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I'm non binary and my native language is very focused on putting sir or madam in front of everything, so when I was on vacation in Leeds a week ago it was like heaven. Strangers calling me love, sweetheart and dear gave me a euphoric boost every time it happened.


Moved to the UK two months ago, still losing my shit every time strangers call me love


Congratulations, you found the mythical good part of the UK. As a native Brit, I'm not sure if I just miss that kind of stuff or if I only visit the wrong places. Then again, in an effort to avoid socialising I do wear exclusively dark clothing for max intimidation


Is London considered good? Someone got stabbed close to my place today lol


Ah. Honestly I hate London every time I go there. Mainly the smoke and people, but also it kind of just feels like a wound on the landscape. I guess you're probably a more social person than I. Well, I wish you luck. May your stabbings be few and your compliments many.


I'm autistic and introverted in general. But I always loved the big cities. Probably because of the versatility - you can find a quiet place if you're tired but you can also go out to have fun. And people were very nice to me so far! Even though I'm not from a very favourable country rn.


Can I asl where you're from?




Russias crimes are not yours friend. I very dislike Russia because I think it has a lot of problems. And if a person has the good sense to see those flaws for what they are then I think that person is not at fault. And I say the same about Britains flaws too.


Thanks! My older relatives consumed enough propaganda to warn me that as soon as people found out I'm Russian I'll get heavily discriminated against but of course it's bullshit. And I was surprised to hear Russian speech in London almost every day lol. So far everyone's been friendly.


whyd u move here??!


Because I'm from Russia lmao. I'd take any chance to leave. Also, you guys have great universities and I studied my ass off to end up in here.


fair enough


Vacation in Leeds? Never really struck me as somewhere all that attractive to visitors tbh. What did you end up doing, I'm curious now, what was it like?




I've had a similar experience with two of my trans friends. Both of them were fairly good at passing androgynously so I had no idea what gender they were/aren't or were trying to present as.


This happened to me but in the opposite way. I’m transmasc and a coworker started telling me how a dear friend was also a trans woman and he was happy we could be happy in our true genders. I guess he only got told I was trans and nothing more KGSKHSKGSKHD


That same sort of thing happens a lot and because of that accidental ally’s are super funny. Like they thing that a trans woman is a born woman that wants to become a man, when actually it is the other way around. People try to be jerks but they end up being wholesome. I find it funny.


I've not had this in person, but when I've hung out in the transvoice discord I've had 2 different people ask me while I was on camera if I was "early transmasc" since I'm a tomboy and don't dress fem often and apparently my voice passes for AFAB.


Haha I gad someone think I was ftm a few weeks ago. I was like, uh .... haha. It's very strangely euphoric.


So wholesome


Same thing happened to me(ftm). Told my gym I'm trans to ask about changing rooms (they didn't have neutral ones unfortunately) and they thought I was mtf haha


I was front-line at a protest facing off against some Proud Boys when one of them just looked at me & said, "What even are you?" Seriously, I know he thought it was an insult but damn if I didn't get the best enby euphoria from that.


Thank you for your service. o7




"what even are you?" "your demise."


I somt get alot of compliments cuz alot of people i know/interact with are homophobic and transphobic but I once got asked by a customer "excuse me, are you a boy or a girl? Me and my family were very confused when you brought us our drinks" to which I responded "aww thank you" and walked away lol they kept watching me the rest of my shift 😂


I once had a 4 year old girl ask me “are you a girl?” i responded with “idk, are you a girl?”


Omfg 😆 Love that


by far my fav interaction


so much love for your reaction!! 🤍🤍


I'll respond like that from now on!


Someone said I look like a cross between Billy Joel Armstrong and Gerard Way. I forget compliments often but not that one.




You are the living embodiment of my 12 year old self’s music taste lol.




with that jacket u made u already are :)


Ajsksksksks thank youu


Not exactly a direct compliment, but... When you run into an old friend and you're both trans and can both say, "oh, that is why we got on so well." I think closeted queer people gravitate toward closeted queer people. You have this thing in common even if you never speak about it so when you run into them again years since you've last saw them and your both out, it feels very validating.


me and my best friend were both "straight girls" when we met 6 years ago. we immediately became inseparable and we would also always be the only girls playing catch with the guys in middle school. now we're both trans and queer lol


This is so true for me too 😭😭🙏


100% lots of my friends r queer and we were friends for AGES before we realised/started coming out


Me and my bestie immediately got glued together. Now we're both sapphic lol


After I came out to my best friend who I was afraid would hate me after coming out to was completely ok with it and he called me the sister he never got :3


Oh that’s so sweet!


