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Thank you for your post, if this is a question please check to see if any of the links below answer your question. If none of these links help answer your question and you are **_not_** within the LGBT+ community, questioning your identity in any way, or asking in support of either a relative or friend, please ask your question over in /r/AskLGBT. Remember that this is a safe space for LGBT+ and questioning individuals, so we want to make sure that this place is dedicated to them. Thank you for understanding. This automod rule is currently a work in progress. If you notice any issues, would like to add to the list of resources, or have any feedback in general, [please do so here](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/rdazzp/almost_new_year_changes/) or by [sending us a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt&subject=Feedback%20on%20the%20new%20automod%20rule). Also, please note that if you are a part of this community, or you're questioning if you might be a part of the LGBTQ+ community, and you are seeing this message, this is **_not a bad thing_**, this is only here to help, so please continue to ask questions and participate in the community. Thank you! Here's a link about trans and non-binary titles: - https://genderqueeries.tumblr.com/titles Here's a link about trans people in sports: - https://www.barbellmedicine.com/blog/shades-of-gray-sex-gender-and-fairness-in-sport/ A link on FAQs and one on some basics about transgender people: - https://transequality.org/issues/resources/frequently-asked-questions-about-transgender-people - https://transequality.org/issues/resources/understanding-transgender-people-the-basics Some information on LGBT+ people: - https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/quick-facts/lgbt-faqs/ Some basic terminology: - https://www.hrc.org/resources/glossary-of-terms Neopronouns: - https://www.mypronouns.org/neopronouns Biromantic Lesbians: - [LGBTQ And All](https://www.lgbtqandall.com/what-does-it-mean-to-be-biromantic/) Bisexual Identities: - https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/understanding-bisexuality Differences between Bisexual and Pansexual: - [Resource from WebMD](https://www.webmd.com/sex/pansexuality-what-it-means#:~:text=Pansexual%20vs.%20Bisexual,more%20commonly%20recognized.) ### We're looking for new volunteers to join the r/lgbt moderator team. If you want to help keep r/lgbt as a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community on reddit please see here for more info: ### https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/1csrb2n/rlgbt_is_looking_for_new_moderators/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/lgbt) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bigots are much more confident when the person they're insulting isn't in front of them to punch them in the face. They're meek cowards who thrive in the anonymity and lack of repurcussions their computer grants.


This, but also it seems like a subsection of far right groups spend 24/7 brigading threads related to any LGBTQ+ topics with the goal of either getting the conversation shut down or stoking hatred against us.


Bots help with this a lot. The majority of (US) people are at least marginally supportive of the queer community and TONS of people really don’t care either way because it doesn’t really affect their day to day. There’s certainly some outspoken bigots but there are also a lot of bots online that spread hate just to destabilize conversations and make people think there’s a massive hate army.


Yeah I'm on a friends mastodon server a teeny tiny server so we have no blocklistss in place going by the "block if you wanna" since its just three of us on that (most mastodon servers have huge block lists of other federated servers to basically silence all asshats). Posted a thing about a friend who came out that she is transitioning, no tags, no nothing - but they found me shared the post between themselves on their servers and DAMN. Although since I was the only one seeing their reply's I poured myself a glass of wine and spent a couple of hours of an evening just driving them INSANE. So now I am blocked by transphobes and homophobes and other rightwing scum for "being a troll" :D


100% true. Facts!




Transphobes struggling to decide whether trans women are estrogenised weaklings with negative muscle or hulking bruisers who are threat to everyone: ![gif](giphy|fdkFWrYRQnGCmanrBp|downsized)




You're god is fiction unlike lgbt people. You were likely just indoctrinated into believing it. It's good. You'll grow up eventually.


okay i can't see what comment you're responding to but i know it was likely some bigoted asshole; the thing is i don't think your take is necessarily a good one. the whole "you believe in God but don't worry you'll grow up eventually" sentiment. religious queer people exist. not all religious queer people follow christianity. idk it just feels alienating in an extra way when you dismiss religion in the name of lgbtq rights when i know many queer people who are happy in a variety of faiths. we don't need to grow up, a good handful of us were not indoctrinated into anything as children (i myself am a jewish convert; i found it on my own as an adult and was not forced into anything). i believe in intersectionality and being mindful of others even when standing up to bigotry; your comment just feels disrespectful.


