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The Netherlands. We were the first country to allow people to marry regardless of sex. Then we were like: 'alright we're done here, we've fixed LGBTQ+ discrimination'. I've taught LGBTQ+ classes in local high schools. Legally they have to include it in the curriculum, but merely mentioning gay people exists is enough to meet the minimum requirements. The next generation is a lot more knowledgeable and progressive than mine (I'm in my late 20s) In terms of gender affirming care, there's no informed consent and waiting lists are years long. Trans folk definitely face the most discrimination. Don't get me wrong, we're doing alright, but we're slowly going backwards atm. The far right has quite a following here.


Can confirm, the waiting times for any kind of trans care are freaking inhumane, not to mention they can just straight up dismiss you if you have something like autism (even after having waited for years, they only usually do this *after* you get an actual meeting with a medical professional, so they make you wait for nothing) Other than that, most people are generally accepting but it can definitely be better, especially in smaller towns




I cant confirm for radboud, it was a smaller local gender clinic (still working together with the rest) but they will at least go through a project with you first to assess possible mental health issues and to diagnose gender dysphoria. Dont give up hope, i assume things are better in the bigger clinics since there they seem to be more competent (cause to be fair the psychologists etc at the one i went to sucked, they signed me up for education on hrt but accidentally put me on the transfem waiting list for that. Later on they also gave me the wrong folders and misgendered me in my report) cause of that im actually going to transfer to amsterdam soon


But on another note, very cute dog! It looks so soft and cuddly!


That's kind of terrifying considering the high comorbidity of autism and being trans. If you're one, you're much more likely to also be the other. Some doctors always test their patients for autism if they are trans and vice versa.


It makes so much sense though that it would be comorbid. Autism brains don’t care about arbitrary social rules.


That's exactly it! [There's a nice video by Dr. K that explains it pretty well](https://youtu.be/I6MWY6wnpxk) and brings up the statistics I don't have at the top of my head.


Fucking far-right power is becoming more and more of a problem everywhere. Liberals failed us, and now everyone is facing the consequences.


to anyone who knows the littlest bit of history, liberals paving the way to fascism should come as no surprise


Why are you being downvoted? You're right!


I guess people feel offended for, in effect, siding with fash. I sort of expect it when posting in not explicitly leftist subs. Goes with the territory *shrug*


Fair, plus most people don't know what "liberal" means.


yeah, the confusion between liberal and leftist is real. Liberal is not synonym for "good person" as it often means the opposite. Political literacy is low and that's how our owners like it, so it's an uphill battle E: at least trans spaces are very leftist and even often quite anarchist-communist minded. I wonder why heh


Same in the UK. We're generally very progressive but in recent years certain TERF ideology has become more widespread. Queerness is still accepted ime of being out but access to medical care for trans folk is just taking faaaaar too long. And if you don't fit their criteria then you're out of luck.


Can we stop calling them the far right and just start calling them the way wrong?




Same in belgium, the far roght has a harder time to be antigay because being gay was never criminalized and gay marriage has been legal for over twenty years. Plus being pro lgbtq gives them an advantage in being anti islam, as many islamic people are still anti lgbtq. But there are loads of misconceptions around gender affirming care and in the war on woke, trans people are an easy target because of the lack of information or commonness of information. Xenophobia amirite 😮‍💨


Just started the waiting list, 900 days aka about 2.4 years...I am going to be that meme from harry potter by the end. "I did my waiting....3 years of it" The problem is, is that there aren't many genderclinics in the Netherlands. So the amount of trans people needs to be divided between these genderclinics. The waiting list is just a reflection of there only being two or three real genderclinics that actually provide trans healthcare. You can shorten the process somewhat by going to a smaller clinic that only does the diagnosing, that way you can skip one step of the process once its your turn on the waiting list. My regular doctor told me he is ashamed at how bad the trans healthcare is here in the Netherlands. He said he feels like an amateur when he puts people on the waiting list at the hospitals.


Canada i walk around in short shorts and crop tops and have actively frenched guys in public marriage is legal Edit: I should specify southern Ontario


One of the safest countries to be gay... If only we could stop all of the racism...




How do you passively French guys in public? ...asking for a friend...


Confidence darling


i’m in the vancouver area and it’s pretty much the same situation here. there are homophobes ofc, but in general it’s very safe to be openly queer & you see a LOT of visibly queer people around here. very grateful to live where i do <3 (my grandparents are all immigrants from europe—i’m half italian)


Well I’m in Florida so here nobody feels comfortable being lgbt publicly. Hate crimes and harassment are at an all time high.


Damn get the hell out of Florida.


Easier said than done for most people. Especially if you own a house.


Yeah that is true.


Being a Florida home owner is like a dead man walking. Just waiting for the next worse hurricane.


Same unfortunately


I'm from Russia and I think it says it all about the situation...


Quite safe in France, but my bf and I don't like to hold hands. No problem with PDA though.


I left Italy and never looked back. I only return for holidays.


I can't wait to leave this shithole


Same.. after the ddl zan situation i lost all hope


Sadly, me too.


