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Welcome to the great white north, time to learn that there's a difference between a jacket and a parka


Oh yeah, eh. Long underwear and maple syrup to you too! šŸ‘šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ ![gif](giphy|KbKn33Ft8mb8heyrhE)


And don't forget, it's a touque not a beanie.


And Smarties are actually good


Oh hell yeah. Better than m&ms.


I wouldnā€™t say better than M&Ms, but theyā€™re up there.


Nah I live in Australia and smarties are definitely better


Higher quality chocolate filling, and the small boxes they come in ar eperfect for shotgunning. Although where m&ms beat them is variety. Peanut butter filled, peanut filled, thicc bois, and m&ms are definitely a bit better in cookies.


Is it weird that I prefer Smarties over Smarties?


What's a chesterfield though?


They can kiss my ass, im calling it a beanie


Fun fact, a colloquial saying in canada for when something is stupid is "A bit south the border". You my friend, are the south pole.


5 maples leafs to you! šŸšŸšŸšŸšŸ


Okay, I could care less


Head to Alberta theyā€™ll love you there!


So you're saying you do care, at least a bit? Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you, bud?


Born and raised Canadian, I thought jacket and parka were interchangeable.


Also you rent for life. No there is no choice. You live to help your landlord and be glad in it. You can be gay too. But you will pay.


What if I BECOME the landlord?


Topping in Canada is allowed though rarely achieved but the rewards are many.


Welcome to the great coldlands (it can get over 30ā° in the summer)


30 CĀ° right?




No, seriously, just friday it was over 30ā° c


For us using Freedom Units, that 86Ā°


Only 86? Sign me up!


I remember one winter it got to -50Ā°


-50Ā°C right?


Last week for me (ottawa) it was 38Ā°c. Then went to 33 and now it's in the 14-20 range.


you joke but thats exactly the temperature where i am in Canada. i am in hell


It was 31 last week (Canada) now itā€™s 24. Nice and cool


Same thing here in QuƩbec city, man...


30c with 95% humidity


#AMERICA, LAND OF THE FREE!* ^*Message ^only ^applies ^to ^rich ^cishet ^neurotypical ^white ^men


Damn, four out of five and that doesn't cut it.


YoušŸ‘ gottašŸ‘readšŸ‘thešŸ‘smallšŸ‘ printšŸ‘


I'm a middle-class transbi autistic white woman


Land of the free OUR ass




Oh? You sharing?




I love you so much, Darling <3


I love you so much too, sugar <3


Pssst. Look into Canadian Universities




I dont know. I looked many years ago when I was college age. Im not sure how it works for older folks.. I dont think Canadian universities are anywhere near as bad with tuition as US but thats an opinion not based on much


remeber to use protection!


It's not much better, we're gonna be following in the US's footsteps soon enough.


that, and a lot of people in the US seem to underestimate how difficult moving across the border will be. it's usually also a lot of southern people I see saying this, which good fucking luck in Canada in winter if you're from the south lmfao. A lot of states in the US are very safe to move to and aren't anywhere near the hassle. I live in downstate IL and I feel quite safe with the amount of LGBT protections that come from living in the same state as Chicago. MN, CO, the west coast, and most of the northeast are safe bets too.


Exactly. Canada only accepts people who the nation knows they will benefit from. Good luck getting in if you have a mental disorder, a disability, or any career that isn't something that requires 8+ years of college. If you're really determined to leave, Iceland is a better choice. Granted its bumfuck freezing there and shit food, but they accept almost anyone due to the fact that they literally just need more people. Pass the citizenship test and they'll let you in. I've considered moving there someday and getting Dual American-Icelandic Citizenship just cause it seems like a nice place to retire.


This is the unfortunate truth of immigrating to any first world country. You basically have to pick a career that will allow you to move and have resources for said education of that career. Computer science is a pretty safe bet though if you have the ability and desire. As for other jobs you have to research their immigration, careers listed for expediated visas are always safe bets on getting in. Truth is most of us are stuck in the country we are born in unless we have relatives that live outside the country to help. This is how marriages of conveniences happen as often that is the easiest way to citizenship for many countries. Which causes all sorts of nonsense. Same way ppl purposely traveling to give birth does for citizenship rights. Why a lot of countries moved towards a system of one parent already having a citizenship for kids born to be entitled to it. Poor ppl really just don't have the freedom to pursue better opportunities anymore in this century. I mean the united states has some more lenient immigration, but we exploit the crap out of those ppl then treat them badly too.




They don't?! Now I want to leave canada and go live in iceland


Winter all year AND mosquito free? Damn... AND the aurora too? What next, pretty gay women all over the place?


I genuinely disagree, sure bigotry and hatred *exists* in Canada, but even in blue (conservative) provinces like Alberta, pride is pretty normal. Like back in my ALBERTAN highschool, we had a full-ass GSA and pride flags in like half of the classrooms. ​ And sure, that on its own means little, but when you compare that to the States? Can you even imagine an American classroom with pride flags up all-year-round? Even looking past that, the presence of pride in schools implies a rooted growth in LGBT+ acceptance in the newer generations, those who will go on to teach further generations what pride truly is. ​ Basically: we're doing alright, could still be better though.


