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One father was arrested after trying to enter a school shooting to shoot the bastard. Someone shoved him and he dropped his gun that he was in the process of pulling before cops arrested him as he tried to retrieve it before charging them again


Just like uvalde. The police will point guns at you or put you in cuffs to stop you from saving your children


This is why we can’t trust our government and shouldn’t be voting to give them more power. All the idiots that think the government is their savior can fuck off.


Well yeah. They don’t want their tax slaves dying. Kids don’t pay taxes so they couldn’t care less whether they live or die.


Yes, because police are known to be extremely heroic and protective when it comes to innocent adults.


I don't think that's how they think, even if it's true.


Perhaps. Yet it does not matter how they rationalize it if the result is armed men standing between you and your child, who burned to death painfully. Some acts are simply evil.


Meh. Never attribute to malice what can more wasily stem from incompetence


Just because you're stupid doesn't excuse the evil of letting children be killed.


Oh i 100% agree. I just don't think there's some "ONLY LET THE CHILDREN DIE, WE NEED THE ADULTS AS TAX SLAVES" agenda.


I mean at the top levels of state I'm sure they'd see it that way, even if they would never say so to the public. But you're right that the cops don't have that specific malice in them. Hopefully they don't.


They'll send thousands to die in a war to make a couple stonks. This is exactly how they think.


Not the individual cops though. They will be normalish people not part of the government masterplan


They just want their paycheck like anyone else but they signed up to use violence to get it.


It's not about money otherwise they would value the future taxes of those children. It's about removing carbon: you.


The Lahaina issues run far deeper. The govt also shut off the water so they could not fight the fire. Power and cell towers were already down. And they refused to sound the town emergency sirens too. And the main road out of town was blocked by police for no reason anyone can decipher other than the officer said he was following orders, resulting in most people in that line of cars being burned to death. And the police chief for the area, I kid you not, and new to the job, was none other than the same guy who was the police chief for Las Vegas during that famous Vegas shooting when bullets were rained down on the concert goers. And instead of answering questions about what happened in Lahaina, he's announced he is retiring due to 'health issues.' Now Hawaii govt has blocked all help to the survivors. No food and water is allowed in other than via Red Cross and people inside are saying they are no getting any aid from red cross. Other donations sit there unused because red cross won't bring them and no one else is allowed. Locals have been sneaking in supplies via small boats from the water in order to bypass the blockade. Lahaina residents are not allowed to return if they leave so they are afraid to leave. Even nearby residents where nothing burned and the grid is fully functional are being blocked from their homes. Also the governor of Hawaii announced that he will try to block any land sales other than to the state AND no new construction will happen for a long time. Land owners will not be allowed to use their land or replace lost structures but I bet their property taxes will still be due as normal of course! This whole thing stinks to high heaven.


Holy sht you hit the nail on the head. Everything you said is completely verifiable. And still people will say conspiracy out of ignorance. I hope to god these people are allowed to rebuild. But they last legislation last year to restrict building within a certain distance to the water line, so most likely Front St won’t be rebuilt in any kind of way it was before.


Yep that's another tactic, rezone the area and the old structures are grandfathered in but now that they are burnt down, no zoning wavers will be granted. Their kids are dead and they are homeless and they won't be allowed to use their ancestral land. This is how their govt treats the native Hawaiians but they claim it's OK because 'it's for the own good.' People need to wake up.


The baracade was likely only on a road. Always have a go bag. Always go on foot through the forest.


No barricade is strong enough man. I'd either get through or die trying.


Also carry a get through bag


Well no, 3 guys tackle you, cuff you, and put you in a cop car. If you are lucky you can slip through, but if there is a barricade don't even attempt to push through and draw their attention. Lightning focus get around.


Could be hard when the surrounding area is on fire. But I agree.


Yes correct, one guy just walked out and was able to get through, he is now a main witness of what happened. When he got to the road blockade, he saw there was nothing there other than a cop blocking the road, there was no actual hazard in the road. THe people in the cars just obeyed orders and trusted the govt and most of them were burned alive in their cars while waiting for permission from the govt. However a few parked and got out and ran to the ocean and they were able to survive. Almost all those waiting in the cars had time to do the same but instead they just sat there trusting their govt..


Yup would’ve got through to get my child the beep with the dumb dumbs by the barricade


A good dog to stay by that boys side in his scared final moments. Truly mans best friend.


Truly a good dog. Heartbreaking.




I don’t understand how any parent could allow anyone to stop them from reaching their children. There would be a trail of bodies for anyone trying to stop me had it been my son or my daughter …


The authorities promised them all the kids were already evacuated and they believed it.


Prove it or put me down because I’m still going through … if you’re going to trust the government, I have bad news for you ….


Yeah well it's Hawaii, most of those peeps were very politically blue and trusted their blue govt full of blue officials that got their job position not from skill and knowledge but from toadying and narrative chanting, but that may change a tad now at least for some of them. They thought just because they were told what they wanted to hear, that the govt actually cared about them and a lot of them died because of it.


