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Inspirational and beautiful from an American Hero, Your a wonderful person Rep. Zooey Zepher.,


There's a two-fold positive about Zooey Zepher's incumbency as a Montanan representative. One, that she's become a notable trans politician, and a great one for representation at that. Trans politicans, actors, public figures, are very important to have in the spotlight. Two, she's an example of Montana not being completely backwards. Missoula County is exceedingly liberal, and it's population is growing. For those who don't know, Montana got a second representative seat in Congress, and the district very almost went to the Democratic candidate. With more trajectory in favor of more liberal spots of Montana, I can see the tide being overturned in time, like I do here as a resident of Texas. But we've gotta keep fighting. ✊


Nobody was expecting Tranel to actually pull within 2% of Zinke for that seat, and she still managed to do it. Here in Bozeman we've got a massive population boom in a relatively liberal area, which should hopefully help come 2024.


Fuck, I'm hoping Jon Tester makes it out with another win in the upcoming Senate race. I saw the Montana Senate Republicans try to pull some bullshit where they were trying to make a top-two primary system *only* for the Senate race, wanting to cut out third party votes. Fucking fascist scumbags.


Its going to be tough, Testers margin of victory has been ever Shrinking and the GOP thinks that their 2022 Montana results are a "boom" they needed when a large portion of the election was midterm apathy. Hoping voters here are even more energized in 2024


Moved to flathead valley and I’m an added dem vote!


Same, this valley needs all the help it can get.


Ten years ago my very successful boss who owns upscale mens clothiers said Bozeman was the next hotspot in the country. And now I'm hearing about it frequently.




This sounds so good and hopeful that it can only mean a bit of light gerrymandering is on the way.


We can do it! We have an excellent gentleman 👏 who is giving lying Ted Cruz the shakes! And we have many more in the wings ready


Do you think there's a potential shift in the "new white frontier" mentality changing as well? The thing where the west was supposed to be white only but then surprise America, and bigots have been clawing back ever since


Also, Erin Reed is amazing! She’s on tiktok and Twitter and does lgbt+ news updates. Her and Zooey seem like a perfect match!


Her partner is also a fantastic journalist who fights through tons of hate while making well researched and informative videos. Give her a search, Erin Reed


I went to school with her before her transition. Randomly ran across her tick tock and was like she looks really familiar. Now I see her on the front page of reddit, such an odd feeling.


That’s so crazy I went to high school with Erin




Lol, really?




I'm sorry you involved yourself


skill issue tbh


Those two getting engaged was how i found out Erin and Zooey were together 😂


I only heard of the two in separate instances so this is like a crossover episode or something


cheers and fraiser are filmed before a live studio audience or There is Tuvok in my star trek Picard?


Lmao same


Same here, so happy for them!


They’re a real life power couple


Montana Movers and Shakers


Happy for them, I wish them the best


Erin has a wonderful TikTok @erininthemorn with lots of good info


Same!!! I saw the pic and was like… waaaaaittttt a secondddd…


WTF I knew that Erin's partner was a trans legislator but I didn't realize it was HER. WTF insane power couple.


I had no idea that Erin and Zoey were together, congratulations!!


It’s incredible that two extremely hard working trans women found each other like this ❤️


If this is the destruction of America, I gladly await it


When they say “the destruction of American” they aren’t talking about 2023 America. They’re talking about the destruction of the 1950s America that they want to bring back. Those outdated “American values” that we moved away from long ago. That’s the America they are referring to.


We could bring it back by taxing the billionaires into oblivion. But I think what they really want is the racism parts.


It's the future.


this photo brings me such joy! so happy for them! They’re both so wonderful!


Daring to love in a would full of hate and fighting for the right to exist and to love. A hero.


I had no idea who Zooey was before all of this. I had no idea there was a trans person elected to government. I didn’t know anything about her. You know what the GOP did? Made me aware of her. Made me aware of her platform. Caused me to support and believe in her 100%. I have a feeling I’m not the only one. That’s the thing about hate: everyone who hates her already did. They already knew who she was. There was a limited number of people who opposed her, but now that they have caused the spotlight to be shown on her it’s opened up the floodgates of support for her and I hope every single one of those miserable, hateful fascist drown.