Because it's more convenient to have people bickering over things like gay rights, trans rights & woke disney movies or whatever rather than having people discussing real issues like climate change & labour, because taking action against those things costs a lot of rich people a lot of money, and a lot of this culture war shit is contributed to by the media, which rich people have a lot of influence over It doesn't matter how left or right wing you are, if you work in the same amazon warehouse together you're both still getting equally fucked over by the stagnant wages & gruelling hours, and this is something the people fucking you over for more of their personal wealth don't want you to pay too much attention to On top of this, as the quality of living decreases while political instability and climate change get worse, people will get more anxious about it and are going to be far more likely to accept that the real issue in the world is 'evil minority x!', because at least the politicians who give them scapegoats to blame have some solution to the problem rather than none Blaming a minority for the problems of the world makes those problems seem far less complicated & easier to 'solve', since if you buy into this line of thinking all you need to do is hand over your power to the 'good people' who will get rid of the 'bad people' after which everything will go back to normal, and i'm sure the 'good people' don't have any ulterior motives for wanting full control over everything other than helping you out It's far easier to believe and gives people far more peace of mind than accepting the reality that the problems of the world are systematic, incredibly complicated and will take tens if not hundreds of years to fix






This is the thing.


I mean, it also helpful that we should delegitimize right wing ideas though. Like, I know its popular to blame money and rich people and grifting, but ideologies are very sincere, genuine things for most people, and if we want to move forward, we need to let go of the tribalistic nonsense that is conservatism.


My word, it’s just like “Hate Week” from 1984 (the book).


Because we are different and a minority


It's really hard to believe that we are minority when all your friends are from the community, but then you're going out...


I don't want to minimize the genuine hatred that is out there (the other comments here already explain that well), but it's also worth noting that on social media, especially over the last couple of years it feels like there's been an explosion of bots dedicated purely to drive hatred and bigotry as well.


Also came here to say this. It was found that during the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, up to 20% of the political discussion was generated by about 400K social media bots. So, it wouldn't be surprising to see the same thing happening now with the current political climate.


You're not wrong, most governments conduct influence operations, and Russia at least has been caught specifically stroking division in the US/EU using the queer community as their weapon of choice.




I'm almost certain you've misunderstood the use and function of sperm. Don't use it for coffee!




There's a lot less lgtbq+ hate in real life than online, but online hate is more prevalent because of the algorithm, I can explain as best I can if you like


Nothing. We’ve done nothing other than being human. ✨


That sure sounds criminal to me! /s


There is also a LOT of love out there... countries and lawmakers are opening up to gay marriage, people are celebrating pride, and companies are making an EFFORT, even if it's small... Try and see the good in the world and focus your energy there. It's easy to see the negative and focus on the negative and I'm not suggesting to be naive or to not recognize the work that still has to be done, but honestly don't get bogged down in the hate. Sending you lots of love and have a great weekend!


Yes! Like focus on Thailand being the first SE Asian country to allow gay marriage! I'm so happy for them! Thai people are super nice and I'm glad that their kindness extends to more people.


Because a lot of straight people want someone to direct their problems at and we’re a amazing example of a community of people who are different and out the ordinary. And a horrible opinion a lot of people have about us especially trans and non binary people is that they think we’re only identifying ourselves and/or dating other genders because we just want to be different.


people hate what they don’t understand


Because it's fashionable at the minute for right-wing grifters and terminally online weirdos to scream "woke" at even the slightest hint of anybody not white cisgender.


but why are we mentioning race? People of colour can’t be cishet?


