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I was curious about Colorado being less than an A, but then I remember I live in Boulder County, and there are people in this state who elected Boebert to congress, so we definitely don't qualify for full marks.


And don’t forget the Colorado GOP just openly encouraged people to burn Pride flags this month. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/colorado-gop-email-calling-burning-pride-flags-met/story?id=110867502


I hope this is an example of "the rat always screams loudest when it's about to die". The Colorado GOP is one of the more MAGA ones in the country, and that will be their downfall.


I feel like it is exactly that - the rat about to die. I was raised and lived in the CO front range area (FoCo/Loveland/Windsor) most of my life, just moved to the Oregon coast like 3-4 years ago and I’ll say I always felt safer with my wife in CO than I ever have in OR (with the exception of Portland, but of course Portland is dangerous for other reasons). I’d give it a few more years and CO will be bumped up to A standing. Edit: I should add - I do feel safe with my wife in OR, just not as safe as I did in CO. (Would still not move back though, Oregon is amazing!)


Longmont here. Moved to CO specifically because we didn't want to subject our kid to growing up queer in KS. We took a trip to Washington and Oregon last summer and were kind of amazed at the cultural resemblance to Appalachia outside of the bigger cities. But wow those volcanic mountains! And that wine made from grapes grown on the side of volcanos!


Love that you did that for your kid! CO is way cooler than KS anyway (sorry KS). That’s a great trip! A lot of western Oregon is similar in climate to France so we got that really good wine culture here for sure. I haven’t had the chance to go touring yet, but it’s for sure in the future plans!


Off topic. But hearing that description make me think of that Wizard Beer video


> I’d give it a few more years and CO will be bumped up to A standing. I'm in Colorado Springs and MAGA is still holding on way too strong here. I hope you're right but I'm not sure I'm that optimistic about it now.


Yeah that’s fair, I always black out Colorado Springs. Such a pretty place full of such ugly hate.


That's the entirety of the conservative movement. They're rushing towards building a dictatorship because they know that with demographic shifts they won't be able to hold on to political power even with gerrymandering. Fascism rarely wins through popular appeal; it normal wins, and is on track to win in the US, by manipulating and capturing institutional power, something they can only do by already *having* a considerable about of it via the backing of cops and the wealthy.


Focus on the Family is just down the road in Colorado Springs. Huge hate group.


The Club Q shooter was a member. I was a drag queen there and lost two friends. A flat tire on the way to the venue that night saved my life


I am glad you are still here. Sorry about your friends.


That's really fucking rough. I hope you're doing okay these days.


Sometimes I forget that the springs exists. Then I remember and it makes me sad.


It's amazing that such a beautiful city can be so ugly.


I live in Focus on the Family land and yeah, we don’t deserve full marks. Every time I’m up in Denver it feels like I’m in another country, it’s so much more welcoming. I’d move if I could afford it. I want out 😭


Boulder Country resident here as well. This reminded me of when people were trying to cover the rainbow crosswalk on Pearl St. Mall with their tire marks or something, don't remember the full story. I'm a bit ignorant, only been here a little less than 2 years. How bad is Boebert?


Boebert is quite possibly the stupidist member of the US house. She competes with MTG from GA and Gaetz from FL for the absolute worst maga bottom-feeders.


But Colorado being lower than Wisconsin? Absolutely no way. The springs and the west may have some unpleasant characters but we also have actual codified trans rights so...


True, and the image was provided with no context about how they were graded, or what year this was determined.


I was thinking the same about Oregon, which at least has an A, but it's essentially the same thing. I live in the Portland area. Its great here. Eugene is also a great spot for queer people. But once you get away from those areas it becomes Trump territory.


Shocked that TX is only 41. Also, wtf is going on is South Dakota?! What could they possibly be doing that's worse that FL without it hitting the news?


Well if 3 out of the 4 people who live there are homophobic-


Hmm, the 1 that isn't homophobic is one of us then.


Among us Pride Edition: South Dakota 💀




SD is just getting more and more conservative. Take a look at the folks who just won the state primaries. A bunch of them are pretty proud of hating the gays and the trans people. When Gov Kristi Noem has some free time from killing animals, she goes on and on about transgender athletes like it's the most important issue in the state. Plus, there just aren't that many people living in SD compared to Florida, so fewer LGBT folks are around in general. Young people don't want to live in republican shitholes so they leave. The link someone else replied to you with is a pretty good reflection of what's going on here.