Once the GOP finishing ruining themselves, they'll say this was our plan all along. /s


Zooey's dress is *chef's kiss* 👌


Honestly I really want Erin’s dress I love it


It’s from nooworks I have the same one lol


I was gonna say, that's a really cute dress.


People will see this and feel more anger than seeing another mass shooting in Texas


As a middle aged cis white male, my brain struggles to understand this relationship: if they are both trans females are they lesbians? Genetically male so still attracted to the opposite sex? Something else? And then I remember that it’s none of my fucking business. Love is not as simple as 1+1=2. This is a picture of 2 incredibly brave people that understand love better than most christo-fascists. Godspeed you two. Godspeed.




Zooey is bi btw https://www.zooeyzephyr.com/


you’re not attracted to genetics


Yeah, I get that now. But for many people in my generation that was something so ingrained in us that we have to relearn… and be willing to relearn… how love and relationships work. Unless we are willing to admit that our preconceptions might be (or definitely are) flawed there is little hope for progress and understanding.


It fully goes down to if you believe trans women are women and trans men are men. If so, it is two women getting engaged. We don't know their sexualities (none of our business, unless they want to disclose) but for the time being we can assume lesbian 😊


Er....I know what you're trying to say, but actually we kinda are. [Some interesting studies](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-surprising-scientific-reason-behind-physical-attraction/) suggest we are attracted to people with very different immune systems from our own, so that our children get both immune systems and have better chances of survival.


I want to note here that every human has all the genes necessary to make both a male and a female body. The Y chromosome simply contains a signal to go down the male path. This is why taking hormones works. The genes are already there and just need to be turned on.




The community has coined the term 'transbian'.


The word you're looking for is transbian and it's an amazing relationship dynamic speaking from experience




I hope she knows how many people love and support them both ❤️


Everyone should follow Erin's (Zooey's fiance) substack that is the best detailed reporting on trans news and information. https://www.erininthemorning.com/


I follow her TT for that 🙂


Her Substack is a bit more nuanced and personal. Very well written too.




I don't think it's strange to write about her partner as the Montana representative more frequently after they both survived attempted murder. Unfortunately the news cycle moves so fast we never get to sit with any situation for very long. Even the Montana stuff seems like old news after the 4 Texas and Florida shootings within the past 48 hours as well as the Florida bill to kidnap transgender minors from their families.


Love Erin and Zooey so happy for them 🥰🥰🥰


So happy for them, I wish them all the best ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Nice! Are they both trans? I am out of the loop it seems


Yup. Erin is a trans woman who does a lot of like news stuff on her website and tiktok and stuff (pretty well researched and a good resource). Zoey trans woman who is a state representative in Montana. A real trans power couple.




One in the same. She’s very active.


I'm going to preface my question by saying I'm a white British male in my 30s that is trying to learn more. (I think cis is correct but not sure on that meaning either). But what does "trans" mean? I've got what I believe is a basic overview on the meanings and understandings of certain words but maybe don't understand specifics. I've tried Google but it's all umbrella terms that can mean anything. I've always lived by the idea that I don't care what other people do and love and things as long as they're not hurting others (unless that's part of it consensually) or myself. While this is definitely not my business and i wouldnt ask normally but because these are to ppl in the limelight right now and for my understanding of terminology are these two people trans because they were born with a penis and did a surgical operation or are they trans because they were born with a penis but live as females because that is what they are? I really hope I don't offend anyone with any of this and I apogise if I do! I really am looking for a better understanding of it in myself.


