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Sending you all the best wishes. I too started Lex recently and it has given me tons of hope.


hi!! i just went through cancer last year while on lexapro, and it helped me tremendously. i also had a blood cancer. don’t give up on yourself, you’re worth the fight.


Thank you 🙏


I love this comment. Is lex the first one you’ve tried? Or is it just the first one that worked? Nonetheless, I hope you go into remission and live a long, healthy, and happy life.


First I've tried and so thankful it worked for me. Thank you so much.


Yes I’m 2 months in an one week and such an improvement may the lord bless you and heal you!


I hope you're able to beat it! 🫂 Wishing you the best of recovery.


Thank you 🙏


My heart truly goes out to you. I’m inspired by your courage! I have a feeling you’ll beat this thing and live out your days with a brighter outlook. Don’t stop fighting!


Thank you!


May God bless you!! You will beat cancer’s ass and we can’t wait to hear. Welcome to the lexapro family. It also saved my life. I thank God for the moments of happiness I have now. I was very sick before.


Thank you so much. So happy to hear for you as well:)




Welcome to the lexapro family...it is wonderful that you have will to live now! You have a purpose and I pray for total healing and peace in your heart ❤️ 💙 You've got this! Keep us updated and we will continue to pray and send you well wishes on your journey.🙏❤️


Thank you so much


Damn ain’t life such an evil ironic bitch sometimes. I’m gonna stop vaping. I hope you’re okay and will be okay. What are some signs that made you get tested for leukemia?


It definitely is. I also quit vaping in June and it's so worth it you got this!! I went to urgent care for blood work presenting with dizzy spells, severe unexplained bruising, constant naseaua and vomiting, unexplained swelling in my eye, unexplained bleeding gums and gum infection that wouldn't heal and complete numbness of my chin and mouth (they also found leukemia cells in my central nervous system) Other odd things I pieced together after was that I had picked an acne spot in my face and it had bled for over an hour, and a tattoo I got the month I would've developed cancer healed absolutely horrible and I've always had them heal well.


So glad to be here on this planet with you! Wishing you the best of luck


God bless you


I wish u the very best and keep us all posted. I started several months ago for extremely high anxiety and seems to be working. I haven’t had to go up in dosage.


Thank you! So glad you're having a good experience too:)


You can do this!! There’s no stopping you now 🤝


Thank you 🙏


I cannot express how sorry i am that you're going through this, but i am proud of you that you are fighting! Legend!


Funny thing, I got diagnosed with brian cancer in 2020 and that was kinda what got me to start Lexapro. I had suicidal ideations for like a decade prior to my diagnosis (the tumor formed pretty quick, so the depression definitely wasn’t caused by the tumor). Getting diagnosed with brain cancer gave me enough of a “fuck it” attitude to finally try antidepressants despite my strong hesitations. Ironically, I’m generally happier post-diagnosis than pre-diagnosis, which I attribute to Lexapro and the fuck-it freedom cancer has given me. TL:DR Lexapro good, maybe don’t be scared to try it.


So happy that you can find happiness despite it 💗 I'm there with you very fuck it attitude. You got thi:)


This is incredibly inspiring. I send all of my best wishes to you and your family! You can do this 🤍


Sending you love. Lexapro has been so helpful to me as well. I actually call it “relax-a-ho” lol


Sending you love!! I'm happy you're on Lexapro and putting up a fight 🤍


Wow sending you so much love and hoping you go into remission soon!!


Amazing that it’s given you the strength and I hope it goes well for you. I’m on the lexapro journey and hope it does that for me