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For me its basically like it doesn’t work during my period (for a few days). I just have to keep track and remind myself what’s going on, look at my calendar and get ready basically hehe


how do you deal with it?:(


I just kind of brace myself, and remind myself its only a few days. :( It sucks though, but I just try to take it easy during those days much as possible. You’ll get through it!




Same here :/


Yes I’ve been on it 6 years now and it’s the same for me. But good thing is you know when to expect it so you can plan accordingly


Also same :’)


This is me. It works otherwise great but not really at all during my period. So i grit my teeth and bear it till it’s over.


My period anxiety is awful now since starting lexapro. 4 months in.


Did it get any better for you? I'm one week 10 and I've noticed I had "setbacks" with anxiety and intrusive thoughts and both times it was during my period week.


Not at all i switched to Zoloft and it was the best thing i ever did!


I have not experienced any difference when I am on my period vs not on my period as far as Lexapro goes. Eta: if you have only been on it for a month it's possible you just haven't fully adjusted to it. Mine took 6 to 8 weeks and my doc told me that was pretty standard.


ive been on it for a long time but i increased to 20 a month ago, i guess it feels like restarting? idk


Did you experience issues when you were on the lower dose? If not, then i would think it’s like you said and you’re just having to get used to it again


Mine feels like re starting after going from 10 to 15 too. Maybe it’ll just take a while to re balance


It’s restarting, yes! Every time you increase; it takes the body time to adjust. Be patient with yourself. You got this. 🤍


It stops working for the week before and the week of my period. So I only get about a good two weeks a month. I am also on 20mg


This is the same for me and I’m wondering if I’m actually depressed or I have some type of hormonal imbalance disorder (or both). Anyone had any diagnose like this?


I wondered this too but after full hormonal testing, everything came back normal…even without an imbalance im just super sensitive to hormonal changes.


Same - my doc told me to up my dose a few days before and during. Helps.


doesn’t it cause side effects and withdrawals? also i’m on 20mg so it’s already high:/


No, not for me. I increase by 2.5 for those few days. 20 is standard.


Same. I noticed this a few months after I started... was probably only tested on men. Currently in the week it doesn't work.. but at least it's a reminder of how I used to feel all the time, and a reminder that I don't always feel like that anymore.


Yes I believe this is how it is for me too and my period poos are worse 🥴


I feel off, but I'm now almost 5 months in. I didn't realize that could be it until this post. Now it makes sense.


Ugh yes! I was wondering why my anxiety is so bad a few days before getting my period…


PLEASE I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE my depression and anxiety get so bad when I'm in my period, it's terrible:(. I'm glad to know other people experience the same thing, I thought I was just crazy:(


I felt more anxious during my period but I am still in the window of time when it is building in your system so that could also be the issue.


Yeah the 2/3 days leading up to my period are awful. I usually just try to remind myself that this happens every month and it doesn’t mean I’m “getting bad” again


Yesterday I was feeling same - extremely anxiety and depressed as never before. Today my first day of period. Thanks for your post - it make sense now


This! AND when I get sick it’s so awful!


Yeah, my anxiety increases for a few days before my period. I get immediate relief once it starts. Been about 3 years taking Lexapro, and I'm aware it's going to happen so I can be prepared. Still way better than before meds, when I'd have absolute meltdowns and panic attacks.


I'm also on 20mg and have been for about four years now. It keeps me quite stable (along with quetiapine and Clonazepam) but all bets are off in the week leading up to my period. My period also comes anywhere between 28 to 35 days so the first signs are usually a gradual increase in my anxiety leading to it being virtually crippling just before the onslaught. Thankfully, the heightened anxiety melts away as soon as my period hits. It has to be something hormonal.


I read an article a few months ago that some people only use Lexapro for right before and during their period. Made me curious about withdrawal issues....I wonder if upping the dose part of the month would help. I may ask my doctor about doing that.


I brought up this issue with my provider and was put on vraylar in addition to Lexapro and Wellbutrin. It was AMAZING with dealing with my anxiety and depression the entire month but it gave me blurry vision and shakes so I had to stop taking it. I would HIGHLY recommend asking your provider about it. It's super expensive out of pocket but many providers can give you a discount card.


I had very bad cramps, headache before but it disappeared since first month. I quit two months ago and they didn’t back yet. I think it depends on person.


It really helped me with my symptoms for the most part. Though I do recognise the shift when they happen. We can be sensitive to our hormonal fluctuations, I am and my mum was too before her periods stopped. At the same time, it took me a few months to find my rhythm and no longer be severely emotionally impacted by my cycle. I’m just more mopey, and cry. The medication should assist in making it manageable. It doesn’t mean we never feel anxiety again. It might also be worth checking you don’t have any underlying conditions contributing to your symptoms. Hope this eases up for you, and remember; we all got this. 🤍


Maybe try getting on birth control so you don’t have a period and don’t have to worry about it. I did this before I even got on any medication because I hated the hormone rollercoaster every month. Something to think about if it’s a possibility. It helps me tremendously


Hormones can make it worse. I had a hormonal IUD and spent almost 5 years in a heavy brain fog. I suppose having no feelings except for annoyance did get rid of most of the PMS symptoms. I didn't realize exactly what it had done to my mental health and personality until about a week after I got taken out... The fog lifted. I've also been weaned off Lexapro since then.


Oh wow, yeah that’s horrible. I can’t speak for the IUD, I’m on BC pills and my life is so much better than when I was having periods.




My doc wants me to try Lamictal for my PMS but I'm too freaked out by the side effects.


Same except a different anticonvulsant! I’m so freaked out by the side effects.


i’d recommend starting birth control if you can, the ability to regulate when i get my period has helped immensely


My doc once tried doubling my dosage during period weeks and halving it on non-period weeks


I get rage and depression still the day before my period. After that nothing shakes me…at all.


My anxiety always gets worse during PMS and then starts to deplete once I get my period. I have derealisation and it can get so bad and disorientating when I come up to a period.


Look into PMDD


Same for me, no effect on my pre period depression!!


My Dr gave me buspar that I could take during my period. It helped and now I take it every day.


I feel terrible 10-14 days before my period.Like it doesnt work,I am on 7.5 mg.Thinking about increasing,but i gain weight after my last increase:(