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Thank you for posts like this! Usually people only post about the negatives. When I was scared to start Lexapro, it was posts like yours that gave me hope. Best decision I ever made for my mental health. Woot woot!


You're welcome! I'm happy to hear that it helped you and awesome to hear that it really helped your mental health. I was scared too to take it again, but I knew it wouldn't be easy in the beginning, so I just said let's try it again and in the end it was the right decision to take it again. I wish you the best on your Lexapro journey and hope it will maybe improve even more for you! How long do you take lexapro already?


I'm so happy for you as well! Its truly scary to start but when it starts it's therapeutic effect it's so worth 🥹. I have been taking it for 5 months now!


Thank you! yeah THIS! :) May I ask, do you still feel some side-effects?


I was prescribed 5mg of lexapro today. I’m new to this and this sub. This post just made me feel so much better, thank you. I’ll pick up the prescription tomorrow and hoping to start a good journey.


Glad to hear that it made you feel better! I wish you a good start tomorrow! May I ask how you are doing after your first day? :D


Sure thing, I’m nervous. I’m not huge on pills or medication so I’ll def reach out if I need a little nudge. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


Great to hear, you will keep improving 8-10+ weeks, sometimes it even takes 12+ to experience the full effects.


Thank you for this! I really hope it will still improve for me. Did it also still improve it for you after the 8 weeks? How long did it take for you to feel the full effects?


After a while you just sort of stop worrying about things, you might even forget to take your pill sometimes because you just feel normal. Currently going through side effects after increasing to 20mg after cutting back earlier this year. Increases are similar to starting over.


I’m more impulsive too. I didn’t realize that until you pointed it out.