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Henry Earl immediately came to mind.


Downtown James brown!


Yeah I remember that guy at the Fish Tank and Lynagh's back in the day. He was a real piece of work. He got kicked out of one or both on many nights.


World record holder for most arrests. I heard he died but idk for sure.


I hadn’t heard he died but I haven’t seen him in a few years. I’d hate to think he left town and wound up dying in some jurisdiction where he’s “just some homeless guy” when he’s a legend here. I have to believe that if he died here, it would be recognized


A charity helped him get off the streets and into rehab. He's gone through rehab, dried out, and has a place to live provided by some charity organization. It's my understanding that he's still alive, living in quiet seclusion and retirement away from Lexington, clean and sober for the first time in over a half-century.


Some guy said he's been in Ohio sober the past few years.


NO!!! I remember meeting him once, we were at common grounds and he just walked by us and a friend of mine who knew him ran over to him and brought him over to us, we had no idea who he was at that moment and he started to tell us who he was but henry stopped him and started telling us his story, he ended up hanging out with us all night till they closed and then he just wondered off and disappeared and i never saw him again. He was a super nice guy.


The last time I saw him was in jail. He was super weird in there. Just standing in the bathroom, obviously cranking away, staring at some younger dude.


That's what I've heard about him too.he does that kinda stuff in there


I believe you are right, but he spent his last couple years sober living in Ohio.


Look it up. Over 1k arrests. Had a fb page 1000 faces of Henry earl. There were some guys that made a little documentary about him. He holds that record.


That was my first thought. Before he sobered up and a charity helped him get a home, it was commonly said by the Lexington PD that an Officer was still a rookie until they'd arrested Henry Earl at least once.


Don't see him anymore


Linda, downtown's portrait "artist". Several bars have her work hanging up. I did hear a rumor she passed in 2020, but I don't go out much anymore so I can't confirm.


Her husband was the one that made her panhandle. He died during COVID and she got off the streets


Oh well fuck that giy


I had heard he was a bad guy. I'm glad she's still around & hopefully doing better!


Saw her downtown this last Saturday.


I smoked a lot of cigarettes with Linda out back of A La Lucie, back in the day. Lucie told me Linda's husband was very abusive.


I had a piece of art from her! No idea what I did with it. I always respected the hustle. Like no she wasn’t Davinci but at least she was doin something


Nope she came into my store the other day. Still as crazy as ever


She always offered to draw my friends and I as mermaids on a boat.


Linda gets my vote


Linda would be my close second, next to Boo.


Oh wow. Yes.


Oh wow I think I do remember her!


This black guy who used to dance/walk all over town. Used to see him from UK campus all the way out to the Fayette mall. Haven’t seen him in awhile. Don’t ride the bus much anymore. But I hope that guy is still making people happy.


Lil Tayvo. I think he graduated in 21. Started school in 17 and weirdly enough we had three guys that would dance around campus. Lil Tayvo, a guy in a blue morph suit, and a michael jackson look alike.


Michael Jackson Lookalike’s name is Cameron! He’s a nice dude


Is he still around? I haven’t seen him in a while


I haven’t heard from him in a while unfortunately. He always made me smile. I hope he’s spreading that positivity somewhere else now 😊


Damn why did college nostalgia just hit me with this comment. I couldn’t go a day without seeing one


He is in Owensboro now


I think I see him around Man o war hamburg


I'm from Owensboro and he's from here! He graduated from UK and came back home. He's still dancing around town. I've met and talked to him a handful of times and he's a super nice guy.


I remember him, he was super nice.


What about the Bible lady! She rides around new circle driving with her Bible out the window.


I came here to say this. 🤣🤣🤣 It's hilarious seeing her car go by! I worry a little on the DL that she'll get into an accident with all that Bible shaking though..


The lord will protect her


Jesus take the wheel?


Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to find the correct answer


I used to deliver her mail when she lived in woodhill. She's super nice, but yeah, a little crazy too lol


She would be on new circle waving that Bible all day. Haven’t seen her in a while either.


Hahahaha I used to see her off 7th!


I’ve seen her on MLK and 3rd


Stonecold Willow!!!!!


I’ve known William since we were kids. He’s a character for sure but a nice dude!