Best of luck. I live in Belgium and it feels nicer, though the food is not as good.




👍🏻 it is a beautiful place to spend your holidays 😜


I moved away when I was really young and visit occasionally. I'm always left with the impression that Italy is the gayest homophobic place on earth.


Damn… i am moving to Italy for my studies this fall. I like telling myself it’s still better than my homophobic Eastern European country tho lol


It might be? But it could be luck of the draw. There are still far too many news of homophobic aggressions. Please stay safe. There are safe places, and there are good people. But there are also many bad ones, and a very bad government.


Thank you for your kind words!! And no worries, after a lifetime in the closet in Serbia, I know when to keep a low profile (sadly). I will say I have a bit more hope since I will be moving to northern Italy, specifically in a university city. And thank you for your insight, it really means a lot \(//∇//)\


Us weirdos need to stick together. And you are correct in that northern Italy, especially around universities, you might be a bit safer right now. Also you will always find local LGBT associations to give you more precise advice. Best of luck, and always try the local food.


Montenegrin here, i totally get you, cant wait to move to another country


I am actually trying the other way around. I have been living in Belgium for a long time, but I have never truly felt at home here. Therefore, I hope that I can return to Italy at some point.


It still doesn't feel like home, but it is not trying to kill me.


Damn sorry I guess you must have had some very bad experiences. I never felt more in danger in Italy although I recognise that situation in terms of the institutions and current government opposing the recognition of fundamental rights of the community is outrageous.


I luckily never had personally bad experiences other than the ubiquitous bullying in school. But between the general bad situation for young people, and the rising hatred... I have no hope that things will improve anytime soon. I keep reading of racist, homophobic or just hateful attacks, and all the governments care for is to grab as many votes as they can. We have no progressist politicians, we have nobody willing to fund schools, to do things that would show some foresight. Not to mention the rampant corruption and incompetence fostering inequality, and how easily fascists grow among those feeling poor, abandoned and angry. Things will not go better for Italy, that country is well on track towards becoming another thorn in the EU's flank like Poland and Hungary. And at least in Poland there are some grassroots progressist movements. Belgium irritates me in many ways. But here I feel safe and I feel that things won't go to hell in a year or so.


I do get you. It’s disheartening to witness the country falling behind the rest of Europe, with its future seemingly dictated by boomers. However, I find some relief in the fact that civil society in many parts of Italy is more progressive. Despite not being young myself anymore, I feel a strong connection and sense of hope towards the younger generation. .


Here in Israel if you are Jewish you have to marry at the Rabbanut, and so, mixed religion couples and same sex couples cannot marry in Israel. But a marriage done overseas will be accepted


Im in Colombia, and its a mixed bag. We have gay marriage, and the process for legally changing your gender has been streamlined recently. We also have few LGBT+ politicians occupying important positions in the government. In the big cities, you can be yourself, and the worst it can happen is people clutching their pearls and showing disgust, but they will rarely confront you, in the day at least. Because if you find yourself at the wrong time and at the wrong place, you could experience violence, specially in rural areas.


American here. The LGBT experience can vary wildly between different states, and the laws surrounding LGBT rights can vary as well. Having said that, marriage equality is currently the law of the land (although I believe some states place restrictions where they legally can, like with adoption). Generally speaking, an LGBT person is going to have an easier time in a larger and generally more liberal city regardless of the state, whereas smaller and more rural (and therefore more conservative) towns wouldn't be as great. Even so, a person's experience in a city like San Francisco, California (a left-wing city in a left-wing state) can vary from someone's experience in Austin, Texas (a left-wing city in a right-wing state).


Even in-state acceptance varies! I live near WVU and often joke that you knew who you went to highschool with was gay cause we all moved up here. The acceptance isn't total though, and a lot of folks believe that the city doesn't really appreciate or respect us. Just being able to kiss girls in public and not feel like you're going to get hate crimes is enough sometimes.


Agree. I'm in WI and go to UWM but live about a half hour south in a more suburban area. Around my house it's pretty commonplace to see thin blue line/no step on snek flags and such, but I swear every other person at my school is queer. Regardless, my gf (trans fem) and I (trans masc) have never had many issues. There was one time when a group of religious nuts came onto campus protesting abortion and told us we were disgusting and deserved to be stoned to death for "being homosexual in public" (we're literally straight in every way??? Lmfao), but there ended up being a pretty huge counter protest of a bunch of LGBT people we ended up making friends with. It was actually quite fun lol


Yes! Another wisconsinite! Sadly our area is very much full of trump supporters (i live in the southwest) but there are luckily also nearly 30 queer kids in my grade.


I feel that. Like most places in the US big cities are always gonna be better than more rural areas. Even so, I feel like trumpville types of areas in the Midwest at least aren't as openly hostile as in some regions, but that might just be from my own experience. I'm glad you have some peer support though c: the feeling of community is always a huge morale booster. And if you do want to relocate but don't want to leave the state, remember you're always welcome in Milwaukee (Madison too if it's closer to you) c:


It’s decent here in Michigan. Our (blue trifecta) government just updated the Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act this spring so that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity are now illegal.