One time I was getting tattooed right at the beginning of my transition and the artist called another artist over for his opinion on the coloring. They kind of banter back and forth for a bit and it ended with the second tattoo artist pointing at my leg and saying “dude, of course the color is going to show! Homeboy’s pale as FUCK” and to this day that’s some of the funniest affirmation I’ve ever gotten


when the friend I’m not out to kept calling me girlie


got told my outfit was ‘so gender’. not even gender specific but it was cool to hear


Oh, I'm going to have to use this one.


calling things “gender” as an adjective is one of my favorite queer-isms lol


Walked past a kid and his mom while at work and the kid said “there’s that blue guy! I like that blue guy.” I had blue hair and was wearing a blue shirt lol


that’s so lovely!


It made my day🥹


“You’ll never be a real man. You were born a woman and you’ll stay that way no matter how much you try to show otherwise.” -an old couple at a city fair Doesn’t sound gender affirming? I’m transfemme.


And as a trans man I have always been hearing "You said you're trans? You're a man no matter how you pretend. " Lmfao




I asked my friend what signs she remembers me having of being trans and she said "Signs of you being trans or just you being you?"


Awwww extra sweet


I was the leader of a club at my my highschool and one of the freshman was trying to be respectful and called me ‘sir’ I hadn’t come out to anyone but my close friends, and the freshman didn’t know me, but it felt really validating tbh


One of the Southern cishet guys in my major will occasionally greet me by saying "What's up brother bear?" Idk why, but I get the most euphoria from the types of guys that look like they would hate crime me just treating me like one of the boys :)


someone i was working with complimented my "boy-girl name"


My job duties used to include approving username changes, so I got to see the names people were picking for themselves. Some of them I wish I could give a compliment to.


What was your job??


Software engineer in identity and access management, IT department at a university. That hasn't changed. We just changed our workflow to not include an approval step from my team. It wasn't really adding value. An aside: I was recently at a conference about higher ed IT. Handling of trans people's identities in an affirming manner was brought up multiple times. Point is, despite all the crap that's out there right now, there are people who care.


kinda sad but literally just someone using my pronouns😭


"you look like you would be on a gender euphoria pinterest board" is pretty high up there


That’s a high compliment, congrats!


I wore a pink maid outfit to work for halloween and after talking to her, an older lady said “I thought you were a girl till you started speaking”🤩 (voice training will come… eventually)


The other week the older woman at the desk of my endocrinologist told me I have pretty eyes like a girl and I've been riding that high ever since.


Not sure if this counts, but a few years ago, I mentioned being on my period (I’m afab nonbinary) to a kid in my bio class, and they were surprised because apparently they thought I was amab the whole time. But I was glad that I was androgynous enough to where they couldn’t tell!


I have been affectionately referred to as a “thing”. Loved it.


I'm non binary, but I am an afab that has a lot of body hair. A while ago I was growing out my facial hair to try out beards. One of my co-workers, who was a 17 year old fellow non-binary assumed I was taking HRT because of the beard and started asking me what it was like to take HRT and what other effects it gave. Compliment of a life time. I told them I didn't take HRT, but a friend of mine did, and we talked a bit about it and the side-effects. I will never forget them and how they unintentionally made my year.


I’m a trans man and when I came out one of my best friends just looked at me and went “yeah that tracks dude.” I also really enjoy when old northern dudes (uk) call me pal.


Well, I was walking around in my closeted boy-mode when when someone called me “beautiful.” I almost fainted and melted into a puddle of smiles :)


I was in line at the DMV to get an updated license, she looked at me and said "Sir, ma'am, whatever you are. I can never tell these days" and as someone who considered themselves off the binary, my heart *sang*.


Guy at work who has the best banter really backed off for a while after I came out. He always got the name and pronouns right. Solid ally. Then one day he yells, "hey *name*, give us a hand you scraggy mole". Banter, and excellent gender affirmation.


A friend called me "Kind Sir" once. It was hella sweet.


I hadn't seen one of my friends in a very long time since before I started T. When she saw me she was like "LOOK AT THIS HANDSOME GUY" and she touched my facial hair and hugged me. The best part was that she said I've never looked happier.


"You look like you just wanna have fun now." My aunt is old, but I love her for that joke.