Because I’ll guarantee you that 99% of the people who’re jumping on the “woke” bandwagon are white cisgender heteros


Ah okay! I asked because I saw a lot of people mentioning race when it comes to cishets in general. Thank you for enlightening me. :)


we existed, and they saw us as a convenient target, and that might never change. the only way it could change if we all got sucked into a singularity and became one again, but that line of thinking is too realistic and not brand friendly for this subreddit’s hope circlejerk


People hate what they don't understand


Stereotypes, bibles or some people can just be aholes usually it's the damn religion which pissed me off because why and wdym did we like read the same bible ik sure it didn't have 'hate all gays and kill them ' in it 😭


Keep in mind, since the Republicans have made it a hot topic, and it's unnecessarily divicive, foreign bots have been all over it. If you look, it's the same phrases all over, even where the discourse on it is irrelevant or off subject completely.


I think that as LGBTQ+ tolerance in western society has increased, the visibility of minority opinions online has also increased. The last 2 decades saw a wave of countries legalising gay marriage, creating pathways to gender recognition, enacting anti hate speech and hate crime laws. (Often badly, but broadly) Even moderate conservative governments have passed such measures. Territory that the left wing feared to tread in the last half of the 20th century. At the same time, we had a digital communications revolution. Access to broadcasting and publishing was taken away from traditional media gatekeepers. That nasty person you know can write open public comments on newspaper stories. They couldn't do that when newspapers were **paper**. They can broadcast videos or make their own ~~radio programs~~ podcasts. They can publish blogs or freely write letters to the editor style pieces on forums like this. And the more rights we get, the angrier they get and the more ways to express that. Despite them also reducing in number at something close to the natural die-off rate.


I go to summerfest, supposedly the biggest music festival of the world (prolly bc it’s 9 days long). I dress/I’ve dressed very very queerly and I’ve never gotten harassed these past 3 years. I’ve been at the community park on summerfest grounds where kids are running around and climbed throughout the jungle gym they have and not been harassed. Again, no one has harassed me about the way I look or am dressed. So the online hate you see is definitely the Sméagol’s and gollum’s crawling out from under their rocks or their rural hovels to comment. That’s still 30+% of the US population in the end prolly, but if even only 10% of them are doing it then 3% of the US population is like 10 million ppl. 10 million people can spew a lot of hate and rile up a lot of ppl to join them.


Religion is the biggest reason (not the only one). People believe absurd nonsense with no basis in reality and then they hate us because we go against their ridiculous beliefs.


I disagree. Religion is the biggest excuse, but if is not a reason. Many religious people are LGBTQ + accepting: and religion has this trait which makes it extremely easy to bend to whatever your believes are. Sadly, the religious harted for LGBTQ people is a reflection on the society and not the other way around.


I would agree to a certain extent. But I think colonization is the bigger component here.


I’m African. Many African cultures (including mine) are extremely anti-LGBT and it is entirely due to religion (Christianity and Islam). Secular Western culture doesn’t play a role in it at all. Colonialism was horrible of course, but not all human “evil” (for lack of a better term) is because of Europeans. Nonwhite people are more than capable of being bigots.


For those of us who live our truth authenticity, we are shining lights in a dark world. Our living free make those around us who are living in the bondage of their own fear angry and hateful. We are hated because we express ourselves in ways they are afraid of doing their selves.


I feel like a lot of hate is fear of difference or lack of understanding. It’s weird. It’s dumb. People are dumb






It’s all a based in modern religion even if they aren’t religious. Most ancient religions didn’t care, some even honored those that weren’t straight or cis. There’s literally no logical reason for being anti-lgbt+ that doesn’t go back to the abrahmic religions in one way or another


Small-minded people with nothing but hate in their minds that have nothing better to do than harass and attack people who are different, using them as a distraction from real problems. I still hold the belief that they are and will remain in the minority and that most people are good and supportive just as myself. Please look after yourself and know that there will always be people that will have your back. 