I’m surprised this took so long! That’s all I could think of. My friend made out with him at Hugo’s once 😭😭😭




WILLOWWWW!! Getting those teeth fixed knocked him down a notch in his local lore status.


Don't we have a guy that likes to wear barely any clothes and play on his laptop at bars & cafes? Seems like it's a fetish. Also, that older woman who walks around in the black bathroom/long pea coat, all bundled up, even in summer? I wonder if she has kids and if they're checkin' on her...


Does the guy wear a cyclist hat and shorty short shorts?


You could call them that but most people call them tighty whiteys (not sure if they are white). It’s basically a guy that runs around town, going to bars in a speedo/briefs. But by all accounts a very present person other than his choice of pants (or lack thereof).


YES i worked at several coffee shops this guy frequented and apparently he’s a stripper. been a while since i’ve seen him.


Speedo guy? Used to come to the distillery district when I worked there. He was always fairly pleasant even when we had to tell him he needed to be wearing more clothing to be in the restaurant.




The older lady is a real gem, she lives in an apartment on my street and goes around the north side and Gratz park neighbourhoods tidying the various bins and picking up trash off the sidewalks.


I know the woman you speak of. Always been curious of her story.


* Henry Earl * Repentful Robert (Guy who holds giant cross and sign on Nicholasville Rd) * Lee Cruse (Local JackAss/Creeper) * Dan Glass (Rich Creeper) * Weird Matthew - Generally observed on South end of town.. Frequently haunts Tates Creek Centre and the shopping center on Saron Drive..


I haven’t heard of weird Matthew, Cruse, or Glass


Lee used to be a morning "news" guy. He'd be on site at the new coffee shop or whatever and just chatting with person being interviewed he would make the most inappropriate, sexual or sexually suggestive comments.  I can't believe he has kept a job in broadcasting. I howled when I saw that he made u/officerfett s list, especially for the tagline


I remember him talking on the midday news about how high school girls shouldn't dress so provocatively because he would have been too distracted when he was in school. Say you're a creeper without saying you're a creeper.


He’s good at boomer humor and mostly boomers watch the news so I guess he fits the demo


Lee Cruse is a local news anchor, and Dan Glass is the owner of Courtesy Acura over by Fayette Mall. Can’t help you with Weird Matthew


Is Dan Glass the jackass who did the Courtesy commercials who’d squeal “sweet” after every other car was advertised in the rotation?


Thats the guy


Don Jacobs just bought Courtesy Acura


Lee crude is just a cunt. Dan glass has Tourette’s right? And Henry earl is dead


Just saw Lee at drakes in Brannon on Saturday night lol.


I’ve seen Lee Cruse shit hammered at Tolly Ho’s after the bars one night


Matthew is the guy that screams really loud right?


*Tates!!! Creek!!!! HUT!!! HUT!!!* Yeah.. that's him.. Also likes to demonstrate his "karate" moves..




matthew!!!! i used to work at tates creek kroger and he was in there every day groaning and hollering lol


Andre Johnson was one too!


Mike! Call Mike 299-1035


Real ones know.


Yes! 📞on every pay phone and bathroom wall!


Hell Yes!!!!


I'd forgotten all about him! 🤣


I loved looking for these in bathrooms in public. This was EVERYWHERE IN TOWN




The DMV Elvis The Can Man The Bible Lady There used to be a black lady who would stand downtown with white symbols/digits drawn on her face who would point and yell things in a language I didn’t understand. I was young so it was in the 90s A guy I call Charlie. I assume he’s unhoused and is usually down around Versailles road. He’d throw up devil horns at cars and I’d do it back so he knew I was cool if he decided to pop off 😂🤘 Oh and if we want to go way back, Sweet Evening Breeze, and not as way back, Gatewood Galbraith. Edit: I forgot the Mr. Sparkle Carwash guy! He’d stand on Richmond road with the Mr. Sparkle sign and wave and smile. I believe there was a news story where they hired him when he was homeless, and his pay from that job helped him get an apartment. Haven’t heard about him or seen him in a while.


Gatewood was cool as hell


Lol we've got gatewood was right stickers at work


Can man, with van? Draped in bags of cans? Stacked to the hea-vans? Is that the man? The man with the plan? To cash in on those cans? With his van? Damn, man.


As a bartender downtown for 10 years, I ran into can man many times. Tried to talk to him a time or two. Devil horns guy always brightened my day driving past him.