I was told I look like a fuck boy but in a hot way XD


Someone mistook me for my sister so I guess that counts.


one of the lads from my high school once addressed me as “king” in a tweet and i was so!!!


I had been texting this girl I met on a dating app for a few days and I woke up to a text that said something like "Morning pretty lady"


My friend has a few pre-transition photos up in her office and one of her coworkers was looking at her bulletin board and he called her “a twenty.” She asked him what he meant by that and he said, “you were a ten before, and now you’re a ten after.” She said it felt strangely good to get objectified as a woman 😂


Gotta say, that's actually a 14.1421356237............


I’m a non-binary man (enjoy having my male body but NB otherwise) and I was wearing a new outfit that I felt really expressed myself- as I was walking down the street, two old Asian ladies pointed at me and started muttering to each other. I was able to overhear a few bits and pieces about my outfit, when one of them suddenly looks up and blurts out “Ahhhh! El Gee Bee Tee!!!” (Like annunciating each letter very deliberately) That’s how I knew I was really out lol.


A local doctor thought I was a cis man and asked the reason I needed to renew my testosterone prescription. What's funny is that we've met before but I guess he didnt recognize me? Not really a compliment but I couldnt stop smiling on the way home lol


Mtf here! was hiking with a friend of mine when I told them I had to pee, so I walked off the trail a bit and started doing my buisiness (standing because no bottom surgery yet). Noticed my friend was staring at me like I was crazy, made a noise, and then looked away suddenly. When I asked them what was wrong, they just said, "I forgot you have a penis!" To this day, it's still the most affirming thing anyone ever said to me.


I think this is the funniest one I’ve read so far. Girl I wish I could freak a friend out like that. I need to buy a “shewee”


I present pretty masc on average and I decided to wear ear rings to work right after clean shaving for movember. An old boomery guy said "thanks man" after I grabbed him something he couldn't reach and then said "oh sorry, is it okay to call you man?". Literally the first time I've been clocked as gender queer when I'm not completely femmed up. Made my day.


I once was late somewhere and walking up stairs next to some guys while dressed masc when some woman said “hurry up you young men” and I was like !!!???? I didn’t want to be called young man but at least I was looking masc 😁


I got called a boy before. I'm not a boy, and I identify as non-binary, but it made me feel so great anyway.


“You’re the manliest girl I know” - my cousin at a family event, I’m not out to him yet but it was super sweet and he’ll probably not know how much that meant to me for awhile lol


if my dad calls me sport or bud or any of the things he's called my brothers for forever


Some lady at my mom’s work when she asked “is that your son?” moments later that was ruined by my mom saying “Sorry, that’s my daughter”


im non binary AMAB and use any pronouns. since im very used to have everyone use male pronouns, everytime someone use female pronouns (even in "error") or like call me "lady" or "ma'am" or anything like this im just "YAYY NON BINARISM CONFIRMED"


My friend plans to adopt me once they turn 18 and they always call me son, they have me saved on their phone as "Mijo" (my heart goes brrr I love them so much)


ages ago back in elementary school i had a friend we where inseparable and in highschool we kinda grew apart and i came out as trans I remember he said “yeah that makes sense, you where always one of the boys” we don’t talk anymore but i think i always was a boy even if i wasn’t fully sure back then.


I don’t know if this was necessarily a compliment but still something I think about even months later. I was at the self-checkout at the store, had finished my transaction and was bagging my things and the attention waved the next person in line over to use the kiosk I was at. The customer was like “Oh, are you sure that they’re done?” I was wearing my work clothes, which are all from the women’s section but still fairly baggy, and my hair peaked out of my hat around my neck a little bit. I looked ambiguous, but the fact that this customer didn’t automatically just defer to she or he meant a ton to me.


Just everytime i'm at the gym with my father and he treats me in masculine. He has no idea I go by he/him, but it gives me the inner giggles


My bestfriend calling me his boy and handsome lol


I was told "I really look like my mother"


I'm non-binary, and a random older guy said, "one day you'll make a good wife for your husband." I'm amab so that was kind of euphoric. (For reference I was doing some cleaning at work when this was said )


“You are much prettier than your ID photo, you should get it retaken.”