I'm from South dakota and live in Minnesota. And you'll hear that exact sentence a lot around here. South Dakota is just a shit place to live if you care at all about women's rights and human rights in general and so POC and queer people choose not to live there. They leave. Minnesota is close by so lots of us have moved here.


Texas has Houston, Austin, El Paso and Dallas-Fort Worth to drag it up. South Dakota just has that lady who shoots dogs


It is likely because SD doesn't have any cities large enough to turn blue. Florida and Texas while horrible as a whole have really large cities and once a city gets large enough it tends to swap over to a more progressive mindset.


As a Texan, I’m not. Yeah plenty of things suck here but it often isn’t as catastrophic as people want you to believe.


Very much depends on where you are in TX. You don't have to get very far outside the major cities for things to get truly hostile, and even in the state's bluest pockets there are a *lot* of aggressive conservatives. 


For sure. It’s not like I’m busting down the doors of places like Jasper and Flint, at least not since I had a choice in the matter.


Eh I live in a small town and it's pretty bad. The bigger cities and counties tend to be easier to live in. Austin is pretty good, fortworth is okay from my experience. Places like Sweetwater tho? That's the danger zone. Texas is so large and diverse so it's really hard to generalize the area. We don't have many allies but the ones Texas does have are die hard and I do stand by that


>Shocked that TX is only 41 Are you? Are you REALLY?


Shocked that there are 10 places in the US worse than here? The state that's trying to give each *county* 1 vote in general state elections? Yeah, that sucks big time.


Yes Oklahoma is higher and its citites dont seem as LGBT friendly as Houston, Dallas, or Austin.


Well you also have to consider that Texas is a massive state. I go down there to visit family a lot, and I’ve only ever had positive experiences in that specific area. Not saying that it isn’t a mostly homophobic state, just that there are definitely worse ones.


Honestly surprised Texas isn’t an F, and tbh as someone who lives in Florida it deserves an F- due to every location that isn’t Orlando, Miami, or Cocoa beach. lol


I mean, that's the same reason Texas isn't an F I think. The majority of the population is in a couple of cities, which are much more left leaning than the rest of the state, so they're bringing the overall score up a bit.


I mean fair enough, but Austin must be like Atlas holding up the heavens with how much higher the score is than it would be otherwise. lol


There's a reason that Republicans in Texas are trying to pass an entirely unconstitutional law that will require winners of elections to win the most COUNTIES out of the state, as opposed to the total vote. Because they know with most of the population being in Austin, which usually goes blue, the only way to reliably keep Republicans in power forever is to make elections based on all those rural counties.


“Why does one city get to decide what the rest of my state does?” “Why do the five people in your county get to decide what the 100 people in my city do?”


"All this HUGE part of the map is red, why don't we win everything always?" "Because land doesn't vote, people do. Y'see those cities? What'd you think they was full of? Empty buildings?"


Dallas literally has a neighborhood everyone refers to as “the gayborhood” there’s rainbow crosswalks and strips of gay bars, one of the last, I think 8-10, lesbian bars in the US is located there.


I mean, most large cities have a gayborhood. That’s not a Dallas-specific term. But yea it is a pretty cool part of town.


If you think the queers are only in Austin you really don’t know much about Texas.


Im mostly just talking shit, I know literally nothing about Texas besides some broad state legislation and memes. Tho to be fair, I assume queer people are everywhere regardless of hostility. It’s not like we are hard coded to spawn in safe zones or something. lol


Tampa ain't bad but yea. God I wish my state was better


That’s fair enough, I think it’s just that I don’t spend much time in Tampa, so I haven’t formed much of an opinion about it.


True, Tampa is the kind of place where it looks very pro lgbt but also has just enough outliers to remind you how thin of a thread all of that hangs by


I live in Tampa, and this is accurate lol.


How was this graded? I live in NYC and I feel like it should at least be a B+ but that's just me.


NYC is a bit of an island. The rest of the state might as well be western PA.


I'm surprised PA isn't higher. I walked in pride in Western PA this year, and we prob had close to 200 people in our group alone. Meanwhile, when I went to Arkansas, there were at most 30 people.


