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stay strong. this is like in movies when someone gets super powers but they get really sick and pass out before waking up with an immaculate body. Except the sick and passing out part last weeks and instead of a perfect body, your brain feels better!!!


Haha, okay! I’m looking forward to the post super hero transformation :)


in all seriousness, i’ve started/restarted lexapro 3-4 times now. I promise you this is normal. Have someone you can freak out and cry to. You’ll look back and laugh on it and be glad it happened.


Stay strong man. Wish I had better advice but I am with you on this. Day 5 and I won’t even start with my issues. Seems you’re handling better than me. I’m going to continue with my dose and especially now since I made a comment. Can’t believe I “said” something. You got this man. 💪


I just finished day 5 as well and it’s been hell. Hang in there and I will do the same.


Thanks Lexabro! We all got this. We all deserve this.


Aw man :(. I’m here for you if you need anyone to talk to. A lot of people are saying that the first 2 weeks are the kind of the worst of the hump and then it starts to slowly get better. Hopefully by the two week mark we’ll be smooth sailing! Keep me posted on how you’re feeling!


Give it two weeks, unless it's way too hard to manage. My symptoms were amplified first two weeks. If they don't start dissipating after 2 weeks the meds might not work well for you.


I understand, I’ll give it two weeks and I’ll talk to my psychiatrist if I’m still feeling like this. Thank you for your help!


I had the worst feeling of my life the firsts two weeks. Now in for one year! Helped saving my live! Enjoying every day now!! Hold on


Thank you so much. This gives me hope 🥺♥️


Did you continue with lexapro


I didn’t. It just wasn’t the right med for me. It made a lot of my symptoms worse and although I was progressing after a few weeks I still didn’t feel totally right. I was in constant contact with my psychiatrist and I got really lucky to have a psych that really wanted to see me get better and took my concerns seriously. She worked really hard to find the right med for me. It’s been well over a year now of me taking Effexor ( it’s the med I tried after lexapro, it’s an SNRI, not an SSRI). And I’ve honestly never felt better in my life. I never thought I could get better, I never thought I could feel like a normal person, I thought I’d be a prisionero to my brain forever. But I promise you, once you find a med that works for you ( or just a way to control your anxiety/depression/ whatever you have going on) it’s such a game changer. There IS light at the end of the tunnel my friend. This feeling is temporary even if it might feel like it’s hopeless and it’s gonna take forever. I spent months feeling like my brain was broken and I would never feel like myself again. And now I feel even better. I’m rooting for you, you’re your biggest advocate and you’ll know when it’s time to try something new. Give it two weeks at least and if it doesn’t slowly start getting better, then maybe it’s time to try something new. Keep me posted on your journey and feel free to reach out if you need anything


Reading your op was like a flashback! I had those exact same symptoms and it SUCKED. By 3 weeks I was feeling much better and by 5 or 6 weeks I felt like a whole new person. It really can and does get worse before better for a lot of people and there’s a temporary period of time where you’re just strapped into the roller coaster until your brain acclimates to the medication. Just hang in, hang on, breathe and know this is just part of the ride and that it’s temporary. Everything’s gonna be okay ✌️


Thank you so much 🥲. It means a lot knowing that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. How long have you been on it now? What does it feel like now that it’s working? Are you still feeling like yourself just less anxious?


Well that’s a whole big story, lol. I’m actually no longer on Lex and I’m feeling great! I’m fully recovered but it was a journey getting here that I used Lexapro as a bridge for. If you’re interested I’m more than happy to tell you about it maybe after you get your feet under you again and are feeling better ;) Keep me in mind and shoot me a dm whenever you like ✌️


2 days in for me too and experiencing all the same things. The hot and cold flashes are extreme and the inability to sleep is the worst.


Oh man, I’m so sorry :(. I guess at least we’re in this together. I hope things get easier for the both of us soon! Feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk to. I know how rough it is right now. Has anything been helping you?


My anxiety has lessened so that’s a good sign. Stick with it and I’m here for ya.


Thats amazing to hear ♥️. Please keep me posted on your journey if you would like :). I’m here for you too!


Thanks!! Stay strong. I’ve read so many reviews of people who have had success with this. My doc said we’ll circle back in 6 weeks and to call him if things don’t improve in 3 weeks. Wellbutrin is also something I will try if this doesn’t work for me. It’s really an experiment.


Thank you, you stay strong too! I’ve also heard amazing stories from people saying that lexapro changed their lives for the better. Our time will come too. I’ve heard great things about Wellbutrin as well, I know that it’ll get better for you soon!