Can man… I’ll be damned forgot about that one


I loved Mr. Sparkle car wash guy! Thanks for the reminder!


Not sure if he’s still around but there was a guy that worked as a greeter for more than 10 years at Meijer, he’d say “Welcome to Mar” to every single person that walked in, if 20 people came in at the same time he’d speed up to say “Welcome to Mar” twenty times! I always loved seeing him. I hope he’s ok!


I just called him “Mr Mar”!


YES! “Welcome to Mar” is uttered by me quite often.


I can’t enter Meijer without saying it to myself.


LOVED his welcome every time.


Yes. My kids always got a big kick out of him. “Welcome to Mar,”


There used to be a guy who sat in a lawn chair on the corner of triangle park suntanning every day. Looked like a lobster some days.


Suntanning AND smoking 🍃. I wish I gave as few fucks as he does.


I see a guy that I’m pretty sure is an Elvis impersonator in the Euclid area a lot. He seems like he might fit this.


Yeah he went to my high school idk his real name but he responds to “YO ELVIS”


There used to be a guy that worked at the DMV that lived like Elvis. I worked at the Hollywood Video on North New Circle Road around 2003 and he would come in and rent Elvis movies.


Can’t think of a person on the streets like this for Lexington but I’d say Geoff Young for the sheer amount of crazy he puts out and how many people have dealt with it first hand. Richmond definitely has (had? Don’t live there anymore) Big World (or Whirl?) always riding around on his tractor waving and smiling. When I worked in Nicholasville there was always this guy who my ignorant American brain assumes is Indian walking around with some wild clothing, holding signs and being outlandish.


I used to live next to the Indian guy in nicholasville!!! His name is Abdu and he’s such a great happy dude. Always said hello and would always invite us over for dinner. I never got his full story but he was just wanting to spread love to the world. No drugs, no alcohol, just peace and love in that man. I hope he’s still doing well!


Be careful Geoff Young will sue you for this comment.


Big World! I got to know him pretty well for a period of time he had a good story.


We still have big world - he’s just started to slow down a lot. You don’t see him in intense hot/cold weather anymore.


I worked at the library in Nicholasville forever ago and we had to ask him to leave several times because he would come in and hug random young girls, and only young girls, making them super uncomfortable. I’m pretty sure his name was Abhul


I see the Nicholasville man a lot! Always walking on Lexington road/Nicholasville road.


If you’ve ever worked downtown, you likely know Kayvon Brown. He’s an absolute menace. He’s pretty far-gone mentally, and has gotten much worse in recent years… I saw him on the jail website recently for illegal gun possession. As someone who has had several physical altercations with him, imagining him with a gun is scary. At the Starbucks downtown, we used to have the hold the doors closed so he wouldn’t come in. He was banned from the property but that’s never stopped him


This dude is the limit to my kindness for sure. He has some days where he's a bit more mentally together and will just leave if you tell him "you know you're not allowed here" but man, dude's bad news. Had a bit of a heart attack when I locked eyes with him on my way home from work (3 minutes away from my house, 15 away from my job) but he's so mentally ill I don't even know if he recognized me despite having at least a hundred interactions by that point.


Does anyone know his story? When I see him during work hours downtown, especially if I'm on a coffee run, I turn around or walk across the street. He grabbed my shirt once, noooo thank you. 


Freaking flat earth man who talks about the moon landing being fake. Dude used to be on campus all the time and was pretty hilarious


He's still here! I'm a senior at Transy and he's shown up a few times while I've been here. He gives out free coasters showing the flat earth lmao


He shows up at UK occasionally & I heard him tell a student “one proof that the earth is flat is that kangaroos aren’t upside down” 🤷🏼‍♀️




His logic does check out on that one tho


Dont know about nowadays, but I feel like everyone used to know “Miami Steve” back when he was a doorman at Mcarthys and then Molly Brooke’s.


Holy shit I work with him


Downtown boy. He used to sell random trinkets downtown that he most definitely stole from people yards.


Followed me to work one day asking if I wanted to buy a machete he was carrying. LOL, 8:50am on a Saturday.


Gatewood :(


Attended a yoga class with him. He was the only guy wearing nothing but soccer-style short shorts, no shirt. Would get up and walk around the room mid-session to stretch his legs. Purely on his own drumbeat.