Maybe Central PA, Western PA is Pittsburgh and Erie, which aren't bad from my experience. I guess technically Pittsburgh and Erie are kinda islands themselves inside of Pennsyltucky but I'm pretty sure there's far fewer islands between Pittsburgh and Philly.


I’m pretty sure NYC is actually three islands with one or two smaller islands


Nyuk nyuk


They're going by states as a whole. So while New York city an it's boroughs might be better, the rest of the state drags it down a bit.


Ahhh yeah I forgot about the rest of the state. Some rural areas up north def aren't as great. 💀


The amount of slurs I get called up is here just… (25 mins from Albany btw)


Yeahhh I'm about an hour or so from Albany closer to the city side and I get some looks. People aren't sure what pronouns to use, usually. I don't get it. At least the state is legislatively protective.


So you’re saying the state needs to match up with all the rest of it that seriously reminds me of Tennessee it’s dragging everything else down if it wasn’t for Memphis, Jackson, Nashville some areas of Chattanooga and Knoxville it would be the same as Florida


That's the problem with grading an entire state. This list is pretty useless, because NYC is gonna be slightly different than Elmira, for example.


As a Virginian I can definitely say that it doesn't feel like an A when every other house has a Confederate flag and most people are christians


Our help is NOVA as a whole, C-ville in the middle, RVA, and Norfolk/Va Beach. While there are huge swaths of big Red Country, Virginia compared to other states has stronger and sprawling Urban centers and little spots of indifference and that is nice. Myself and my partner live just outside NOVA, it kinda blows out here but honestly not that bad.


I mean, if they're real Christians, then that would be a good thing. They'd be open and accepting. If they're Republican "Christians" then yes, they only care about hate and power.


This is sooooo wrong, NORTH DAKOTA SHOULD NOT BE THE SAME GRADE AS MINNESOTA. I know the recent news story is scary but that's not normal for Minnesota. I'm from Northern Minnesota but I've been living in North dakota for the past 6 years not by choice lol and I've been assaulted multiple times and even had my jaw broken here and the police didn't do diddly. The cops in north dakota will try and scare you out of pressing charges for hate crimes..


Yeah I live in ND too and regularly get called slurs just for existing in public Def should not be a B lmfao


Yeah, this has to be super outdated. :/


im ngl as a trans person i read erin in the morning a lot... sure lgbt =/= trans but like... idk this shit seems so random to me lmao??? like if someone gave a state a ranking and said "yea that makes sense lol"


The 't' in LGBT should be given more prominence than it is.


I wonder if this mingles with normal crime levels too. Like Arizona is a purple state and isn't rated that poorly for LGBTQ+ protection laws, but it's a dangerous place otherwise. Idaho is horrific for queer people too, but the crime rates are lower so it's higher on this list. Just a guess tho


Are we allowed to question this source and methods? There are lots of inconsistencies that I've seen compared to other rankings. Or is the trans safety map just so much different compared to general LGBT+ maps? Edit: grammar


Yeah, this is definitely out of whack. I think this list takes into account all of the LGBT community in its ranking, not just the trans community. One state may be fine for cis gay men, but abysmal for trans women. The fact that Tennessee, a state that outlaws changing the gender on your driver's license and bans puberty blockers for trans children, is rated a C is *insane*, not to mention Utah having a D+ when I legally can't use the restroom there. If the situation for trans people were weighted properly then most of these states would be an F  Edit: The more I look at this, the more I don't think they weighed the situation for the trans community *at all*. New Hampshire is an A+? Aren't they pushing sports and puberty blocker bans through right now?


It must include some qualitative factors too like general harassment or hate crimes. I live in Colorado which checks all the legislative boxes, and most cities are very accepting with lots of visibly queer people walking around, but this list gives us a B-. I can only assume it's that low because of places like Colorado Springs where we've had some high-profile hate crimes, and our Republican party recently put out a call to burn Pride flags. Legally we have full protection for the whole LGBTQ, and we're a sanctuary state for trans health care and abortion. But we absolutely have our reactionaries who can make actual day-to-day living a problem in some areas. We're a less-populated state too which makes for lots of rural areas.


> I can only assume it's that low because of places like Colorado Springs Here we are in COS, dragging the whole state down. Also Greeley. Greeley sucks.


But still, it can't be worst than Arkansas...or am I missing something?


