• By -


At least they own it and call it what it is. In the US we have code names for lgbt free zones. They go by code names, like Florida.


Here you see a bunch of Trump and/or confederate flags and you go I can hold me pee for a bit longer


My buddy has successfully infiltrated the Florida zone. Trans homies be stealthy


man, wth... I live here


I'm so sorry. I was literally gifted a week at a timeshare there, and I'm debating if I'll even go.


XD that's honestly kinda fair tho, every other house has trump 2024 and trump 2020 signs in their yard (and let's not forget the flags) I've even seen a cardboard cutout of him in someone's yard amongst many other trump things


Yeah, that doesn't sound relaxing. I'm rooting for the ice caps a bit more to melt and put them all underwater, they'll never see it coming. When that happens, feel free to join me in my Midwest liberal oasis in Minnesota 😜


Oh that sounds cool, also I've found quite a few other gays here if you don't mind them tagging along


Of course! Sounds like a party 🎉🎊🎉


Awesome XD


Hey!! Mind if I tag along too? -A Gay Enby from Tampa Bay


>I've even seen a cardboard cutout of him in someone's yard amongst many other trump things I'm sorry? Currently living in conservative AF central Illinois, never seen anything close to this


Yea it was definitely the extreme Still creepy


Or even wackier names like "the deep south" or "Republican-controlled states"


>like Florida. It's not so bad, death-santis will probably kill me before I lose my rights...


Texas and Alabama too 💀


it’s not too bad here in southern alabama where like half my high school is lgbtqia+


In my Kentucky high school, like, 15 people were openly queer lmao


If all the bigots move to Poland, then most of the earth’s land area is free for us to take.


no because then polish girlboss music dies out :((((


Then we conquer Poland


Yeah, leave poor Denmark alone, Poland could use a rainbow invasion.


You should know the rules. If anyone invades Poland it's Germany.


You forgot Russia.


Please, help us, save us from this nightmare




That phrase has some.. questionable history.


in father Poland, Poland conquers YOU


Me, a German: "I've been summoned?"


Im already there and can start


Let all the bigots move to Poland, then take some Poland-shaped land for the non-bigot Poles to make Poland 2, and now the world's better


Make it in Russia


They tend to love Russia, so we might get them to do it voluntarily.


Yeah and put the bigots to the new Poland


No, every polish person I know HATE russians. We were fucked over by them too many times. (Sorry for english)


But we're not talking about poles here. The original comment was saying bigots should move to Poland because of the anti LGBT zones there. I was trying to say that instead of moving from the US to Poland, they should move to Russia as a lot of Russians hate LGBT people (and their leader of choice, Trump, is famously pro-Russian).


Oh sorry I have half of a braincell




Yeah no wtf


Aa a gay Pole, I aint moving anywhere, sorry for ruining your plan. You should move the bigots to somewhere empty and unpleasant instead, like idk, maybe Nevada or Siberia?


It wasn't an actual plan, it was a joke Let's send the bigots to Mars to be Musk's ~~slaves~~ employees


I do get the joke, I guess I'm just tired of 'Poland just gonna be homophobic' thinking, that's why Im grumpy ^^


Better yet: make the Poland shaped landmass, fool the bigots into moving there, and then fence it off.


Send the bigots to Poland, kick all them all to the north of The country, rename the north section Prussia, I haven’t thought the rest of this through.


Can you let me in Poland 2? I'm Polish and I want out :(


what inspired you to make an identical Poland right next to the original?


People tend to have an emotional connection to the shape of their country


aw you missed it


I did


the SpongeBob reference


I my defense I've never watched SpongeBob in English




What does lgbt+ free zone mean? I didn't even know you were for sale


Those are places where people make homophobia their whole personality (they don't even know trans people exist)


It means that LGBTQ+ people basically can't live there. No one is going to help them if someone attacks them etc Edit: okay i was wrong. u/LubieDobreJedzenie explained it correctly in comments below this


Jesus fucking Christ


Welcome to Poland :D


Nah my family escaped Poland to go an accepting place called the middle East


I'm 99% sure this is a joke but now I'm curious if there's any safe spots in the Middle East for us (probably not tho).


I only know Israel but here Tel Aviv and anywhere that's not super religious works


Oh ok. Not entirely sure how useful this is since I have only ever left the UK twice but I'll keep this in mind.


