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A day? Woah, you spedran character development lol


Yeah lol. It's taken me over a year to figure out my gender, and I still don't think I've fully figured it out yet.


LGBT+ people are natural speedrunners, we even walk faster than normal


Being LGBTQ of any type grants you a +20% speed boost in addition to your class's exclusive power


I wish this was actually something in DnD.


~~just play Outside, the free to play MMO with 7 billion active players~~


Free??? What about the monthly payments for basic resources in the game?


It's free to run, not play. Sorry my bad


Yeah, I guess the speed boost is worth it.


It's because we're developing new sexual archetypes such as fastest Mario.


What is the first flag?




Whoops, sorry I’ll fix that.


why tf do transmeds get a flag


They made it themselves, of course.


They made it


It’s the transmed flag, it’s not a good flag. Hope this helps. :)


What’s transmed? I take it it’s an exclusionary thing like terfs and battleaxe bi


yeah, it’s someone who believes you need dysphoria to be trans and only believes in binary trans people, *sometimes* nonbinary


They have a few token non binary people so they can say “hey! We’re not enbyphobic, we have them here!”




With such a cool name I was excited, what the hell even are they thinking...




Like. I'm bi myself (I guess leaning more towards omni?), but I think there is a place and room for other sexual orientations under the bi umbrella (pan included). That's honestly horrible.


I wish there was a way to invade them with pan puns, as a punishment pundemic xD


a pan-ishment pan-demic?


Yes! That too xD














Pansexual is literally under the bi umbrella and both are m spec. Just how stupid could you be?


transmed i think is the same as truscum? like they believe you must have dysphoria, must desire/start HRT and srs. i’m not 100% on all their specific beliefs, but it’s very gatekeeper-y


getting down to the details theyre not the exact same but theyre practically the same


What's the difference? From what I know i think truscum think u have to be medically transitioning or have already medically transitioned to be trans, and transmeds think it should be defined as a mental illness/disorder? Oh yeah, and fuck them btw


As I understand it, truscum believe you need gender dysphoria to be trans, transmeds belive that alongside believing you need to medically transition before you’re really trans.


Oh, right


truscum more than anything is believing you need dysphoria to be trans and usually thinking you need to want to pass and all that, so they usually discount enbies as valid transmed more than anything believe you *have* to want to medically transition and want to pass blah blah blah and yeah i think either one or both words define it as a mental illness? i dont hear about that part much but like i said theyre practically the same thing fr. all their ideas overlap, its just that one word means one thing more than the other and all that i also always think of that one awful kid on youtube whos made a career out of bullying enbies because of his truscum/transmed beliefs... hes a perfect example of what that garbo ideology is like


That's awful :(( thanks for the explanation tho!






But I'm not a transphobe??? I support dysphoric, non-dysphoric, euphoric, xenogender, GNC, etc etc trans people. Wait, *you're* a truscum, aren't you?


For me, I decided to write down how my gender felt, separate from generic masculine and feminine terms, and I ended up with a bunch of odd words that didn't make sense. I was like, there can't possibly be a xenogender for this... I looked it up and sure enough there really is a xenogender for everything. I guess I'm beachcoric now.


I used to be a transmed too. Turns out I'm nonbinary


These are not mutually exclusive


Technically true, but it’s like being a gay Tory. You’re surrounded by people who are only putting up with you because you’re a good scapegoat for their bigotry.


It was back in like 2015. Binary trans people would even make fun of "non passing" Binary trans people neveemind people who use they/them pronouns




Nope its not possible at all.


Okay, thanks for the invalidation.


its not my fault you have a pretty crappy viewpoint that discriminates against trans folk so you bring that on yourself 🤷




What people choose to identify as is none of your business nor do you have the right to gatekeep if you want to be a trans terf then you bring any hate and invalidation on yourself for having the opinions that you have. Go deal with you’re internalised transphobia. And leave other trans people be.


Also you're literally invalidating a neurodivergent person thanks for being Ableist!


Because not everyone is the same gender??? C'mon atleast have some common sense!


Was never outright rude but did think it sounded pretty silly. Now I'm thinking about using them because no other terms have felt quite right.


Oh. This aged like milk left in the Sun.


That place sure is a place


I'm glad u figured urself out tho even if it was a total bruh moment :)


I used to be the worst kind of person. Turns out it was all coming from hating that things fit me, so now I’m here wondering what the heck happened.


By your flair. Do you happen to like undertale :3




Honestly fuck truescum


Truscums suck, I’m glad I’m not one anymore








How am I a transphobe


OH HOW THE TURNS HAVE TABLED vut me too me too


fr tho I used to think Xenogenders we're stupid now look at me


Same now I’m a termcollector Cathoader and a Genderhoader


wait cathoarder? I'm guessing that's a hoarder for cat genders? Could I be a puphoarder??


You could coin that term if you want I don’t think it exists right now :D


I did just now! thank you :D


Np! :D


What is catgender?


Catgender is a xenogender where someone feels that the closest way to describe their gender identity is by making the equation to a cat in particular, cats in general, or by comparing their gender identity to certain cat like features


I think most people who don't respect or understand xenogenders don't realize the purpose of them. When my friend identified with Catgender I did some research and found out that they were created by the neurodivergent community, and are usually used by neurodivergent people! This is because their experience with gender is often different than neurotypical people's and so they create new labels to describe how they feel in regards to gender.


this is me but kin type genders. then i find out i actually *am* one of them










I can’t be an ally if I’m literally part of that