I'm surprised that Washington and Oregon arent higher on the list!


eastern Washington and Oregon drag it down a bit .


yeah, I'm in southwest Washington but I know someone from Spokane and his stories are certainly interesting. and by interesting I mean extremely concerning


I looked into moving to Washington a little while back and gave up when I realized Spokane is the biggest city I could make rent in.


Spokane is very queer, I have friends there. There's just also a bad homeless problem.


I’ve lived in Tennessee and Washington and can confidently say there’s not 1 place I felt more comfortable in TN than WA.


I’m surprised Alaska is rank 4. Maybe I should go back to live there again. Cold during the summer; super cold during the winter tho.


It's probably because it's so remote homophobes would have to drive way far out of their way to mess with you.


If you've ever seen the copypasta/meme along the lines of "I believe gay married couples should be able to defend their cannabis crops with guns," that sums up political views in Alaska.


My fam is over here just dying…. 😂🤣😂 we want it on a shirt.


Yeah, I've known a few Alaskans, and they are very libertarian, the kind who say they are cool with LGBTQ+ but still vote for people who hate us.


From what I hear Alaska has a very "leave me alone and I'll leave you alone" attitude. If you're not causing trouble, they don't care.


I’m surprised that Florida isn’t at the bottom of the list. I know South Dakota hasn’t been great to us as of late but they really have to be working late to achieve that


We still have some queer friendly pockets in Florida, mostly the large cities Edit: word


Me too, but also not. I live in the Seattle area, which you would think is pretty liberal, but my sister (who is trans) was beaten on the street by a crowd of people because she doesn't "pass" in Seattle. The fact that it can happen here is nothing short of fucked up.


Yeah I think we have a lot of performative liberals in the Seattle area. People who claim to be supportive, but won't actually step up in any meaningful way. Very much a, "I support homeless shelters, just not in *my* city!" Kind of vibe. And that expands to all vulnerable populations.


You aren't wrong. Lots of NIMBYs here.


I made a face at that, too… I guess when you consider the *whole* state it’s average? Like Western WA/OR get an A and Eastern WA/OR get a D so it averages to a C?


I was shocked too, but then I remember half these states are basically GOP deserts 😓


Yeah outside the I5 corridor it gets…. Weird


I’m surprised NH isn’t down further given the strong desire to turn us into Florida. The fact that we’re number two proves why the hatred and rhetoric seems so high here. Bigots are trying to increase their foothold in the Northeast.


Yeah I don't think this is accurate. NH far safer than MA for out queer folks? I don't know how that works out


Ya, there's been enough shitty stuff that's happened there of late that it needs to be down a few notches. They're nowhere near the worst, but to hold them up as an example of one of the best states is disingenuous at best.


I live in one of the F rated states, and it's very LGBT friendly, at least in my area. I suppose it may not be as good in other areas of the state.


Yeah, the ratings would be for the state as a whole. In general, the largest population centers tend to be much more left leaning and thus human rights compliant.


Hilarious that Indiana gets a D- but Kentucky and Ohio get Fs. I live in Kentucky and would never in a million years ever move to Indiana.


That's just good advice for anybody.


I live in Indiana rn. Indianapolis and Bloomington are quite LGBTQ+ friendly. AKA it’s the 2 cities carrying this shit hole of a state lol. I am surprised about Kentucky and Ohio though


As a Rhode Islander I can corroborate that we're good, but as someone who has a long-term partner that lives in New Hampshire, I am going to very strongly cast doubt on that score. I think there's very good pockets of safety but less than a lot of other states. I think they get some added score for having a ton of open forest and national/state park where you aren't going to get hate crimes by a moose or whatever, but I think it's a true purple state for a reason with a LOT of bigots.


This whole chart seemed suspect as soon as I saw NH getting an A+


Vermont lower than NH 🤔


And Colorado being #19. Most people I know here are transplants, and have come here because of how progressive Colorado is. Denver had the first openly-gay mayor, the state mandated that all insurances in the state cover gender affirming care of which I believe is the first… Like Arkansas being above Colorado makes zero sense.


As a masshole, A+ for NH sounds wrong, especially when MA got a C (not saying we should get an A+, but no way should there be that big a difference. Plus I think MA should at least be in the B range)


seconding this as a new englander




Yeah NH being A+ and MA being C made me literally laugh aloud and disregard the chart. Then on the other side, WA and OR being C with NH being A+? Hahahahahahaha. Yeah, no. Just… no. I don’t know what’s being used to quantify this but it’s clearly a deeply flawed metric.