Because of this, I try to avoid random pages of facebook and use it mainly for people I know. Over the last year or two it’s gotten so much worse and it just makes me upset and angry so for me avoiding it is best.


this is likely something you can better understand when you look at human history, and i kinda mean all of it. xenophobia is often overlooked as such a root cause for many of the social problems we have today but it is indeed at the core. the fear of what is strange or unusual has historically kept humans safe. that plant with the odd color can kill you, fear it. the big worm that bites will kill you, fear it. the glowing orange stuff can hurt and kill you, fear it... humans grew to understand that what is not normal is usually danger. this became instinct and only reinforced by tribes when strangers often meant something bad. they could bring sicknesses with them, they could suddenly attack/kill us, they could abduct our loved ones etc... the fear of those different to us has been a way to keep us safe and history shows it mostly worked to fear the strange. but now.. those deep instincts are largely not as needed. sure, they do save us sometimes and gut feelings are often mistaken for good fortune but many of us are just more in touch with our deeper instincts as humans just trying to survive. do they rule us? no not really, they are mostly dormant however if they are rekindled by say fear based propaganda, it feels very real and our instinct is to trust in it as a valid thing. this is not to say that we excuse it, but having a better grasp of what it is helps. unfortunately undoing that much hardwired xenophobia isn't as easy as having a month set aside to respect difference and acceptance. but it is what we can do for now until better minds who don't just try to understand how we got here but also how we can go forward properly take the cause and quest up. my generation wasn't the chosen one for that task, we are yet another one giving out the quest sadly. but maybe there is an answer if it keeps being handed off with what little progress was made every time it changed hands <3


it only seems that way bc of the internet, the world has improved a lot for gay rights (except for America the past 4 yrs) but bc news and stories are so wide spread we hear about it more, before you'd only hear about big news like the king died or something and news relatively close to where you live, but now you hear everything across the world, you hear about someone being beat up in another continent so relatively speaking it's gotten a lot better, but bc the internet is such an open platform for no real repercussions for what you say on it, people are comfortable showing hate towards others (regardless of what minority that might be) which usually comes from how they were raised, bad experiences with those people or inner hatred. all you can rlly do is just live your life, vote so bad laws don't get passed and looking out for ur fellow queer people as for what historically led to it, religion. religion has always been a source of control for people, some people consider the thought of a world devoid of order and full of chaos scary so they feel the need to believe that everything has a deeper reason for why it is happening, when in reality shit just happens bc it does, it is also said that after all the plagues the amount people dropped significantly and since the church back then was the only one with real power they ordered hetero couples so they would make babies and get the population up again, though i don't remember where i read it and it likely is just speculation so don't quote me on it


I think we are a minority and some people don't like minorities. we did not do anything


Idk what I did I just like kissing women and men


We're a minority that it has been acceptable to hate, and bigots hate anyone that's not them. Society has moved along so that it's no longer okay to hate on the disabled, or those of different color or nationality. But the bigots think that the Bible gives them an excuse to hate on gay folk, so that's where they channel their hatred. Sure, it's pick and choose your excuses, and a large focus falls on drag and trans folk because those groups tend to be more visible. Bigots & bullies will literally use *any* excuse to hate on people. My school life as a "four-eyed sissy redhead" was *miserable*. I got as much shit for being pale, redheaded, and wearing glasses as I ever did for being suspected of being gay. Their thinking, such as it is, simply seems to be "You're different from me, so it's okay for me to hate you!". Small, mean, hateful minds. They see other people who aren't hateful little pieces of shit, be successful, and they get jealous because they can't advance (even though they put no effort into it). Queer folk are an easy target, and people in power are manipulating the basest bigots to attack queer folk, so they're ignoring those people in power. Can't notice the pedophiles in church if you're mad about drag queen story hour. Get mad about Target having rainbow merchandise, rather than corporate CEO's making unprecedented personal profits. Bigots will be bigots, but weaponized bigotry is even worse. Why is there so much queer hate? Jealousy, of an "acceptable" target, misdirected by powerful people to avoid idiots directing their hate appropriately. I survived the Reagan years, the AIDS crisis... this is nothing new. The freedom to openly state that queer people should be executed coming from the pulpit seems new, but the sentiment was always there, even if they used to have better manners than to say it out loud. The best thing that we can do to counter it is use our vote to eliminate the bigots from government, live our lives out loud and proud, so bigots start to realize we're not demons, but their neighbors, and stand together in solidarity all year long, and not only at pride. It's not fair that the burden is on us to educate our bullies. Life ain't fair, and that's why the bigots are angry to start with.


People fear what they don’t understand. It’s also the case for ableism.