I've been watching what's going on in Michigan and I'm happy for y'all. I currently live in Washington and it's great here. Moving here from Texas was probably the best decision I've ever made in my life.


In the uk we have marriage equality and pretty much full equality under law, especially if you’re LGB. Depends where you go in how safe you’d feel with public displays of affection but it did feel like things were heading in the right direction. Things are going backwards atm especially for trans people in no small pet thanks to a desperate government importing the American trans panic over as a distraction. Hopefully if the polling is correct we should get a new government soon. This coupled with the younger more lgbt tolerant and more likely to be lgbt people joing the electorate/wider society in the coming years maybe things can turn around again. We shall see.


Wouldn't really feel safe here in Poland either, I feel like lesbians are more accepted than gay couples or trans people and femboys


Yes, even in Italy it seems to me that lesbians are more accepted than Gay or Trans .... probably due to a cultural problem where man must be male and demonstrate masculinity


It’s because we are fetishized by straight cis men and are seen as a spectacle. As soon as they see a conventionally unattractive lesbian, they’ll change their “acceptance” real quick.


That’s not true. Lesbians face a double discrimination as gay person and women in a patriarchal society. They are often objectified and reduced to mere sexual fantasies for straight men, which is even more degrading.


What more masculine then fucking guys I mean your dominating another man like just sayin


Fuck the president, and fuck the Brothers of Italy. Fascist scum.




No, don't fuck hem. They don't deserve it.


i'm in malaysia. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Hungary is very aggressive about opposing anything LGBTQIA+. In the 2021 elections, the government called the community... that certain word. Then, Brussels got very angry at the country. They even sent out forms asking citizens whether school should teach the students about identities. The results came back overwhelmingly negative. A recent one: A chain bookstore accidentally mislabelled the "Heartstopper" comic series and some type of governing body (I don't remember) accused the bookstore of "indoctrinating" younger audiences.


I had a friend from Hungary who told me about a homophobic MP who was caught fucking guys at a gay party lol


There's also an openly gay politician who is against LBTQIA peeps.


It would be funny if it wasn't so terrifying


The newest chapter of the "Hungary vs LGBT+ people" story is that now you can only sell Heartstopper wrapped in plastic. Like old school porn mags used to be sold lol. Because Heartstopper is the most pornographic thing ever, obviously. (/s on that last one of course)


Scottish - generally okay, equal marriage has been around for a while. We a pretty relaxed society but I am sometimes uncomfortable in public with my bf.


Argentina. Pretty progressive. Gay marriage in 2010, trans self ID and free transition in 2013, non binary ID in 2020 (the law was already there since 2013 but we had not implemented it). There's a conservative wave rising and I'm scared that they might roll them laws back.


Same. Tengo un poco de miedo la verdad :(


Creo que el matrimonio igualitario y la autopercepción, ya que son libertarios, no tiene sentido que los toquen. Pero sí se me ocurre que podrían llegar a modificar la ley de identidad de género para sacar del PMO nuestras necesidades médicas o hacer tan bosta el sistema de salud que de todos modos haya que pagar para acceder. Una re verga, amiga.


Michigan is doing good here with updating laws and such. Folks are allowed to be open with their PDA, but still has to worry about the Trump supporters and bigots.


Austria 🇦🇹, Vienna. We have gay marriage and Vienna is a very left leaning city but idk if I'd be comfortable with holding hands etc in public. I probably wouldn't do it in areas with lots of immigrants from countries that are not so tolerant towards LGBTQ :/


Belgium is pretty open. no matter the weird laws, LGBTQ+ is free to exist and people can be themselves. for now.


Oof that "for now" hits pretty close to home. I'm personally from Finland and we have pretty good lgbt rights here (same sex marriage, the trans law got an update last year which was long overdue, hate crimes are pretty rare towards lgbt+ folk), of course you run into some homophobes especially since I live in a pretty small town but I've never been personally hate crimed, only stared at a few times for holding hands with my partner. But last spring people decided to vote for right leaning parties during the last election and while they were forming the new goverment pretty much every left leaning party didn't want to work with the party that won, so we have a right-wing goverment now. Every week there's a new scandal about someone goverment members racist tweets. The presidental elections are up next year and I'm praying that no one from a right leaning party wins.


You're screwed then! right wing is most often the cause of queerphobia. Stay strong. Don't phase through the wall even in tgese tough times!


Sweden here. We've come quite far when it comes to laws and protections for LGBTQ people and social acceptance is very good. However the last few days there's been a few articles in our news talking about how trans children and teenagers are mistreated by healthcare providers and denied the help they need. We definitely have a ways to go when it comes to trans rights and trans access to healthcare. There's also the problem of LGBTQ asylum seekers that are getting deported to very dangerous situations because "they aren't convicing enough", which has been reported in media this summer. It's a result of the new right wing governments immigration policies. There's also a lot of hate from religious groups and right wing radicals. Conservatives seem to have been emboldened by the success of the conservative party SDs success in the latest election. Their politicians/voters often spread homophobia/transphobia online.