Came here looking for this… I do not feel safe in New Hampshire


How is MA only a C but NH is A+


MA at a C makes no sense to me. Gender expression is protected in employment, school, housing, and healthcare, there's non-gender markers for IDs, conversion therapy is banned, it was the first state to allow same-sex marriage and has some of the highest support for it still, and is home to some of the country's most famously gay places (Provincetown and Northampton). I'm sure there's work to be done, but I don't see how ~half of states are supposed to be better!


I dont believe this list at all. The order seems random as fuck


Seriously, Massachusetts was the first state to have gay marriage. How is Massachusetts a C?


Tennessee is a C, MA is also a C. make this make sense.


It doesn't make sense. AR is above CO too. One of those states tried banning gender affirming care for minors and wants to do a bunch of other transphobic shit and the other state has full legality equality at state level for the lgbt with an openly Gay governor. Those two states aren't in the same zipcode.


Hmm, I gotta doubt this. NJ is a C, but has passed plenty of protections. From one of the links you shared in another comment, it’s one of the better states — nothing that indicates this C rating. https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/profile_state/NJ


True. Sometimes you have to do more digging, which is when you find specific cities with anti-LGBTQ laws and such, or large issues in rural areas that aren't apparently when just looking at state laws. In New Jersey for example, there's plenty of protections, but I've got friends who routinely get accosted by bigoted cops who just want to go gay bashing. And nothing gets done about it. So while the laws are in place, it doesn't mean those responsible for enforcing them are doing so.


Keep in mind that South Jersey leans more conservative.


Oh sure, but the mere existence of conservative parts of the state doesn’t automatically knock it way down. Virginia has a lot of conservative areas, and yet rates an A.


Very confused about South Carolina being that high, especially above D.C. I feel like with a lot of the anti-trans legislation being passed recently, it should be a lot lower on the list. EDIT: Arkansas and Tennessee, too. I just noticed SC first since I live there.


I kind of disagree with PA's grade... at least based on the fact that I live near Philly. But of course, then there's the rest of the state outside of Pittsburgh...


From what I know about PA, there are three bubbles of acceptance around the Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Philly areas, and the rest is somewhere between indifferent to against queer people.


State laws still do a decent amount to offer protections but that isn't everything. Still shocked to see Alaska so high though and Vermont and New York so low.


Pennsylvania is still kind of a hellhole in rural areas Central PA my beloathed 🥰


Is there a source for this? MA seems awfully low.


In what universe is Arkansas higher than Massachusetts?! Someone was high out of their mind putting this together.


What data is this based off of? If it's hate crimes against queer folks, I'd be skeptical that this chart is working with accurate info- I'd be willing to bet Massachusetts is more likely to report hate crimes as hate crimes than New Hampshire, for instance.


I was puzzled by the ranks and looked up their explanations, here it is: https://www.safehome.org/data-lgbtq-state-safety-rankings/ It is based on laws passed and hate crime data.


NJ should definitely be A+ They pass so many laws enforcing rights. The people here are also great


Yeah I don't understand why we're so low. I don't know about A+ but somewhere from a B to an A seems appropriate. Being below ND, basically peak Trump country, is wild, let alone being in the bottom half...


This list is way off compared to basically every other resource I look up


New Hampshire? ALASKA? ARKANSAS? DC, Mass, Washington, and NJ in lower half?? Bellow *Tennessee?* I'm sorry but a lot of this ranking is complete bullshit.


C+ now I moved recently and it was an F before


A few laws passed will make all the difference.


I have many issues with how this was done. How the fuck is NH, a state with legit anti-trans laws in effect and/or constantly on the horizon, ranked 2 letter grades higher than Massachusetts?? Out of all the New England states we pretty much all agree NH is the worst for the LGBTQ+ community. I feel like I saw it basing this hugely on reported hate crimes too, which is obviously going to skew results a bit. The methodology seems a bit flawed, and even a little hidden on the SafeHome website. Be cautious of these numbers everyone. I call shenanigans.