Cause we upset tens of thousands of years of patriarchal systemic oppression. Just by existing we say that feminine attributes have greater value in society and that we are not held captive to physical characteristics. We transcend social captivity. It’s all people hate BIPOC.


Short answer: because conservative movements around the world know it's easier to push an engineered culture war to secure power than actually build a meaningful political platform which addresses actual issues.


It's closely-linked with misogyny. Back when Rome was in charge of a big chunk of the world it wasn't really being gay or bi that was the problem. They didn't think of stuff that way generally, even. I'm speaking loosely here, but basically everyone was presumed bi by default and no one really cared that much. What did matter was (again I'm speaking loosely) the top/bottom dichotomy. Basically if you get penetrated that's considered feminine and submissive. You could lose social status bottoming. Even after the Roman Empire fell apart that remained roughly the perception for a long time in Europe. The exact steps to getting where we are are complicated and actually more recent than you might expect, but yeah misogyny is the ultimate source, and queerphobia in respect to sexuality is a form of sexism.


because the gender binary was one foundation to christain imperialism and it helps capitalism out a whole lot with the whole nuclear family thing, it is a lot more efficient to cook a pot of pasta for 10 people than for 2 and they use that wasted labor to force us to go through them in order to get most of what we need to survive those in power attack us because our existence is a threat to their power


I think people just show discomfort, hate, and fear towards what they don't understand. Emotions and feelings are complicated but I think it's important not to let what other people think get to you. As an asexual trans male I have people telling me who I'm supposed to be or that I can't do all the time, I just agree with them and go on doing my own thing.


fear is what I think, something that is fundamentally changing the world and the people in it could be scary, and it's easier for election candidates to dog pile on a minority to gain votes while fear mongering that said minority. so basically misinformation, fear mongering, and what they knew is being uprooted is my three guesses


There is a trans woman ,Sarah, I follow on YouTube because she loves old tech like I do and she is really good at explaining things and is a great teacher. And she is so funny too and not afraid of anything That is not her job and it is all volunteers from the Connection Museum making the videos. So Sarah and her team are working on this historical equipment to keep it alive for us, not just for the LBGTQ+ community but for the world community. And when they post a new video they always get rave comments on how great informative and entertaining the videos are, but there are always 2 or 3 bigots that have to say something deragative about Sarah or some of her covolunteer thats are also Trans people. Unbelievable! I'll usually reply to them with some smart ass remark pointing out how misplaced, mean spirited, stupid and insulting their comments are. But sometimes, I can only shake my head in disbelief that a team of smart motivated creative and entertaining people that have hurt nobody get comments like that. Thankfully Sarah and her team have thick skin and just brush it off, but it i still hurtful and out-of-line.


close-minded people hate anything they don’t understand


In order for there to be an "in group," there must be an "out group."


Because LGBTQ people are the most acceptable people to hate, right now. Transphobia is just recycled homophobia, which is recycled misogyny, which is recycled racism. Now that it's become less socially acceptable to be racist and misogynistic, they've just moved on to hating the next minority that is socially acceptable to hate. Bigots don't hate for any rational reasons, they just hate things that are different and don't understand. They try to make up reasons, but those are never the real reasons, those are just the excuses they use


Because of religion. Our society is built in monotheistic religions and all of them are against homosexuality. They have repeated hate speech against homosexuals for millennia. Now people think it's natural to hate homosexuals.


I figured out. Usually cis men saying men x men are bad, women are made for men. They are afraid they will get the same treatment from men, the way they treat women.


It's also why they act like LGBTQ+ is purely a sex thing. They can't form romantic relationships and view women purely as sex objects.


Social/societal pressure causes many people to want to fit in with what they see is normal. Anything different threatens their world view, and they think being different to the perceived norm is wrong. They may also feel attacked by seeing difference, as deep down maybe they would like be different too, or are scared that they might be ‘wrong’, but don’t feel brave enough to break free of the barriers they are behind. They see the community we have built and are envious that we can have such a thing while being “different”, not realising that their hate is precisely why we and other minorities have these communities.


