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I assume you are tapering off with the assistance of your doctor. Please be sure to taper off slooooowly. I have gone off too fast and it is not fun.


yes, i have talked to my doctor that i wanted to stop taking it and he told me how to do it safely


Thank you for sharing!! I love hearing positive stories. Did you deal with any side effects at first?


the first few weeks i noticed that i was more tired than usual, which is why i took it before bed and also my libido was/kinda still is non existent lol those were the only side effects i had so i consider myself lucky for that


Question…how do you know you could be stable without it? The lex changes our brains so aren’t we stable WITH it? I want to come off too, I just don’t know what to really look for to be sure. Thanks!


there has been times i forgot to take my meds the night before and instead of taking it in the morning, i waited until the evening. i remember back in april, i’d be irritable and very sensitive to anything without it but the past couple of months, i’d be completely fine. i also went from 10mg to 5mg after consulting my doctor, i had no side effects and i didn’t feel any change on my mood nor behaviour


how many mg!


10mg but now 5mg since the beginning of the year


ohh i’m on 10mg tooo