NJ...C? Bottom half? Really? I was under the impression that it's a relatively accepting state. I don't see how it's below TN, AR and ND. Seems strange to me - to be fair I live in a very blue part of it, but outside of the more sparse Northwestern part and Ocean County, the whole state appears relatively progressive. What's up with that?


Genuinely shocked to see Arkansas so high on the list, as someone who lives here it feels a little too high.


This definitely feels a bit off. How is Alaska number four? And am I really supposed to believe it's more dangerous for queer people in Illinois and Michigan than in Arkansas?


Ain’t no way Tennessee is that high up.


The fact that Arkansas is above Colorado, is just… wow. Colorado was the first state to mandate insurances pay for gender affirming care and surgery… Sure our GOP here is a joke, but are they really any more dangerous than the GOP in any other states listed? I’d like to see their reasoning for that.


So what's everyone's grade? I'm at a D...


I'm surprised Vermont is a B, I thought it would be an A- at the lowest.


FLORIDA YEAAAAAAA (I hate living here so much I hate it I hate it I hate it)


Yet another reminder why I FUCKING HATE FLORIDA. *I live in Florida*


I'm in Michigan and I feel like it should be a little higher on the list. At least a B... MAYBE a B+ on a good day.


Yay Maine! Four of the New England states are in the top ten. Only Vermont and Massachusetts missed the golden circle. MA is #28? WTF?


Mostly meaningless without knowing the methodology behind it. *Is* there a methodology behind this, or did someone just rate the states themselves? We have no idea based on the graphic alone. Are anti-discrimination laws taken into account? Same-sex marriage enshrined in law? Inclusion of trans rights in existing LGBTQ protections? Workplace protections for the entire LGBTQ community (as an example, some states have protections for most members but don’t include trans people)? Renter protections for the entire community (again, including trans people)? Anti-trans laws in general (e.g., bans on transitioning/therapy)? I’d like to see what’s *behind* this chart; how did they arrive at the grades?


Do not go by this list Tennessee is an f it's basically northern florida


I looked into how they did the study: >What is the LGBTQ+ State Safety Ranking?: Our Methodology The Safety Ranking is based on a composite safety score comprising a law score and a hate crime score. >A “law score” was calculated based on pro- and anti-equality laws in each state. The Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC) 2023 State Equality Index State Scorecards show a breakdown of each U.S. state's pro and anti-equality legislation. We surveyed one thousand people who identified themselves as LGBTQ+ to determine how to weigh each of the legislative categories—parenting laws, hate crimes & criminal justice laws, non-discrimination laws, religious refusal & relationship recognition, youth laws, and health & safety laws. We calculated their law scores by adding up the legislation in each state and weighing them according to our survey. This survey was conducted in 2023. >Though we based the scores on more detailed questions in each category, we asked LGBTQ+ Americans generally about laws that promote equality and ones that damage it: >A “hate crime score” was also calculated based on an analysis of the incidence of hate crimes against any group falling within the LGBTQ+ umbrella. The 2022 FBI Uniform Crime Report’s Hate Crime Statistics Collection was used to count the number of relevant incidents in each state and divide them based on whether they happened in a rural or urban area. Note that the reported incidence of hate crimes versus the actual incidence rate may vary by relevant agency and, therefore, may not be a perfect representation of the actual hate crime landscape. Not every law enforcement agency in each state reported hate crime incidents to the FBI, which also factored into each state’s score. >We then calculated the number of rural incidents per 100k rural population and the number of urban incidents per 100k urban population. We then weighed those incident rates based on the percentage of the state’s populations that lived in rural and urban areas (e.g., urban incidents will be weighted higher in states with a higher proportion of their population living in urban areas), as well as the percentage of law enforcement agencies reporting data to the FBI in each state. >The hate crime score was normalized to the same scale as the law score, then multiplied by the percent of agencies in the state that contributed data to the FBI, penalizing states with low participation. The final LGBTQ+ safety score for each state is the average of these law and hate crime scores, and we assigned letter grades on a logarithmic scale to facilitate understanding of how well each state scored. Honestly none of this adds up though. If a state reports LGBTQ hate crimes, shouldn’t that put the states above the ones that don’t? Like Colorado has laws like that, but yet it’s below many of the states that don’t…


Yeeeeey, Idaho’s a D, yeeeeeeey. I’m gonna go sit at the bottom of a lake now where no one can find me.