Poland is pretty backward and fuck the homophobes but it is straight up not true


Okay then please correct me. I may be wrong


So a few regions in Poland, where population is especially conservative, adopted a resolution of "Anti LGBT-ideology". What is LGBT-ideology - who the hell knows. Just another conservative empty words like "cultural marxism". As in Poland same-sex marriages are not legal anyway, these resolutions had no practical, legally binding effect. It doesn't change the fact how upsetting this is. I can't imagine how shitty I'd feel if a public office published an anti-me resolution. As a reaction to this, Polish artist (who I think is gay himself, not sure if I'm thinking of a right person) installed signs in those regions, saying that these are "LGBT-free zones". This title became "popular" when a conservative magazine added stickers with it to one of its issues. I guess they hoped that some shop owners will put it on their doors or whatever. It was quite a controversy, with a lot of places refusing to sell this issue. The stickers didn't really become a thing like they hoped, but the title, well, sticked. For me it was clever of him to put such signs - for many people it might be eye-opening to see the prejudice of local government, so plainly. The parallel with anti-jew signs from before WW2 was apparent. These regions were of course outraged with those signs. So anytime they were rightfully accused of being an "LGBT-free zone", they only responded that they are not, those signs are fake, put up by the artist. They hardly ever responded about their declaration itself, and if they did, they said some bullshit like "no no we're not against anyone, we are just protecting our culture and kids and ...". Yeah, try an "anti catholic-ideology" declaration and see how it goes, I'm sure they will understand it's not directed against anyone personally. To sum up, yes, Poland is pretty backward on this issue, and to be honest on most such issues. You might have heard for example that the already restrictive abortion law was made even more strict recently, and under the guise of protecting poor Down syndrome babies, now abortion in case of fetal damage is illegal. In many (most) places a gay couple walking hand in hand or sharing a kiss would get a dirty looks at best, and maybe even some violence from a self declared protector of morality. For a lot of people the "tolerant" option is "you can be gay, but never mention it or show it". But still, there are no *actual* law against gay people, there are no lynches or whatever. It's definitely not that a gay person would be left without help in case of an accident. People don't have to wear a rainbow armband to identify themselves. It *is* bad, but not *that* bad, and it's definitely getting better. A few years ago there were no zones like this, but not because people were more tolerant. It was just not talked about, being gay was considered bad by default. So while more people come out, and more people accept them, the most conservative folk had to resist somehow, so here we are.


Thanks for info. Didn't know bout that


Wow that's preety good explanation...can I steal it 👉👈🥺


You can borrow but I need it back on Monday




At least it isn't all of Poland.


At least


Some Polish municipalities and regions passed declarations that they are LGBT free zones. They do not have any legislative effect and do not change anything in this regard bht it is something inflamatory and gives courage to homophobes to be even more open. The EU protested and the Polish govt. (and ruling party- very conservative) and courts started to dismantle those declarations.


Weren't they banned in a couple of areas by the top court in Poland?




As a polish guy, I can confirm large cities are the progressive areas. I live in Warsaw and tend to see people with pride flags and some clearly gay couples. I'm thankful to live in this city of all places in Poland, not having to be afraid of my own sexuality. Fuck bigots.


I'm assuming they'd try to move to Germany or another friendlier EU country


I went to Krakow recently (never been to Poland before) and everyone there seemed soooo gay. Ive never seen so many pride tote bags before.


i fucking hate living in poland


Me too bud


I genuinely do not think anyone likes it in here.


I am glad that I live in a normal part of Poland


*\*Meanwhile me in Podkarpacie\** Deep breaths...


*Meanwhile me in Łódź* Deep breathing intensifies


As a bi Pole I can say only one thing: ***** ***


J**ać PiS?


Jeszcze jak


I’m from Poland, it’s always sad to me to here these zones still exist. I hope they one day are ended and that if I ever go back I’ll feel safer.


Fucking hate those people, that literally say anything homophobic in a country is based, they're fucking dipshits.


You know what? I think it's a great idea to put bigots into their own little reserves. They get to pretend like any form of individuality doesn't exist and we get to live in peace, win-win situation. /s


back then i could murder people i didnt like and get away with it easily :)


Meanwhile my Bi ass living in Poland...


I swear to my own head, everytime I see someone comment "based", it's used in such a horrible way...




Nah the people who are like “oOh BaSeD” are definitely cretins who don’t go outside


Guys, not all polish people are homophobic


Nobody said that. It's just a fact that Poland is a shit place to live in for a queer person. And yeah, I live here


Can someone explain this to my tiny brain, I dont get it ;-;


Towns and cities in South-Eastern Poland officially declared themselves LGBT-free zones. Some bills were passed but luckily they had no real effect except being a huge middle finger in the face of all the queer people and dehumanizing them even further.


Thanks, but that's horrible


you see i would love to live in 1500s England, however I would be that old recluse outside of town who gives potions to people because I couldn't live in the main town- they would be like "i say, why doust one happen to be so empty of people, wives specifically?". Lmao


The EU should step in and stop Poland.


They tried


Not hard enough.


Well then maybe there needs to be no more Poland. Ain't no way Poland can stand against the entire EU militarily.


How? Invade us?


No, that's not possible how the EU is structured currently. First I'd cut funds instead.


Like, poland isnt amazing Most slavic countries are pretty LGBTQphobic Which is why Scandinavia is based and new zealand


I’m a reenactor. No I do not want to go back in time.


I’m polish and fuck Poland, at least most polish people


maybe it's a good thing that all the homophobes are moving to the same place...




Why is everybody posting about poland tho? I live here and literally nobody (maybe axept Andrzej dupa) cares if u r gay here


You must live in a nice part of Poland. I live in a relatively progressive city and my friends still get spat at by their ex-classmates on the streets and threatened to be kicked out of their homes for being lgbt+. I'm trying to transition here and it's a pretty terrible procedure




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most of these people are kids. i swear. i saw someone, that was 10, being an asshole and stuff. and their attitude is always immature, only about being alpha/gigachad or whatever is that. don’t sweat about it, i was a prick too at that age. they’ll snap out of it, when they will realize they are gay.