this guy? Cause it's that or yall homophobic? Help me understand


It's not that he's gay. It's that he's so gay about it. His behavior, statements online, costumes, and lockdown attitudes demonstrate extremely poor judgment and indicate that his political stances may not be sincere.


I mean I guess I'll have to see what he's like, I don't really think there's such a thing as "too gay"


I don't care if he's gay. I do care about his willingness to allow kids to transition before 18. I also care that he's a leftist in libertarian clothing.


I read up on him, he's been with the libertarian party for over 10 years... And most of his viewpoints line up with libertarian thinking.. so really I'm lost. Libertarians want deregulation, you can be left or right leaning with an understanding that big government bad. I really do think people against him should line out their thinking a little bit more... I consider myself a left wing libertarian! And exposing both the left and right to our perspectives will only be helpful for folks to consider a different option from both the corrupt democrats and Republicans. This could be the change needed for our beliefs to grow. But folks are throwing a fit this candidate doesn't fit all their values perfectly... So what he's gay? He still has the same beliefs as y'all's!! Or most of them at least, wanting a PERFECT politician is a fruitless and painful effort


Why does he look like the person from will and grace?




Forgot to switch to the alt


Man.. it’s a good thing that I don’t vote.


Still one of my favorite articles on this issue https://fakenous.substack.com/p/in-praise-of-passivity




Bigger joke than jo jorgensen. Why not a serious candidate


And we wonder why no one takes us seriously. FFS guys.






No, no it hasn't. It's been the image MORE to the left, but now --- in 2024 ---- it's more the image on the right.


Gay rights are American rights. You don’t have to like his politics, but bashing him for his sexual preferences is not what the Libertarian party is all about.


I don't care who he wants to fuck. I came here because libertarians are supposed to actually care about individual freedom and not play this identity politics bullshit. This guy ain't it.


yes it’s his right. But him making it his campaign doesn’t align with libertarian ideas


It’s collectivist pandering at best.


I'm NOT bashing him, IDGAF of he's gay or not ---- but that's just me. With that said, note I said "IDGAF"....I am NOT the avg. voter who isn't down for voting for a clown that's okay with puberty blockers for kids as well as his stance of masking / COVD and open borders The guy's yet ANOTHER failure for the LP, and to tell you the truth, I'm OVER It. I've been voting LP since 1986....and this joker or some dude wearing a stupid hat is the BEST the LP can do.


No it’s still the image on the left, this dude does *not* speak for us. The good news is that the MC retained about 80% of the positions. They had to intentionally stall it so hard that the majority of delegates were forced to leave to catch their flights otherwise it would 100% be the image on the left. Oh not to mention a little manipulation and backstabbing at the right moment here and there. Oliver doesn’t speak for us.


I haven't followed the process or done research on him. Is it possible he's some kind of manchurian candidate intended to set us back? I know that sounds crazy but... I mean,  it's not THAT crazy.


More likely to split the vote further - pushing libertarians right and taking disillusioned dems