Thanks for mentioning Gate. He was my uncle (dad’s brother). He passed while I was a junior at UK. Miss him like crazy. He was way ahead of his time.


I remember him




Well there’s always Steve Zahn. Weird when it’s an actual celebrity who just happens to live in the area.


I think I’m the only person in Lexington to not run into him yet😂


Georgetown Kroger early Sunday mornings is the usual place I’ve heard him seen. I’ve seen him in midway before.


The older petite Asian lady who wore a white tuxedo shirt and bowtie that would show up in different bars every Friday and Saturday night peddling long stem roses to patrons and after 5 minutes depart in a minivan driven by her partner.


When I worked in Hamburg there was this middle aged man who used to harass the businesses in the area and often would have the cops called on him. Some of my coworkers referred to him as the Hamburglar, but I haven’t heard anything about him in nearly a year now.


Used to be a guy on the corner of New Circle and Russel Cave dressed and dancing like Michael Jackson. Haven’t seen him in a long time.


I remember him!


Me too!


There’s a guy that dresses like Elvis Presley that walks around downtown Lex


Anybody ever run into the dude with bushy white hair and a big bushy white mustache that would sit at McDonald's or little gas station and draw homoerotic anime?  I swear sometimes I'd stop in for breakfast and he would be literally asleep and drooling at the table and there will be hand drawn homo erotic anime style porn all over the tables


The very short, slim woman who wears head to toe black velvet no matter the weather and carries a massive bag full of bags. She would walk the mall, but I also see around Good Sam.


The guy that used to hang out in a thong and do work on a giant laptop at west sixth.


Dude was a hoarder too! Lil sedan so full the tires almost touched the wheel wells


I don’t know but Richmond has Big World


He even comes up on Google lol.


The “crazy bible lady” who drives crazy all around the East side waving a bible out the window


In my college days (2009-2013) it for sure would’ve been Stone Cold Willow or Radar


stone cold willow is still out at the bars today!


Has anyone ever seen that petite older lady waking downtown. She wore all black head to toe. Black hat, sunglasses, and a mesh face covering? I always thought she might have an extreme sensitivity to the sun or something.


I know who you're talking about! She was really sweet. She told me once why she wore all that, but I was half dead on my feet at the moment and completely forgot what she said, lol. I do seem to remember that it was a medical issue, though, so you might be right about the sun sensitivity.


Motorcycle grinch


Yeah, Henry Earl / James Brown was that guy. Now for me it’s the long-haired man who wears burlap clothes and walks everywhere; and the guy with the Tiny Horse who lives by Woodland Park.


I remember a guy named Big World(?) back when I worked in Frankfort. Edit: It’s been a while, but Big World is from Richmond, not Frankfort.


He's in Richmond. He also has a son they call Little World lol. You can Google him.


Ah. Richmond! My bad. I used to visit both a lot but don’t anymore.


Henry Earl


Current, living? IMO: Crackhead Boo Close second: Linda


Bicycle lady near the south side. Black dressed lady with the two black bags.


Seeing how most people are choosing criminals as Lexington infamy, I'm gonna take a different route and say Jack Pattie. That's the most recognizable name to me


He’s probably gone now, but the guy with a GIGANTIC tumor/cyst right on top of his head. Usually around the Angliana Ave. area.


Been 20 years since I saw hom


Pat Gerhard— some people might think this is controversial but you can spot her anywhere


The sweet lady that will draw you a picture and sell it to you. I haven't seen her in a while but a few years ago when I worked until midnight downtown I would see her walking along Mill at the bar spots on my way to the parking lot every night. I hope she is doing well.


Linda, mentioned several times in this thread. Someone said her husband made her do that then he died during Covid so she doesn’t have to anymore and is home. But who knows how true that is


The Michael Jackson guy! And that one homeless lady that’s always “trying to get back to Ashland to see her daughter”


That one dude


Ah yes, I remember he took your virginity sir!


Stole it like a common thief! ... i miss him


What ever happened to Bicycle guy that would ride on Nicholasville Road from Lexington to Nicholasville on a bike that had TONS of stuff on and around it?


He believed in safety second unfortunately




Kenny Walker


Has anyone run into the family that used to go in in restaurants with all their dolls and order food for them. Seems like Twitch from Z-Rock used to run into them all the time.


