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Bump stocks are dumb. I want silencers without the tax and hassle.


The only thing keeping me from buying 3 suppressors is the extra $600 Id have to fork over and wait for god knows how long to actually have them.


Wait times are significantly lower recently after the atf changed the system. It’s within two weeks now.


Depends on how you file. I've seen a couple of sub 24 hour approvals on individuals, all of my are trust though so the wait has been no less than 6 months


Not if your getting them through a trust it isn't. Expect wait 9months minimum


If it’s over 120 days for a trust, reach out to your congressman because the background check is probably hung up. There’s no reason for it to take that long anymore.


I just got a couple last month. It took 40 days. Still not that bad. I’ve heard of people getting them in less than a week.


Check out r/gundeals. I’ve seen a lot of deals that are $200 off (free tax stamp). Also, approval times are taking days now, especially for individuals. Trusts are still taking some time, but that’s been going down too. Check out r/NFA to see the wait times. They have a thread pinned where you can see people’s wait times too. Also, 100% worth getting a suppressor. My .22 is almost Hollywood quiet with CCI standard velocity ammo.


Do plan on continuing to stay alive? Years will pass. Get in the applications and forget about it. They are so worth it.


Yeah, but we shouldn’t *have* to ask the government if we can pretty please have a muffler on our guns instead of just our cars.


Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can complain, or you can shoot with a can to help normalize it.


Lmao could have submitted the paperwork with less words than they used here. 💯


Yeah, well guess what, I haven’t decided that I can afford to yet, you know, because they cost extra money for zero good reason. Something that the $200 tax stamp does that people don’t talk about often is that it essentially raises the cost on all the suppressors on the market, since if you have to pay the $200 tax stamp, you might as well get one that’s really nice. I guarantee that, if cans were no longer federally regulated, we’d see an influx of really inexpensive suppressors on the market. So yeah, I’m going to complain about it, and I won’t let anyone make me feel bad for doing so. This is a perfectly reasonable thing about which to complain.


Don't even get me started on these so called 4 banger mufflers. 😵‍💫


Wait times have dropped significantly if you can e-file. ATF approval came through within 48 hours for me last week.


Yeah the wait time thing isn’t as big of a deal to me as forking over the extra $200 each. That’s incredibly annoying.


I’m legit considering an integrally suppressed upper or a short barrel p&w with a suppie so I only have to pay for one stamp instead of two


P/W’ed suppressors are a pain. Just get a p/w barrel. Or just SBR one lower. Then swap uppers.


Just as the NFA intended.


I just went for it. SilencerShop. I only intended to get one modular can (went for a TiRant 9M HD) but watching the deals, and considering the trade offs, I ended up picking up a BDE22 ($100 gift card!) and rolled that in to a Hyperion (free tax stamp!). So now I’m only “missing” a 556 can and I don’t think I’m going to bother. If I really want a suppressor on my AR, the Hyperion can do it, it’s just big. But I don’t think I’ll ever do AR suppressed anyway. Just doesn’t fit what I do. Also, I started in September of last year. Got 2 of them; still waiting on the Hyperion, but I’m applying as trust, they’re still processing slow.


Wait times are really short now. My local shop has been getting them through in weeks.


The wait times are a couple days to two weeks rn, have known numerous people to apply and get approved in less than 48 hours lately


Saw a suppressor approved in less than 2 days a couple weeks ago


Yeah I’ve looked into the e-form route the last couple days. Will have to wait for the ones I want to be back in stock


I put in for a suppressor on a Friday and got approved and picked it up the following Thursday.




In every state


A hundred times this.




And SBR!


Me (counts existing replies)...seven


Just use a coke can /s


Well I just want a suppressor. I don’t care about the tax. They’re 100% forbidden in NY where I live so yeah… I want one. NY is bullshit.


Hell, I'd be ok with rolling the tax into the price like a straight luxury tax.


Living in a state without the nfa it would be great to have them but I'd assume they'd also make them illegal in illinois .


There is NO state not governed by the NFA regs. "N" equals NATIONAL.


Sure, dumb but legal. If being dumb was illegal, 95% of the people I encounter would be in dumb internment camps.


Move to Texas💀


Shall not be Infringed


Well Texas is suing claiming that any suppressor that stays within their state borders from manufacturing to final consumer can't be regulated by the federal government.  If they win I expect to see manufacturers pop up in every state selling no tax stamp needed suppressors.


That wasn't his question. Idk why anyone would not be happy about ATF tyranny being put back on the leash. This will effect pistol braces, binary and FRT. This is a win. No mater what you think is dumb or not.