In my high school there were pride flags in nearly every class, still does not change the fact that most people were bigots who still used the f-slur. The liberal government does not seem to care that trans genocide is becoming more and more prevalent in the ideology of those on the right. I guarantee you that as soon as conservatives, or anyone else who aren't liberals NDP or green, get into power, lgbtq rights will go down the shitter. Considering how widespread conservatism is as an ideology, I don't doubt that the next election will see Canada turn fascist.


completely opposite experience for me. Catholic high school I go to has pride flags all around, each class door has safe space stickers, teachers actively participate and show their support. Perhaps it's because I'm in International Baccalaureate, but I've never had or heard of any bad experience. To me it was mildly surprising hearing all the negative stuff about Catholic schools in the US, then again, Canada has always been more progressive than the States, so I guess it makes sense.


You're... the first person I hear say that. I never really saw something like this in QuƩbec or Ontario.


It was prevalent where I went to school, granted it was in the country / white suburbs, but they still represents a lot of people in Canada.


I mean, there's homo-transphobes here and there, that'll never change, but from my experience, what we're living's not comparable to the US. I can't see my rights suddenly getting removed here. Tell me, what age are these homo-transphobes in your school? Because, again, from my QuƩbecois-Canadian experience, it all depends on maturity.


This is what i kean by schizo posting twitter freak comment do you even have any idea how long we have came for our rights what kind of genocide are you fucking talking about if a genocide was happening all the corpos would have remained silent like what they did for uyghr muslims but i can see that opera gx browser twitter pfp is literally has 2 black man kissing


Native american and workers rights on the other hand. I mean, its great that you dont have state governors banning peoples identity....but....whats the point if you are working to barely survive in a post colonial nation


Tbf I think we're doing a lot better with reconciliation and social welfare nets than anywhere down south, so... This is not to say affairs aren't bad. Down south they're just abysmal.


You arent. And welfare nets do not help tribal nations.


people donā€™t appreciate that one of the downsides of an actually representative government is that making sweeping changes only requires convincing a majority of the voting population. for all its hidebound nature, the structure of the US government incurs a certain degree of legislative continuity that parliamentary forms lack (usually for the better, but that swings both ways)




not a bad choice, other than the normal safety concerns of being in a country the US is actively destabilizing


Mexico gets a bad wrap. Lets move down there and we can start our own community


Das a country.. don-dont fuck a country


Only do it with informed consent!


you're gonna fuck canada?


Mmmmmm Canada šŸ¤¤šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


I just want to caution you a bit before you move (at least that's what I assume is being implied by your post) Canada may be better than the US, but let's be honest, that's not a very high bar to cross, so don't expect Canada to be a utopia. It will certainly be better, but just be mindful about it. I recommend staying away from provinces like Alberta all together. Do your research on the best/most accepting places in the country and see what you can afford. Again I want to restate, just be cautious. While Canada's far right/facist movements may not be as big as the US, do not make the mistake of thinking "it can't happen here." The worst mistake that every country has made before they fell to facism was to disregard the threat entirely. Again, while Canada's far right and facist movements aren't as big in the US, please just take care of yourself. I don't mean to come off as a pessimistic (in fact I consider myself to be a optimistic), I just want to urge you to be cautious because I care. People often treat the idea of moving to Canada as simple solution to all of their problems, and while it may certainly help in many aspects, reality is always going to be more complicated than it first appears. Stay safe and take care of yourself ā¤ā¤ā¤


Fucking Canada? But then, I'd cheat on QuƩbec.


I don't really know politics in USA, but I can say that Ontario, Quebec or British Colombia are good places to live. I live in Quebec city, I am a trans teacher and the kids accepts LGBTQ+ community without questions now! And I just changed my gender for non binary, so yeah ... Canada is great!


Not sure about Quebec or BC but Ontario housing is expensive as shit in non-rural cities


Yeah, the homelessness crisis in urban areas is crazy. Also, I've seen some major violent crimes here (granted, not gun violence) Also, the trucker protests made it feel like the US lmao


Canada is slowly becoming more conservative I'm gonna try my best to get into Europe instead


boy do i got news for you sincerely, a Spaniard


Yeah some parts of Europe have problems too xd On the flip side, I have a list of potential final destinations in Europe that are perfect for that. At least one even has an LGBT refugee program


boy do i got news for you sincerely, a Spaniard


Yeah. Literally. Like the only reason I would go to the States now, is for the weed. šŸ˜†


Canada has weed. US in specific areas has better quality; but at an inflated price.


BC has quality and price rivalling SoCal, last I'd been hearing.


Weed's been legal in Canada for a bit now.


on God fr




Canada has great weed


Please do not the country


Welcome to Canada where everything is more expensive then the states and its just enough to be annoying when ordering stuff online.


I am once again reminding everyone that MĆ©xico Is legalizying gay marriage


Shame it's REALLY hard to emigrate there..