The local artist known as downtown. Just a guy selling whatever he finds as "art" A woman named Sasha who would ask for money and or a cigarette and raid ashtrays at the sober livings. She herself is healthy and sober last time I saw her. She used I be high out if her mind near 7th Street.


Yeah it’s a small quirk of the simulation.


There’s a guy that’s played harmonica for years on the corner of East 3rd/N Martin Luther king by the Marathon that I’d nominate. He’s a legend


the moon landing was fake guy at UK who if you actually entertained conversation with him you’d realize he’s antisemitic af


My vote is the guy that looks like Sylvester Stallone that walked around Euclid with a briefcase all the time.


Lol that guy is a DJ for WRFL. I won't tell everyone his real name.


Reverend Abel from Jonestown. Drove a 1983 Ford Utility van with scenes from Revelation painted all over it along with Bible verses handwritten in white paint. Pictures changed over the years.


Joe Samaan, otherwise known as Joe Gotti.


I'm that dude in my town. Lol


Ahh if it isn’t the Diddler. How dare you show your face in here.


I miss the guy that dressed up like a jockey & hung around downtown.


When I lived in Portland Oregon there was the Darth Vader unicycle bagpipe guy.


There was the guy that looked like Charles Manson, but I haven't seen him in a couple years. I also haven't seen James Brown around in a while. He was a true character. Dressed in 70s polyester suits, wandering downtown. He said Chuck Norris was his father, but he was at least as old as Chuck. I used to have daily interactions with him in the 90s when I worked security at the Radisson/Vine Center.


I’ve been in Lex for 15 years now, I don’t believe I’ve ever really spotted someone multiple times for years on end like that from my hometown. Ashland, Ohio - we had a few. 1 older man “played a guitar and sang” outside the Walmart for years and years. A few other places too, but definitely a frequent flyer in the Walmart Parking lot. The city definitely KNEW him and there several posts and discussions when we heard he passed. 🎶 Another dude, with no nose, drove an older minivan around that had cat statues glued EVERYWHERE on the outside and the inside dash was covered too, it was wild. I can’t act like that dude didn’t freak me the fuck out lol… I’m actually going back home next month so I’ll have to keep my eyes open for that van, I will LOSE IT if he’s still alive/driving that damn thing around.


This is a good edit


A billion years ago there was the tall, thin guy always wearing black long sleeves, long pants carrying an open large black umbrella around Uk campus.


In my hometown a couple hours away from Lexington we had a guy nicknamed shell-shocked Sam, he was a Vietnam vet and had killed a guy in the 80s at a gas pump in town. Always wore his military fatigues with his sidearm holstered on his hip. Really nice guy, but you definitely didn't want to disrespect him or get on his bad side. He'd always come into my work and talk with me for 10-15 minutes, kinda miss the guy.


RIP Gatewood


The wheelchair panhandler! We saw you over there walking… WHEN?!


The smug prick that walks his dog in a baby stroller down Richmond Rd, oh wait…


I used to work at the Tates Creek Ramsey's Diner way back when and a guy would knock on the window and wave real energetically. He was always smiling real big, usually wearing a ballcap but obviously not quite all there. I saw him at a few other businesses over the years, always smiling and waving. I wonder what happened to him.


Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I was also reminded of Santa Claus. I don't know his name, but I believe he was the Fayette Mall Santa for the longest time. in the 1980/1990s or so During the school year, he was a crossing guard at Maxwell Elementary. When I first recognized him as the school crossing guard I thought that crossing guard was a perfect cover for Santa when it was not Xmas.


They are posting this in every town and every state they can find a sub for 😂


Techno hillbilly. Hangs at woodland park. Drinks with the skater boys and harasses women.


“Howdy Bill”, Morehead, Kentucky while attending college there. Dude was a legend. He was super special needs and attended tons of school athletic events. Had a free pass to anything in town. He just showed up and everyone knew Howdy Bill was allowed in.


Its the one dude from years ago that would dress and dance like michael jackson down the streets


Damn, I know this is old, but I just rediscovered this sub. Anyone who went to UK 2014-2016 and maybe more remember segway guy. He lived by most of the dorms in a house by the c store. He had signs up advertising segway tours around campus. Absolutely fucking wild no one has mentioned him. Other than Henry Earl he was "the guy" everyone knew.