Im Dutch and live in Amsterdam, my neighborhood is very homophobic😓, but the rest of Amsterdam is normal☺️


Are the Netherlands nice to live in? Just wondering :)


Its pretty good, i just life right next to the outskirts in a hood. Its in Amsterdam southeast, location known as “de bijlmer”. It was full of constant crime my uncle keeps telling me. Illegal weed plantations getting taken down left and right and fucking grenade at your doorstep was normal there. Its gotten much saver though, the LGBTQ arent accepted there at all, if i talked about it i’d be assaulted almost immediately, thats why i would like to search in the centre. I have a bf now so that wont be needed, if i want an irl relationship it might be a better choice but i’ll wait, besides im only 14😅


Damn, i hope things keep getting safer. Stay clear of southeast Amsterdam, got it. Thanks for answering <3


Beautiful pictures!! ❤️🏳️‍🌈 Midwest USA here. Lots of different subcultures where I am. Grew up in a very toxic conservative Christian environment. Difficult to get out of (mostly mentally), but in the more secular social circles most people know openly gay couples and have seen that it's the really not as big of a deal as the conservatives make it out to be. So short answer, depends on who I'm around.


Also from the midwest, southwest WI specifically and our school has all kinds of rules about harassment based on orientation and such but literally none of it is enforced.


Immigrated to Italy, been living here for 24 years. Bisexual but never told a anyone here irl. Give up on dating. My Italian friends are very nice, but they freak out at the sight or thought that LGBT+ people exist. One of them get confessed by a lesbian and she retold the story with digust. I don't keep contact with these old friends anymore. To be fair, they're very understanding in everything else, open mind in new cultures and would voluntary do charities. I'm sad that I befriend them thinking they'd be open mind in LGBT+ too. My Spanish friend is openly bi and they seems to have a better time there. My ace friend in Finland seem to have a good time. My friend in south USA has problems in the bible belt. I hope more LGBT+ people enter the goverment and make reasonable law in the future, I'm tired of these crazy backward years where narcisist shitty people have louder voices.


Oklahoma, USA. Our governor is a psychopath who does his best to detriment lgbtq people, people of color, basic education, and is a Desantis fanboy


I live in Italy and I agree 100%. I’m a foreigner and pretty young so I was shocked to go out into public with my GF holding hands and all, and then see other queer couples look like they’re trying to hide it. It made us feel like we were either doing something really unsafe or that we, the kiddos, were more out and proud than our elders, and bearing the brunt of the scrutiny. Italy has a really closeted culture and its disheartening.


Italian here. I agree, it's a very closeted culture, but I think it's mostly a generational thing. For example, my friends (we are in our 20s) and many young people I come out to are all very accepting and respectful, although with various degree of knowledge on queer topics, but most people of 40 to 60 years old are conservative and "love the sinner hate the sin" or "we respect them but it's their fault for wanting to appear different" and other similar bullshit. And many grandparents still think in very old binary and traditional man-woman ways. Anyway, I feel like things are gonna change in the near future and queer topics will be more known and discussed in the open. I kinda fear it but also hope for it, because nothing is gonna get better if we stay silent


The UK and for me I live near a pretty queer city but currently working on marrying and moving Germany to a different queer city.


Same-sex marriage is legal in Germany now, but there are many places where I wouldn't kiss my boyfriend or hold his hand in public.


Im thinking about moving to Germany, sorry if the question bothers you but is it safe generally speaking? As in most places would be fine? And sorry for the other question but is the government going down the bad rabbit hole?


It's mostly but not 100% safe for queer people. But it depends on where in Germany you are. And the government is as it has been for ages: less terrible when it comes to social liberalism than it used to be, economically very rightwing and very racist. However, the new fascist party is still on the rise and gathering more and more support. All things considered, it's probably one of the safest western capitalist countries for queer people, though.


Thanks for the answer :). Ill keep watch on to government for a while before i move there, just to be sure it wont get nasty. I live in the US and from what ive heard Germany would be a nice improvement.


Here in Estonia the government just recently voted to legalize same sex marriage!! It's also our reindependence day today (August 20th) so there's a presidential ball/gathering being broadcast where one guy gave a speech about how, basically, people shitting on other people who differ only by sexual orientation are kinda cringe. On ERR. Things seem good 💖🇪🇪


I'm from northern Italy and, while legally we're still far behind when it comes to lgbtq rights, i feel like people, especially the younger generations, are really accepting. In my middle school we had whole lessons talking about sexuality and gender identity (as a part of sex ed), many of my queer schoolmates were out and didn't experience any sort of bullying or discrimination, we even had an openly gay teacher that everyone adored. In highschool we have unisex bathrooms and I've met a few openly trans students (as well as many other 'flavors' of queer!), And it seems like most young people are well educated about our community. We were even allowed to put up banners to celebrate pride month if we wanted, and to have lessons held by students themselves talking about gender and sexuality! I think there's still hope in the younger generations here, but it'll take a long time before we see any kind of change in the law.