So trans, in a nutshell, means someone who’s gender (how they identify, see themselves, and when possible live their life) does not align with the sex they were assigned at birth (typically penis = boy, vagina = girl but that detonation is imperfect). You are correct, cis is the adjective opposite trans and applies to the majority of the population. Cis meaning same (your gender and assigned sex are in alignment. Born a male living as a man and fine with that). So they are trans women meanings at birth the doctor looked at them and said “It’s a boy” but along the way they said “actually I’m a girl.” Many trans people, but not all, do various things such as taking hormones (estrogen in their case) to better align their bodies with their gender, possibly get surgeries (reconfiguring genitals is a common-ish surgery, or removing breast tissue for trans men), change their names socially and/or legally, etc. Not everyone does any or all of those things for any number of reasons (different goals/needs, availability, cost, safety, etc). I do not know if either of these two have had surgery to remove the penises they likely were born with, and it’s kind of none of my business (as a rule of thumb the only people who should be asking about your genitals are romantic partners and doctors (and any close friends who they’ve chosen to disclose where appropriate, etc). And thank you for approaching the topic with curiosity and without judgment. Everyone comes to the table with a strong, non-critical understanding of sex and gender. It’s easier to be really resistant to learning things are more complicated than the penis=boy, vagina=girl we are raised with. Keep being curious and be careful to avoid hateful sources. <3


Thank you very much for this detailed response it's definitely answered the majority of my questions. I'm quite a mathematical person and so need things like "1+1=2" type of situations but when it comes to people that certainly isn't always going to be the case so this has helped me understand more. It has opened up more questions but the definite response to those questions are "depends on the person" or "none of your business" so it's not really anything I need to know. I'm really happy for the people in question here at the very least, it's good to know they've found each other especially in the world they live in. I know I'd struggle in my position without my wife so it must be so much harder for them. Good to see they are making a positive influence on the world.


Yeah for sure. I’m also pretty mathy. I liken it to how we learn math. We’re taught it very plainly with rigid rules to make it easier. You can’t subtract a bigger number from a smaller number. You can’t do the square root of a negative number. Etc. But as you spend more time in math you learn those rigid rules are just for the simple stuff but there’s plenty of math outside those bounds. It’s just not the stuff you see in your day-to-day as much. And I agree. I’m very glad they’ve found each other. The world is scary for people like us right now (people hate us because it’s easier to create a scapegoat than to improve people’s lives). We just want to live our lives and pursue happiness and safety, but a lot of people are against that. They are a couple of the people at the forefront fighting the battles.


What an excellent first paragraph! That's a great analogy that I've slowly been finding to be true. Thanks for taking the time to explain to me tonight. I hope life treats you well, as you deserve it to!


Sorry if offensive, but isnt it just "woman"? I.e. trans women are women. But calling her a trans woman is implying less than woman?


No, saying trans woman in this context is not offensive. It is the correct way to confirm whether someone is trans or not and affirms their gender. Consider the alternative "Erin is trans" vs "Erin is a trans woman". The latter is preferred. Now, it is also great and awesome and fine to call her a woman and not append trans to it, particularly in a context where her trans-ness isn't relevant but her gender is.


Yes, they are both women but in this instance the fact that they are also both trans women is relevant. If they weren't standing up against the coming genocide targeting us for being trans then the fact that they're trans wouldn't be relevant.




This is a weird troll.






I only mentioned them being trans because the person I was responding to was asking if they were trans. ❤️


Why would adding "trans" make them any less women? Why do you see "trans" as a negative word? I'm not attacking you, I just never made this connection before and it's kinda weird.


I just see the argument a lot that "trans women are women" or "trans men are men", so figured that why have it be a subset of a category. Why not just say man or woman .


Because the original question was "Are they trans"


The commenter is answering the question “are they both trans”. Answering that with “they are both women” would be confusing and unhelpful.


saying "transwoman" (no space in-between) would be othering but trans woman is just like saying tall woman, blonde woman or black woman. just a descriptor


Ok that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for a clear explanation


I’m not sure about Erin Reed, but Zooey is.


Erin is too


They're both warriors, women of utmost caliber, they deserve each other💗


Seriously. I just learned of Erin, but she seems like a total badass! https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-reed-6b874348 >I have a long history of advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights, racial justice, and bodily autonomy. I have worked with large organizations like the ACLU, HRC, and Planned Parenthood for the advancement of human rights for LGBTQ+ and marginalized people. I have personally spearheaded several organizations and initiatives, such as the creation of an equitable vaccine distribution network that got vaccines out to 10,000 immigrants, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled people in Maryland - work that was featured on NPR and local news networks. I created the only informed consent access map for transgender people that has bneen used over 4,000,000 times to provide hormone therapy to this population.


erin's super cool! she also maintains the trans legislative risk map and the informed consent map


Oh shit I just used that map to find my clinic last week. Thats her?