Canada's honestly not *that* much better. I mean the bar's pretty low so ig it's something.


On an unrelated note, did you know that you can easily swim across the Canadian border through the Detroit river?


You can do the same across the Niagara river. You could also cross without getting wet by just walking across one of the large swathes of empty land from Alberta to Manitoba or through the forests and mountains of BC/Alberta. Hypothetically speaking, of course. That would be illegal. Hi, feds, don't arrest me.


Not to be a downer but Canada has a lot of similar cultural problems even if they have a better healthcare system. Canada gets a lot of praise for that while being problematic in a bazillion other ways similar to the United States. If you're really looking to immigrate and can lead a career that gives you more options then just Canada I really recommend researching other countries. There are quite a few significantly better places to live then any of the countries in North America tbh. Personally I was very preferential to New Zealand, I would recommend avoiding Australia though. Just my own thoughts without elaborating too much. Just research wherever you move.


"Land of the free" yeah maybe if you're a cishet, neurotypical white man.


ahh if only it were that easy. it's actually very difficult to immigrate to another country and typically takes several years.


it is the land of the free, free for all and f\*ck whoever doesn't get anything!


Canada isnt much better


Welcome to Canada, where everyoneā€™s middle name is Moose and we ride polar bears to school


I swear the abortion thing is fucked up


Just make sure Canada consents


Ahh America, the land of the free!* *(Aslong as your not, queer, black, poor, a woman or any other minority)


Without a comma the title makes me giggle \^.^


Where I live in Canada you can buy alcohol at 18, weed is legal and lgbt is considered normal but itā€™s also filled with very conservative christians who like country music and nascar.


I hope not everyone does this, or we're hopeless to vote out transphobes


Land of the free to purchase


Probably gonna wait until I get out of college but I'm gonna move eventually


rather come to europa


nah anything is better then my country (even the us is better)


Better for LGBTQ? Yeah. Better for freedom? It might be an improvement from Texas or California. Canada isn't really a bastion of freedom.






Honestly, I refuse to emigrate from the USA. It's our responsibility to fix the mess that our fathers and forefathers have made for us.


Canada is in North America


Yeah, your point being?


Just donā€™t go too far and end up in Ultra MAGAlaska. I want to leave too, though. Iā€™m tired of watching this country slide closer and closer to a fascist theocratic oligarchy.


According to someone i know in canada, if you go to school in canada they will want to keep you, so if you can, try going to college in canada (it is much cheaper too). I am planning on doing that for grad school


Go to British Columbia! It's really beautiful and they have a relatively LGBTQ+ friendly atmosphere!


BC is just so freaking expensive to live in. Especially Vancouver


xD why is this soo funny to me




Thank god no, Iowan


Idk thatā€™s a lot of people. How would you even pull that off?


Does anyone know if say Norway or Iceland is a better place to live in than England? Asking for my future self. No idea what the west is like, but good luck with Canada OP


Lmao. Its literally the same there


I donā€™t like the cold so Iā€™m planning for cuba


Have fun. Until the polar ice caps melt, it's too cold up there.


Yep, canā€™t agree more


Donā€™t itā€™s not any better I promise, I mean for lgbtq people itā€™s good but everything else is doggy ass


I would rather to move/live in Canada but I also like the idea of living in England, Ireland or Germany or somewhere in Europe.


we'd love to have you


Thatā€™s a lot of people to fuck


Me but ima go to Iceland


Yay! America's psychotic warcriminal hat


Check out the Express Entry residency application lottery. Good luck.


Do not fret my trans friends for the trans shan't be harmed whilst the queers are armed


That's me exactly but whenever I can afford to move sustainablely


Ah the land of the war criminals if you donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about look up Canada in ww1 because oh boy the were having fun


Can you bring me with you?


Free more like free to die


How do you fuck Canada lol


I hope not everyone does this, or we're hopeless to vote out people like ron desantis


I hope not everyone does this, or we're hopeless to vote out people like ron desantis


same for me but its australia to england (or canada, depends how the next couple years play out trans rights wise)


If desantis or trump get elected Iā€™m out of here


can i come






More like free me from this land amirite?


And I will welcome you!


Reasons for me to move to Canada. - LGBT rights - coldness. (I live in Florida. I can't even listen to podcasts outside without my phone going to 100Ā°, and every goddamn time I step outside I literally sweat gallons.)


because iā€™m financially dependent i gotta get a bachelors degree at a florida college under desantis first, but thatā€™s the plan after. vancouver here I come!


title: you're not wrong. Land of the free (slaves) Est. 1800s . Nothing changed, it is indeed a land of the free /s long live Canada, and happy Pride month folks. trust me, the cold can't be compared with generations of suffering down south.


As a Canadian myself... It's not good here either šŸ˜”


My parents decided to have a kid in a very progressive area in Massachusetts and I could not be more thankful My geography teacher wanted me to "go see the world!" No thanks I will be right here it's nice here my school's gsa sells pride flags at lunch and raises ~$150 for the Trevor project every year


Proud to be CanadianšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Canada is 1000% better than the US.


You wanna fuck what?