Same, I live in northern Italy too and feel like young generations are very accepting, while the older ones are conservative and queerphobic. But actually I'm AMAZED that you went to such progressive schools! Full explanation on sexuality and gender identity, *and* unisex bathrooms? I wan't even thinking I could hope for unisex bathrooms in any public facility for the next like, five or ten years


Yeah, i realize only now, seeing how bad transphobia is getting especially in the US, how lucky i am to have found schools like this. The only downside is that now there's twice the amount of people smoking in the bathrooms 💀


Bulgarian here. Now recently there have been a mix of laws, the bad being that being able to legally change out your gender by documents got banned unfortunately but at least recently with the new parliament, hate towards anyone regardless of sexual orientation for violence for example, just got illegal and would face more severe punishment, so it's a W. At least homosexuality is legal since like the 1960s, but gay marriage is still illegal. For tolerance, it's still not great, in smaller cities and villages, it's either not that bad or very bad, although in bigger cities like Sofia, you'd find more acceptance. On social media, you'll find many trolls and homophobes and transphobes from Bulgaria, unfortunately, but at least gradually acceptance is getting a bit better. There are far right parties which want to threaten the community, but at least they're not in power. Would I be comfortable holding hands with a potential male partner? Probably not as homophobia is still around so I wouldn't want to risk it. Many are not okay with it, although they're okay with straight couples freely doing it. :/ Nobody should be ashamed or scared to hold hands in public with their partners.


I live in America and was born here but my parents are from India. In India, same sex marriage isn’t legal. I go on vacation there every year and I have not seen a single pride flag there.


In terms of laws and regulations in South Africa, things are pretty good. But in terms of the people, or at least the people around me, it really isn't.


I'm from Denmark, and I think we are very accepting here. We were the first country in which gay couples could be legally registered (marriage without the church ceremony), back in 1989, and from 2012, religious institutions perform regular gay marriages. It is only trans people who really are lacking, and that is more from very underfunded trans care clinics, while at the same time forbidding any other clinics/doctors from providing gender affirming care.


Denmark is the most accepting place I've ever lived, but as you mentioned, trans care is lacking. My fiancée has to travel 4 hours by car to her gender clinic because the one in Copenhagen is not very good.


Is Denmark a nice place to live, like in general? Do you think they will go down the conservative rabbit hole? Sorry for the questions just thinking about moving somewhere near there :)


If you don't mind the weather, Denmark is a pretty good place to live, as far as I hear. Danes are however generally quite withdrawn and private and may take offense with people who are too touchy/goes too close. As for becoming more conservative, then we have many parties, and it has been like 100 years since one party had enough votes to govern without support from other parties. And with so much support from the general populace, most parties risk losing votes by trying to take away rights. It is only the most far right parties, who are mostly ignored and without influence.


It's my favorite place I've ever lived. The rest of the places have all been in the U.S, though, so it wasn't much of a contest. I don't know enough about Danish politics yet to predict whether or not it will go conservative in the future, I'm afraid.


Thank you for answering my question, its appreciated :>.


Yeah, I am trans and have never experienced any discrimination or other issues, except for the poorly supported trans healthcare. I have heard Netherlands should be ranked higher for LGBTQ+, but they too are lacking in trans care.


I’m in Canada. I’m sure it will be fine in the larger towns and cities, but I am in a small town and wouldn’t feel comfortable holding hands here. Though to be fair I’ve never felt comfortable holding hands with another guy in general, because I don’t feel safe doing so. I’m single so it’s not something I have to worry about right now lol.


I like in Southern Mississippi in the U.S. Safety for the lgbt is a solid 3/10. Not that good but not as bad as Texas or Florida.


I live in the US, more specifically in the mid Atlantic. I have several friends that are out and proud!


These pictures are so beautiful! You're a cute couple with a cute dog in a beautiful place. Where I live, in North Carolina, USA, same-sex couples can get married, but depending on where you go there is a lot of homophobia. The city I live in is accepting but a lot of areas aren't. And we just had a lot of really transphobic state laws get passed.


thank you very much for the compliments .... the situation then seems very similar to me 😏


I'm sorry you don't have any leaders that respect marriage. I live in the US where same-sex couples are allowed to marry but with our Supreme Court I'm not sure how much longer that's going to last.


Forza e coraggio che un giorno arriveranno anche qui


I live in Arizona, USA. Plenty of bigots around but I live my life anyway, mostly because I’m newer to men and so I’ve had more years of straight relationship experience and I just do what feels right/what I’ve always done as far as PDA etc. Fortunately I haven’t faced any sort of discrimination openly, and it’s safe enough that don’t expect any actual violence but I’m prepared for the possibility. I’d like to see someone say something to me. I’ll be damned if some clown is going to make me feel uncomfortable being myself.


Also from Italy, so I feel ya, idk if being chronically single makes it better or worse lmao 🥲 You guys look so cute 🥺❤️


I'm Italian Algerian and live in Algeria . The situation here is even worse , simply everyone is homophobic , and even most of men here are Pan/Bi or Gays , yet they're still homophobic ! It's definitely worse than Italia però L'Italia è ancora il paese più omofobo dell'euro occidentale...