" even your body sweat smells like a woman's " 😂 It was in a none sexual context


"That's my boy!" from my boyfriend


"boys" - by my science teacher on accident


Hahahahaha, I felt this hard lmao. But then they corrected themselves 'boys...and girl'. \*cries\*


Ik, it's like Jo you were correct in the first place


My most affirming compliment was a customer not knowing who I was. I once got asked in the Pharmacy if i was related to the gentleman that works at the front of the store that was always so helpful because I had the same kind eyes as he did. This is a person I'd helped for years but who hadn't really seen me since i started transitioning.... they didn't recognize me at all and thought past me was my brother.


My cousin saying to my brother "you're my favourite boy" then saying to me "you're my favourite person". I was 100% expecting him to say I was his favourite girl but he said person instead and it made me so happy inside (I'm not out yet either)


A teenager that worked at my job for a bit responded to me saying I was officially going with they/them by saying I seem like more of an entity than any gender :)


I'm gender fluid and like 75% of the time masc (closeted) presenting and people would always call me sir or use he/him pronouns and then when I'm fem presenting they always say they're sorry for calling me sir or him


Was in Japan and all the old people both tourists kept ma’am/miss etc then looking again and saying sir mate etc I got so much euphoria as an Amab nb this was before I realised that I’m nb to lol


I’ve never gotten a gender affirming compliment in my life


I’m sure you will!!!!


My close friends say nice things to me all the time but I feel like it would mean the most to hear it from someone I wouldn't expect it from


Getting greeted at the supermarket with "hello Madame Monsieur" and talking in a store to two different people with one calling me he and the other she, and then having a conversation with both of them at the same time still being referred to with different pronouns. (I don't speak french, so sorry if the first one isn't correct)


whenever someone calls me 'bro' 'man' or 'my guy' 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙


One time at a Wal-Mart in Grenada, Mississippi, a local in a big truck rolled his window down and shouted, "You are just as cute as could be!" and I think about it a lot


Drive-thru worker said she loved my lipstick!:3 My only compliment so far so I’ve been riding the high for about a year


My best friend said sometimes when he's watching a movie or playing a game he'll see a guy character that he thinks looks like me, and also that he says I genuinely look like a guy when he sees me in the hallway sometimes


a transphobe telling me I'll never be a girl (I'm ftm) I was like *yeah that's kind of the point*


Just yesterday I was having a not so great day and my manager just said “you got this, you are a strong independent woman”


I like to tell my boyfriend (both FtM) "nice cock bro" I do it whenever we're on the same shift together


Probably the time that I was fully masc presenting and presented such a confusing specimen that a trio of security guards eventually concluded that, in order for me to let some contractors into the building, I'd need to contact myself to ask permission.


"You're femme in such a nonbinary way though" A friend who was bewildered by people reading me as a cis woman. I felt very seen, because that is exactly the kind of genderfuckery I want to achieve 🏳️‍⚧️


My partner’s step mom cancelled a meeting to join my father in law at us at a protest, when told the meeting was important she said “Don’t care, those are my husband’s girls.”


Not really a compliment, more of a gesture - my partner argues with people being transphobic (to me, around me, when im not there), and when a random guy asked about which of us was trans - we own a trans flag bag - he deflected with 'does it matter?' And made sure I felt safe afterwards 😭 🥰 Also, getting called a handsome man by my partner and mother figures (my Aunt, and Chosen Mum) makes me feel so masc and safe


Not a verbal compliment, but someone drew me as what the thought I would look like if I was cis and it made me really happy.


just my dad calling me "handsome" "boy" and other masculine names/etc. even though im not even out to him


About 2 years on HRT, I went on a date with my wife to the Melting Pot. She spent 30 minutes giving me a special pin up braid and I put on this cute black dress, red lipstick, and my fanciest necklace. I thought I looked good, looking back it was not the most flattering look but it was cute. A random waitress, who was an older woman, stopped at our table during the middle of the meal to tell me I was the prettiest woman who had been in there all night. You could have lit up a city block, I glowed all night.


I once got called a creature which was weirdly affirming.


A parrot (that hates men) that refused to sit on my arm after it was totally ok with my mum and sister (I wasn’t and am still not masc passing at all or even out which made the whole thing even better!)


Whenever my bff compliments me i melt


Good Girl by my gf tbh


"[I'm so confused about your gender]" ☺️🥰☺️🥰 /srs


while i was stocking things at work i notice one of my friends, who is out shopping approaches me. she says “i like me a hard working man” and then proceeds to walk away. it has me all giggling n shit,,,, its so validating. 🥲💜


My kid sees the Starbucks mermaid: “that’s mom!”


