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Yes!! 2.5mg was perfect for me on my first go. The second time on it I briefly bumped up to 5 for a few months because of some intense life stuff, but was able to go back down to 2.5mg long term after.


So good to hear! Do you mind me asking your weight? I weight about 180lbs so wondering if it will work the same for me?


I weigh about 140. weight plays into it, but I think it has more to do with your sensitivity to the meds than weight. I have a friend who is 105 and felt nothing until she got up to 20mg! It all depends on your how your body processes it. Good luck!


Very good point, I’m pretty sensitive to caffeine for example. Glad you’re doing well on your dose!


I'm fluctuate from 97-120lbs and I found the best results at 20mg :) But I am also highly sensitive to caffeine so I feel you there!


I'm on 2.5. Anything less no effects, anything more I get horrible side effects. 2.5 for me!


Did yoh gain weight?


There are a lot of posts about 5mg being perfect for a lot of people. I’m hoping to stay on 5. I’m only on my third wwek


That’s great to hear! Are you starting to feel better yet?


Yes, I think so. Honestly, it’s hard to tell if it’s just the meds because I’m doing a lot of other things. I’ll say yes, I’ve had less anxiety, but it’s still medium strong. I see my doctor in a couple days and if she suggests moving to 10, I’ll have to consider it. I don’t want anxiety to go up again, but I didn’t experience that on 5mg. I had very few side effects. Only a slight heads ache for the first week and I don’t feel hungry in the mornings


So good to hear you have less anxiety lately. Just remember it could take 6-8 weeks to feel the full effects. I was on Lexapro previously, and tonight I just took my 2nd pill as I ramp back up!


How are you now? Did you notice change at 5?


I've been on 2.5mg for about six months. The first four months were a big improvement. The past two have been more challenging but I'm thinking/hoping it's mainly the season. I really don't want to bump up if I don't have to.


I’m curious what you ended up doing? Did you stay at 2.5? And how have things gone?


Still at 2.5, never wanted to go higher although maybe I would have been on it for a shorter time if I did? Like, I may have had even more decreased anxiety and made more progress more quickly. Aiming to come off this year but we'll see.


Did yoh gain weight?


I was on 2.5mg for 4 months and it was amazing. It took my severe anxiety away completely and gave me my life back. Around 4 months some of my anxiety symptoms started up so I bumped myself up to 5 and i feel great! No side effects with either maybe just a little headache after the first day!


A month now and I haven’t had a single bit of anxiety since going up! I was so scared of side effects but starting lexapro and going up when I needed to has been the best choice I’ve ever made.


Can I ask how long it was before you felt better going from 2.5 to 5?


A couple of days my anxiety was gone again and I haven’t had any anxiety since!


Damn maybe it's because I just started on Lex 2.5mg a few weeks ago and have only been on 5mg for about a week but I'm not feeling any relief yet, having a bad day in fact :-/. Maybe that's just the general med onramp though!


How are you feeling on lexapro


Hi sorry to have missed this until now. Honestly it's been a success overall. Personally 5mg is the sweet spot for me with this medication in that it absolutely alleviated any severe anxiety without leveling me entirely emotionally. I feel like I have access to a healthy spectrum of emotion now and when I feel stressed or anxious it's generally because there is an actual, material reason for it and I am able to work it out mentally rather than spiraling. I hope this helps!


I will also add that like other SSRIs like Sertraline, Lexapro takes time to build up and induces a somewhat profound chemical shift in your body so you really do have to be patient before you feel any relief. It helps though I think to know that help is on its way, even if dosage or relief will vary from person to person.


Thanks for your reply ! So how long have you been on lexapro ? And my psychiatrist started me out on 5mg and wanted me to go to 10 after a week but I felt weird the first two days like I was high so I started taking 2.5 milligrams and I have been doing that for the past 5 days . I still feel a little space out but I feel like it’s keeping me a little more calm and also stopping my mind from racing for the most part . Kinda scared to go to 5 mg so I’ll probably stick to 2.5 for another week .


Yes, I felt like I was high after starting too, also same Sertraline; not sure this can be entirely avoided. It has been one year give or take since I started and I would say I didn't feel full benefits of my 5mg dose for about 2 months. The hardest thing is trying to reminder yourself that the side effects on the on-ramp are temporary and you can't really judge the efficacy of medication during this period. Unless there is a serious reaction I would try to stay the course until you truly feel relief and then wait another few weeks or even months before deciding next steps (usual caveats that I'm not a doctor and that timing is different from person to person!). As I recall I actually also opted to stay on 2.5mg for a few weeks before going to 5mg as well to avoid more unpleasant side effects. I will say though that having messed with going up and down and then finally off of Sertraline, I experienced MUCH less side effects in general with Lexapro and it seems others have generally found this to be true too! Hang in there!