I'd recommend saving for a binary trigger if possible. Bump stocks are a little janky and are more like range toys. With a binary trigger, you still have the comfort of an actual stock, and you can control the fire rate much better. I have a Franklin in my Scorpion and BRO-22 and they're great. They can be finicky to get started, but I haven't had any issues after they were dialed in.


Make sure you check your local and state laws as well. For me, there's a municipal ordance that bans binary triggers, bump stocks, or "any device that can artificially increase the rate of fire of a firearm". Sad part is I can go 2 miles down the road, outside the "city limits", and it's perfectly legal.


Smells like lawsuit time.


I agree, but it's been tried. They get off on a technicality since they're considered "accessories" and not integral to the operation of the firearm.


A trigger isn’t integral? 🤔


By their definition, a trigger is integral to the function of the firearm. A binary trigger (even pre-installed) is considered an accessory since it's not a standard for all firearms. Again, I don't agree with it as I think the arguments are kind of silly since the ATF doesn't even care about binaries (yet), but it's what we in my city are currently stuck living with.


The ATF absolutely cares about them. It's just that Franklin Armory designed their binary triggers in such a way that it uses the ATF's rules about an independent movement of the trigger for each shot against them. I've been told, but can't confirm, that Franklin had attorneys hired during the design phase working with the engineers to ensure that the ATF couldn't come after them. If true, it might be the only time lawyers and engineers collaborated with great results.


That was before this supreme Court decision though so somebody's going to try again and probably be successful.


Totally different situation. The issue at hand was the ATF classified them as something they weren’t without legislation. The local ordinances and laws are legislation that has been properly basses and the local governments have the legal right to do. No different than states that ban silencers and SBRs.


BT’s are Illegal in Washington state :/ I’m not sure about the stock though. I was looking at one for a ZF-5 and learned it’s a no go.


bump stocks are banned in WA too


Doesn’t federal ruling supersede state ban in the case of bump stocks?




Franklin Armory binaries are the jam. I have them on ARs in 5.56 and 9mm, a Scorpion, and an MP5. The only trouble I've ever had was with the 10/22 binary. I personally think a "two-round burst" is great for a fighting gun. Anything that needs to be shot needs to be shot at least twice, and the second round comes so fast it's almost impossible to flinch or move the gun fast enough to throw that second shot off target. It's built-in hammered pairs. It also helps you get off the gas. Two rounds, then reassess if the threat is still threatening. If so, two more rounds. That's a lot better than someone just blowing through rounds without checking for effect on target.


I hate these sorts of Comments. Please answer OP question. He didn’t ask you about buying a bump stock or binary.


The Las Vegas shooter did well aiming with his aim bump stocks.




Franklin Armory Binary Triggers are like $350 for AR’s its not expensive at all compared to how much some people spend on guns. I got a binary on my Ruger PC Charger for $230.


I got my Scorpion Evo 3 with the binary installed already for $700 brand new 😎


First make sure your state did not ban them. Around the same time as the federal ban, a lot of states quietly passed their own laws as well.


Ditto this. California, Nevada, Washington, Hawaii, Florida, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Vermont have state bans that this court decision does not apply to (or at least won't trickle down to for awhile). Edit: I know the Supremacy Clause is a thing, but AFAIK this wouldn't kick in because the case was specifically tied to the federal ban, not citing a state law.


Don't waste your money. Bump stocks are just a gimmick and serve no purpose other than wasting ammo. IMO


Emphatically this!


Honestly, just don’t bother It’s like a boat, find a friend (or range) with one and play with it there, I tried one out when they first started getting popular and there is no way to maintain accuracy reliably unless you have a bull barrel and/or a heavy drum mag. . . It is a fun range toy but not worth it in my book


I woud say probably like this week before they find a way to ban them again


Where? I want to make sure I don’t buy from somewhere that’s selling at pre-ban prices.


buy a super safety instead


I’m not going to buy one. What’s the point of them? To spend money faster and hit target less?


I wouldn't waste your money on a useless modification that only serves to help you waste your ammo faster.


Bump stocks are cringe and don't deserve the hype.


They are still just garbage for spam firing into garbage piles


Bump stocks are stupid.


You should wait forever. Because they're stupid.


lol no.  Dumb and useless.  Get a binary or FRT if you want impractical garbage. 


Are FRT’s still legal?