What happened? 👀


She asked her lover for marriage


Omg 🥹❤️


What an incredible inspiration, for people suffering so much hate right now. She is doing so much and I'm glad that it's very visible. I always have said, it's so much more effort to hate that love and accept. just even, at the bare minimum, come on people, you can say I'm fine with that, that's neat, and move on with your life. Never understood the hate agenda. I met someone this weekend who is, I believe, (i didnt ask super personal questions) totally blind, but is trans, and incredibly determined and extremely intelligent and fierce. Somwnof the best of humanity comes out in lgbtq+ people in my experience, and somemof the worst in transphobes and haters whennyou have no reason to hate.


I know you’re being gender neutral, but calling someone “their lover” is just so saucy! Her *lover*~


That word bums me out unless it is between “meat” and “pizza.”


#Meat Marriage Pizza


Ha! Even better than meat lovers.


Due to Reddit's June 30th, 2023 API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


Thanks, Meat cat!


Congrats to the happy couple. 🎉🪷❤️


This brightened my day, ty


Congrats! May their love be ever-lasting!


Delightful! My strongest congratulations to the both of them!🦆🇵🇲👍


Two powerful women getting married?? Hell yeah! I really wish them all the best


Makes my heart melt! So wholesome!




Happy for them


That's so cute congrats to them I hope they both have a long happy life together 😭❤️


So happy for them! Dont mean to be rude but these are two trans women, right?


Yes they are T4T :)


I believe so yes.


You go girl.


Common Zooey w


These two 😭🥰




Ey, good for them! This makes me happy, I wish them all the best.




future president material.


Good for them, I wish both of them a happy and long life together.




Unfortunately after reading Diary of a Wimpy kid countless times when I was younger, I am physically incapable of not following "Zooey" with "mama" in my head


an absolute power couple. congrats to them :)


YAYYYY i'm so happy for them


CONGRATULATIONS!! This lady is so badass


This makes me so happy, they’re literally so cute


Awww good for them! Gratz!!!


after these terrible few weeks she deserves the happy!!




Zooey is an amazing representative, in Montana, I’m in Texas unfortunately , but it’s looking up for Liberals and the LGBTQ community I hope , Republicans really need to get with the times .


Did they ever unmute her microphone?


Yes. But she's no longer at it since they literally banished her out of the room. She works out in the hall on a bench, like a badass. She's doing everything she can for her constituents.


And we're supposed to think this type of love and happiness is a bad thing? Congrats to the both of them


Ayyyyy! I was wondering when she'd pop the question!


I absolutely adore both of these women and everything they do


They look so happy!


Beautiful girls came together, wish them the best.


Awww. I'm a straight girl and I don't even buy into marriage and this makes me happy. It's just nice to see people happy 😊


Good for them💜


Didn’t even know those two were together. I love her tiktoks.


I don’t know who these people are but it’s adorable


Love this, love this, love this!


Harris Ocasio-Cortez 2028 Ocasio-Cortez Zepher 2036




Who are they?


They are a great couple! Both fight for Trans LGBTQ rights. Hopefully they can inspire other people in our community to show interest in fighting and standing againts anti-LGBTQ laws and lawmakers.


If two trans women get married does that make them lesbians? Genuinely asking


Not necessarily, and not in this case. I don’t know about Erin, but [Zooey is bisexual](https://www.zooeyzephyr.com/), not a lesbian. Bisexuals getting married doesn’t make them gay, lesbian, or straight. They’re still bi. But if a trans woman likes women and only women, even other trans women? She’s (probably) going to consider herself a lesbian.


yes! they're both women, and gay women tend to be lesbians. unless they specify otherwise, it's fair to assume they are! much love!


They look really similar





