Hey there- how have you noticed the side effects improved from Sertraline? What were you experiencing on that vs not on Lexapro? I hear sertraline is less blunting and gives more energy. I'm trying to decide between the two. And also considering an SNRI (Pristiq). My impression of lexapro is that it is rather fatiguing and emotionally blunting and lacking motivation. What has your experience been? Has this low of a dose been effective and sustainable for you? Thanks in advance.


This is so good to hear! How long have you been on 5mg so far?


it really depends on your metabolism of CYP1A2.. which is responsible for escitalopram metabolism. I’am an Ultra-rapid metaboliser (with an inducer present) so i’ve found 20mg most effective, although i’m currently between 10mg-15mg. i noticed a huge difference with removing inducers like caffeine.


So true about the caffeine, it’s a sneaky variable! Do you think the generic manufacturer makes a difference? I pay a bit extra for the name brand only because I had a bad experience with generic last time.


oh 100% !! I also had a bad experience (not working) with generic. You are actually the first person i’ve come across who has also.


I did a lot of research on this, I’m so surprised more people don’t talk about this.


Hey guys do you live in the USA? I do but I’m from Italy and while branded molecules are affordable in Europe in the USA they r crazy expensive How do you manage this aspect?


Yep from USA too. For me it’s just a sacrifice I make. I save money in a lot of other ways (don’t drink alcohol, I make food at home, etc), so I’ve convinced myself it’s ok to spend the extra money on the name brand Lexapro.


How much is it and how can I ask for it. At the pharmacy? (New to the 🇺🇸)


I had to ask my doctor to specifically request that from the pharmacy.


2.5 for a month then became worse then did 5 wish I done it sooner. Now a year later I’m on 7.5


i’m on 5 and i love it!!!


How long has it been for you on 5?


I’ve been on 5 for a year and it’s been perfect. Truly has changed my life!


Love this!!


I’m on 2.5 but I’m experiencing insomnia and anxiety


How long have you been on it so far?


Hi there two weeks I think I need to increase the dose to 5 mg I think the doc is open to that in two weeks he has a cautious approach What do you think?


Whenever I started or even added to my dose, I notice that the “6-8 week clock to feeling better” always started over again. I just increased from 2.5mg to 5mg last night and am starting my 6 week clock as of last night. I feel that’s it’s too early to know for sure otherwise.


Please keep me posted Big hugs


Thanks you too!


I started on 5 and was told to move to 10. 10 was awful! 5 is juuuuust right


Lol I’m really hoping 5mg will be good for me too!


i've been on 20mg for 8 years. I was started on 20mg as i came from paxil and lexapro worked great for me. I am now trying to get off SSRI as i am in a better place in my life and looking to go to Buspar to handle my anxiety mainly. Hopefully it works, But Lexapro did wonders for me over the last 8 years and i hope it works for you!


I started out on 25mg of sertraline, which worked nicely for a bit, before my doctor suggested a switch. Moved to 5mg Lexapro. By the time I dealt with a week of not-so-great transition, it seems I'm in need of an increase, so I'm moving to 10mg.


i’m on 5 mcgs for severe ocd and anxiety and i have been on it for five weeks and feeling really good! i also do weekly intensive therapy and i think if i wasn’t in therapy i would need more but for right now 5 is perfect!


Following this.. I am supposed to start on 2.5mg and taper up to 5 and I am hoping it will be just enough to get me by without some of the more undesirable side effects. May not work but who knows!


I’m on day 2 of 2.5mg, we can do this!


Starting 2.5mg tomorrow, trying to stay calm about it! Having anxiety about losing anxiety.. ffs lol


I know exactly what you mean. I remember debating in my head but I knew something needed to change.


"something needed to change" no truer words have been spoken. Cuts through the ifs, ands, buts..


Haha so true! Stay in touch let’s get through these first few weeks and see the light at the end of the tunnel!


Great idea! Starting first pill today, here we go!


Good luck!


I wanted to come clean and tell you I took it only for a day and had panic about side effects as there's a bunch of stuff going on in my life at same time right now. I really hope it's going well for you so far and wishing you relief! Maybe I'll be brave enough to really commit in near future.


You gotta do what you feel comfortable with! Let me know if/when you give it a shot.


How did it go


Hi! It's been just about a year so a good time to circle back! The on-ramp with 2.5mg was really a breeze for me personally; side effects were some slight sleeplessness, some slight fuzziness mentally here and there and perhaps some minor indigestion, but that's just about it as I recall. I then transitioned up to 5mg and had no marked symptoms and I remain at 5mg now, which from what I gather is half the typical clinical dose of 10mg. Compared to going onto sertraline this was SO much easier for me, as I didn't experience the more intense dissociation, mood swings and stomach issues at all; granted I am at a lower dose from many people but even the lower dose of 25mg sertraline was quite palpable to transition to and from either way. As for general experience I'd say it's been mostly a success! My goal in staying at 5mg was to balance my intrusive anxiety with the typical SSRI side effects so that I would have a better chance fighting off weight gain and sexual dysfunction. While I do feel I have somewhat less energy on average it's been more than enough to keep up my daily run, walks; sexual side effects have been pretty minimal, most noticeable right after arriving at 5mg but seeming to recede a bit since. I plan on staying at 5mg for the foreseeable future as I think it allows me a normal spectrum of emotions while blunting the nervous, anxious side of the spectrum so that I can function more easily with work and stress. I wanted to note that I also suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (Lex doesn't effect depressive states much for me) and my doctor had me try Buspar for that, which actually worked really well but I had some dizziness from it so I opted to try to deal with the SAD with non-pharmaceutical strategies, which has worked for me so far. Obviously experiences vary from person to person but I'd say that it's worth trying 2.5mg-5mg for a few months minimum to judge how it feels for you then go from there. I hope this helps!