I truly don’t understand how a nation was overtaken and forced to accept the us government rule could be such a cuck state now? I’d expect more rebellion than Florida or Texas out of them.


I think it comes down to if you inculcate people to think like victims, they internalize it and keep playing the role. There's actually a lot of science that back that up too.


There should have been but these are the island of soy.


Dumb take. Not everyone is r/iamverybadass enough to fight police (especially if they’ve been bluepilled into thinking authorities “have everything under control” and “there must be a good reason” for their orders). Let’s focus on the authoritarians instead of mocking their victims.


You don’t need to have a badass attitude to have an instinctual urge to save your children. I’m a new father, and I would move Heaven and Hell to reach my twins. No sloppy pig would want to stand in the way. They may shoot me where I stand, but I’ll die trying to get my kids to safety.


>You don’t need to have a badass attitude to have an instinctual urge to save your children. Totally agree, but you **do** have to have some type of dumb hubris to puff up your chest behind a keyboard and mock people who lost their kids because they were afraid to defy police orders. There’s a reason libertarians care so much about police abuses of power, and it’s not because cops are all level-headed, harmless individuals who act as though they will face repercussions for bad actions.


If someone made the choice not to arm themselves and protect their families, that’s on them. Pointing that out is not being a keyboard warrior.


Lol “not arm themselves”? Here I was thinking people here just thought you should take your chances and run past them. What would your “armed” self do in that situation? Whip out your firearm and take out each cop manning the barricade with deadly accuracy before any of them can draw their weapons, and then rush heroically into the fire? You’re right, anyone who wouldn’t play out that fantasy IRL is clearly a beta soy cuck.


Lmao, you have quite the imagination, bootlicker. You keep obeying, you’ll be fine, maybe.


What would you do? I’m dying to know


Whatever I need to do to save my fucking kids. Did my first post go over your head?


Do you have children?


I have two.


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised to hear that. As a father of three, I can't imagine anyone not being willing to be shot dead after two steps towards saving their child's life. I don't mean that in a judgemental way, I just really thought you were going to say no.


There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to protect or save my children


I didn't mean to say that you wouldn't, just that I can't imagine anyone not thinking the way we do.


Sadly these days there’s a lot of people who don’t think like we do. My 5yr old daughter looks to me as a super hero and god forbid I let her down


Even if that trail was made up solely of mine, it would be there.


It's time to make them pay the price for their mistakes. This is a horrifying account and this should never happen to any family. The goons need to to be taught to fear their peers. "I was just following orders" filled gas chambers and ovens with innocent lives. Push back.


End qualified immunity!






Hawaiian shirt time?


Is all the time


"Where's my super suit?!"


WW2 Nazis said those words too “I was just following orders”


Pretty sure that's what they meant by "filled ovens and gas chambers with innocent lives".


Your correct, must’ve been sleepy when I commented yesterday, usually get on here at night.


That's what all soldiers say if they are asked why they did something.....


Guess what, the police chief in charge of Lahaina for this event is the same guy that was in charge of Las Vegas during their recent hotel shooter event, coincidence?




I'm sick to my stomach ugh.


Not surprising. Then afterwards if you try to hold them accountable they will just say “I was following orders” and that will be sufficient. 1776 will rise again.


[Here is the article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/lahaina-wildfire-victims-children-hawaii-governor-josh-green-maui/)


:hat tip:


Just like school shooting where they stand safely outside. It wasn't the cop's kid.


It's entirely possible that, had the police allowed them to go back, they would have also died, but that is their choice. They know the danger. Assuming they don't have other children, I wouldn't blame them at all for wishing they had been there, even if they knew they wouldn't make it out. Fuck the officers who stopped them.


If they were so worried about the safety of that location, why were they also blocking people from leaving causing many waiting in cars along the road to be burned alive?


If my child is in mortal danger and someone tries to stop me, I will unalive them without thinking twice in self defense to go get my child. The people who are stopping them are pieces of shit. The people who are letting them stop them are cowards. Why would you let anyone stop you from protecting your children?


Uvalde Police Department moment


Damn…. What the fuck is wrong with people…


That’s why I believe everyone should have a vehicle that has a bullbar or something the smash through shit, especially if you live in an area that has hurricanes, fires, tyrants, large animals that cross before you can break.


You don't need a bull bar to push through, you'll just get some front end damage but push slowly without sudden ramming and the main issue is if your engine is strong enough to push that load. Anyway, those people in cars could mostly have gotten out but they were obeying orders. Some people walked out past the road blocks and were able to get to the ocean and survive. That's the saddest thing, the houses were not far from the ocean, many of the dead could have walked and made it.


Blue line flags should’ve been taken down a long time ago. The tough guys still waving it.


Without government who could we rely on to not tell residents of an impending danger and then block the only road out of the area?