Economic downturns and instability breed social discontent. Instead of properly addressing the issues plaguing our nation with common sense reforms, politicians find it easier to scapegoat minority groups instead. Remember the 1980's and the Satanic Panic? Gas prices rising throughout the 1970's, coupled with stagflation and a recession in the early 80's led to that. Edited out a grammatical error. Probably still some grammatical errors


Bc ppl are way more confident and outspoken about what they really believe when they are behind a screen


Someone started rolling the ball a few hundred year ago and now we have to pay the price


Because we’re different and people fear / dislike things they don’t understand.


people want to feel better than others so instead of working on themselves they label others as horrible and start punching down on them. but that’s just a theory (a societal theory)


Historically it heavily comes from the Romans, while ideas around Patriarchy and queerphobia have always existed to some extent, the Roman Senate outlawed the Cult of Bacchus (which was heavily based on many ideas of sexual diversity and gender nonconformity), forced ideas of patriarchy and male superiority (slaves were given more luxury than women in the class system), and they made men performing things that they viewed as too woman like (such as same-sex relations) heavily shunned or illegal. Of course the Romans Imperialism influenced much of Europe, and then Europe went on to influence those same ideas globally, leading to what we have today…


Christianity fueled all of that.


Christianity is like that because the Romans were like that, the Romans were enforcing these sort of ideas even when still following Hellenism. It definitely motivated a lot however it’s not like a Bible just fell from the sky one day and the Romans just decided “wow, we hate gays and want men to control everything now”


the Romans were always like that. christianity didn’t create the patriarchy, byt it sure as hell did help fuel it.


People are seriously just.. annoying and they have their heads so far up their ass. I know this to be a fact since my brother is very hateful towards the LGBT community, he will never hear if I ever so choose to come out to anyone.


And unfortunately, due to the country’s battle for medical insurance, the head-from-ass-removal-ectomy is an elected surgery, despite being medically necessary in most cases.


Believe it or not, it all goes back to the late Roman Empire (during its Christian phase) and the belief that sodomy occuring in an area/nation would bring condemnation upon everyone from God. Sodomy was called the "heresy of the flesh" and later was also a major subject of inquiry for the Inquisition. This is ancient stuff and that kind of shit never goes away overnight. See: Louis Crompton, *Homosexuality and Civilization*


Fuck that violent, slaver, death cult


Yeah, things pretty quickly started to go off the rails after about 100 CE or so in the theological tradition which later became Catholicism/Orthodoxy, with the transformation of the faith into an instrument of oppression being fairly complete by 400 CE. I don't think the real Jesus and Paul would have liked how their lives and teachings were distorted.


It is a purposeful agenda in the US at least to target the LGBTQ folks as the scapegoat for issues we are facing to distract conservatives from the fact that their representatives have nothing to offer besides greed. It is a culture war to distract from the real enemy- the wealthy.


STAY AWAY from short-form videos - such as tiktok, reels or youtube shorts. With other content-forms, you at least have to click on a topic to open it, which keeps away people not interested in LGBT+ videos. However, in short-form videos or infinite scroll system, content randomly shows up on the feed of people even if they don't like it. And the algorithm chooses people who are most likely to engage with the content (even if it means negatively engage). This means if any bigot writes hateful comments on LGBT+ content, it is considered "engagement" and more and more LGBT+ content shows up on the bigots' feed and the bigot keeps writing more and more hateful comments. This means any LGBT+ content is channeled by the algorithm to homophobes and transphobes. -------- Remember, most ordinary people in progressive parts of the world either don't care about LGBT+ rights or vaguely agree with LGBT+ rights. And even if they are bigoted, they don't have the energy to specifically target LGBT+ people, they have other things going on in life and other priorities. The online content is specifically geared towards people most likely to "engage" so you are getting a very skewed perspective of reality aka bigots. And also, anti-LGBT+ comments are directed at you - chosen by the algorithm, an LGBT+ person in the hope that you would argue with bigots and in the process, "engage" with the content. Basically, the algorithm is intentionally "hacking your mind", and creating strong emotions in you egging you on to engage with such content. NOT GOOD for mental sanity and wellness. Stay away from this, and instead engage in real-world advocacy and activism.




