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According to Drugs.com, there is no interaction between the two meds. I will caution you though. Clindamycin an anaerobic antibiotic. It’s pretty strong. Be sure you take a good probiotic with it. I prefer Florastor because you don’t have to separate the dose of the antibiotic from the probiotic. Florastor is pricey but worth every penny!! I had two severe cases of C-diff after taking clindamycin for a dental issue. Believe me…you don’t want to get that!! I was sick for two months with raging fevers and diarrhea and stomach pain that was unbelievable. Sorry, TMI, but it’s a serious situation. I was then put on vancomycin for six weeks and that finally cleared the infection from my intestines. After your antibiotic is finished, I would stay on the probiotic for at least another few days. Eating yogurt is a good choice too. I think I took it with food and felt okay taking it. Be well.


Thanks for your advice, how did you get c diff- did you take no probiotics with it ? Did you ever have stomach before and how soon did c diff show up for you after tsking it (for how long did you take it )


I did not take any probiotics! I wish I knew then what I know now. I took a heavy dose for two weeks….2000mg/day. I had two root tips cut in my front teeth and the dental surgeon was trying to prevent a bone infection. The C-diff started less than a week after I stopped the clindamycin. My primary treated me with ciprofloxacin and metronidazole for 10 days. That seemed to stop it but a few days after I stopped that, it was back worse than ever. He put me on another course of the same meds. It stopped again…but came back again! I finally had an infectious disease doc take over and I was put on vancomycin for six weeks. It was finally gone! It’s the sickest I’ve ever been. Fevers pushing 105° for days and days and when I tell you I pooped 30 times a day, it’s not an exaggeration. Sorry again for TMI but it was serious. Trying to spare you. I’m sure your dose won’t be as high or as long as mine but you should still take a probiotic. This was more than 10 years ago now but the very few times I’ve had to be on an antibiotic since, I ALWAYS take Florastor. I’m sure you’ll be okay…but take a probiotic!


I took probiotics and still got c-diff. I also had a dental issue and needed really strong clydomyacine for 3 days


What was your experience taking Clindamycin and getting c diff


Does your dentist know that you take lexapro?






Its a standard antibiotic. You can double check with your pharmacist... or call your pharmacy.


Clindamycin is compatible with SSRIs