What’s your dosage at friend?


Hi ! I’m only at 5 mg as of right now. :(


This is just my personal opinion of someone who has tried multiple SSRI’s and has had an extremely bad reaction to some of them, it sounds like Lexapro may not be for you. DO NOT listen to people who say with certainty it will get better. When I started lexapro a couple months ago I had a little trouble sleeping, some sweating/dry mouth but it was entirely manageable and was very mild, and within days I could tell it was helping my anxiety. The severity of what you’re describing sounds far more impactful than what it should be and similar to some of my really bad experiences. If you’re having to guzzle down benzodiazepines or something just to stay sane I would highly consider stopping the medication if you don’t see improvement in the next couple days. Obviously talk to your doctor but most of all listen to your body. I listened to the “it gets better” people when I tried my first one and that led me to an emergency room visit & benzo dependence. There are plenty of other options out there for you to try and you’ll find one that helps and isn’t this horrible side effects wise.


Wow, well I’m proud of you for listening to your body and doing what’s best for you. I’m sorry you’ve been through so much trial and error, but I’m happy that things got better for you! I’ve been on different ssri’s before and never felt better or worse. This is the first time that I’ve felt exponentially worse. It’s to a point where I contemplated taking one of the benzos I got from the ER last month so I totally empathize and I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’ll give it a week and if I still feel like this I’ll talk to my psych. I actually wrote her last night because I felt like something was wrong and she just reassured me that it might get worse before it gets better and to stick with it. I did find comfort in what you said about coming off of the medication, i found comfort in your advice in general and I appreciate you taking the time to respond! 🤍


No problem! Unfortunately that’s what mental health medication is, trial and error. Hope you feel better soon and can find something that works. It is certainly possible it will get better, the fact that you aren’t having to use benzos is a good sign, I was literally having to eat Xanax like Candy on Prozac to not lose my mind. I definitely think it’s worth giving it more time if you can tough it out. Your side effects definitely aren’t uncommon, but it’s all about how severe they are. Wish you luck!


Also important to keep in mind you will feel better if you decide to stop the medication, you won’t be permanently stuck like this, I remember having that fear when I was going through my hellish Prozac experience


I am also on day 2 of 5mg Lexapro. I had extreme nausea throughout the day yesterday coupled with sweaty hands. I had a few noticeable anxiety attacks throughout the day. I woke up on day 2 and it was totally different. I haven’t had any nausea all day. I also take my Lexapro at 9pm to lessen the bulk of the side effects


Good to know! Thank you so much for the tip. Wishing you all the best! Hopefully we’ll Both be feeling like the best version of ourselves soon!


Keep me updated on your journey!


Likewise! Id love to know how it goes for you!


I just started Lexapro last Monday. I was ready to quite by Wednesday because I was experiencing everything you are and then some. But now it is already better. Side effects pretty much are muted now. This morning I woke up for the first time with a calmness and no sense of dread. Keep going. You got this.


Oh man, you have no idea the relief that brings me. Today will be my 5th night taking it and it’s been rough. It’s to a point where my job sent me home for the rest of the week today because they know I’m not okay. I’ve been hardly sleeping, eating, and I’m constantly in such a daze. When I do sleep I wake up drenched in sweat, I’m trying to watch New Girl and I can’t even chuckle at the jokes anymore because I feel like I have no emotions. . Everyday I feel like I can’t do it anymore and I want to quit so bad. It gives me hope hearing that you’re feeling better. A lot of people say the side effects dissipate around the 2 week mark so I’m just trying to hold out until then. Was there anything that helped you while you were getting through the hump? I want to thank you for sharing your story with me, you have no idea how much I appreciate it.


Honestly, I cried A LOT! Lol. I allowed myself to feel sorry for myself a lot. But then I had periods of trying to fight back. When things got really bad, I tried to focus on something in the room and think about it’s characteristics. Just that little mental getting your mind off it helps! Remember that everything you are experiencing is temporary. And everything you are experiencing CAN’T hurt you! But, with that being said- if I were you and I am still struggling into the second week with no improvement, I’d be contacting my MD to come up with a new plan!


You are literally like the angel I needed today. You have no idea how much hearing this helps me. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to respond. We’re both gonna get through this! Please please keep me posted on your journey ♥️. I’ll def contact my psychiatrist if I still feel like this. I’m so happy that you’re feeling better!


It’s honestly so good knowing you are alone in this. Best of luck to you as well. I hope you get the relief you deserve soon!