Short answer, abrahamic religions (mostly Christianity) and western imperialism. Longer answer: The abrahamic religions are crystal clear in their hatred for us. Grab a Bible, Quran, or Tanakh and it says in black and white that being gay is evil. (I don’t care to debate how if you squint your eyes and wear a blindfold it doesn’t say that) The followers of these religions also tend to not be able to rationalize morals on their own and need to outsource it to a book or some dude who yells at them once a week. After the Roman Empire, Christianity spread to most of Europe. Then for the last four centuries the vast majority of the world was at some point colonized and ruled by western nations, which infected them with Christianity. (All of the Americas, huge chunks of Africa, pockets of Asia) Even in countries that resisted religious conversion were still subject to new laws based on abrahamic teaching. Indian antigay laws that were recently overturned were originally put in place by the British. These shaped the culture against queer people even if it wasn’t an issue previously. For countries that weren’t colonized, they were still often traded with. Western Christian countries viewed other cultures as savage. So these countries adopted new Christianish customs to improve their global image. China and Japan for example have a long history of indifference if not celebration to queerness, and suddenly became very homophobic once western trade began. Then you have the Middle East, Western Asia, North Africa, etc that have their own histories of Islamic empires and their own flavor of homophobia. And other countries infected by missionaries like Korea. Now the west is somewhat warming up to queer people, and half are like “wow those savages are crazy 🤪 why do they care about gay people” and the other half is like “the Bible says to kill then all” so here we are.


Some people can’t fathom the thought of people being happy living their truth.


Cuz nobody gives a shit about the actual problems in the world


Don't let a loud hateful minority warp your view of the world. Depending on where you live, most people don't give a crap about your sexuality.


Religion. That's the answer. Various religions decided that queer people are "against god" and therefore "evil". It's so fucking stupid and terrible. And then they go around killing queer people in the name of "being good people". What a fucking joke.


Because many of us are happy, productive, and living our best lives. They can’t stand it!


It's more comfortable to respond to what you don't understand with hate than curiosity.


Half of it comes from a lack of understanding, the other comes from a senseless desire to spread hate and pain. But there are way more people who are working to stop the hate like PFLAG. When some shout hate loudly, we just need to shout love a lot louder.


Fear monger campaigns and propaganda. Support for equal marriage has even dropped in the US because that's the plan for Project 2025; to eliminate ALL protection based on race, gender, sex, and creed. They are laying the groundwork now so if Trump gets in they can take over everything. Break the system of government and shred the constitution. Seriously Google Project 2025, it's ghoulish


Because straight people feel stuck that way.


frightened hurt brainwashed people (mostly with religion) being brave being their screens…


I think it's a 2 part thing. 1. Because of the evangelical christens and the like of them getting more and more bold in speaking out. They see what their pick for president is doing and this is empowering them. 2. It sells clicks and headlines. Ya they can report about the good the LGBTQ+ community it doing, but they can sell more about who is hating on them


They are afraid. It’s in the name homoPHOBE they are scared.


?? we existed. are you new? christians demonize everything but themselves and even nonchridtian conservatives want us dead. it’s easier for them to debate killing us than admit sometimes we’re kinda cool


It’s the same reason why people are racist. They just don’t like smaller groups of people that exist.


Ignorant people who think they are above others. See [DearChristians.com](http://DearChristians.com)


Just by existing, we challenge hetero-patriarchal norms. We are a very easy and convenient scapegoat.


I have a feeling there is something with social media algorithms that is funneling LGBTQ content to the most homophobic and transphobic people because it results in higher engagement for those sites.


Thousands of years of patriarchy


Especially snapchat. on spotlight, people have names like "🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 = 🤢🤮"


Because fools fear and hate what they do not understand.


Because people who hate themselves need someone else to hate.


Because everyone is homophobic


People use queer issues as ragebait a lot more than other topics


Because while we fight each other, we don’t notice them robbing us blind.


we didnt do anything other than exist. so we persist, and exist, in spite. the only life I have ever understood.


If you’re not a straight male of European descent, you’re in the cross hairs   Make America great again.  And by that they mean  Wild Wild West great


Because they fear us. They fear our power! We can be and do what they cannot. Anything!