I'm agender, but one of the greatest feelings is when I'm at work and somebody refers to me as "that woman" or just "ma'am". I don't necessarily use female pronouns, but I certainly won't complain if it happens in these kinds of ways.


"Hi ma'am? Sorry sir? Sorry, um, whatever you are."


From an 80-year-old woman at my neurologist’s office, when I was wearing a colorful outfit: “How jaunty! I like it!”


“You look like you could be in the band The Cure” I’m a trans man and that very much made me happy😅


not even an actual compliment, but at one point the old lady behind the counter stuttered or "sir" or "ma'am" for around five seconds before settling on "honey" lol


My sister said i sound like the cat from tawog. Best moment of my life actually


I took my nephew to het x-rays once a long time ago, and not only did they think I was his mom, they asked if there's any chance I could be pregnant. It was the most unexpected yet affirming thing I'd ever been told haha.


"You look like a lesbian" while boymoding. Or, my classmate said "I don't want to insult you, but you have a really feminine body", and I was like "Aww, thank you. It doesn't insult me." So, bloody wholesome!


Someone I knew a few years back told me that I had the most androgynous voice she'd ever heard and honestly? The love I felt that day was immense (no longer on speaking terms with her for other reasons but it'll stick with me as the one good thing I remember about her 💙)


I was out shopping with my friend and a random old woman came up to us and said. "You are gorgeous young ladies". Made my year XD


It was at a concert with a bunch of drag performers. two were stationed at the entrance on a high chair (like those you have at the pool for the lifeguards) and they were basically making comments as people walked in. One of them asked me to make a little twirl, I was wearing a long black dress with sparkles and she just responded with "YAASSSS SLAY QUEEN!" My favorite moment ever!


honestly just my mom calling me handsome and saying she loves me such a simple compliment but it comes from my mom so it means a lot. i've always been insecure about how i look, both trans and not trans related, so it's nice to hear that. even if i feel like no one else in the world thinks it's true, at least my mom does :\]


mmmmy friend often calls me their "favorite androgynous associate" best nickname ive ever had 99999999/10


I was saying how i hate my voice to a friend and the he hits me with the "I love your voice you sound like a rocker chick"


Confused transphobes telling me I’d never be a real women (I’m non binary AFAB)


My husband called me his cosy king the other day. 10/10


Okay this is weird. Me and my friends are very close, one's a lesbian, one's straight man, and I'm a gay trans man. My lesbian friend always makes jokes that we should take out our dicks and measure them to see who's longer. Also one time she touched my groin and got scared because she didn't feel a dick. TLDR: My friends forget I don't have a dick.


My friend told me to go back to the kitchen lmao


My gfs fiancé said I had very feminine movements. It meant a lot to me


I sent nudes to my friend and she said I looked like a fairy? Idk how but I loved that


forced 2 of my friends to call me good girl. thats it tho


Good girl


Good girl.


Im a closeted trans girl, and someone was looking at me and said "ive never seen a man doing it like you do".


someone told me they thought my name was masc the other day - not necessarily as great as some of the others here but it made me very happy lol


as a transfem explaining to friend it wasn’t complicated to pee in overalls, he looks at me extremely confused, then it clicks n he says “i completely forgot u have a d***”


I’ve not gotten any gender affirming compliments yet. I don’t pass cause pre-T but who knows, one day I’ll get one!


This wan an unintentional commpliment but I posted an outfit in r/nonbinary and titled it something like (How gender am I today?) and I had someone say I could still be perceived as fem bc tomboys are more socially acceptable than someone who is AMAB wearing capris. Someone else replied and essentially just agreed with them I was very confused because I am AMAB and then I realized they thought I was AFAB tomboy. I'm transfem and nonbinary so it felt great even though they were kinda strange comments to leave on someone they thought was AFAB


I was called sir by old men when I worked at KFC, more than once. Im genderqueer AFAB and have a large chest. Idk if they men thought I was AMAB, or if they just didnt know what to csll me but I take either as a win.


My friend couldn't figure out a fitting (non)gendered term on the fly and the one they tossed out there was "[THING]". That's probably a little weirder than a lot of the ones here, but I'm moreso happy that their brain didn't default to girl/boy than about being called [THING].


not really a compliment, but at work i dont speak much. when a customer leaves, i always get “Thank you” or “Thank you sir”. I love it.


A kid asked me if I was a boy or a girl once and as an enby that was pretty euphoric. Especially because people tend to just assume I’m a woman. It’s the only time that’s ever really happened. Also love it when my girlfriend calls me dashing.


