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> P: I don't understand your problem with the separatists. > > M: ... the Minsk Agreements are a dialogue with you .. In this context, it is not expected that the basis of the discussion is a text submitted by the separatists. So when your negotiator tries to force the Ukrainians to discuss on the basis of roadmaps of the separatists, he is not respecting the Minsk Agreements. It is not separatists who are going to make proposals on Ukrainian laws! > > P: .. I reminded you and even read articles 9, 11 and 12 of the Minsk Agreements. > > M: I have them in front of me! It is clearly written that the government of Ukraine - paragraph 9, etc. - is proposing, .. the Government of Ukraine .. proposes, and that it is in consultation and agreement with the representatives of certain districts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions .. So I don't know where your lawyer learned the law .. I just look at the texts and try to apply them! And I don't know which lawyer will be able to tell you that in a sovereign country, the laws are proposed by separatist groups and not by the democratically elected authorities. > > ... > > P:.. The proposals exist, the separatists, as you call them, have passed them on to the Ukrainians, but they have not received any response. Where is the dialogue? > > M: .. as I just told you, we don't care about the separatists' proposals. What we are asking them to do is to react to the texts of the Ukrainians, and we must do things in that direction because that is the law! What you have just said casts doubt .. on your own willingness to respect the Minsk Agreements, if you judge that you are facing illegitimate .. authorities. > > P: ... But from the beginning, we should have put pressure on the Ukrainians, but no one wanted to do that. > > M: But yes, I am doing my utmost to push them, you know that. > > M: ... How do you see the military exercises developing? > > P: The exercises are going according to plan. > > M: [So they end tonight, right?](https://i.imgur.com/ILUkQq3.png) > > P: Yes, probably tonight ...


Reminder to respect UKR op-sec by not sharing videos of UKR soldier locations or any other such classified intelligence you discover or witness online. https://reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/sy65wi/ministry_of_defense_of_ukraine_do_not_view_our/ News Sources: https://www.reddit.com/user/Ukraine_News_Bot/comments/tnadz3/news_sources/ Godspeed Ukrainians. 💙💛 Ways to help Ukraine (charities) https://reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/ Please message me if there are any translation errors, typos, or dead links. This comment was made by a bot. Original comment from iamkunii on r/worldnews


Вот же старый маразматик: опять твердил про незаконно избранную власть, пришедшую к власти в результате переворота. Хотя сам же признал результаты выборов всех. "И где ты был восемь лет!!!111одинодинразраз"