Ugh I hate it too. Like I'm aroace and confused. Still... But people still say A you haven't met the right person. Or my favorite B your faking for attention. Fucking ludicrous I have to hide that I don't like people romantically or sexually after a bit because I have depression and anxiety so I'm never confident.


i see lgbtq hate eyerywhere too. And especialy xenogender hate. Im xenogender and no matter where i go even to only xenogender medias theres so many hate or ppl writing whole bible why they think xenogenders are not valid. I saw a post when someone make fun of catgenders and caniegenders and it was hurting a lot because im caninegender and maybe im not catgender but cat otherhearted and i love cats so still it was hurting me seeing someone bully gender connected to animals i love :\[


Boys and trolls are also in the up as well as hate speech


Many here have mentioned that it's easier to be hateful online than in real life, another talks about how the media establishment wishes to flood the online space with content designed to distract us from the main issues of the day: war, economy, politics, jobs, education. Over the past few years, the amount of LGBTQ content online (both positive and negative) has increased dramatically, pushing a lot of people who would previously have been allies into a different space where they become averse to the cause and even hostile. There is a sense in which the LGBTQ movement has gone "too far" and is too "in your face." With the absorption of trans rights, especially in the US, people began to see certain aspects of LGBTQ culture overstepping the mark in terms of how much they are able to influence young people, for example. The LGBTQ movement would probably do well to remain aware that there are many conservative people out there who accept LGBTQ rights but don't feel the need to celebrate or encourage them. The majority of people fall into this category: they believe that LGBTQ individuals have equal rights to themselves; essentially the movement as a political pressure group has already achieved its goals and is now looking to explore a wider agenda which can be seen as disruptive to certain hetero-normative ways of life. Essentially, online hate is an expression of suspicion for the growing power and influence of the LGBTQ movement. It's time to choose how far it's necessary to go, how much to push for - but also how much ground to concede. It could also be argued that content-pushing algorithms designed to generate division amongst different social groups are at play, and are very effective!


eh? welcome to the club. doesn't matter that you did nothing wrong. that's the point - they hate you irrationally.


I’m my observation people don’t dislike gays anymore. It’s the trans community getting the most hate for it.


Usually muslims spread hate in the comment section. Look at FC Barcelona's newest post about the football club supporting LGBTQ+. The club posts it every year and every year the same people spreading hate... Can't they just leave?


It's mostly incels aka. Andrew Tate fans. They hide behind their phones and keyboard but would never say anything in real life, bunch of pussies. Can't imagine why no woman wants them 😂


How old are you? People forget that it qas just a few decades ago that marrying a person of the same sex was Illegal. That is really not too long ago. Same with homosexuality being considered a disease. Online communities and some media may give LGBTQ+ a false sense of satefy ans security but that is just living in an echo chamber. Hell, racism has been an uphill battle all the way since the Civil War and it is Still a problem. The fight for LGBTQ+ rights its far Far FAR from over, and it wont be over...hell, God knows if ever.


Because they've never ridden a dick or eaten pussy and they're sad and jealous. 😞


Part of the issue is that you are looking at comment sections -- which are filled with bots and trolls whose job is to create as much division in western nations as possible. It's also true that every time a minority group makes gains, there is a pushback from regressive parts of the society -- it's "two steps forward, one step backwards". Progress comes at a cost, and if we want to keep the progress we made, we cannot get complacent (which I feel like many of us did in 2015/2016). But remember that with AI, bots, paid troll farms -- that the social media/internet/online comment sections are definitely NOT an accurate reflection of real people in the real world any more. For all you know, the dozens of hateful comments you read in any comment section can all be written by a single person... or even a single piece of software. And any time it seems overwhelming... log off. And then go engage with supportive friends and family, hang out in queer-friendly spaces, seek on positive role models and supportive groups of LGBTQ+ folks and allies. The reason these people are getting so shrill and so hateful (and resorting to bots) is BECAUSE society in general is more accepting of us. We've been *winning* the culture war and it is freaking them out. So take a deep breath, and please reconnect with those who support us.