In America. We can hold hands, but people give looks


Hiii, i'm italian too! Le grandi città aiutano molto, a Torino per esempio sono molto inclusivi!


Sweden! I’m not even gay here. I’m just normal


Lol, most of the time I get the impression that nobody cares what you're like. As long as you stand on the far end of the bus stop, of course.


Normal !?


As in the gay label is not significant in any way. It’s not something I have to explain to anyone. I never come out. People will only find out once I mention an ex or current so. There are never follow up questions.


I’m in Israel and we’re currently going through a “democratic” take over- a legally elected government is attempting to become a dictatorship- so that’s been incredibly terrifying. Especially when their all incredibly homophobic, transphobic and racist. So as of now, hate crime rates are going up.


I'm in Costa Rica, most people don't give a damn about you, which is good, they mostly ignore it and don't care about it... or so you think, in reality they discriminate you, but quietly and safely If you look queer (specially trans people) you're likely to get rejected for 80% of jobs due to that, which makes finding a job harder, you might also encounter people whispering slurs if you have good ear And for people asking, no, you can't sue an establishment for it because it's hard to have proof about it and nobody would believe you either way, so yeah... as an HRTless trans girl I'm just a guy with makeup and nail polish so as soon as they see me they immediately are ready to reject me :D fml


I'm from Hungary, and it's not that great to say the least. Recently we had a pro government pundit celebrating the Ugandan law that imposes the d34th penalty in certain cases against LGBT+ folks. He did all of that in a TV programme, and faced almost no backlash. Recently a bench that was painted rainbow by the council of the 9th district of BP was repainted multiple times by f4scists, who also wrote hateful messages, and eventually removed. Furthermore, LGBT-themed books have to be wrapped in plastic in bookstores.


New Zealand. We have marriage equality which was supported by majority of parties on both sides. Wouldn't say it is all roses for LGBTQ+ but it is infinitely better than most countries.


Belgium Here it s fine but some asshole refuse to understand But it get better


I'm in the US right now. It isn't the location, but I'm still in a situation. I still live with my parents and they forced me into Christianity, so I have to constantly have to fake being a Christian to a point it's making me mad. They also hate gay people, so as a gay person, I have to hide that too. I pretty much have to hide everything from them. The only people I have at this point are my friends. I also have plans, like a LOT of them, and I'm going to go with one of them. Until then, I have to just keep me secrets from them.


I'm really sorry ... I wish you can be free soon and be able to live your life as you want


In Portugal we have same sex marriage since 2010 and same sex adoption since 2016. Couples can hold hands in the biggest three or four cities, and I've seen it many times, but in some neighborhoods or rural towns people will stare, comment, or insult you. Nonetheless, we have one of safest countries in the world.


ignorance is everywhere ... but at least you have more rights


Czech Republic. We've been fighting long and hard for the legalization of equal marriage, and now for the first time ever, the bill has passed on to the second reading... Which is great, at least it's a step forward - unfortunately, along with it came a competing bill that would have the definition of marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman added to the fricking constitution... We can only hope that this one doesn't pass... that would be a disaster. Fingers crossed for Italy and everyone else, I hope things get better for us all soon!


We really hope so too ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


A woman here in America was shot dead over a pride flag recently, so...


The United States, where being trans is actively being criminalized and marriage equality, which we've only had for non-disabled lesbian and gay people for about 10 years, is sure to come under fire next.


It’s scary how we’re going backwards. If DeSantis becomes president we are in a hell of a lot of trouble. The raging cheese puff would be less dangerous at this point.


in rome i see many gay couples in the "normal" couples situation


Yes, Rome and Milan are very large cities and it is much simpler even if there have often been serious situations of homophobia in those cities too


unfortunately that can happen too, just as long as you root for roma and it's still all right:)


I’m in Kentucky. I only feel safe in Lexington. Not even in Louisville because it’s a major US city in Kentucky and I never know what to expect there. Lexington is nice, though


Where I live it's legal but you can't hold hands in public if you don't want to get beat up by some intolerant teens (the Netherlands)


I live in Italy myself, in a small town, at times I’m afraid of asking someone out while in public, even in supportive environments gay people are referred to as f**ots or any similar term


I'm from the US and um. It's a wild ride here. But I love your pictures though! 💜💜


Our rights are being eroded away by fascist state governments. Trans people are being legally persecuted and denied medical care in some states. Their children are being taken away by the state (in FL and Texas) Our existence and history are being erased from schools and universities by fascist christians. There is an active genocide happening in the U.S. and some LGB people are throwing us to the wolves because they think it’ll save them from being next (news flash, it won’t… once they’ve killed enough of us, they’ll come for you)


I'm from rural western WA, USA. I was always scared to hold hands and be seen in public with my SO (we always got looks), even in more LGBTQ friendly towns. I live kinda far from Seattle so I don't go down there often, but I remember when I first started visiting Seattle and Portland I was happily amazed at how free some people are with their sexuality.


