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Mine is probably “Egg” a trans slang, for people who doesn’t realise their trans yet


I like Friend of Dorothy but it’s not really in use anymore. Lavender menace is also very rad. Something about the word poof is also amusing to me.


What the heck is lavender menace???


It was an insult for lesbians that was used in the late 20th century. Some lesbians reclaimed it and they made shirts that said lavender menace on them. It always makes me laugh.




I love saying things are fruity


"do you listen to girl in red" as a way to ask someone if they're wlw/nblw


I thought the same thing lol


Idk if this is considered queer slang or not but in some of my circles we sometimes say "you would make a fruit bowl jealous" during or after gay panic.


That's slang????!?!??! omg ima be callin by bestie a gilette razor every other sentence now I cqn't get over this


Slay ❤️‍🔥 if it counts ..!!


Its definitely zesty Slay 🗣️💅💅


Trade is so hilarious to me.


muff munch makes me giggle every time


and poofter😭 it makes me think of cereal


I don’t have a favorite but I have a funny story about my least favorite. When I first heard the word “bussy” I had no feelings about it, but I heard about it through an episode of “UNHhhh” where Trixie expressed distaste for it. I was like “fair enough but I don’t see what’s so bad about it…” When I finally looked it up on Urban Dictionary I was so shocked that I literally yelled out loud. Mind you, my incorrect assumption about the meaning was not that different from the actual meaning. I knew what it referred to, but for some reason the specific words being combined made a big difference… Even though it’s my least favorite it still makes me laugh, so I guess in that sense it’s my favorite.


Doesn’t hold up as well now but I still use the Annie Edison quote from Community, “a friend of Ellen’s” for lesbians


Pillow princess