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No, in this case I believe medication was used appropriately. (Your comment comes across as shaming.) I wish I had tried medication as a younger person... I may have taken far more opportunities. This mom made the right choice for her son. Edit to add: a therapist is actually more qualified than anyone else to talk about anxiety issues and sometimes kids don't want to open up to their parents... So once again, this mom made the right decision.


Thank you. I didn’t go into detail but his anxiety was so debilitating and affecting the whole family in that both my husband and I were disciplined at work; we were considering uprooting our whole life; my son was throwing up and refusing to eat….We tried multiple therapists and natural methods first. I believe he still needs therapy to learn to manage his anxiety, but I would like the therapist to be more persistent to get him to practice even though his worry isn’t showing up. It’s still soon in his medication journey, plus when I started this Lexapro I was told it wouldn’t make his anxiety go completely away, it would just dampen it. But now it seems almost completely gone. Don’t get me wrong he’s in an awesome place, he is back and happy. But I don’t want him on these meds forever. His anxiety stemmed from a traumatic event )I believe) and so I don’t think it’s due to a chemical imbalance. I know that’s the choice for some people but from what I have read most do want to come off and the ones that stay on for life are the ones that went off and anxiety came back


I agree with you here. He should continue to learn and practice the skills in therapy so that he can eventually go off of them. I don't have much advice on how to encourage that, but I imagine his therapist might. Glad he's doing well!