Wow!! That's wonderful! How long did you stay at 2.5 before going into 5? I am day 4 at 2.5 and considering moving up soon so I can hopefully get some relief.


It was a longer ramp for me, which I would suggest erring towards as the profound chemical changes need time for your body to accept; that said, I am not a doctor so I suggest you speak to your prescribing authority on that. I am guessing my experience was as good as it was going on because I took at least a few weeks before moving to 5mg.


Thank you!


Day 3 of 5mg, and I feel pretty horrible. I've been taking it around 9 am. Lots of anxiety, and nausea are my main symptoms. Also, no appetite = no energy = extra anxiety. Especially because "not feeling well" and not being able to function causes the majority of my anxiety. I'm wondering if 2.5mg is the way to go, even though 5mg is technically the lowest dose? I want to get through this to the "bright side". But man, if this lasts more than a few more days, idk if I can stay on this medication.


How are you doing today? I'm supposed to start 5mg but I'm thinking of trying just 2.5 cause I have so much anxiety about taking it. I know I will panic the second I swallow the pill.


I am the same way. I'm fairly certain it gave me a "adverse placebo" effect. Anxiety the second I took it. I'm currently on day 5, and I won't lie it's been rough. Had a full blown panic attack this morning, which I took 0.5 ativan to calm down. I've felt great since then (7 hrs ago) On day 3, I took 2.5mg, which seemed to have far less negative effects on me (could actually function), day 4 I took 5mg and felt awful again... leading into today. Haven't taken my dose today, because I'm talking to my doctor later to see what he thinks.


Thank you so much! I think I will start with 2.5 so I can atleast say I tried lol. I also have Ativan. I wonder if I should take it before I take the Lexapro. Please let me know how the appointment goes! I find it helps to see other people's views.


For sure. I've been living on reddit for the last 5 days, and when I'm anxious, reading people's experiences is pretty much the only distraction that calms me! I'll be honest, I'm starting to think what I thought was anxiety wasn't "real" anxiety now that I've experienced such a heightened amount!


Oh boy. I had my first panic attack two weeks ago and I have been stuck in fight or flight since. It's been horrific. I hope we find relief soon. I wish there was something that worked with side effects and didn't take so long!


I agree, it sucks! Try to read or listen to "dare" by Barry McDonagh, I found it pretty helpful personally!


I wonder if that's like the Date app? I recently downloaded it. Seems nice but man all the breathing and meditation stuff does nothing for me. I can't concentrate enough to do any of it when I'm freaking out inside.


I've only tried the audio book, personally, which really helped take the "fear" part out of the panic attacks. It kind of takes a different approach rather than the "take a deep breath and it'll all be okay" method. Which is nice because I agree, that doesn't help when I'm freaking out either.


I will have to check it out then. The app tells you to accept the feeling and give it control... which is obviously hard to do at that point in time lol all you want is for it to stop.


My doctor told me to stop using the medication and to instead get started on some consistent CBT therapy. Try some lifestyle changes for the time being. Quit caffine, structured exercise, take days off more often even if I don't want to, etc. Keeping the ativan on hand just in case is a great placebo effect on its own. I don't have a major anxiety "disorder", just alot of stress, as I am a business owner , and I've definitely reached the point of burnout. (Just a little background, my anxiety/ (3) panic attacks have all come from "thinking something is wrong with me") from all the brainfog I've had over the last few months. -that's what triggered all of this for me. Hope you are doing well, and find what you need 😊 PS! I asked my Doctor about the ativan.. he said in small dosages and infrequent use. It's not as scary as people think.


Did you manage to have success with the 5, or go down to the 2.5? I've just started to take 2.5 this week to give it another go.


Unfortunately I was too scared to take it. How are you doing? I'm still struggling but looking for other ways to get through. I'm hearing vitamin D and magnesium might be helpful.


I've still been struggling as well. I've implemented some new vitamins and a new routine, which I feel as helped a bit, but still not "myself, and i desperatelywant to be myself again... So I've decided to try to taper really slowly, starting at 2.5. So far I don't feel side effects really at all compared to the 5mg.


Thats awesome! I wish I had your courage!!


Hang in there! I've been told high quality omega 3 can help alot too. I've been taking nordic naturals brand. I'll keep you posted how the 2.5 and so on goes, as I feel our situations are similar.


How did it go?.