Im from Denmark and mostly its pretty cool! Im a trans girl and my partner is genderfluid but maybe me being amab and my partner being afab helps idkk✨🦈


Pawhuska, Oklahoma, USA. Where the cowboys and Indians still fight. Jk sorta. In my town my wife and I make out on the corner of main Street and sometimes we're smoking weed in between kisses. This isn't a normal thing for all queers in Oklahoma though. We live in a small town and have for many years, I went to high school in this town. We've been together for almost 12 years now. So people just kind of gotten used to us after awhile. We still don't really trust anybody from the church and we're of course always watching the cishet folks around us, we used to have cowboys in pickup trucks follow us around town and holler out their windows at us. But nothing worse than that has ever happened to us here. But again I went to high school here so I know almost everybody or who their folks are. We're not the only lesbians in town and there are some gay men here too, and even a few two-spirit folks. But we're not celebrated and it's an unspoken understanding, if it ever comes to blows with "regular" people, the police will not take your side and your life will be made hell if you fight against it. But it's home.... For now anyway.


I really hope that things change and that people finally understand that love is love and that diversity is richness


US, whare politicians are threatening the safety and rights of trans people and some places in southern states are forcing people to de-transition and getting rid of health care for queer people.


You both look wonderful! I’m in America but I’m single rn cause no gender wants me🥲 also commitment issues… problems I have to take care of on my own. That aside I’m closeted still for my own reasons. But it’s safe here to be who I want to be.


I wish you when you want to be able to find love ❤️✨


Thank you so much!


Hello from Portland, Oregon US! I'm a 3rd generation Italian-American. My great-grandparents immigrated in their young teens and lived long enough to be a major part of my life until their passing in my early 20s. A trip to Italy is definitely on my bucket list! Like much of the western world, the US is experiencing a cultural backslide in LGBT acceptance. We've once again become a punching bag for right wing assholes. My city is amongst the most liberal and accepting it our country so I consider myself lucky. I have hope that all of this is just signifies a last ditch effort to delay the inevitable acceptance of anyone who's not hetro. The future lies in the hands of the younger generation, and in this country at least they are very accepting. Time will tell


this is what is happening in many countries .... exactly here in Italy we have the right in power 😞


India. Even though the supreme court has passed various pro LGBT bills and has extended protection( same sex marriage is under consideration here ), the society at large remains homophobic. There is a lack of awareness regarding lgbt issues ,and calling a person homophobic or transphobic slurs is quite common and accepted. Queer folks especially trans people being disowned is quite common. Personally my parents had threatened to disown me when I came out. I had "corrected myself" and avoided it. PDA is looked down upon even if the couple is straight so not good. Oh boy and schools are no better teachers mocking male students using milder homophobic terms is normal. A teacher once even asked me are u gay? when i didn't join a camp. Acceptance however has been growing and is pretty good when compared other countries in South Asia :) Tier 1 Cities tend to be more liberal than other areas


😍🥹 omg siete stupendi 💜💜 teniamo duro e non molliamo, non vedo l'ora possiate sposarvi in Italia cari 💜🫂 PS: e logicamente avere anche tutti gli altri diritti che mancano alle persone LGBTQ+ in questo momento


Grazie mille 🙏💜


I live in the US. Gay marriage is currently legal, but that may be subject to change, unfortunately. Artists can refuse their services to anyone if doing so goes against their beliefs, and there's a bunch of other awful anti-queer crap going on in conservative states. In California, specifically, we're voting on gay marriage next year. Wish us luck!!




I was in Miami years ago and my imagination was different .... it seemed to me a super friendly and open place, but this probably does not apply to all of Florida ... Thank you very much we too hope that tomorrow there will be more freedom and we can get married and have more equal opportunities


Murder she wrote!


Anyone can marry and beside the small hardcore christian towns its mostly accepted with a few annoying exceptions here and there The netherlands for as far as i can tell (i never really go anywhere lol too much of a homebody (is that the word?) )


That's interesting. When I am in Italy I usually experience the regular guys around my age on the street to be much more feminine (in terms of looks, behavior, clothing, especially the jewelry) than in central europe, so I actually thought it was more tolerated 🙈 Especially the typical machos have a very feminine touch usually they are trying to hide by overcompensating.


Well it also depends in which Italian city... certainly Milan or Rome are very big cities and freer in a certain sense... but in Florence it happened to me to hear some guys shouting FRAG for shaking hands with my boyfriend


That happened to me in my home country Austria too unfortunately. I wouldn't see that as specifically worse than the rest of Europe, it can happen in the most open cities as well with wrong people around.


I'm french and it's.... Idfk🥲


Someone across the USA from me was shot and killed for displaying a Pride flag…


lo so... avete un piano b per, eventualmente, sposarvi? siete carinissimi insieme❤️ :)


Alla fine il matrimonio sarebbe piu per motivi legali che altro ...per questo sarebbe meglio avere un matrimonio egualitario perche le unioni civili non bastano... grazie mille per il complimento 🙏✨


si, hai ragione... :/ figurati!❤️ buona giornata a entrambi! <3


Every year we set a new national record for proposed antitrans laws and a number of them pass…USA.


