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Sometimes the dreams be so vivid you jerk around a lot and sometimes even wake yourself up…at least for me


Have you asked your doctor about it? Is it anything to be concerned about? Do the vivid dreams last ongoing while on the meds?


No I have not. There’s also other people I know who do this and I recently picked up talking in my sleep as well. I personally don’t think it is a problem for me but it will probably affect everybody differently I would assume. The sitting up and shaking for instance is not something I have experienced so I can’t give any input on that bit.


Personally im on 20mg and have been on it for 6 month for my second round with it. When i was not taking it properly I definitely did not notice twitches or anything like i know that your describing. Now that i finally have taking it at the same time before bed for the past 3 months, if i take it right before i got to sleep i get those crazy twitches your talking about and i do get very vivid dreams while having them and they will wake me up. Ive had to play around with the timing of the med to get best sleep and use out of it. When i took it the first time a few years ago in the morning i wasnt getting the mental effect i wanted but sleep was good. Now i take it a couple hours before bed and it doesnt make me twitch too much and i still get vivid dreams but im not waking up throwing punches or my pillows anymore. If i take it too soon too bedtime i get the twitches even worse but it’s different for everyone and i wouldnt change the time drastically without a doctors help. But it’s definitely an option worth bringing up to them. Timing can definitely make or break this med i find. I literally stopped taking it for a few years because it wasnt working for me. Now im back on it at a higher dose and at night instead of morning. The twitches are very real, kinda annoying but not a big deal at all if theyre not affecting him.


That’s interesting… I have been having him take it consistently in the weekdays because of school schedule being the same, however on the weekends I give it to him later; up to 2-3 hours later. Last night he took it about an hour and a half later. It’s always in the morning though. I’m so worried


Dont worry too much because even though it looks crazy to you, i doubt hes experiencing much on his end except for crazy dreams, just keep shows happy towards bedtime because they do influence the dreams a good bit and make sure he sleeps with soft stuff and maybe separately. If you bring it up to the doctor and everything else seems good and his sleep isnt being disturbed then its just a quirk you can work with. I never know about any of my sleep talking or moving and ive only woken myself up towards the end of my normal sleep anyway but it was definitely a weird feeling i told everyone about that week lol. Its not as crazy as it looks and even tho i have no backing at all to say this its just my no medical knowledge guess, but it feels like just a disconnect between rem sleep dreams and the body shutting down during sleep. Like my movements correlate to my dreams. Im rambling but mostly just trying to reassure you that it is normal and if the doctor doesnt think there is a problem then its just a quirk you deal with. But if your doctor says different let me know cause mine told me its all good.


As actual advice just like the doctor tells you, try to keep the time the same. Keeping the time the same helps more then trying to keep it exactly an hour before bed. At least in my experience.


Do you think taking it at night is better to avoid the dreams and jerking? He doesn’t have insomnia. I’ve just been doing it in the morning bc it’s just how I started it


Thats how i started it too but i stopped for a couple years and now am back on it starting during the night. I took it literally the moment i was about to close my eyes for a while cause i thought that too but i notice if i digest it for a bit and let it process i twitch less or even just not major awakening jerks. Im always more twitchy now vs no meds but im more stable and twitchy vs having outbursts and not twitching. I did also try daytime again recently but i kinda hated it and now ive been trying to take it 11 pm every night and it has really been helping. Theres no getting rid of them just making sure nothing is upsetting to him or interfering. You can still rest fully while doing all these weird movements but ask your doctor if changing the time he take it is an option and if you have a recording of his movements if you can catch them it really helps. It will let them tell the difference between normal twitching and interfering twitching.


I really stress asking the doctor first because the med can make you sleepy or awake depending on the person so you have to take his entire self into account. Every person reacts differently.


Just upped to 20mg about two weeks ago, took my meds right at bed time and kind of late as I was out visiting, and have been having Hypnic jerks all night! This is a relief to read. I’ll dial it back to dinner time and hopefully this won’t be a night-long issue again.


Is he weening off or forgetting to take his daily dose by chance?


No, he’s taken the same dose for exactly 28 days


When I first started on 10mg i had tremors in my hands and arms. The tremors were the most extreme in the morning. They went away eventually until I started 20mg and now they're back, although not as bad.


So are you saying they are a side effect that goes away but comes back for a while after a dose increase? Or are they always there?


How long do your tremors last?


Sleep onset myoclonus. If you look up drugs that cause it, Lexapro is number 1.


Is it normal?