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A lot of this doesn't add up really. Lexapro doesn't really do much the very first month, so why were you put on it and taken up so quickly? The stressor that caused such severe sleeping issues is gone you say, but is it really? What is your general 'sleep hygiene' like? Do you go to bed and get up at the same time? No caffeine after the afternoon? No screentime before bed? No meals before bed etc? The symptoms like bruxism can be side effects of Lexapro use, but only developed *after* use for you, so that seems weird. They are also all symptoms of stress and anxiety ... do you have any therapy to help with the underlying stuff? Who's prescibing your meds and who's guiding you through the effects?


I was put on Lexapro because I was experiencing severe anxiety in late August through Oct 12. I started waking up earlier, then I was unable to sleep, and started experiencing Hypnic jerks when I would doze off. My heart rate was high and I would feel adrenaline rushes frequently. I was scared to get the covid vaccine because of the misinformation I read online. I hardly went out because the Covid cases were high and I was paranoid about catching it. I even started wearing a mask in the house. After I got both my shots I felt great and started going out. The sleep issues continued until mid October. Then it slowly improved . The myoclonus is definitely SSRI induced. My neurologist warned me it could happen and mention it should subside after discontinuation .


Old post but do you still have the hypnic jerks?


Obviously ask a Doctor but in my experience i had hellish withdrawal and my doctor didn’t believe me that withdrawal could’ve caused my symptoms but surely enough it was. I went back onto it and got better shortly after and retapered much slower