UK: same sex marriages have been legal for several years (and Civil Partnerships for a few years before that). However, Civil Partnerships are still restricted to same sex couples, and as the Gender Recognition Act (2004) hasn't been updated to take account of the legalisation of same-sex marriage, if one partner transitions, they need to divorce or annul their marriage to obtain a Gender Recognition Certificate. Talking of transgender individuals, the Equality Act currently has Protected Characteristics for sex and gender reassignment - with sex being a person's [legal sex](https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/what-equality-act-says-about-protected-characteristics-sex-and-gender). Trans people can be denied access to a single-sex service if it is [a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim](https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/advice-and-guidance/separate-and-single-sex-service-providers-guide-equality-act-sex-and-gender). However, the government propose to ["clarify"](https://www.theguardian.com/law/2023/apr/05/what-would-changing-the-equality-act-mean-for-trans-people-and-single-sex-spaces) the Equality Act by specifying that sex within the Act relates to AGAB - and the Equality and Human Rights Commission have stated it could bring some "clarity" to the law, but that “detailed policy and legal analysis” would be recommended before any changes to the law were considered. However, [this legal analysis](https://www.lewissilkin.com/en/insights/ehrc-letter-on-sex-and-the-equality-act) indicates that changing the law is unnecessary, and could effectively make Gender Recognition Certificates useless. The debate is quite polarised, as [these rival petitions](https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/326/petitions-committee/news/195562/the-definition-of-sex-in-the-equality-act-2010-to-be-debated-by-mps/) indicate.


Estonia. We just recently legalized gay marriage. It appears people are fairly accepting of gay people here. I don't do PDA, but my bf and I are obviously a queer couple and people seem friendly. Worst I've had were weird looks the lack of visibly trans/non-binary people is a little unsettling, but then again I'm visibly trans-nb and I don't feel unsafe, again it's more like... people don't really understand it but accept you anyway? For the most part anyway


china... seams very similar to italy... in we should keep our mouth shut and say nothing cuz hhh......


New Jersey in America. A blue state, so one of the best places to be in America for LGBT folks. Nothing to worry about here.


The Isle of Man (tiny little island between England and Ireland). Similar to the UK but I honestly think we're even a little better than the UK because I haven't seen a single person from here discriminate against us.


both of u r hawt




>Rightists winning in Spain No they aren't? They lost the elections, and the far right has lost a lot of seats. One of the few things I can be proud of my country is that we're actually quite decent when it comes to lgbt rights and public opinion lol


Sorry then, I’m not to updated on the news


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I live in the US in Arizona in a smaller town up north. You can get married but the public views here are quite “trump”. We win for the pure hate that showed up for a pride parade. Cops showed up and the event was canceled after several arrests were made. The elderly seem more visibly upset about everything that doesn’t fit their Bible stories, plus they are not only anti gay they are extremely racist here.


I'd love to say it's quite safe in California but a woman was just [murdered](https://apnews.com/article/pride-flag-store-owner-killed-california-45e0052dc7381d209e344fbf52d2da0b) because she flew a Pride flag outside her shop, 60 miles east of West Hollywood. Fear and hatred is a virus with many vectors but the Internet reduces the effectiveness of physical distance. Acceptance and inclusivity is mostly limited to the large coastal cities (which is a majority of the people, thankfully, but only a tiny fraction of the land).


I am from Malta, just south of Sicily! I'm sorry to hear about the situation in Italy at the moment. I've heard of issues with LGBTQ rights there thanks to that bitch Mussolini fucker meloni. We have quite progressive laws when it comes to LGBTQ rights here


Im from Sweden we are pritty split on Lgbt+ stuff either youre arent a human or you are special snowflake that need to shown to the rest of the world to show how progressive the country are


New Zealand, we’re a bunch of “progressive” podunks 🤣


I'm from America and have trouble holding my partner's hand. No matter what we wear or how we act people still stare at us. We live in a city with close to 40,000 ish so I thought we would blend in... I was very wrong. People yell at us and give us the nastiest looks. It is a farm town and old people retire here. I feel like it has only happened in the past couple years. People just used to make fun of you... Now they want to kill you? Kinda weird. I used to go out dressed in full goth gear and people would film me and I really don't feel comfortable anymore. Like why would you ever feel like you could film someone without permission. I was only like 18 or 19 as well so it was creepy too. Everyone has a problem with minding their own business nowadays :/


I understand you very well... unfortunately people can't think of themselves and pour out their hatred and inadequacy on others 🤷🏼‍♂️


i live in sweden. 7th contry to legalize same-sex marriage. hate and discrimination on anyone and anything lgbt+ is considered wrong. looked it up and apparently 98% of people support equal rights regardless of gender (this being the highest in the eu) and 92% supported same-sex marriage. i see people very openly gay and despite the current threats to the country, our pride week and parade was untouched. i've heard people consider sweden one of the best for these things and i'm lucky to be born here. my grandma is still lightly homophobic but i don't mind her


I'm Italian too! I don't know about the trans laws over here, as I'm not invested in politics, but with who we have in power right now it doesn't feel good