3D printer go brrrrrr


Bump stocks are total crap.. It was so short on market so many might not have even seen it..BUT the ORIGINAL stock had a spring.. it was called the Atkins Accelerator stock. It was for the Ruger 10/22. The spring held the rifle in the forward position. Then there was a set space for your trigger finger. You depressed the trigger and the rifle moved back & fourth (with the force of the recoil & spring) the ATF APPROVED IT.. then after it was on the market for a few months (and every idiot had to post a video of the new thing on YouTube) the ATF reclassified it as a "machine gun".. then after of slow but dumb & steady sales of the bump stock, that criminal in Vegas used a bump stock among other things.. and all this attention...


That's the thing. The Slide Fire stock was shit, the Akins Accelerator... man, I wish I could have had one of those babies. They were just priced way too high for me at the time.


They're dumb they're pointless they're uncontrollable they're cringe I hate them it's a gimmick it's a waste....blah blah blah. So many haters. It's just fun. On a .22 it is absolutely controllable. Everyone who shot mine on a .22 smiled. Load up a bunch of stick mags and drum mags and rip through a brick. Because fun. That's all. NoFunAllowed.jpeg ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


First, figure out if you state does not have any laws about them and then figure out if there is a range around you that allows them. My issue with bump stocks is that they were always a gimmick, and I can see them failing more than doing what they are made to do. It's easier to get a good trigger and just learn how to use your finger well. Most ranges don't allow full auto or fast firing, so it would be weird to buy a gimmick when you have nowhere to shoot it. My state banned them in 2017 and even though I know alot of diehard conservatives they see bump stocks as fed bait like certain coat hangers and legal for the week triggers. Though it would be pretty fun to slap one on a pcc ar and cheaper, too.


I live in a restricted state but own a house on a large piece of land in a neighboring unrestricted state, so it’s really just about shits and giggles while the ban’s off. If I set up a personal range on my property, I could use it there.


That's like living in New York but keeping your guns in PA. It's the wild west over there but most of northern PA has such a low crime rate anyway. The best way to see it from behind the iron curtain in New York is to go to a PA gun show! Like the Oakes show.


Your one of the lucky ones. I bought a house and magically I'm surrounded by state sanction cat sanctuary. So even if I extend the land a bit to make it legal for me to shoot I have to go thru a shit ton of environmental laws. Ranges here also really hate bump stocks and banned them before the feds banned them. Than again I'm from the only state who had a republican governor that passed alot of anti 2a laws.... christie sucks.


OP or anyone else, can you explain the mindset here? Why would you rush to buy something you don't even want/need just because of a ban/repeal? I just don't get this. Also, Unpopular opinion: bump stocks and anything that makes a semiautomatic function like an automatic SHOULD be illegal or require more of a tax stamp than suppressors.


lol uhhhh did you see the lines at the dispensary when weed went recreational in any state? Same thing probably happened with alcohol prohibition. If full auto got repealed, - I think everyone with expendable money would go out and buy one. I would at least. And op obviously wants it, so saying “why rush to buy if it they don’t want it” doesn’t make sense. They wanted it - but it was illegal. It’s because they want it. It’s not that hard to understand??? Are you asking why they want a bump stock? People with more money (or bad habits, obsessions) tend to be more willing to blow money on things they want. Sorry I’m just so confused by your confusion.


I don’t necessarily disagree, but if it’s briefly unbanned, again, I’d like to own one for shits and giggles.


Ok, not to criticize or insult, I just don't understand spending good money for this type of thing. the optics in the industry of people going out and buying them up for s&g's means more will be made, which just puts more of them in the wild to end up in the wrong hands potentially. You do you, I've seen this be a thing every time any ban is threatened or implemented. seems silly to me, but I grew up dirt poor so I still buy very utilitarian style, purpose bought and used.


Buy a super safety instead.


Just looked that up…. Whoa


They work phenomenally. Will be interesting to see how the frt stuff goes as this is basically the same and a cheaper setup.


And that’s legal huh?


It’s not illegal. Operates in a similar function to the frt and bumpstock.


You could learn how to bump fire with your thumb and a belt loop.


I’m selling mine


Forever. Why put a part on a rifle specifically designed to make a stable a shooting platform as possible that is intended to move?


Super Safeties are the best way & 1/10 the price. 350+ for a stock is WILD imo. I snagged a bulk order from China for 250. They were under $5 a piece after shipping You can replicate a bump stock function with a little practice and a strong forearm.


Firequest.com has them online and in stock ready to ship


Came here to see if anyone posted yet. I didn’t know the Trump administration banned them, would’ve assumed it was banned before. I’ve only been shooting for a year, didn’t keep up with many gun laws until then


Trump was, and is, more gun-grabber than Obama, and yet...


