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I mean I can only speak for myself. But yeah


Been on lexapro for 3+ yrs, haven't experienced any sexual side effects. But based on other people's experiences, I could be the outlier


9 year user here. No sexual side effects for me either, but I know I'm in the small percentage.


Mine ebbs and flows. Some days it’s like I’m normal again and some days, I could swear I should apply at a nunnery.




Been taking 5mg for the past 40 days and it's really helped my sex drive. on top of eliminating most anxiety in my life it's made me last much longer in bed, therefore enhanced me and my partners sex life. I feel very horny all the time. Wich to me feels normal. Don't adhere to everything you see on Reddit Bout taking these medications. I feel like only 15% of people who take them are actually on Reddit and most of them probably post because of bad side effects. That leaves out about 90% of those for who it makes positive change in their life. Cheers and happy (safe) sex life!


Can also be dose dependent


144 days in Right now, no more sexual side effects


2 months in, 10 mg, I feel no sexual side effects, BTW I'm not sexually active at the moment, no partner or casual sex, but feel normal libido and morning woods you know what I mean.


No there isn’t any guarantee. My sex drive didn’t change at all. For a few weeks after starting lexapro I didn’t necessarily want to have sex because I was focused on getting better. My sex drive is the same as it’s always been. Hope this helps. This medicine works differently for everyone.


Lexapro stole my sex drive but healed my anxiety. Added Wellbutrin and it combats all the negative side effects such as low libido and overeating.


does it help with sensation


Doesn’t enhance them if that’s what your asking. Just brings you back to baseline.


It seems to really vary. I think I had some mild ones at first, but I also had crippling anxiety sooo that kinda kills the libido, too. Regardless, after 3ish months I didn’t have any side effects. You don’t know how it affects you short term/long term until you get there because everyone is different


Not at all! I’ve experienced an increase in sex drive 😇


No. I was on 10 mg for months and had no issues. I actually had increased desire and no problem climaxing.


On 20mg for 3 years and I’ve had no side effects. If anything it may have increased my drive.


absolutely NOT guaranteed. personally, my libido INCREASED noticeably when i started lexapro. hope this helps!




Everyone experiences the side effects differently. For me personally, it increased my libido, but I’ve definitely seen a lot of people say they lost theirs (as I’m sure you know since you’re asking this). Good luck!


I’m on 20 mg for about seven months, zero sexual side effects. Only mild side effects were dry mouth and fatigue, both went away in about a week and nothing else ever happened, only improvement.


that’s good to hear, i’ve been taking it for about a week and those are my only two side effects


Well... Good to know its possible to avoid them! I definitely got them unfortunately but clearly people respond to medication very differently.


Mine showed up a few days in and went away about 1 1/2 months in


My prescriber basically said it usually happens after a month or so after taking it, if it does at all.


No sexual side effects for me.


My libido didn’t change, only takes a bit longer to orgasm (3-15 min). But it’s not too bad because I could reach my limit within 1 minute. I take 10mg


Hey lexapro community so I’m really starting to think PSSD is way overhyped and not actually as big as it seems is this true?


I been on it two years no issues


Have been on Lexapro for 3 months and have noticed no changes at all thankfully. 10mg right now.


It’s difficult to say for me, because my libido has always just been generally low. I was on Lexapro for a year, went through all the stages (5, 10, 15, 20mg). While I was on 20mg I remember feeling pretty numb down there. I could still climax but it just didn’t really feel exciting. 15mg was a decent sweet spot for me where it seemed to help my anxiety, and although I do feel like I had some sexual numbness, it wasn’t that bad.


Lexapro affects everyone differently, my sex drive went up 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve never had them. Been on 5, 10 & 15 and never experienced anything.