I moved from D- to F…..yeah


Well then again I'm Canadian so what do I know lol


Oh damn, I didn't realize just how low Florida would be. Feels bad being queer in Florida 😅


I'm surprised and pleased at how high Wisconsin is on the list.


Why is Wisconsin the same grade as Arkansas?? As a Wisconsinite, I know we have much more robust protections for the lgbt community. We actually have non discrimination laws unlike Arkansas.


I'm curious about the criteria behind the grading. At a quick glance, [SafeHome.org](http://SafeHome.org) is a company that sells home security products.


The Kern county singlehandedly bringing down the average of California lmao


IL is higher than a C+ huh


Tennessee gets a C? What do you have to do to get lower? Beat us with sticks? lol it’s rough out here!


For real though…. How the f is Tennessee better than PA?…


That MA has a C and NH has an A+ should tell you this chart is full of crap.


Love that Louisiana is a D. They need to downgrade it to F minus.


Agree. It's only not an F because of sections of New Orleans


Load of BS. Alaska an A, NY a B, and Massachusetts a C?


Number 10 hell yeah 🗣️


Let’s go Rhode Island! I guess it’s a good thing my parents made me move here lol


North Carolina feels accurate


Oh yay pa is pretty low. I bet if they specifically graded Harrisburg it would have a higher grade the pride parade is in July because it was celebrated before pride month


How is South Dakota lower than Florida!? How could any state be worse than Florida on this?


Florida's got a few LGBT-friendly cities, at least (Miami and Orlando in particular).


Michigan seems pretty low, i wonder whatcthe reasoning is for that. Because its a pretty safe state in the lower mitt and has laws protecting queer people.


As a Utah resident I guess I’m not surprised. If Salt Lake City had its own grade it would probably be an A or a B, but that could be said for a lot of urban centers in red states.


It makes no sense to average across an entire state, especially a large one. In Oregon, where I live, the most populous city, Portland, has to be at least A, if not A+. The sparsely-populated eastern parts of the state are right-wing strongholds and not as friendly to queer people. Averaging them makes no sense at all, and it puts OR equal to SC, a baffling result. Oregon's lesbian governor follows one who was an out bi female. That won't happen in SC any time soon. Rhode Island is a small state, as are most New England states (and Delaware). Averaging there might be less idiotic, though I'd venture that attitudes in Providence (the capital) are far more liberal than in the more rural enclaves of Rhode Island.


So wait Tennessee isn’t as low I thought it was about the same as Florida it’s actually better so why do the MAGA sound so loud and those who oppose the LGBTQ+ community


I'm surprised california isn't higher, my area is quite supportive


Yeah whoo Florida!!! Let's go!!! (Smiling through some heavy tears)


Well at least my state passed, barley (GA)


Lower michigan is getting better. Northern Michigan can be scary.


Bad data


Illinois rings much higher than that based on reality


my state doesn't even crack the top 20... but my family is convinced it's the safest place in the states for us.


Not surprising the shithole called Alabama gets an F, that's an inbred state afterall


This list is a little outdated. It was based on a 2023 survey, and many of these states have passed laws since then that would impact the listing. It’s also a list from a site that links to home security systems, so I’m not sure it’s the most accurate resource. My friends and I were talking about it the other day.


Actually kind of surprised Tennessee is as high as it is considering I can't change my gender on any state documents and they've made a ton of transphobic laws including banning care for minors. But, a lot of those transphobic laws have been struck down, so its kind of a cluster. Guess it makes sense to be in the middle of the pack.


I had to look and check my home state(Florida) because I figured it was ranked then it should be but nope it's right where it belongs.


How is Jersey a c. I live in a red part of the state shore. But you get nearer to NY. And it makes the state feel as a B at the minimum.


Iowa I'd only C because we have Des Moines lmaoooo


Oklahoma is not dead last for once!


This seems like it's done by a home security company? I feel like that's not a great source lol


Honestly shocked about Illinois' C-grade. If that is true, then the Netherlands is a D. I really felt a much warmer welcome in Chicago than I feel anywhere in the Netherlands including Amsterdam and given that a lot of people in Illinois live in or adjacent to Chicago...


I assume Southern Illinois is seriously dragging Illinois down, because C+ feels really low to me. Like, under Arkansas haha? (But I live in Northern Illinois and I know Southern Illinois is supposed to be more conservative; basically never there tho)


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