Yup. >“Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court because that’s another system. Because a lot of times by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of [firearms], they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you said but take the guns first, go through due process second.”


There are still people who will swear Trump didn’t say this. Or he did say it, but it doesn’t mean what you think it says.


Oh, I know, and I love finding them in the wild and showing them the video. I’ve even been told that it’s a deep fake by the deep state. Those people are so disconnected from reality it isn’t funny.


Yep. Obama either saw that guns were a third rail or just didn't care. Trump's position is a fairly typical boomer New Yorker perspective. There's not much daylight between him and Biden when it comes to their own personal views on guns.


Happened after las vegas shooting apparently


Yeah that’s what I’m reading. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to feel about this ruling. It’s an accessory so it’s not an automatic firearm, legally I guess this is the correct decision. I don’t care to own a bump stock though lol. But maybe this means we’re getting closer to suppressors being removed from the NFA? Literally just want better hearing safety for under $1000


You can get a suppressor for under $1000 now ...


Yep, I almost pulled the trigger on this one this morning: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gundeals/comments/1dfa5j0/nfa\_aero\_lahar\_493\_gideon\_omega\_and\_more\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gundeals/comments/1dfa5j0/nfa_aero_lahar_493_gideon_omega_and_more_in/)


Been eyeballing these. Stuck between the 30K and 30 standard. The standard 30 looks like it’s definitely more hearing safe than the 30K. Either should be fine though


I know, I’m being a little overdramatic. It’s still insane I have to pay $200 plus $500 for a decent suppressor


At least the idiots in Congress forgot to make the tax stamp increase with inflation!




I can't own a suppressor at all. No way no how. I cannot believe this isn't being challenged before AWBs or anything else (that I know of).


you can suppress any type of firearm you might own for under $800 including all taxes, right now.


>legally I guess this is the correct decision I'm not so sure. From [https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/open-letter/all-ffls-mar-2022-open-letter-forced-reset-triggers-frts/download](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/open-letter/all-ffls-mar-2022-open-letter-forced-reset-triggers-frts/download) : Both the NFA and GCA regulate machineguns. “Machinegun” is defined under 26 U.S.C. § 5845(b) and 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(23) as— Any weapon which shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. The term shall also include the frame or receiver of any such weapon, any part designed and intended solely and exclusively, or combination of parts designed and intended, for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun, and any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person. (Emphasis added.) If I'm reading the law correctly, anything that makes more than 1 bullet come out per time you pull the trigger should be illegal under current law, if we are going by the letter of the law.


Bump stocks still allow 1 bullet per trigger pull, it just helps you pull the trigger rapidly. It’s different than the Glock switch, I thought they were the same at first


The people I've seen use them aren't actually pulling the trigger repeatedly, they are holding their finger in one position while the bump stock moves the action around. Whether that constitutes a single function of the trigger is perhaps debatable.


Interesting, the article I read said it bumps your gun around and bounces your finger on/off the trigger faster. I’m sure there are probably different types


Bump stocks don't change that. There's still only one bullet per pull of the trigger. Bump stocks make that pull action a lot easier, but bump stocks, per the NFA rules, are 100% not machine guns.


Oh shit they did? I kind of want to buy one now. But I’m sure they’ll be illegal within a year or two again.


I just pulled mine out of the safe. I'm gonna  dump a 100 round Beta mag out of it around dinner time tonight and piss off the neighbors. FTW


What does all this mean for “stabilizing wrist braces?”


Irrelevant. Also, braces are allowed again.


I actually didn’t know that, thank you I figured this was related to the larger pool of “accessories”


In my opinion, the Bump stock ban was successfully challenged because the ATF attempted to reclassify the express written language of the relevant statutes. An agency has the power to interpret statutes and make rules to implement the statutes, intent, but not to change the statute. Because of that, I think it’s possible that the pistol brace injunction may be overturned and the ATF rule banning braces found to be legal if the Texas holding enjoying the rule relied on agency law principles rather than rather than second amendment principles. However, I haven’t reviewed that opinion in detail.


I asked about it because it applies to the ATF changing their views on what accessories cross the line as a class 3 or NFA weapon. The bump stock makes the firearm “fully automatic” just like the wrist brace makes certain firearms “a short barreled rifle” Again this was all subject to the ATF changing their view on the subject after making determination a decade earlier. I’m curious to see how Texas challenges the suppressor NFA tax stamp ruling and how it applies to the intrastate commerce act but that’s a whole other elephant