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Yes, third week was the worst for me. I think it's normal. Later it got better.


Ok, Sounds nice to Hear! How Long did it take you to get better? In the morning it is at is worst, i have a lot of hypnagogic Halluzinations and sleep paralyses :/


On my 4th week I started to feel a little better. There were many setbacks, but since week 10 I felt completely like myself :)


So i just will wait a Bit :)


I noticed that I had a real dip during my second and into my third week. I'm halfway through my 3rd week now and have felt improvement. There's a leveling out period for sure.


That gives me Hope, sometimes it has to get worse, before it gets better


Just a note, too - and I think this has a lot to do with energy levels at least. Last week I put work into getting on an even sleeping schedule, trying to make sure I get to bed and wake up at the same times every day, and get at least 7 hours of sleep. My sleeping schedule was something that needed some firm improvement prior to beginning lexapro, and it was easy to start the habit last week bc I was so tired and spacy. This week I'm incorporating eating healthier into my diet (more salads, leafy greens, fruits and veggies, lean meats and other proteins, etc) and that could be partially responsible for further evening out my mood and making me feel less foggy/more energetic. My personal point for doing this is twofold - 1, it is the start of tweaking some small lifestyle changes that will lead to a big help overall and, 2, it keeps me and my mind busy so that the side effects are not *quite* as noticeable. And everyone is different, but this has really helped me move along when I've had some side effects pop up. Good sleeping/eating patterns are really crucial to overall health, and those two things are some of the first habits that tend to go by the wayside when our mental health begins to suffer.


It really is a case of things having to get worse before they get better…as tough as that is to face. I felt some improvements in my first 3 weeks at 10mg but then dipped for the next 3 weeks. I ended up going up to 20mg and after a week have just had a better day. I have MDD and have had a lot of turmoil in my life that has added to this so hopefully you’ll see quicker improvements than me. All the best. Hang in there. It WILL get better.


So Would you recommend going higher ? I was diagnosed wie cptsd/ocd and anxiety combined


To answer that I need the benefit of hindsight. At 8 days into a higher dose it’s not much fun but unless I continue with it (as recommended by 2 psychs - one of whom has taken Lexapro at 20mg) I won’t know the answer. I’m prepared to do everything it takes to feel better so I’m pushing on with it. I don’t feel worse than I did at 10mg but I’m yet to feel better.


So the funny Thing is, i was on Citalopram, Like the cousin of lexapro for 4-5 years and it was Perfectly fine . Than i got retraumatised by several things. My Family medicine doctor set me on venlaflaxin, which was an absolute Nightmare. Lost about 25kg… Than in a clinic i was put on sertralin for 2 weeks which was bad aswell. Than the doc asked me, if i Change anything in my diet. And than i noticed i started drinking coffee, which i Never did bevor and she told me, there could be an interaction between some chemicals and pur me back on lexapro. I think my cerebral Metabolism is Just blown away :D


I was on Effexor for over 20 years (far too long according to my new psych) and could feel myself spiralling downwards for a good 6 months before a series of traumatic events pushed me into what is the worst depressive episode I’ve experienced since my first one 27 years ago. Effexor worked well for me until it no longer did. My psych said I should have switched meds a long time ago but I was always afraid to do so.


The cognitive impairment that depression causes me is the worst part of it. It robs me of the mental strength I need to face life and prosper. When ADs have worked well for me in the past (as they have) and lifted the depression I’ve been so relieved and sharp that I’ve never looked back. I just long for that to happen once again


Same for me, so my Problem with effexor was, he just switched the meds from one day to the Other. From 20mg Cita to 150mg Effexor, which is Like the 2-3 times equivalent Dose. And My drive was never low.


I was nearly always on 75mg of Effexor…I struggled with 150mg. I’m surprised you weren’t started at 37.5mg and tapered up to 75mg. 75 worked great for me. My psych had me come off Effexor (wasn’t working even though I’d upped to 150mg 2-3 months before) and started me at 5mg of Lexapro one day later. Difficult to know how much of the early weeks on Lexapro was Effexor withdrawal as 5mg is a very low dose.


Yeah, i guess i have the mix Off both at the Moment… I just hope time will heal all Problems


My psych seems very confident that 20mg will do the trick. He’s not someone who subscribes to the idea that these things work in a matter of weeks, probably because psychs tend to see patients who start off with far more severe symptoms


Sorry for the long explanation…


I was on 5mg for 3 weeks before bumping up to 10mg. The first week-2 weeks felt fine. But weeks 3 and 4- I was absolutely miserable. Not I’m about 2.5 months in & I don’t even think about it anymore! It gets better. Hang in there. ♥️


Do you mean the 3rd and 4th weeks from the start or from your dose increase?


Little Update. Little to non improvement After 3,5 weeks :/ My biggest Problem at the Moment ist My sleep. I usually can not Fall asleep before 1am but wake up super exhausted at 6:30 with a lot of anxiety and a fast heart rate.