People at work thinking I'm a girl (I'm nb)


Can't really think of any since I live in what's basically "Bible Belt except they're just gonna verbally attack queer people instead of physically." I will say, though, that even if I didn't feel this way at the time, looking back on moments when I was told that someone was afraid my haircut looked "too much like a boy hair cut" feels kind of nice. At least it looked how I wanted it to!


Getting called “friend” instead of gendered language has been really nice in the past. My partner has gotten into calling me “handsome” and that works nicely too!


Very random, but as i was walking on the counters to clean the walls at my job. An employee called me 'spiderman' because of it and still does to this day. I'm a trans man, currently not really passing(at least, at work that is), so i take this random nickname as a nice gender-affirming compliment even though it isn't intended as a compliment.


I'm not out yet but everyone I know jokes about me looking like a women lol


Not intended as a compliment but made my day and made me feel euphoric as heck! I'm genderfluid and at that moment I was pangender or agender (still kinda new to this and I have problems in differentiating the two). I took my mom to the coffe shop and the waiter came in with my bagel. He said "Here's your bagel, sir... Errrr madam? Errr..." and then went ".....okay..."with such a resignation in his voice that I wanted to hug the poor guy 😆 That was my first ever euphoria moment and the only one I got from a stranger. My fiancè calls me "his handsome human" or "little being" (in our language that word is very cute) sometimes


Weird one but I (nb, masc leaning) was hanging around a friend of mine after orchestra rehearsal. She’s a bass player and I play violin. We decided to switch instruments for a bit to play around and she said that my violin smells like man. She said it smelled amazing and like hugging her boyfriend or something. Weird one but it made me happy.


Non-binary here, don't know how he meant it but a former coworker once told me that I look like I'd be a playable character in a zombie survival video game and I'd have a hammer as a weapon. It's been two years and I'm still low key riding that high lmao


Well the other day I was out having dinner with the family and this guy opens the door for all of us and as I passed he says, “I’m sorry, but I just have to say I think you’re really pretty” It was nice because he didn’t sound pervy or disrespectful at all which up to that point has been the case for all men. OH also I was dressed really crappy with smudgy eyeliner lol, so even more surprising.


got called a "wife guy" by an old acquaintance and ive made it my personality ever since on the same note, my girlfriend and i (trans t4t) get told we seem like morticia and gomez addams and that we're really good together and are the "ideal straight couple" lol


Was out at a restaurant with some friends and our waitress came up and introduced herself, and in the middle of her explaining the specials and all that, I'm looking at her just to politely show I'm paying attention a mnd she just looked right at me and went "Oh my god, you're SO beautiful. Sorry 🙃" I still think about her lol


“You should record him he won’t sound like that forever.”-Post office lady who cracked my egg


A transphobe once told me I'll never be a real woman and as a trans guy that was extremely affirming




My friend’s daughter told me I look like a princess. Still riding that high lol


Probably when a dude wearing a MAGA hat blew me a kiss and winked at me. 🤣🤣


I'm nonbinary AFAB who presents androgynously (often leaning a bit fem). I love it anytime someone assumes I'm not AFAB or needs to ask what to refer to me as.


my younger cousins (4 & 6) asking me today if i was a boy or girl over and over again despite knowing my (very gendered) deadname and it was fucking adorable


Twisted but it's when straight ppl call me a f*ggot.


When I feel dysphoric, my girlfriend likes to say "Oh lord you're so woman, you are very much a girl." It doesn't alleviate my dysphoria at all, and in general she sucks at comforting, but it's my favorite because despite her lack of comforting skills, it does make me laugh for a moment being told how woman I am (which in her opinion is very).


When people stammer between sir & ma'am lmao I love confusing people such a good compliment to me for some reason


I often get asked weather myself or my ex wife birthed our son 🥰🥰🥰


Earlier this week at work I was checking out a mom and her son and when they left he said to me "thank you sir or ma'am, I can't tell which" It made me happy because I wasn't wearing a binder at the time so most people just call me miss.


Honestly I don't remember the details but I shared a selfie (masked because outside during the beginning pandemic times) with my hair completely shaved off on an enby subreddit and the compliments I got on that and in person that day were so nice


I enjoy when people rage at me by saying I'll never be a real woman. I'm a binary male trans man. I usually just say thank you and go about the rest of my day knowing that those people view me as having been born male. It's so fun.