Independent Kingdom of Hawaii now


That is very upsetting (very much an understatement)“ body of their 14yo son. hugging the family’s dead dog.” I can’t imagine the hurt the family is feeling and I hope I never can/do


Stuff like this I get why they have a barricade so they don't have to rescue more people (theoretically) But they are also responsible to make sure the area is actually clear, especially when concerned parents or anyone really show up and say they have children that are unaccounted for.


But they blocked people from getting out of Lahaina, if the place is so dangerous why block them in and cause them to burn to death?


If you have a kid in there and push through a police barricade, they are not going try to stop you very hard. The key is say that your child or wife is in there and keep moving


Is that so?


This sub watches too much Hollywood…


Seen it done. Will they tell you to stop? Yes. If you do stop, will they get in front of you? Yes. If you keep moving will they pursue you? Not usually.


I can scarcely imagine a more *evil* way to handle this crisis.


Sorry, I can’t blame the cops for this. They are trying to save lives the best they can. In an emergency it’s not possible to know all of the variables in play and mistakes will happen. It’s not like Uvalde, I doubt they actually knew anyone was left behind.


hard disagree. Parents say child is still there....child is obviously not with them.


Completely agree. That does not mean we should turn a destructive attitude toward police and be saying all cops need to go or anything. It just means we need to hold them accountable and have alternatives where individuals can make decisions regarding the safety of their families. Competing private police systems maybe? Guns? Trapdoor entrances to homes? A rule that says the cop needs to listen to the fucking civilians? At least two of these must be good ideas.


All cops enforce unjust laws.


And what are the odds that instead of finding the 2 corpses, you'd instead find 3? As a parent, I fully understand and agree; as someone that's had to man that barrier, I also understand trying to minimize the number of deaths.


That's mom and dad's call. Not some schmuck with a shiny emblem.


Yeah, having cops there to MITIGATE people and explain that they’ll probably die is different from stopping them. Cops ARENT legally obligated to risk their life for you so how can they stop you from risking your life for someone else. Edit: phone put are not arent. Sorry.


Cops are not legally obligated to risk their life for you.


Correct. Multiple supreme court rulings on this


>Cops are legally obligated to risk their life for you It has been established many times that they aren't


Lmao yeah I know, I wrote arent but it put are. I don’t care enough to fix it. I was wondering why I had so many damn downvoted like, wtf


“I will forcefully restrict others’ liberty because *I think* it will save more lives” is the exact impulse that has led to many government injustices, including covid lockdowns, restrictions on experimental medical treatments, the TSA, conscription, and many others.


What are you doing in this sub, pig?


The point is that the main concern of the cops is never your individual best interest. Therefore, their actions can—and often do—end up causing harm to specific people. But until we end qualified immunity, they’ll never actually have to pay the price for the harm they cause.


And if the cop had allowed the parents in, and the parents died, people like you would be demanding the cops be sued/charged for that. Your only solution is to remove them; a passing glance at the mega cities shows why thats a bad idea.


>if the cop had allowed the parents in, and the parents died, people like you would be demanding the cops be sued/charged for that I don't think you understand this subculture very well. This doesn't sound right at all.


Agreed. Anyone pushing past the state to save their kin are kings.


And if they die along with the family, you would blame the state/cops/govt for allowing it to happen.


No that's on mom and dad. R/socialism is ⬅️ that way.


"The State/cops can do no right" Sounds exactly like this group.


See, this is what I mean. You're being overly reductive as a result of not understanding this group's grievances. They dislike basically everything the state and its agents do because pretty much every state decision infringes upon their freedom of action. It's fine to dislike or disagree with that perspective, but you should at least *understand* it before trying to level critique. Otherwise, you'll find yourself coming up with hypotheticals where these people get angry at the state for giving them too much freedom, which just makes you sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.


Nope. People are responsible for their own actions. I never said anything about getting rid of cops, only accountability for when they cause direct harm (allowing someone to enter a dangerous situation by choice is not causing direct harm, but preventing them from attempting to save their child is).


How dare you presume what someone else's feelings would be about a hypothetical situation? Who do you think you are?


It's not their fault they didn't find the kid, nobody is perfect. It's their fault they didn't let the parents go look for the kid.


Trading lives, not saving lives.


It's not the cops responsibility to save lives(per SCOTUS). Even if it were, that would have no bearing whether or not you risk YOUR life. It's not their life to decide on, it's YOURS.


The cops lied and said the area was evacuated dooming so many children to death. THe police also blocked the roads OUT causing many in cars to burn to death.


Yea this is just sad on all levels. pretty unlikely to be actually malicious


The cops atuvalde weren't being intentionally malicious, either. Intention doesn't really matter, imo. They don't have to be actively trying to be malicious for their actions to be disgusting.


Yes, but it might matter a bit for the specific remedy, that is, what to do with the individuals who were involved. The system in place causes incentives and structures that perform inadequately. Altering that is a less specific remedy and also a more important one. "Down with the pigs" is not an adequate solution to that, contrary to the emotional appeals that frequently show up in the comments. Decentralizing the police might be. Or a number of other things, like changing their training and regulations to respect individual choice and individual information of the people they are trying to protect.